200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon) - [ 03rd September 2023 ~ 03rd December 2023]

Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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It has been a wonderful yoga learning journey for me, I enjoyed the course so much! I will try and practice everything in this training and come back for deeper learning soon. Thanks for the masters!
Student ID : 2021000855
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I love the teacher training and enjoyed every min of learning. I learnt what yoga is from the traditional view and also the scientific view. I hope that I can become a yogi not only by just doing asana but also in my life discipline. thank you to the teachers for their support and professional guidance.
Student ID : 2021000765
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

The teacher training course was a great experience in yoga learning. The teachers are nice, supportive and professional, also the reception colleagues.
Student ID : 2021000602
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I have learnt so much more than before. Although I am not aiming at being a teacher, I do understand more about the basis of yoga. I can practice yoga in a more proper and effective way. Wish I can join other workshops from Anahata Yoga in the future. Maybe someday I wish to be a teacher and tell others the advantage of yoga also. Thank you masters for all your dedicated teachings and inspiring me in my yoga journey.
Student ID : 2020001329
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

The course provides me with deep insight into Yoga history, anatomy, asana, and pranayama techniques. It also enhances my awareness of the body alignment of fundamental yoga poses, and the correct approach of entering a pose. The masters are all professional and knowledgeable. I enjoy the lectures and also group practices a lot.
Student ID : 2021001309
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

YTT course gives me a whole new perspective of yoga, the instructors are all so knowledgeable and they are able to answer my questions, i would love to continue my yoga journey with Anahata Yoga Masters even after the course is finished.
Student ID : 2021000694
Batch Code : 2021/10/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I have searched a lot of yoga teacher training courses from different yoga centres, Anahatayoga got me moving to join, not only there are many courses to choose from, the course is taught by multiple experienced teachers who represent various yoga lineages from India and most of them are highly qualified with Post Graduate, Masters and PhD qualifications in Yogic science. In fact, I made a good decision. I had a really fantastic experience in my yoga journey when I joined this course. Although I’m not good at English and not a young person, all experienced masters have their professionalism and patience to explain really well. Each master also has his characteristics and advantages, they made me open my mind and become more interested in Yoga, and also let me understand more about my own body. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed taking group classes and andiappan classes. Practising with different masters made me learn more and made my body more flexible and capable in just 3 months. Master Mahesh, Raja, Master Yogananth and Dilip, Thank you so much. Namaste.
Student ID : 2021001270
Batch Code : 2021/09/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I would say the YTT 200 hours course is great! Time passed so fast! At first, I thought 200 hours would be a very long way, but then, I just couldn’t believe it has come to an end so soon. The atmosphere of the class is great, interactions with the masters and classmates made both learning and teaching fun! I also got sufficient chance to practise in front of the whole class before the final assessment, I like the group class as there are a variety of yoga classes I can choose from which are very flexible, and I can focus on the part that I am more interested. If andiappan classes can also offer more time slots, then that would be perfect!
Student ID : 2021000933
Batch Code : 2021/09/200/WEKND/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

Thank you for all masters in the course and all of you help me to have better learning in yoga. I love to learn and grow here. Will continue my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Student ID : 2021001043
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

