
Varma Yoga of Siddha Tradition - Workshop by Master Vishnu Kumar

[video width="960" height="540" mp4="https://anahatayoga.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/Vishnu-Workshop.mp4"][/video]


Siddha came from the word Siddhi, which means perfection or heavenly bliss. Siddha system is popular in South India especially in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala
The key siddhar who played a key role in varma arts is Siddhar Agasthiar. He has written a detailed description of varma in tamil language 5000 years ago. Later many copy his work and add names like marma in Sanskrit and it also became acupuncture ,pressure point when Siddhar Bogar and Bodhidharma brought this art to china. Since then this art developed significantly to various forms.It is explained in Siddha that in normal equilibrium the three vital life factors that are, Vaatham, Pittham and Kabam are in the ratio of 4:2:1 respectively. Disturbance in this equilibrium results in diseases. In diseased conditions the three vital life factors are known as humours. The factors which affect this equilibrium are environment, climatic conditions, diet, physical activities and stress. According to the Siddha system, diet and lifestyle play a major role in maintaining the physical, mental and social health.
In these workshops, students will learn to practice Yoga asana, Pranayama, Mudras, and bandhas as how to activate these Ancient Varmam points which will also help balance the Vaatham, Pittham and Kabam related ailments in our body and mind.

Workshop 1 - 5th December 2020 (Sat)  9.30 am - 12.00 pm
Varma Yoga - Yogic Practices related to addressing Vatham conditions and ailment and varmas to activate and balance the Vatham.
Workshop 2 - 12th December 2020 (Sat)  9.30 am - 12.00 pm
Varma Yoga - Yogic Practices related to addressing Pitham conditions and ailment and varmas to activate and balance the Pitham.
Workshop 3 - 19th December 2020 (Sat)  9.30 am - 12.00 pm
Varma Yoga - Yogic Practices related to addressing Kabam conditions and ailment and varmas to activate and balance the Kabam.

*Early Bird Price Offer until 15th November 2020
One Workshop (In studio) Early Bird Price HKD 888 Regular Price HKD 1088 One Workshop (Online) Early Bird Price HKD 688 Regular Price HKD 888 Two Workshops (In studio) Early Bird Price HKD 1488 Regular Price HKD 1688 Two Workshops (Online) Early Bird Price HKD 1088 Regular Price HKD 1288 Three Workshops (In studio) Early Bird Price HKD 2088 Regular Price HKD 2288 Three Workshops (Online) Early Bird Price HKD 1488 Regular Price HKD 1688
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Varma Yoga of Siddha Tradition Workshop
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