Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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All the masters are very patience in teaching, can tell me the details of every pose, and solve my doubt if some pose such as headstand. Thank you.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000742
Batch : June/2020

Overall, I would say my learning experience at Anahata yoga is amazing. Under the guidance of the experience masters, I have a better understanding on what yoga means. I first approached yoga by knowing it as "asana" and not knowing the underlying philosophy and all the benefits I could gain by living as a yogi. Master are patient and are all willing to share their insights with us, telling us how to improve and equip us to be a lifelong practitioner. Thank you Anahata for opening up this fruitful path and helping me to build a good foundation, I am looking forward to my future explorations with Anahata.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000744
Batch : June/2020

All masters are very informative and encouraging. They teach with passion and will always try explain very clearly when there’s questions or uncertainties. There were some asana classes conducted via zoom due to the COVID-19 situation so that part of the course was A little difficult to practice without master’s presence. All in all, I have learned a lot from this course, it has helped me a lot in my Asana practice and my way of life.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000785
Batch : June/2020

This course has taught me yoga in a very holistic manner - from history of yoga to the Asanas. As a result, I have found this course to be very eye opening as my perception and knowledge of yoga has been broadened.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000798
Batch : June/2020

It has been a wonderful experience. All the teachers were so patient and knowledgeable and they explain every step with benefits. Also the practical classes were beneficial and I was able to do many poses that I could not do before, like headstand. My arm and core strength have improved a lot in this period. I was able to appreciate the yoga philosophy much better than before. It gives a sense of achievement. I want to specifically mention Master Maharajan who was very helpful even after class hours and supported in many ways in whatsapp by guiding us.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2020000595
Batch : June/2020

I really enjoyed my learning journey in this course. The Practical session and Theory session conducted by Master Maharajan and Master Dhiraj were really in detail and helpful. The Anatomy session by Dr. Anhjana Priya opened our eyes to the more details to know about our own body function and how yoga could helps to connect with our body both Physically and Mentally. It gave the exposure to know how and what exactly happens with yoga to our body and Mind. Chakra Meditation - It blew my mind and It was highlight of my learning along with others. The revision classes adds more information to what we have learnt and more tips and techniques by Master Mahesh. Overall, the course structure is great; it gives more value with the Group classes and Andiappan 2 hours classes - by Master Keshav, Master Raja Durai and Special thanks to Master Yoganath. Yogananth master class, gives the feel that like you can also do better - "Never hesitate to try a pose, even if it is difficult - with his instruction he will make the pose easy for us to try and achieve." And, the batch mates - awesome people to learn with. Encouraging each other, patience to help and wait for others to learn during class. I really wish, it was can do residential class.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2020000689
Batch : June/2020

The YTT Program became an eye opener for me personally. The understanding on the philosophy and the benefits enlightened me. The course itself is very well organized. Every teacher is sincere and dedicated. Every session starts on time every time and although it is online the teacher pays attention to every individual and do the posture correction. Also, they are very friendly and so the classes never appear to be a burden. If there is any difficulty in connecting to the class the Team provides instant support. I feel like I have learnt something new which is going to come along with me in the years to come. I thank the Institute, teachers and all other staff for having given me such wonderful experience.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2020000708
Batch : June/2020

This is a great online course. All the teachers are very dedicated and very knowledgeable in their respective topics.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2020000725
Batch : June/2020

I am extremely pleased about the way the online course went. All the teachers were extremely knowledgeable and sincere. They provided us with as much information as we needed and more to help us understand the different topics covered as part of the course. Each of them had immense knowledge about the subject and patiently responded to our questions. I learnt a lot from Master Maharaja, Master Dhiraj, Dr. Anjhana and Master Mahesh.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2020000917
Batch : June/2020

After attending the Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course, I have a deepen knowledge and understanding of meditation, learnt different ways to experience meditation. It also promoted to the practice of the Asanas. Thanks to all masters for their dedicated teaching, so that we can continue the classes with inner peace under the epidemic situation of COVID‐19. Namaste!
Course Name : Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2018000998
Batch : June/2020

This course has offered me great in-depth insights into meditation and has corrected some of the mindsets that I previously had towards meditation. Listening to the sharings from different masters was very inspiring. I have learned a lot about the culture, rituals, and beliefs of yoga. It has strengthened my yoga knowledge and motivation in practicing regularly every day. Would definitely recommend this course to the others!
Course Name : Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2019000232
Batch : June/2020

