
14 April, 2015 - 11 June, 2015

200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course


Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premiere yoga centre based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga. As a centre, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity, but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.

About Anahata Yoga

Anahata Yoga's 200 Hours Teacher Training Certificate course gives yoga practitioners, enthusiasts, and aspiring instructors the chance to deepen their self-knowledge of yoga philosophy and improve on various aspects of their practice. It is an open-level training programme, suitable for those who have never done yoga before as well as those who have put in years of practice. Through the course, students gain a better understanding of yogs's origins, history, as well as its philosophy. Students also learn how they may improve on their postures, that they may execute them with accuracy and, later, be able to demonstrate it to others.

Why us?

We recognize that yoga is a popular pursuit in Hong Kong. People seek it out for its health benefits and often incorporate it into their active lifestyles. However, yoga instruction is not equal among the various yoga centres in Hong Kong. This is where our accredited Teacher Training Courses make all the difference. Our courses are accredited by, and offered in conjunction with, Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre in India. This is the first time outside of India that such a programme is being offered. Our classes are designed and taught in the same way as our instructors are taught. Predominantly from India, our instructors are fully learned not only in the practice of their discipline, but also in the history and philosophy behind the practice. The resulting combination of grassroots knowledge both practical and theoretical in our programmes gives students more in-depth learning than they may able to find elsewhere in Hong Kong.


Yoga Alliance Accredited Organisation International Yoga Academy is a registered school with Yoga Alliance and Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, Chennai, India (www.andiappanyoga.com). Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training courses around the globe. We offer assistance to students interested in applying for a Yoga Alliance Registration after completing a teacher training course. About Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre - Chennai, South India Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre is known throughout the world for its contribution to Yogic Science. Founded by Guruji Dr. Asana Andiappan in 1950, it is meticulously run by Dr. Asana Andiappan and Trust Members, all of whom have over 50 years of experience in Yogasanas and Naturopathy. It is the only yoga college and research centre recognized by the government as well as two universities in India. Located in Chennai, South India, the centre runs various yoga programmes as well as free awareness camps that are aided and supported by various government and private organisations. It has been collaborating with various medical universities, hospitals and organisations that run research programmes on yoga and its therapeutic benefits. The centre is also home to the widely read Asana International Yoga Journal, which has a readership of 200,000 and growing, in India and around the world. Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre also has accredited franchisee centres in over 30 countries that run yoga programmes, and teacher training courses.

Teacher Training Class Schedule

9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Theory and Practical Classes
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Theory and Practical Classes
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Theory and Practical Classes


The Teacher Training will be held at 18/F, Anahata Yoga, One Lyndhurst Tower, No. 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong


To be eligible to enroll in this course, a minimum of three months regular practice is required.

Andiappan Yoga Self Practice Classes (Optional)

7:00 am - 9:00 am
7:00 am - 9:00 am
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 am
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
All students can attend two Andiappan Yoga classes per week.
This class will equip students with knowledge to develop sequence for self practice which they can do at home or while traveling  The ability to put together a sequence to meet one's goals while taking into consideration one's limitations will be very important when one start to teach.

14 April, 2015 - 11 June, 2015

200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course



  • Yogic View of Anatomy and Physiology
  • Yoga History and Philosophy
  • Types of Yoga


  • Practice of Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas, and their Health & Spiritual Benefits
  • Practice of Pranayama and its Health & Spiritual Benefits
  • Introduction to Dharana and Dhyana, and their Practices
  • Lesson Planning, Practice, and Teaching
To know more about the syllabus and topics, please visit the module page.


Born to a family of yogis, Master Yogananth Andiappan was only two years old when he started learning yoga from his father, Dr. Asana Andiappan, a renowned yoga guru in India. Yogananth has won numerous state, national, and international championships and has authored three best-selling books on yoga. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Asana International Yoga Journal, and is currently working on a book on 3,000 yoga postures - a complete yoga encyclopedia.


Master Anurag studied yoga in the world's first yoga university, Bihar Yoga Bharati. He is a direct disciple of Swami Niranjananda Sarswati. Before joining Anahata Yoga, Master Anurag taught in a fitness centre called Solace in Kolkata and also served as the yoga instructor to a one of the members of Parliament, as well as to several business leaders.


