About Anahata Yoga Workshop
At Anahata Yoga, we seek to support our students at all stages of their yoga journey. An important element of this support is the regular yoga workshops we conduct. These workshops are designed as focussed sessions covering specific areas of yoga to advance the knowledge and skill development of our yoga students. The workshops represent opportunities for certified teachers to capture continuing education skills, regular yoga practitioners to capture knowledge and skill to develop their practice, or anyone who wants to understand particular aspects of yoga at a deeper level than available in normal yoga class environments. All our Masters have extensive experience and skill, this allows us to cater for all student levels from beginner to long-term practitioners in an interactive, supportive and safe environment.
The workshop will be lead and supported by Anahata Yoga Masters with extensive skill and experience to ensure each student develops in a safe and secure environment. All activities and asanas will be presented and demonstrated in a structured and simple manner to ensure students capture a good understanding of methods and approaches. Each student will develop skills and understanding in a safe, fun and enjoyable environment which will help them to enhance their own practice.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Transitions - Workshops with Master Keshav
About this workshop
A variety of transitions are commonly used in Vinyasa classes. Jump throughs and jump backs are common
Through integrating mindful breathing during poses and transitions, you will be able to take your vinyasa practice to the next level of awareness in order to achieve breakthrough. Following the proper learning of the foundation movements, this workshop will cover the details of commonly practised transitions in an Ashtanga vinyasa class.
Workshop 1 - Transitions in Arm balancing and Inversion poses
Date: 12th February 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 2.30 pm to 5 pm
During this 1st workshop, you will learn vinyasa transitions, which include arm balances and inversions. Among the various poses are bird pose to plank, high plank to low plank, transitioning from upward facing dog to downward facing dog, transitioning from downward facing dog to bird pose, and transitioning from tortoise pose to raised tortoise.
Workshop 2 - Transations in Hip and Back Bending poses
Date: 19th February 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 2.30 pm - 5 pm
In this 2nd workshop, the focus will be on the hips and backbending. This will include side planks with arm balance, galavasana transitions, staff pose transitions, wheel pose transitions, among many others.
You will also learn how to avoid common mistakes during the transition and how to prevent wrist strains and movement that may potentially cause wrist and shoulder injuries. Learn how to activate our core muscles and to develop drills that will assist in stabilizing transitions by discovering how to activate them.
Students of all levels are eligible to attend these two workshops.
Past Students Feedback about Master Keshav’s Workshop
The Ashtanga transition workshop is a superb experience for practitioners of different levels! Master Keshav provided a lot of safe, useful yet challenging flows and practices in the 2-day workshop. He catered for each and every student’s needs and ability, pushing us one step further in our yoga journey. After the workshop, I find it easier to achieve breakthroughs in my home practice.
Thank you Master Keshav for the awesome workshops!
Thank you to Master Keshav and Anahata,
I joined 2 days of Ashtanga vinyasa transitions workshops on Day 1 workshop - transitions in arm balancing and inversion poses; and Day 2 workshop - transitions in hip and back bending poses. During these 2 days workshops, Master Keshav introduced to us how to do the transitions in a simple and effective way. We have to only focus on doing the transitions step by step first before jumping into a smooth transition practice. His passion in teaching guided us to do Ashtanga vinyasa with a mission possible and full of fun.
After the 2 days of workshops, it profoundly changed my perception of Ashtanga vinyasa is for those who have a strong and powerful body. I would like to describe it as Ashtanga vinyasa is for all yoga lovers.
I am looking forward to having more ashtanga series workshops in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Tracy Yeung
Workshop Pricing – EARLY BIRD DEADLINE DATE IS 31 December 2022
Studio Participation
One Workshop : Early bird price HKD 888 – / Regular Price HKD 988 - Online Payment Link -
Two Workshops: Early bird price HKD 1688 / Regular Price HKD 1888 - Online Payment Link -
Online Participation please refer to the workshop price below
Zoom meet link will be sent to you on the date of the workshop.
(Online participation) – One Workshop – HKD 688 - Online Payment Link -
(Online participation) – Two Workshops – HKD 1288 - Online Payment Link -
Bank Transfer Payment Mode: To pay through bank transfer please refer to the Bank Account Details: HSBC Account Number: 400 565 560 001, Anahata Yoga Limited. You can also do the transfer by FPS to this number 56148323 (Anahata Yoga Business WhatsApp account number)
AliPay / Wechat Pay QR Code Payment
HSBC Payme QR Code Payment

Terms and Conditions
- Please read the class booking, cancellation and studio usage policy
- Once the payment is made, this purchase cannot be refunded, cancelled, transferred or shared.
- The single workshop participation dates once confirmed cannot be changed
- The studio reserves the right to conduct classes online in the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from conducting physical classes at the studio including but not limited to social unrest, natural disasters, government directives or any other events that render the studio unsuitable for the classes to be conducted at the studio.
- The company reserves the right to change the dates of the workshop without prior notice.
- In case of dispute, the decision of Anahata Yoga Limited is final.
- Please read the class booking, cancellation and studio usage policy
- Once the payment is made, this purchase cannot be refunded, cancelled, transferred or shared.
- The single workshop participation dates once confirmed cannot be changed
- The studio reserves the right to conduct classes online in the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from conducting physical classes at the studio including but not limited to social unrest, natural disasters, government directives or any other events that render the studio unsuitable for the classes to be conducted at the studio.
- The company reserves the right to change the dates of the workshop without prior notice.
- In case of dispute, the decision of Anahata Yoga Limited is final.