Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Yoga therapy is a very board and expanding subject. Master Vishnu is very knowledgeable on the subject. Weve learnt anatomy in understanding the body and different systems; the yoga therapy and ayurvedic theories and how they work; the different diseases and body conditions; how to use the yoga therapy approaches to help manage different body conditions. Other teachers Master Yogananth, Master Arun, Master Lakshmi and Master Anurag also shared many useful knowledge and experiences on different aspects of the subject. The course is very informative and we get to observe and analyse different body types, as well as practising different yoga therapy sequences.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001636
Batch : January/2016

I really loved this course. After studying an Anatomy 101 at University I felt that I can already could apply yoga methods to the healing and strengthening of physical ailments, but I have a clearer knowledge now on how exactly yoga makes a difference. I understand that in addition to stretching a muscle, by stimulating or relaxing pressure points in the body, a pain, spasm, stiffness or even uric acid crystals can heal by altering blood supply and sufficient nerve pulses through the target area. It is very interesting to learn which postures stimulate certain pressure points añd how I can apply pressure manually as a Yoga Therapist. I have tried it on a client and it works really well. I found the topic on womens health very interesting too, Dr Lakshmi has vast knowledge. There are exercises that I implemented on myself and my best friend to relieve serious menstrual pain and ovarian cysts and it subsided within the first month. Therewith I also incorporated postures to help balance our hormones which proved promising to the fact that I am now happily pregnant. I will definitely explore this route of practise further with my clients, because I know it worked on me and my best friend too. Master Yogananths classes on specifically Breast Cancer was also a great field of interest and I started attending the actual classes with the patients that he is working with. I was amazed to see a difference in these patients, not only physically but also in their moods and outlook on life. This is a field of practice that I would like to pursue further. It is encouraging to learn that I can help women with mastectomies to overcome limitations caused by the removal of (-or partial removal of) their pectorals and sometimes intercostal muscles. Helping these women to heal, use their arm again, build immunity and feel good about themselves again is very satisfying. In Abu Dhabi, where I live are also many people with diabetes that I would like to help. It is amazing that such simple movements can make such a great difference to peoples lives in management of their disease. Simple postures stimulate the organs and glands responsible for such a destructive disease and I would like to help these suffers to manage their symptoms better. One of my dearest friends in Dubai is pregnant and suffers from gestational diabetes and arthritis because of it. I have given her the postures as Dr Lakshmi has demonstrated to us and they seem to be relieving her symptoms. It is fulfilling to have the answers and methods to help others. My father also suffers from a form of arthritis, gout. After this course I was able to give my father advice on his diet and also gave him a range of digestive postures and movements that help blood circulation and lymph drainage; three month later with regular practice he is gout free! This year I also found out that I have cervical spondylosis and a bulging disk between c4 and c5. With the knowledge I have learned from this course I am able to manage my injury and lifestyle. I know now how to alter my practice to prevent recurrent injury and I also know how to do strengthening exercises for the muscles of the neck and loosen the muscles around the shoulders to prevent spasms. It has proven to be successful and I am happy to manage my injury in a way to live a pain free life and I am ready to help others with similar injuries. Thank you.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000456
Batch : January/2016

The 300 hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course gives me wonderful opportunities to learn theoretical therapy knowledge. Apart from applications of yoga therapy, Im excited to learn the Ayurvedic massages, which I cant learn anywhere else in Hong Kong. Although I, as a beginner yogi, need some efforts to digest all information gained during lectures, Im still fascinated by the knowledgeable teachers Master Vishnu, Yogananth, Anurag and Dr. Lakshmi. Thank you very much for giving a fruitful start on my yoga journey!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000157
Batch : September/2015

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