The Pranayama and Meditation course is a great course, we learn the philosophy and theories and also experience the practice of various meditation techniques and pranayama methods. I somewhat got a lots of problems from my worklife, learning pranayama and meditation helps me with the right direction and practice to move out from there and towards a healthy life. The benefits from this course is invaluable. Lastly, thank you all the masters with great hearts teaching us and patience explaining the details to us in the class.
Course Name : Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2019001686
Batch : June/2020

I really enjoyed learning from Master Yogananth. I felt that I got the most out of the classes he taught. His teaching method is very clear, the information makes sense, it is applicable, and useful for teaching the material. I also felt inspired to learn more on other topics as a result of taking those classes with him. I do enjoy all of the yoga classes that I take at Anahata and I think the masters there are fantastic and I will continue to happily take their classes. I felt that I have grown as a yoga student for having learned under some of the masters there and I am grateful to them for their wisdom and knowledge.
Course Name : Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2020000058
Batch : June/2020

YTT class is great even we were experiencing the difficulties in the social distance control. We have our class online and the Masters were trying their best to demonstrate the poses they want to know let us know. In class lesson are great, especially the alignment class that can teach you the proper pose you should do and be aware of. Also, the subsequent support with the yoga with charity is the thing I am looking for, as you can practice the yoga training by giving helps to social needy. I am looking forward to every single lesson with different master in the Anahata and wish I can teach what I have learnt in the Anahatha and teach it in the yoga community.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000600
Batch : May/2020

Although it is such a pandemic period, I am still glad that I have finished the course. I have learnt more about yoga, not just only on asana, but more on theory, which helps deepening skills. We may go through a lot of difficulties, especially on the online part, as there are constraints on internet. Masters are all so knowledge, they are all very kind to share the experience to us. Thank you all Masters, Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Mahesh, and special credits to Master Raja, he does a very good coaching.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000610
Batch : May/2020

Thanks for the guidance from all the masters who taught me know more in-depth yoga knowledge, some classes are arranged online due to COVID, although it will be useful if more studio classes can be arranged during the YTT so that more hands-on experience can be obtained to teach.thank you .
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000626
Batch : May/2020

This course has enabled me to learn more about the approach and alignment of different yoga pose, as well as the breathing techniques during the practice of yoga. Furthermore, the course has provided me with the opportunity to try different kinds of yoga, from meditation, hatha yoga and to more vigorous one, say ashtanga yoga. I have also found myself more falling in love with yoga after taking this course. Overall, it is a good experience and learning for me.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001927
Batch : May/2020

Despite the covid situation, the learning experience was dense but very interesting. I personnally went in a deeper understanding on what is yoga, how to approach the asanas, how to guide the beginners to this new learning path. I would like to suggest a small library area in the studio where we can find the recommended readings we learnt in the classes so that we can make some researches. Thank you for the studio for this experience!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000250
Batch : May/2020

The YTT classes are good and very informative. All the masters are nice and passionate in their teaching.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000036
Batch : May/2020

This YTT 200 hr have changed the way I think about yoga completely. Through this learning learnt and experienced Yoga in different way such as asana practice , meditation and yoga theory . It taught me breath control , mind control and asana control are connect all in one process . It also make me realize that Yoga is self -practice , self- control and self concentrate . It 's about you how to connect with your body through asana practice and explore various limitations of our body and mind. It's about you how to connect with your mind though meditation . i will recommend this training to anyone who want deepen their yoga journey . Thank you , all Masters from Anahata,
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000629
Batch : May/2020

My learning experience of the 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course has been great overall. The yoga masters at Anahata are very knowledgable and experienced and I have definitely deepened my knowledge and practice in yoga throughout the course.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000150
Batch : May/2020

It is a splendid experience to begin my yoga journey in Anahata Yoga. All yoga masters are very professional, helpful and kind. They are all very open to questions and take care of our feelings. They explain every question in detail.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000587
Batch : May/2020

I really enjoyed learning both the theory and practical aspects of yoga from the Masters at Anahata. They were very knowledgeable and supportive throughout the program. Just disappointed that the kriyas were taught but understand the course limitations due to covid. Would be great if and additional session was given on teaching techniques and adjustments in person once the studios re-open fully as this was missed due to the asana part of the course being online.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000612
Batch : May/2020

During this 200hrs YTT course, this course gave me more discipline and precision in my practice. I really enjoyed my YTT journey with Anahata Yoga. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us! I highly recommend this course to anyone interested to deepen their yoga journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001408
Batch : May/2020

Thank you anahata masters for all the heartfelt teaching and sharing.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000097
Batch : May/2020

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