
2nd March 2022 - 13th July 2022

Easter Breaks: 18 April 2022 Breaks: 2 & 9 May 2022
Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 300 hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course 2 Mar 2022 batch

What are/were the COVID – 19 Safety Measures for the ongoing and upcoming Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Class Arrangements made by Anahata Yoga Studio during the Jan 2022 Lockdown and prior lockdowns?

Since 2020 April  we have been running all our group and teacher training classes both online and face to face learning mode. Students have the option to choose and attend the classes in any learning mode to complete the teacher training course. As you know the HK government has  recently announced to temporarily close all the yoga/fitness studios, we are currently running regular online / live stream classes.  All our ongoing teacher training courses are  currently being held online and students are completing the course via online learning mode as per the course schedule. If you wish to join the teacher training course now and should the studio remain closed for face to face classes during the start of the teacher training course you enrolled and are not able to take the classes online we give the following options. OPTION 1: Online Class Participation Option: Students who wish to take the live and interactive online classes may also choose to attend teacher training classes, recommended group and Andiappan Yoga classes, and complete the practical assessment online, and submit written assignments online. . OPTION 2: Batch Transfer Option: You can apply for a one-time free batch transfer before the start of the current course to another upcoming batch which starts within the next six months of the current course start date. You have to choose two batch options to request for this batch transfer. Please note once the batch transfer is approved (subject to availability), all the teacher training classes must be completed within the same batch. OPTION 3: Missed Classes Retake Option: If the studio remains closed for face to face teacher training classes, you can choose to do the  the teacher training theory topics such as the yoga intro module, yoga anatomy module through interactive online learning mode. For students who wish not to attend the practical part of the teacher training online during the mandatory closure of yoga studios, we give the following options. You can skip attending the online classes in the current batch and join the teacher training classes when the classes are moved back to the studio.  You can apply to retake the practical classes in another upcoming batch (subject to availability) and complete the missed practical classes. Please note you have six months to complete the remaining classes (online or studio classes) from the current batch commencement date. Due to mandatory Covid lockdown measures, we will waive the class retake admin fee for one time. Any offers, promotions, or special approvals given to original batch students will not be given to the batch transfer/ retake students who choose any one of the above arrangements. At Anahata, we strive to give the best learning experience possible and to help you stay inspired on your yoga journey.

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga center based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga. As a center, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centers in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference. Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered. Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes give students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.

About the course

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda may be worlds apart, but through this specially-designed course, participants will be given a good introduction to the two sciences as well as a solid foundation on which to build their knowledge. The course is a good starting point for those interested in learning more about these two subjects. Explore the principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda and their various applications in our daily lives. Understand the body, its functions and how to address common ailments through various yogic practice and Ayurvedic diet principles.
Class Schedule
theory and practical
Day Time Timing
Monday 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm theory and practical
Wednesday 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm theory and practical

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

Date Time
Wednesday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am - 10:00 am
All Yoga Therapy TTC students can attend up to 45 as part of the teacher training learning. There are also exclusive Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations. This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one's goals while taking into consideration one's limitations will be very important when one start to teach. Please note classes and schedule may change without prior notice.

About Yoga Therapy

Yoga has always traditionally been taught on an individual level, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific physical and mental conditions - a practice that cannot be implemented in classes with a large group of students. A therapeutic approach to yoga, thus, is the best way to start with the practice.
The following points fall within the concept of yoga therapy:
  • Designing tailor-made yogic practices according to the individual's body type and lifestyle
  • Effectively addressing and treating an individual's physical and mental ailments through such tailored practices
  • Planning a nutritious yogic and Ayurvedic diet programme, recommending lifestyle changes and treating addictions through yogic mindful living and meditative practices
  • Understanding and applying the practices and philosophy of yoga in our daily lives, as well as advocating their benefits to family and friends
  • Being in connection with nature's five elements, adopting a healthy and environmentally-conscious lifestyle and truly understanding our responsibility as human beings on all levels and stages
This course is best suited for
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Holistic Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Healers
  • Kinesiologist
  • Sports Trainers
  • Meditation Teachers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physio Therapists
  • Medical Practitioners
  • People with common medical conditions and are interested to learn how to yoga and Ayurveda practices can be applied to various conditions.
  • Regular yoga students who would like to learn the two great sister sciences of yoga and Ayurveda.


International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com). Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course. About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre - Chennai, South India is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India. Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal (www.asanajournal.com) , which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world. Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.


The Teacher Training will be held at 18/F, Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong.


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required. However, if you are new to yoga, you can choose a teacher training program starting in three months from now and start to attend the classes regularly and prepare for this teacher training.


Yoga Therapy


  • Study of Anatomy and Physiology.
  • Doshas, Pranas, Vayus, Nadis, Chakras, Gunas, Koshas and Their Relationship with the Mind and Body.
  • Ayurveda: An Introduction to its History and Philosophy.
  • Detailed Study of Tridhosa and its Qualities.
  • Various Natural Therapies.
  • Ayurvedic methods of studying Dhosa Imbalance.


  • Yoga Therapy for Various Common Physiological Conditions (neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, hamstrings, knee and ankles)
  • Yoga Therapy for Various Common Psychological disorders. (such as stress, anxiety, insomnia)
  • Yoga Therapy Teaching preparation, sequencing methods for various conditions
  • Application of Yoga as rehabilitative therapy.


