Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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I want to share my feedback about the teacher training course! The masters are incredibly knowledgeable in Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy, and I’ve learned so much about the theories behind these practices. The group classes and Andiappan sessions have been especially beneficial for my YTT journey. Thank you, masters! I was also inspired by my fellow students. Learning alongside them provided me with diverse insights that enriched the experience. However, I did notice a few areas for improvement. There were times when one of the instructors seemed less confident, appearing unprepared and struggling to answer questions clearly. This could be challenging for students who are not fluent in Cantonese and want to delve deeper into the topics. I appreciate the option to attend classes online, which makes the course more accessible for students overseas and offers greater flexibility. Additionally, clearer communication regarding assessments and assignments would be very helpful. Overall, I am grateful for this learning journey and excited to continue growing in my practice!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020001384
Batch : April/2024

I enjoyed a lot throughout the learning process in the past 4 months. The whole day of Sunday with hours of lectures is a good option for us as we can be more focused with our mind totally away from work. Thank you to all the Anahata Yoga Masters (especially Master Vishnu) for all the teaching with patience and sharing of all the knowledges they have. It's truly a great experience to join this program as part of our yoga journey! Love it!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2023000081
Batch : April/2024

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Anahata Yoga for conducting this 300-hour Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training course! This program is incredibly informative and has truly deepened my understanding of yoga. I find that I need time to digest the material and further study after graduation, which speaks to the richness of the content. Additionally, the course has significantly heightened my interest in human anatomy and nutrition. I feel inspired to explore these topics further, and I appreciate how they are integrated into the curriculum. Thank you for such a valuable learning experience!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2024000128
Batch : April/2024

I had an amazing experience in this comprehensive 300hrs yoga therapy and ayurveda teacher training course at Anahata Yoga, Hk! It offers a holistic view of therapy, seamlessly integrating Ayurveda and Yoga with a focus on anatomy, diet, and more. I particularly loved the sections on scoliosis, which are especially relevant to me. Thank you for such an enlightening journey! test
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2024000061
Batch : April/2024

The course structure is good which is enriched with comprehensive course manual and other supportive documents. The course classes were much effective with detailed explanations and proper training. The way of presenting the concepts and training by different masters were really good. The learnings from this course is not only for yoga therapy, it is also contributing to the life of individual with healthy practices and habits. As an online student, unfortunately I could not get the opportunity to do observation classes with real-time clients. Other than that, this course served more than the purpose and provided lots and lots of information with key guidance. Heartfelt thanks to course masters Vishnu, Dilip , Raja and Hazel for sharing their valuable knowledge and providing the best training, especially master Vishnu for providing much detailed information in every concept and being an inspiration to keep learning and improving the knowledge. I extend my thanks to other masters - Keshav, Mahesh, Yogananth, Phoebe, Shreya, Dhiraj ,Anuja and Vanessa with whom I practiced live classes online and much contributed towards improvement on my yoga practices.
Course Name : Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Online Course
Student ID : 2024000118
Batch : April/2024

The Course was very informative. The effort of the Masters was tremendous. Obtaining the Knowledge from Masters was a great experience. I need to thank the other masters who gave the information about various asanas, techniques, usage and how it help in our life. Ayurveda Classes were too good. Got to know about the foods, herbs and oils. Massage class was very good and more informative. Master ji explained each and every portions in detailed way. This course helped me to understand the anatomy of our body and how asanas make them work in effective way. And the yoga therapy classes are much more informative. Never experienced like this before. My hearfelt thanks to the team for giving this wonderful opportunity to learn the techniques in yoga therapy from the legendary organization. Feeling blessed and god gave me this blessings to me to hear and gain good knowledge from the great masters. Thank You all.
Course Name : Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Online Course
Student ID : 2023000321
Batch : September/2023

