Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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As part of my 200-hour YTT program, not only did I learn asana poses, but I also learned yoga philosophy, yoga history, and breathing techniques. In addition to the wonderful masters who deliver all the knowledge deeply and in an interesting and practical manner, this yoga journey has completely changed how I live. Thank you for all your assistance. I highly recommend this training to any yoga student who wish to deepen their knowledge in yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000643
Batch : December/2021

Taking part in this yoga teacher training has been a great learning experience since there is such an inspiring and knowledgeable team of teachers involved. I am grateful.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001379
Batch : November/2021

From learning about the philosophy and history of yoga, to discovering the benefits of embodied movement and mindfulness, I’ve taken on a journey of intense self-discovery and introspection. This journey is shared with a close group of peers, and a feeling of community and connection knits together the inward and outward journeys of finding and teaching my truth as a yoga teacher. Thanks for giving me the chance to be part of the learning journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001415
Batch : November/2021

The YTT200 has been a valuable journey that focused not only on the physical aspects of yoga, but also the history and meaning behind meditative and breathing practices in yoga. The course instructors were patient and organised in their teachings and gave students guidance every step of the way to make asanas more attainable for every level. These lessons will definitely serve to be a great foundation for future practice. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to begin their yoga journey seriously.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001410
Batch : November/2021

While I am learning the lessons, I feel like I am in a peaceful and calm state of mind. This has been a new and inspiring experience for me. The only pity that I can think of is that we can only conduct half of our classes online, which is really frustrating due to government's covid 19 policy. I am grateful for all the knowledge that I have acquired, but would appreciate it if you could arrange some workshops for students who are affected by the pandemic and get them involved in the teaching process. I am grateful for the arrangements you have made. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001418
Batch : November/2021

It was a wonderful experience to learn more technical skills and knowledge of yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques. The course learning was very helpful and productive.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001378
Batch : November/2021

I am very grateful to have joined the YTT course even though I haven't been practising yoga for long. The teachers here are great masters and they provided a lot of theories on yoga, which gave me a holistic view of yoga development and practices. I no longer feel my back pain under the guidance of the masters to achieve correct poses. I highly recommend this course to others.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000711
Batch : November/2021

The teacher training course learning experience I had at Anahata Yoga was wonderful. Although most of the course was conducted online as a consequence of the pandemic, all of the masters were excellent at giving clear and precise instructions in online classes. Thanks for helping me have a better understanding of yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001391
Batch : November/2021

I was very initially before starting the YTT course because I got a lot of weakness in my asana practice. This course has totally changed my understanding, both my mind and body. It changes the meaning of yoga to me. Yoga is a lifestyle and it is not just asana. Anahata Yoga is special and different from other yoga schools. The Andiappan Class is unique, great and useful for my future teacher life. All the masters are very nice, encouraging and welcome to share their knowledge with us. They are patient to teach and answer my question. I enjoyed learning every part of the module from the masters. I really feel the time flies. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the masters who taught in the past three months - Master Yogananath, Master Raja, Master Vishnu and Master Mahesh. Having an opportunity to learn from Master Yogananth is a gift in my yoga journal. The profound knowledge you have taught me is unforgettable. The teachings and experience shared in the class are precious for me, the explanation and the demonstration in the module of Asana practice in detail. In short, it is marvellous. You learn a lot each time when you attend his class. Master Raja is interesting and he gives a great start and great introduction to the Teacher Training course. He taught me in the first lesson is Eat well Sleep Well and that is discipline. The anatomy module taught by Master Vishnu is impressive and detailed. The interaction in class between him and us is very entertaining. Master Mahesh is patient and explains very detail and deeply. I am thankful to the masters I met in group classes and andiappan classes. I am grateful to learn from all masters I met in Anahata and I will never forget what Masters taught me. Thank you masters for giving me a memorable and fruitful yoga journal in the past three months.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000608
Batch : October/2021

YTT course gives me a whole new perspective of yoga, the instructors are all so knowledgeable and they are able to answer my questions, i would love to continue my yoga journey with Anahata Yoga Masters even after the course is finished.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000694
Batch : October/2021

The course provides me with deep insight into Yoga history, anatomy, asana, and pranayama techniques. It also enhances my awareness of the body alignment of fundamental yoga poses, and the correct approach of entering a pose. The masters are all professional and knowledgeable. I enjoy the lectures and also group practices a lot.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001309
Batch : October/2021

I have learnt so much more than before. Although I am not aiming at being a teacher, I do understand more about the basis of yoga. I can practice yoga in a more proper and effective way. Wish I can join other workshops from Anahata Yoga in the future. Maybe someday I wish to be a teacher and tell others the advantage of yoga also. Thank you masters for all your dedicated teachings and inspiring me in my yoga journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020001329
Batch : October/2021

