
26th September 2023 - 9th November 2023

Mid-term breaks: 23-27 October 2023
Please see the attached file for the tentative course  schedule – 26 September 2023 Inversion TT

Who we are

Anahata Yoga is a premier yoga centre based in the heart of the Central district. It is best known for offering the most authentic yoga experience available in Hong Kong, with classes led by Indian instructors hailing from different lineages devoted to the practice and study of yoga. As a centre, Anahata Yoga is fully committed to fostering a community of yoga practitioners who are not only equipped with the skills to perform yoga as a daily activity but as well as the knowledge to live out yoga as a lifestyle.
About Anahata Yoga Accredited  “100hrs Inverse Yoga Teacher Training Course” Anahata Yoga’s accredited Inversion Yoga Teacher Training is designed with the developmental needs of our students at the centre – learning to understand the physical and mental challenges of the inversion poses and how to appropriately teach these poses safely is fundamental to a yoga teacher’s skill set.  The core of our teacher training program is to provide our students with the knowledge and skill to enable them to then teach inversion poses with awareness for the unique anatomy and physiology needs of their students.  Also, to skill them with a wide variety of methods and tools to tailor their teaching appropriately and with confidence. Our faculty of teachers who are teaching this inversion teacher training are from the andiappan yoga tradition.  They have embedded yoga into their daily lifestyle and understand the importance of teaching the foundation yogic practices in a manner that enables the students to build a strong foundation for a lifelong yoga journey. All of our teachers have substantial experience as yoga teachers and in teaching inversion and inversion-themed classes, workshops, private classes – they all have extensive experience in transforming students’ practices and capabilities, to levels where the students can practice basic to advanced postures with confidence and in a safe manner without fear for risk of injury.

Teacher Training Course Breakdown

Classes Hours
Theory/Practical 12 CLASSES x 3 HOURS = 36 HOURS
Recommended group yoga classes during your teacher training study 30 HOURS
Andiappan Yoga Self-Practice Classes (Optional) *strongly recommended, A chance to get to know the teachers and ask them questions about syllabus poses. 12 CLASSES x 2 HOURS = 24 HOURS
Assignment / Self-study 10 HOURS
YTT Group Practice Class 2 CLASSES x 2.5 HOURS = 5 HOURS
Total hours = 105 HOURS
Teacher Training Classes
6.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Teacher Training Theory and Practical
6.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Teacher Training Theory and Practical
Please note the teacher training class will start on 26th Sep 2023 at the time mentioned above, and no bookings are required.
Group Practice classes (30hrs) are recommended for the YTT students to keep regular practice before and during the training period and after each class, students can interact with the teachers and ask questions about the practice. The teacher can also write a remark on the YTT attendance sheet and give you guidance on how to improve your yoga practice and teaching skills.
Andiappan Yoga Classes 12 classes 2hrs each (24 hrs): Andiappan Yoga classes as part of the teacher training learning. There are also Andiappan Yoga classes conducted for ongoing YTT students where they get to interact with the teachers and ask questions from the syllabus about their practice and improve on their limitations. This class can bring breakthroughs in your yoga journey and boost confidence to share the knowledge with students.
This class will equip students with the knowledge to develop a sequence for self-practice which they can do at home or while traveling. The ability to put together a sequence to meet one’s goals while taking into consideration one’s limitations will be very important when one starts to teach.
You can start attending these group and andiappan yoga classes from the next date of your enrollment and you have until 9 December 2023 to complete these classes. All ongoing YTT students can book and cancel recommended group classes, Andiappan Yoga Classes, Andiappan Yoga YTT classes 3 days in advance via the Mindbody online booking system app and also via the schedule page in our website. Students may also walk in and wait before the class for peak hour classes. There are also Andiappan Yoga classes exclusively scheduled for ongoing Yoga Teacher Training students  (example: Andiappan Yoga – Back Bending (YTT))
Assesement/ Quiz / Self-study/ Demonstration(12 hrs): You will be given free access (for the duration of the whole teacher training) to a vast video archive of yoga poses video library where you can practice and fine-tune the techniques explained in the teacher training class during the training program. You will also have access to self-assessment quizzes which are useful learning tools to become familiar with inversion pose names, anatomy, and physiology elements for inversion poses, and reinforce understanding across all elements of the course curriculum
** Group Practice classes, Andiappan Yoga Classes: can be also attended through online classes. Students can choose to come to the studio or practice at the comfort of their home. Please check our class schedule for exclusive online group and andiappan yoga classes.

Course Syllabus

Theory - Interactive and functional learning method.
  • Anatomy of Key Muscles of Inversion Poses
  • Benefits, Contraindications, Awareness.
  • Preparation to  Half and Full inversions
  • Visualization practice to overcome fear and to develop confidence. 
  • The practice of full inversions, half inversions, passive inversions, active inversions, supported, and unsupported inversions.
  • The practice of Falling with control - Methods and Drills
  • The practice of Jump back from inversions - Methods and Drills
  • The practice of Neutralising movements and counters poses for each inversion pose.
  • Sequencing and theming the inversion class, hands-on assist. 

Following is the class breakdown for this 100hrs teacher training course.

