100-hours Inversion Teacher Training Certificate Course (Saturday Afternoon) - [ 24th February 2024 ~ 04th May 2024]

Can I teach yoga to beginners after completing this inversion teacher training?

Inversion teacher training is a specialty teacher training where it’s an added knowledge and skill to the foundation knowledge you learned from the foundation course. Completing an inversion teacher training alone will not be sufficient to teach yoga to others, especially beginners. This applies to all forms of specialised intensive teacher training such as prenatal yoga teacher training and kids yoga teacher training. We recommend students undertake comprehensive foundation teacher training, such as the 200-hour yoga teacher training course, as a minimum to build a strong base for their journey into yoga teaching.

Once I have completed the teacher training, how could I further my knowledge in yoga practices and philosophy?

We recommend you to keep yourself under the guidance of experienced masters. Our masters are willing to give you full guidance and support even after you have completed the training. This is very important in staying inspired throughout your practice. You can also attend our other accredited yoga teacher training courses to deepen your learning in various topics of yoga:

Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (300 RYT)

Following on the 200hr teacher training course, yoga is not only about doing the final poses but also about understanding anatomy, how to warm up properly and modification of poses according to your body. The Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training will help you progress to the next level of your yoga journey. The course, led by Master Yogananth and his team, will enable you to explore the capabilities of your body with intermediate to advanced level poses.

Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course (300 RYT)

Yoga has traditionally been taught to individuals, with tailor-made sessions designed to address unique and specific ailments and diseases. This practice cannot be implemented in large classes. A therapeutic approach to yoga, is the best way to start your practice. Yoga Therapy is the future of yoga.

Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course (RCYT)

The best way to start teaching yoga is to teach kids. Kids are fun to be with and open-minded as long as it is fun and creative. Kids yoga is now taught in schools and most sports centres.  This Kids Yoga Teacher Training course will prepare you with all the tools to teach kids up to the age of 18.

Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course (RPYT)

The benefits of yoga during pregnancy are well-known with many doctors recommending it.  Simple yogic poses and breathing techniques, along with meditation can greatly assist women in preparing for natural childbirth. This Prenatal yoga teacher training gives you all the tools, preparation, knowledge, and first-hand experience you need to teach pregnant women.

Private Yoga Classes

If you feel you are not ready to dive into another training just yet but would like to take some time to consolidate what you have learned and to put that into practice, you can consider private yoga.  One of our experienced teachers will help tailor a practice for you to improve your practice and to achieve your specific goals.

Group Yoga Classes

Take your time and practice what you have learned in our teacher training course and attend our regular group yoga classes to improve your health and well-being. At Anahata Yoga, there isn’t a shortage of inspiration and knowledge.

If you wish to enquire more details about the teacher training course or about early bird spot availability please WhatsApp to our Business account, our staff can assist you.