Dr. Vishnu Kumar

Master Vishnu is a qualified Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist who hails from a traditional Indian family near Tirupathi, the holy city. He holds Master of Yogic Science and Master of Philosophy in Yogic Science and currently pursuing his Ph.D in yoga. He also teaches tailor made yoga programs for corporate executives and traditional yoga class such as Hatha Yoga. He conducts his classes in a very detailed oriented and full of knowledge and self research.

14 April, 2015 - 11 June, 2015

200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course


Anahata Yoga's Module Programme

Busy Hong Kong professionals now have the option of undergoing yoga teacher training at their own pace and in their own schedule. Available for the first time in Hong Kong, Anahata Yoga now applies a modular system to all its yoga teacher training programme. This will allow yoga practitioners with busy schedules to enrol only in one (or more) of the series of classes of their choice - without having to enrol in the teacher training in one go. Students will receive a participation certificate after completing a module. Those who have completed the total number of modules within a two-year period and have successfully passed other requirements may then obtain the 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate, which signifies their completion of the entire course.

Module 1 - Yoga Intro Module

14 April - 21 April 2015
  • Yoga History, Origin, Philosophy
  • Types of Yoga
  • Yoga Literature
  • Yoga Lineages and Various Yoga Traditions
  • Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Mantra Chanting
Many yoga practitioners nowadays easily confuse one style of yoga from another. What is Hatha Yoga and how is it different from Yin Yoga? What is Power Yoga, and what is Satyananda Yoga? As each school of yoga has hundreds of followers from around the world, it is important for every yoga practitioner to understand the differences in approach, as well as in benefits, that there is to each type of yoga. This also helps connect one's experiences with different yogic traditions and lineages. In order to distinguish the different types of yoga, one will first need to revisit its origins and history: how it has evolved with time, and how it has led to the different approaches that have resulted in the various types of yoga today. Such is the focus of Module 2, with additional guidance from important yogic literature such as Thirumoolar's Thirumandiram and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, which will also be explained. Students are also taught a step-by-step approach to meditation, yoga mantra chanting, as well as deep relaxation techniques.

Module 2 - Anatomy Module

22 April - 5 May 2015
Yogic Anatomy and Physiology
Understanding the anatomy and physiology of the body gives one a whole new level of awareness in their yoga practice. In this combined theoretical and practical module, students are given a basic introduction to anatomy and physiology as related to the yogic practice, through a detailed study and elaborate exploration of the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, and other bodily systems from a yogic point of view. Such knowledge helps prevent injuries and enhances one's understanding of the process of rehabilitation. Moreover, it enables students to adapt and modify certain postures in a safe manner. Module 1 is suitable for yoga practitioners of all levels, as well as instructors who want to deepen and develop their knowledge and understanding of anatomy.

Module 3 - Asana Module

6 - 19 May 2015
  • Practice of Asanas
  • Asanas and their Benefits, Contraindications, Teaching Techniques, Variations, Usage of Props, Alignment, Energy Movements, Counter Poses, and Injury Prevention
As the main module of this course, Module 3 covers every aspect of the Asanas, from warm-ups, steps to each posture, modifications, alignment, breathing techniques, energy movements, counter poses, injury prevention, spiritual benefits, Chakra awareness, therapeutic benefits, and the usages of props for each posture. Module 3 is open to yoga practitioners and instructors of all levels.

Module 4 - Pranayama, Mudra & Bandha Module

20 - 27 May 2015
  • Pranayama - The Various Types of Pranayamas and Their Stages Benefits, Contraindications, Modifications, and Teaching Techniques
  • Mudras - The Various Hasta Mudras, Their Benefits and Contraindications, and Their Relationship with the Five Elements
  • Bandhas - Their Applications, Contraindications, Benefits, and Teaching Techniques
  • Kriyas - The Practice of Shat Kriyas, Preparations, Benefits, Contraindications, and Teaching Methods
Without the practice of Kriyas, Mudras, and Bhandas, your yoga practice is incomplete. Module 4 covers the various Mudras (gestures), Bandhas (Energy locks), and Pranayama (breathing techniques) together with a detailed study of the Five Elements (Pancha Boothas) and various Vayus (gases). Through it, students will learn to understand the body's connection with the mind and spirit. Moreover, an understanding of the structure of the Nadis (Energy Channels) and Pranas (Vital Energy) makes one's yoga practice an enlightening one.