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible learning experience I have had during the course. As a student, I am truly amazed by the depth of knowledge and the therapeutic approach you have imparted to us. This course has expanded my understanding of yoga beyond the physical practice. It has provided me with profound insights into how yoga can be utilized as a powerful therapy to manage various ailments, conditions, and limitations in relation to our body, mind, and emotions. The comprehensive curriculum and teachings have equipped me with the necessary tools and techniques to address specific needs and challenges that individuals may face on their yoga journey. I greatly appreciate the emphasis placed on understanding the interconnectedness between the body, mind, and emotions. The knowledge I have gained has not only deepened my personal practice but also given me the confidence to guide others in a more holistic and therapeutic manner. I feel empowered to offer yoga as a means of support and healing to those who may be struggling with specific physical or mental health concerns. Additionally, the course structure and delivery have been exceptional. The well-organized modules, insightful lectures, practical demonstrations, and interactive discussions have facilitated a comprehensive learning experience. The guidance and support provided by you and the teaching staff throughout the course have been invaluable. I am truly grateful for the dedication, expertise, and passion you have shown as an instructor. Your ability to convey complex concepts in a clear and relatable manner has made the learning process enjoyable and enriching. Overall, this course has surpassed my expectations, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be a part of it. Thank you for providing me with a solid foundation and the necessary skills to integrate yoga as a therapeutic practice in my personal life and future teachings.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000792
Batch : September/2023

I recently had the privilege of embarking on the Anahata Yoga 300hr Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Course, and words cannot express the profound impact it has had on my personal and professional life. The course curriculum was meticulously designed, offering a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of yoga therapy and Ayurveda. The knowledgeable and passionate instructors guided us through a rich blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques, beautifully integrating theory and practical application. The bonds I formed with fellow students and instructors will remain cherished for a lifetime. The resources provided, including comprehensive manuals, supplementary materials, and ongoing volunteer teaching support with Andiappan Yoga Community, ensured that each student had the necessary tools to succeed. It offers an enriching, comprehensive, and transformative experience, empowering students to become skilled and compassionate yoga therapists and teachers. I now feel confident and inspired to share my knowledge and passion with others, knowing that I have received exceptional training from a reputable institution. Namaste
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2023000046
Batch : September/2023

I had a truly comprehensive and challenging experience during the yoga therapy course. The masters were highly professional and extremely knowledgeable, providing excellent guidance. The course struck a great balance between practical and theoretical aspects, allowing me to delve deeper into the subject matter. While the anatomy section proved to be the most difficult, I took the initiative to create my own notes and even purchased a textbook to enhance my understanding. Master Dilip shared valuable insights into yoga therapy poses, drawing from his own experiences with injuries and treatments. There were occasional clarifications on therapy poses towards the end of class, which was helpful. Master Vishnu patiently addressed our questions and provided repeated explanations, ensuring a thorough understanding of concepts, including the stimulation of the vagus nerve for activating the parasympathetic system. The practical sessions, such as oil massage and other treatments, were enjoyable and offered practical skills. I am committed to reviewing and studying the materials again over the next 6-12 months, as the knowledge gained will greatly benefit my personal yoga journey and potentially my teaching as well. I eagerly look forward to Anahata offering an Advanced Yoga course in the future.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2023000137
Batch : September/2023

I highly recommend the Yoga Therapy course as it is exceptionally well-designed, placing significant emphasis on Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda. The comprehensive exploration of Yoga Asanas provides valuable insights into administering specific programs for various issues like joint pains. Additionally, the Ayurveda component offers a holistic understanding of different medicinal practices. What truly impressed me were the practical aspects of the course, which included hands-on experience in administering head and body treatments using medicated poultices, herbal bhasmas, and Ayurvedic oil massages. The center successfully created an authentic gurukool environment, with compassionate and certified masters who seamlessly integrated the teachings with Andiappan yoga and daily yoga lessons. Attending various classes also introduced me to Chakra meditation and yoga Nidra, enriching my overall experience. While there were minor challenges along the way, the immense benefits I personally gained from this program far outweighed any hiccups. Therefore, I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to learn yoga therapy in Hong Kong. I extend my deepest gratitude to the institute and all the masters who dedicatedly guided us on this transformative journey. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2023000304
Batch : September/2023