  1. YTT Classes 12 x 3 = 36 hrs
  2. Group Classes - 30 hrs 
  3. Andiappan Yoga Classes - 12 classes = 24 hrs
  4. Assesement/ Quiz / Self-study/ Demonstration 12 hrs
 Total = 102 hrs
Master Yogananth Andiappan

Anahata Yoga’s Module Programme

Busy Hong Kong professionals now have the option of undergoing yoga teacher training at their own pace and in their own schedule. Available for the first time in Hong Kong, Anahata Yoga now applies a modular system to all its yoga teacher training programme.

Terms and Conditions

  • Please read the class booking, cancellation and studio usage policy 
  • All Students must undergo practical assessment and submit a written assignment in order to complete the course.
  • For more details about batch transfer/ missed classes retake/ recommended group and andiappan yoga classes extension, assessment retake and assignment extension and admin fee details please refer to this page.
  • Short term packages, 6 classes per month 1 year package, coupon class packages , complimentary packages cannot be used to book 2hr andiappan yoga classes.
  • Fees, once paid, cannot be refunded or transferred.
  • The studio reserves the right to conduct classes online in the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from conducting physical classes at the studio including but not limited to social unrest, natural disasters, government directives or any other events that render the studio unsuitable for the classes to be conducted at the studio.
  • The company reserves the right to change the dates of the training without prior notice.
  • The fee for the Full day/Sunday and part time teacher training courses may vary.
  • Read our package suspension policy here and how to apply online
  • Batch transfer fee may be waived if requested within one week of the course fee payment, otherwise batch transfer fee will apply.

Disclaimer / Waiver of Liability

By registering for this Anahata Yoga Teacher Training Course, you voluntarily declare the following: I, a participant of this Course, am aware that participating in the Course requires certain levels of fitness and general physical health. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and general health (including consulting my physician or doctor) and the risks of serious injury that are associated with physical activity of any kind including any variety of yoga, meditation and breath work practice and participation in yoga related activities or activities related to this Course. I confirm that I shall retain all control and direction over my activities at all times. I voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of my participation in the various activities in this Course. I, or anyone who could claim in my name or on my behalf, do hereby voluntarily waive, release and forever discharge Anahata Yoga Limited and its officers, employees, representatives and agents from any and all liabilities for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in the activities during the course of this training and hold them harmless from all claims which may be brought against them for any such injuries or claims as aforesaid and all costs and expenses incidental thereto. I grant my permission to Anahata Yoga, International Yoga Academy, and Asana – International Yoga Journal to use any photos or videos of me taken during the training in the establishment of Anahata Yoga for marketing or publicity purposes in print and web without receiving payment for those images

Teacher Training Online Participation:

The teacher training student who prefers to attend the group and andiappan yoga classes online the instructor may ask the student to keep the camera ON to monitor the postures to minimise the risk of injuries. The studio reserves the right to remove the students who refuse to turn the camera ON without any refund. The instructors may ask the students to Turn On the camera at anytime during the class to verify attendance and class participation. If the students are not responding repeatedly to the teachers, the studio reserves the right to ask the student to attend the class in the studio for the remaining duration of the teacher training classes.
Highlights of this Teacher Training Program

10 Reasons to Join Our Teacher Training Course

It is the only Yoga Teacher Training Course in town that is accredited by Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, India , Vedic Wellness University, & Yoga Alliance, USA. It is taught by only the most qualified, experienced, professional  and Internationally acclaimed Yoga Masters. It is a great opportunity to learn about the practice and teaching of inversion It is also a great venue to improve your knowledge and polish your skills in yoga, in order to establish a strong foundation for a life-long yoga practice. You get to learn the steps in understanding and achieving inversion postures and how to teach them to others. You also learn about the benefits of each posture. You get to learn visualization and meditation techniques that can help build confidence to practice inversion poses without fear. You also learn how inversion improves your health and is beneficial for various physical and mental conditions. Further, you learn the techniques in introducing beginners to inversion practice, and how to tailor-make inversion practices to the individual's level. More interestingly, you learn about the human body's anatomy and physiology of inversion poses- and how to improves their functions. Your training doesn't stop at the end of the program. Once you receive your certificate you can register as a teaching volunteer and start developing your teaching skills at AYC Community www.yogacommunity.org
What Next?
What's Next? 1. Students interested in enrolling in the Teacher Training Certificate Course may do so by filling up the Online Application Form and by accepting the course terms and conditions mentioned in the course terms and conditions detail page. 2. Students can choose to confirm their admission (with early bird spot price - for limited spots per batch) by making secure online payment or may call or visit our studio and speak to one of our membership consultants or faculty members for any questions or concerns that they may have about the course. 3. Your admission is only confirmed when the course fee is fully paid.  If for any unavoidable circumstances if you would like to change to the next available course dates you can do so within 7 days from the course fee payment. 4. We strongly advise students to prepare for the course by starting their recommended group and andiappan yoga classes and interact with the faculty teachers regularly. 5. Once the admission is confirmed the students will be sent a course welcome email with the details of the courses and students may also begin using their group class sessions as part of their physical, mental, and spiritual warm-up and preparation. Students can also call 29051822 or email ytt@anahatayoga.com.hk by quoting their student ID number mentioned in the course welcome email.
Student Feedback
It is an honour for us to train potential leaders in yoga and a great source of pride to watch them grow. Hear what our past and present students have to say about the programme. please click here.