- Back Bending
- Front Bending
- Hips and Hamstrings
- Shoulders and Upperback
- Core Strength
- Inversion
- Pavanamuktasana Series
- Wall Series
This class is complimentary for the current Anahata Yoga Yoga Teacher Training students. Members of Anahata Yoga who wish to join have the option to pay HK$500 to attend this class.
These yoga therapy sequences have gained popularity around the world for its simplicity and effectiveness.
The Yoga therapy series are specifically focused for those living in the city with a fast paced lifestyle to ease common conditions such as stress, anxiety, obesity, insomnia.
The Andiappan Yoga – Therapy series includes
Prenatal yoga is an ideal way for moms to be to stay in shape. It can keep you limber, tone your muscles and improve your balance and circulation during pregnancy – all with little impact on the joints.
You will also learn how to breathe deeply and consciously relax which is helpful to prepare the body for the birth itself and motherhood.
Suitable for all trimesters.
Hatha Yoga (B) is for all, while (M) and (A) require at least 3 to 6 months of regular yoga practice.
The goal of restorative yoga is to bring the body an experience of total rest and relaxation. This gentle practice sequence allows the body and mind to be at ease where the breath is maintained at a steady phase.
The duration of each posture held varies according to the individual’s ability, but the goal is to settle the body in the poses in a comfortable state and further establish a deeper connection between the body, breath, and mind. Various props are used to assist the practitioners to be well supported to rest into the pose with ease.
The Mysore style of practice is a particular way of practicing asanas within the Ashtanga Vinyasa tradition. This class is open to yoga practitioners of all levels, particularly those who are interested in improving their postures and developing a discipline of self-practice in ashtanga vinyasa style on their own.
Each class starts with a series of postures and then followed with students’ self-practice. Students execute poses at their own pace under the supervision of a teacher, who assists them individually through verbal instructions and by making physical adjustments. This enables students to make significant improvements to their poses, and also helps them develop a simple routine based on their flexibility.
The class close-knit and intimate teacher-student environment is ideal for self-practice. For this class, students may arrive at any time within the one and a half hour class.
Inverse Yoga (B) is for all, while (M) requires at least 3 to 6 months of regular yoga practice.
Power Yoga (B) is for beginners seeking to improve strength and Vinyasa movements. Power Yoga (M) is for practitioners who are proficient in Vinyasa movements and knowledge, nd regularly practice Power Yoga.
Classes can be arranged online, at our studio or at your office site.
For enquiries, please email info@iya-asia.com or WhatsApp +852 5614 8323