I had a highly enriching experience during the course. The masters were very professional and well-trained, providing excellent guidance. The course offered a perfect blend of theory and practical coaching, making it a motivational and fulfilling learning journey. The chemistry between the masters and fellow course mates added to the joy and camaraderie while embracing yoga therapy. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of this wellness maintenance and care management program. Cheers to Master Yogananth and the entire team for creating such a positive and transformative experience.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2023000305
Batch : September/2023

Throughout the course, I developed a deeper understanding of yoga as a therapeutic application; theory as well as hands-on practices were taught to aid students in better understanding how to select and apply yoga practices and treatment methodologies in therapeutic settings.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001458
Batch : March/2023

This course is taught by experienced teachers in the particular field (ayurveda; yoga therapy) and sharing of real life application. The class is delivered in an interactive manner. My understanding of yoga therapy has broadened and deepened greatly after the class. Thank you Anahata and all the masters' guidance; and also thanks to the administration team for the support. Another improvement i suggest is the accuracy of assignment topics on the portal. Master Yogananth sought our feedback the day when he delivered the class to find out the assignment topics were not uploaded accurately to all of us and it was fixed eventually. Overall, this course is very good and I will recommend others to take it. I would like to use my knowledge acquired to help others.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2022000314
Batch : March/2023

I learned that yoga therapy is a holistic practice that works to improve physical and mental health. It is based on the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda and includes practices such as postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation. Yoga therapy can be used to treat a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, such as stress-related illnesses, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. I also learned that Ayurveda Panchakarma is a traditional form of detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that has been practiced for centuries in India. This therapy involves five different treatments, including cleansing, purification, rejuvenation, and detoxification. Ayurveda Panchakarma is beneficial for restoring balance to the body and mind, promoting physical and mental health, and helping to prevent disease.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001525
Batch : August/2022

Thanks to the 300hr training course, I now possess greater knowledge and confidence to teach students. The course was extremely beneficial for my teaching practice and provided an immersive learning experience.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000049
Batch : August/2022

This course has raise my interest on Yoga Anatomy. How the body groups correlated with one another. It is just fascinating. Master Vishnu has rich knowledge of anatomy as well as Ayurveda. I have more knowledge now about my body structure, how the yoga can help people to release from muscles tensions. I have learn a serious of consultations and diagnosis based on the type of dosha, able to design therapy programs with yoga and ayurveda technique to the client after they completion the QOL form and initial intake consultation. We have done many lectures and study with material. It would be appreciated if there are more practical group YOGA practice. Spend hours on practical yoga in the group of students in the class and we could have group chat which could carrying on our study. I am appreciated Master Vishu's experienced and sharing his knowledge with me. Thank you Anahata Yoga for organising such an wonderful training. Namaste
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001540
Batch : August/2022

Master Vishnu is a great teacher with strong and solid knowledge of yoga therapy and Ayurveda . He transfer the knowledge to us in a very easy way , and guide us to understand yoga therapy and ayurveda in a deeper level. I learnt a lot and strongly recommend others to attend this course, if you want to strengthen your knowledge to be a healer or therapist.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2022000243
Batch : August/2022

A comprehensive course that will increase your knowledge of yoga therapy. The teachers are excellent, and i highly recommend this course to anyone as it is going to be a great course for the future of your yoga practice and teaching
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2022000042
Batch : March/2022

This course was extremely comprehensive and practical. All the masters have a very wide range of knowledge and expertise that blend really well together in providing us a holistic training experience. I had to complete the course online due to unexpected, pandemic related, change in circumstances. However, this did not impact any of the lessons or knowledge imparted. I am very grateful for this experience. I will defenitly cotinue my practice with Anahata Yoga and learn from the Masters.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2022000012
Batch : March/2022

