Yoga Books / DVDs

Yogananth Andiappan Yoga from the Heart

Original Price: $680

Offer Price: $650

About this Book

Even though Yoga is now more popular than ever, many people do not recognize it as an art form. Yogananth Andiappan, who from the age of two started learning Yoga from the heart is a living manifestation of this art form. After more than two decades of practice, he has a deep understanding of his body and yoga itself. The strength, stability, body alignment and symmetry in appearance, as well as the gracefulness of the postures themselves, can only be expressed by a dedicated practitioner like him. This book is a collection of four hundred beautifully taken extraordinary asanas (postures) chosen from a few thousand, many of which have never been photographed before. This book will offer an inspiration to all Yoga lovers as well as art lovers alike. Never before has any yoga book been produced in such quality and details. Beyond its design and quality, this book contains the most number of postures with names translated to six languages (Sanskrit translated to English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Tamil and Hindi). This book is a useful reference book on yoga postures as well.

About the Author

Even though Yoga is now more popular than ever, many people do not recognize it as an art form. Yogananth Andiappan, who from the age of two started learning Yoga from the heart, is a living manifestation of this art form. After more than two decades of practice, he has a deep understanding of his body and yoga itself. The strength, stability, body alignment and symmetry in appearance, as well as the gracefulness of the postures themselves, can only be expressed by a dedicated practitioner like him.

Book Reviews

This book is beautifully crafted with stunning images of Yogananth doing this mind boggling yoga poses. Yogananth is in his 20's who started doing yoga at a young age under the tutelage of his father, Asana (a well respected guru in India). He studied the different postures and perfected them to a tee. He then started inventing some postures and naming them in honor of the different gurus in the process. So this book is a compilation of their hardwork through the years. This is not a guide to be used for your daily practice since some postures I haven't seen before. Rather,it gives you the inspiration to continue practising through the years. It is a perfect coffee table book that will amaze everybody. Abiad – USA Of all the yoga books I own this is by far THE most inspirational. Notably, the poses my be unattainable to the degree presented in these glorious pages to anyone who hasn't spent a lifetime in practice but the example of the capabilities of the human body and spirit presented it inspirational. The mood of the pages, the quality of the images and the selection of paper used in this tome offer an element of sophistication and elegance in a practice the has lost a sense of the innate beauty in our western culture, that has focused too heavily on the physicality of yoga. An important addition to the serious practitioners library or for anyone who is in acknowledgement of the beauty of the human form. Krista Armstrong - Canada

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HK$ 650