Course Faculty

Master Yogananth Andiappan

Master Vishnu

Master Raja

Master Mahesh

Master Keshav

Master Dhiraj


Anahata Yoga's Module Programme

Busy Hong Kong professionals now have the option of undergoing yoga teacher training at their own pace and in their own schedule. Available for the first time in Hong Kong, Anahata Yoga now applies a modular system to all its yoga teacher training programme. This will allow yoga practitioners with busy schedules to enroll only in one (or more) of the series of classes of their choice - without having to enroll in the teacher training in one go. Students will receive a participation certificate after completing a module. Those who have completed the total number of modules within a two-year period and have successfully completed the practical assessment and assignment may then obtain the 300 Hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate, which signifies their completion of the entire course.

Yoga Therapy Intro Module

This module introduces students to the Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic science and its history and philosophy, through an elaborate study of Anatomy and Physiology, Energy Channels, Energy Centres, Natural Therapies and various Ayurvedic diet principles. In addition, the module also covers the Ayurvedic Diets; methods in diagnosing symptoms of common ailments and their classification by analyzing the Dosha.

Yoga Therapy Practice Module

This module covers the application of yogic practices for various conditions of the neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, hamstrings, knee and ankles.  In addition, the modules also cover some psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety, insomnia etc.

Yoga Therapy Teaching Module

This module covers the preparation, teaching methodologies, sequencing methods and how various yoga and Ayurvedic practices are applied in a holistic approach. In addition, this module also covers the details in offering yoga as a rehabilitative therapy.

Please note

Yoga therapy and Ayurveda are two great sister sciences that demand decades of study, practice and research to fully understand and apply as holistic therapy. This training serves only as an introductory learning and foundational course for those interested in learning about the healing benefits of these two, great, Indian sciences.

Terms and Conditions

  • Please read the class booking, cancellation and studio usage policy 
  • All Students must undergo practical assessment and submit a written assignment in order to complete the course.
  • For more details about batch transfer/ missed classes retake/ recommended group and andiappan yoga classes extension, assessment retake and assignment extension and admin fee details please refer to this page.
  • Fees, once paid, cannot be refunded or transferred.
  • The studio reserves the right to conduct classes online in the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from conducting physical classes at the studio including but not limited to social unrest, natural disasters, government directives or any other events that render the studio unsuitable for the classes to be conducted at the studio.
  • The company reserves the right to change the dates of the training without prior notice.
  • The fee for the Full day/Sunday and part time teacher training courses may vary.
  • Read our package suspension policy here and how to apply online
  • Batch transfer fee may be waived if requested within one week of the course fee payment, otherwise batch transfer fee will apply.

Disclaimer / Waiver of Liability

By registering for this Anahata Yoga Teacher Training Course, you voluntarily declare the following: I, a participant of this Course, am aware that participating in the Course requires certain levels of fitness and general physical health. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and general health (including consulting my physician or doctor) and the risks of serious injury that are associated with physical activity of any kind including any variety of yoga, meditation and breath work practice and participation in yoga related activities or activities related to this Course. I confirm that I shall retain all control and direction over my activities at all times. I voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of my participation in the various activities in this Course. I, or anyone who could claim in my name or on my behalf, do hereby voluntarily waive, release and forever discharge Anahata Yoga Limited and its officers, employees, representatives and agents from any and all liabilities for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in the activities during the course of this training and hold them harmless from all claims which may be brought against them for any such injuries or claims as aforesaid and all costs and expenses incidental thereto. I grant my permission to Anahata Yoga , International Yoga Academy and Asana - International Yoga Journal to use any photos or videos of me taken during the training in the establishment of Anahata Yoga for marketing or publicity purposes in print and web without receiving payment for those images

Teacher Training Online Participation:

The teacher training student who prefers to attend the classes online the instructor may ask the student to keep the camera ON to monitor the postures to minimise the risk of injuries. The studio reserves the right to remove the students who refuse to turn the camera ON without any refund. The instructors may ask the students to Turn On the camera at anytime during the class to verify attendance and class participation. If the students are not responding repeatedly to the teachers, the studio reserves the right to ask the student to attend the class in the studio for the remaining duration of the teacher training classes.
Highlights of this Teacher Training Program

10 Reasons why you should join this Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Courses

Learn the fascinating history and philosophy of various traditions in India and its influence in the yogic practices. Learn how to grow in your own practice and to journey into meditation with a deeper connection with your body and mind. Learn the techniques of breathing techniques and how it helps emotional balance. Learn how to prepare and open the body with various asanas to enable proper breathing and meditation practice. Learn how to use various tools such as visualisation patterns, singing bowl, sound, chanting in our meditation practice. Learn how to teach meditation step by step. Learn how to lead a meditation class and to develop programs for various groups from children to the elderly. Learn how various breathing and meditation techniques can be applied and integrated into regular yoga classes or to tailor make a sequence to teach a meditation private session. Join our AYC program to apply the learning of this teacher training in an actual class environment and to witness the benefits of yoga for yourself. After successfully completing this course, you can further improve your knowledge in yoga and yoga therapy by joining other accredited yoga teacher training programs with Anahata Yoga.
What Next?
What Next? 1. Students interested in enrolling in the Teacher Training Certificate Course may do so by filling up the Online Application Form and by accepting the course terms and conditions. 2. Applications will then be assessed by our Programme Directors. Successful applicants will be informed of their admission within two working days of their application. 3. Students can choose to confirm their admission by making secure online payment or may call or visit our studio and speak to one of our membership consultants or faculty members for any questions or concerns that they may have about the course. 4. Your admission is only confirmed when the course fee is fully paid.  If for any unavoidable circumstances if you would like to change to the next available course dates you can do so within 7 days from the course fee payment. 5. We strongly advise students to prepare for the course by reading the suggested reading materials. Students may also begin using their group class sessions as part of their physical, mental, and spiritual warm-up and preparation.
Student Feedback
It is an honour for us to train potential leaders in yoga and a great source of pride to watch them grow. Hear what our past and present students have to say about the programme. please click here.