As I attended the course online, I gained a lot of knowledge about anatomy as well as tridosha understanding of diseases and conditions. The fact that we had different teachers allowed us to see different approaches to yoga therapy. I would have liked to have been able to join my classmates in the studio too. It was a great effort on the part of the teachers to include online students in the demonstrations and they always asked if we could see them clearly. It was a pleasure to take this course with you all. I look forward to using my knowledge to the best of my ability.
Course Name : Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Online Course
Student ID : 2021001260
Batch : March/2022

I was a little sceptical initially about doing a completely online course but I was totally impressed with the way this 300 hours Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course was taught. The instructors insisted that we turn on cameras and interact with online students - answering questions and even quizzing us to make sure we are present in class. This was done during practical sessions as well - to make sure we understood the finer nuances of yoga poses. This made sure that we were diligent and stayed alert, just like attending in-person class. There were hardly any network issues to deal with - which made the whole online experience very fruitful. The instructors were experienced and knowledgeable. They were easy to talk to and were available to take questions. The course content far exceeded my expectations. We were taught about the common disorders - the overview of it, effects on the physical anatomy, yoga poses and also details of marma points and herbal remedies for various disorders. Almost all physical disorders were detailed along with yoga poses for each, variations, diet recommendations, ayurvedic remedies, contraindications etc. Yoga for the elderly, cancer survivors, pregnancy were also covered. Traditional yoga philosophy was taught as well as new trends were incorporated. The course curriculum was very detailed and thorough. I particularly liked attending the live yoga classes that had focus areas like back yoga, core yoga, restorative yoga etc. In short, money, and time well spent during this covid time. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for this journey. Namaste
Course Name : Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2017000878
Batch : August/2021

Joining this Yoga Therapy Teacher Training has been a wonderful experience that made me love yoga even more. The course was very informative and enlightening- yet quite practical and fun. I particularly enjoyed exploring Ayurveda and learning how yoga therapy can be applied in people’s daily life to manage pain, prevent and treat certain health conditions. I also enjoyed improving my breathing and meditation techniques and practicing hands-on adjustments. Thanks to Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Dhiraj, Master Raja, Master Anurag, Master Hazel and Dr Gowri for sharing your thorough knowledge and own experiences with your heart. As a regular practitioner of yoga with Anahata for 6 years, I feel deeply grateful to you all for guiding and inspiring me in this life-long journey. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000146
Batch : August/2021

I love how passionate the yoga masters are about yoga practice and a healthy lifestyle. I have been inspired and will keep learning and better myself.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000445
Batch : August/2021

Again, this yoga teacher training has exceeded my expectations. Besides the already traditionally high standard of the qualifications of masters in Anahata (no need to mention absolutely stunning professional qualities of Master Yogananth as a head yoga teacher), during this course, I was especially amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge of Ayurveda and his ability to interconnect the knowledge of other areas as even the astrology, western medicine and of course yoga. I can only recommend Anahata to anyone interested in getting profound knowledge in the yoga teacher and therapy field. It was such a nice experience. Thank you! I would definitely like to continue with some of the other training. I've already completed the basic YTT but I think the advanced hatha yoga level is still too much for me and i am not ready. I think the Pranayama and meditation YTT would suit me the best. Unfortunately recently I have been increasingly busy with my business so I will have to wait until I'm a bit more free. But at least this one I'd like to attend for sure.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000182
Batch : August/2021

The Yoga therapy course was very informative. I really enjoyed the entire experience and the deep knowledge shared by all the Masters. I was really amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge in the field of Ayurveda. Though I feel there should be more practical information given in the course. But I understand yoga is life long learning. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to gain more knowledge in the yoga teacher and yoga therapy field. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you, Anahata!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001044
Batch : August/2021

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