Module 5 - Teaching Technique Module

28 May - 5 June 2015
  • Class Theme
  • Class Arrangement
  • Sequencing
  • Posture Adjustment Techniques
  • Demonstration and Explanation
  • Consultation and Counseling
  • Ethics and Principles of a Teacher
Preparing for a class, setting its theme, and arranging its sequence is basic knowledge in teaching. Doing a proper demonstration, explaining poses verbally, and adjusting a student's posture are further techniques in teaching yoga. All these will be explored in Module 5. The class is open to practitioners and teachers of all levels who want to get inspiration and knowledge from our dedicated yoga masters, who all have over 20 years of yoga practice and teaching experience.

Revision : 11 June, 2015

Terms and Conditions

  • All Students must undergo and pass a written and practical examination in order eo attain a participation certificate.
  • Fees, once paid, cannot be refunded or transferred.

Disclaimer / Waiver of Liability

By registering for this Anahata Yoga Teacher Training Course, you voluntarily declare the following: I, a participant of this Course, am aware that participating in the Course requires certain levels of fitness and general physical health. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and general health (including consulting my physician or doctor) and the risks of serious injury that are associated with physical activity of any kind including any variety of yoga, meditation and breath work practice and participation in yoga related activities or activities related to this Course. I confirm that I shall retain all control and direction over my activities at all times. I voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of my participation in the various activities in this Course. I, or anyone who could claim in my name or on my behalf, do hereby voluntarily waive, release and forever discharge Anahata Yoga Limited. and its officers, employees, representatives and agents from any and all liabilities for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in the activities during the course of this training and hold them harmless from all claims which may be brought against them for any such injuries or claims as aforesaid and all costs and expenses incidental thereto. I grant my permission to Anahata Yoga and Asana - International Yoga Journal. to use any photos or videos of me taken during the training in the establishment of Anahata Yoga for marketing or publicity purposes in print and web without receiving payment for those images.
Highlights of this Teacher Training Program
10 Reasons to Join Our Teacher Training Course 1. It is the only Yoga Teacher Training Course in town that is accredited by Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, India & Yoga Alliance, USA. 2. It is taught by only the most qualified, experienced, and professional team of Indian Yoga Masters. 3. It is a great opportunity to learn about the fascinating origin and history of yoga, as well as its philosophy. 4. It is also a great venue to improve your knowledge and polish your skills in yoga, in order to establish a strong foundation for a life-long yoga practice. 5. You get to learn the steps in achieving basic postures and how to teach them to others. You also learn about the benefits of each posture. 6. You get to learn the basics and benefits of Pranayama (breathing techniques). 7. You also learn how yoga improves your health, develops your immune system, and prevents a number of diseases. 8. Further, you learn the techniques in introducing beginners to yoga, and how to tailormake routines to the individual’s flexibility level. 9. More interestingly, you learn about the human body’s anatomy and physiology - and how yoga improves their functions. 10. Your training doesn’t stop at the end of the program. Once your 200 hours is over, you can start developing your teaching skills at our YAC Community.
What Next?
1. Students interested in enrolling in the Teacher Training Certificate Course may do so by filling up the Online Application Form. 2. Applications will then be assessed by our Programme Directors. Successful applicants will be informed of their admission within three working days of their application. 3. Students may call or visit our studio and speak to one of our membership consultants or faculty members for any questions or concerns that they may have about the course. 4. Once your application is approved, you may pay the course fee to confirm your enrollment and secure your slot in the course. 5. We strongly advise students to prepare for the course by reading the suggested materials. Students may also begin using their 30 hours of group class sessions as part of their physical, mental, and spiritual warm-up and preparation. pat
Student Feedback
It is an honour for us to train potential leaders in yoga and a great source of pride to watch them grow. Hear what our past and present students have to say about the programme. please click here. website_1