The teacher training course was a great experience in yoga learning. The teachers are nice, supportive and professional, also the reception colleagues.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000602
Batch : October/2021

I love the teacher training and enjoyed every min of learning. I learnt what yoga is from the traditional view and also the scientific view. I hope that I can become a yogi not only by just doing asana but also in my life discipline. thank you to the teachers for their support and professional guidance.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000765
Batch : October/2021

It has been a wonderful yoga learning journey for me, I enjoyed the course so much! I will try and practice everything in this training and come back for deeper learning soon. Thanks for the masters!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000855
Batch : October/2021

Its been a wonderful time at Anahata. The course was very useful and practical as it is the knowledge i was looking for from the start of the course. The teachers were very patient and kind to introduce techniques, teaching skills and physical postures. It was a great experience and im looking forward for further training.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001311
Batch : October/2021

I have found the course very useful in my yoga journey. I have learnt so much in yoga history, anatomy, pranayama, asanas and teaching techniques, etc. All the teachers are giving clear explanations, teaching wholeheartedly. And I have become more confident and positive, being happy and healthy. I hope I can contribute myself in the Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC) so that more people can benefit from practising yoga!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001306
Batch : October/2021

The whole YTT journey enlightens my practice of Yoga. It introduced me not only to the definition of yoga but more importantly, to the application of this philosophy to my daily life. Thanks to the masters and classmates who shared the knowledge and care during this learning process.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001196
Batch : October/2021

Thank you very much to all the Anahata Yoga Masters for their dedicated teachings. They are very nice and extremely professional. It was so amazing how Masters was able to impart all the teaching techniques and teaching materials via online in a situation such as this, despite the pandemic and strict lockdown. I am glad to be a part of the YTT-200 group and I look forward to learning more in the future. Namaste 🙂
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001394
Batch : October/2021

It was a very useful and deep learning experience. All the masters were extremely knowledgeable, patient, and encouraging. The course mates were engaging and made for a good learning environment as well. Moreover, the online experience also exceeded my expectations in a good way. Course materials can be a bit more organised and well-curated.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000588
Batch : October/2021

Masters had been very helpful throughout the course. I'm so grateful that Anahata has provided me with so much knowledge about yoga. I enjoyed so much going to classes, but unfortunately, due to the COVID19 government measures, classes at the centre were forced to stop. Although it is very convenient for me to have an online class, I have difficulties following the class because I do not have good network or facilities. It was hard using a small mobile phone try to follow the instructions of the teachers. I plan to attend more classes regularly in person. I would like to join more courses when the pandemic lockdown is over , especially the andiappan classes. Thank you very much to all the Masters, they all have been very gentle, courteous and helpful. Hope to see them all again soon.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001381
Batch : October/2021

It is an eye-opener to take this course. My understanding of yoga has expanded beyond asana poses. From the study of philosophy, history, and anatomy of yoga, as well as pranayama, asanas, and mudras, we learned many things. In spite of the fact that it was necessary to switch everything to online due to tightened COVID restrictions during the course, all the masters were encouraging and motivating through the online teaching methods. As a thank you, I would like to say a huge thank you to them for all of the efforts they have made to keep our practice at home. During my very first lesson at Anahata, Master Yogananth asked me if I had any goals. Despite the fact that I had been practicing on the mat for a few years, my mind was wandering and I was unsure of how far I was able to go. Now, if I were asked the same question today, I would have a different answer- aside from achieving some of the advanced asanas, I would keep yoga as my daily practice a way of life, and hopefully pass it on to others. I look forward to continuing my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001359
Batch : October/2021

As a relatively amateur practitioner the course helped build a solid foundation for my pursuit along the path of a yogini where I learnt to identify and work with the limitations of different anatomies including my own. Thank you again for the patience and guidance from master Yogananth and masters Raja, Keshav, Vishnu, Kammy and Mahesh in improving my practice! Namaste
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001389
Batch : October/2021

Attending the teacher training course was an excellent experience, all the teachers are very knowledgeable and patient. Thank you all masters for giving me this unforgettable yoga journey in the past few months!!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001386
Batch : October/2021

It has been a wonderful journey into the knowledge of yoga in many aspects - history, anatomy, asana, and pranayama. As a result, I have deepened my curiosity about this ancient philosophy and practice, and it has opened up a multitude of other questions to me, making me desire to find the answers to them while applying it to my everyday life. The masters were all very friendly and knowledgeable, which led to a very interesting and fun environment for learning about and practicing yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001403
Batch : October/2021

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