My gratitude to Anahata Yoga Let me begin by saying thank you to all the masters and staff for being patient with me throughout my learning process. Anahata Yoga is one of my favourite yoga studio with wonderful and experienced masters, beautiful space, as well as a variety of classes that are perfect for any level of experience. • Master Yogananth is a humble, authentic and generous teacher; he has energy and true passion for his teaching, wanting to educate and inspire others. He so eagers to share everything he has learnt so that others could also experience the same wonderful benefits. • Master Keshav knows how to teach and empower students. Rather than just teaching us certain poses, he helps us understand the learning processes involved, as well as the principles of practice, so that we learn to understand and listen to our own bodies. I left with one more knowledge of yoga every time after his classes. • Master Raja’s sense of humor always makes the classes full of joy. His enthusiasm for teaching and preparedness that brings to the teacher training courses are really appreciated. The class always feels very thoughtful and I really enjoy the way he weaves yoga philosophy into each classes. • Last but not the least, thank you to Master Dilip, Master Vishnu and Master Mahesh for guiding me to walk through the yoga journey with grace and passion. • I’m so thankful and happy that I joined the YTT training with Anahata. Thanks to all masters who knows how to take care of every students in the class. This course is a fantastic learning experience that incorporates education, fun, and a sense of community and equips you to enter the yoga world with tools, confidence and enthusiasm. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a certificate with authentic knowledge.
Student ID : 2021000883
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I have been practicing yoga for 3 years. Before I applied for RYT-200, my expectation of a teacher training course was just merely about doing difficult asana and improving my alignment. Yet, RYT-200 is a totally different thing and it changed my perception of yoga entirely. Yoga is not just about asana, but its anatomy, philosophy, teaching skills, ethics, sequencing more and more. they are the roots, the foundation. Before TT, when I practised yoga, I just followed what the teacher do in the class without thinking why the flow is structured like that. But now when I’m practicing, I will think about what part of the muscles I’m using and why a particular pose must be followed as a counterpose or neutralizing pose. The course influences my thinking to judge what is good for the body and what is not. Another thing I got from the course is that teaching yoga is hard. Even the seemingly easy poses, mountain pose, child pose or simple breathing exercise… when I cue for the first time during class, I was just babbling and I knew cueing requires tons of practice, effort and observation to other yoga teachers. I also enjoy the variety of RYT-200 masters. Each master has a different style, eg. Master Mahesh is very slow and explain everything in detail. One time in his Andiappan class, he was taught to transition from headstand to baby crow. I’ve never properly done this pose before. And when he’s here in the class, with a very slow vibe, I magically did the transition. He let me realized the importance of a calm mind without ego. More and more. With different styles of masters, it opens my mind and I can know more about what suits me the most and better improve myself. Yoga is not about how good you are but the attitude you approach doing it. It is effort, consistency and a calm mind.
Student ID : 2021000830
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

When the class started on the first of August, I thought that I could not complete the course; because I was working on shift duty. Fortunately, my superiors and colleagues gave me convenience and allowed me to have holidays on Mondays and Wednesdays. Therefore, I was able to attend the class. I Thank you Master for allowing us to video for recording. Every Master is good at teaching. The last three months I enjoyed the class and learned so much related to Yoga. Once again thanks to all Masters!
Student ID : 2021000685
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

This course has well equipped me with the important basic knowledge on the practice of yoga through the main modules: yoga history, human anatomy, types of pranayama, mudra, bandha practice, and asana practice with each module intertwined with each other. It was a great experience having different masters in each module for diverse learning and approach and particularly enjoyed the final assessment where we could actually experience leading a class!
Student ID : 2021000033
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I am truly grateful to have completed the teacher training course this year. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Anahata yoga masters who have generously shared with us their knowledge and experience during this wonderful journey. Thank you for unveiling the power and principles of yoga, and for showing me a new dimension with endless opportunities and possibilities. Although the course has officially come to an end, I am going to keep practising patiently, calmly and happily each day to seek consistent improvement. Namaste.
Student ID : 2021000508
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

I want to take the time to say “thank you” and express just how enjoyable the YTT course was with Master Raja, Master Vishnu, Master Keshav, Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh. I felt I connected with each one and learned so, so much from them. They are all true masters of their craft and I am grateful for the energy and time they all gave to coach me during my practice. I sat through each class with eagerness and excitement and have honestly not felt so invigorated in a long time since starting the course. Through attending class and engaging with each master my yoga practice has improved significantly as has my confidence. I am proud to begin my teaching journey here and hope it will not stop there. Highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn properly from the foundation and if you have a goal to teach to one day.
Student ID : 2021000683
Batch Code : 2021/08/200/PM/OS/YTTCC/HK/1

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.
To read the past students feedback and learning experience about our course please click the links below:

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If you wish to enquire more details about the teacher training course or about early bird spot availability please WhatsApp to our Business account, our staff can assist you.