300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


300-hours Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed & Fri Morning)

22nd August 2022 – 21st November 2022

Schedule Breaks: Mid-Autumn Festival 12 September 2022
Mid-term breaks: 17 – 21 October 2022

Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course 22 August 2022 batch

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga.

As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference.

Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered.

Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.

Class Schedule

Day Time Timing
Monday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Wednesday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical
Friday 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am

All Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations.

This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions – a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.

The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy and ayurveda:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual’s body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual’s physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature’s five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com).

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course.

About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre – Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India.

Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world.

Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


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