Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

Level two was more intense than level 1. But quite enjoyable. Thank you so much!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2016000608
Batch : June/2018

Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal. It is a gift to be able to experience the practice with you. I have proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and living a better life. Namaste
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2017000503
Batch : June/2018

After I completed YTT 200 hours and Yoga Therapy 300hours, I was looking for something challenging to do. Hatha Advance Level 1-2 was the perfect training to do since I was looking for something to deepen and develop my practice. I started my 30 hours self-practice earlier because I knew that my body needed to be ready for a minimum of 3 hours of intensive practice a day during this training. The poses are challenging, but we did an intensive warm-up and preparation every time and they showed us steps to follow to the final pose. Sometimes the final pose was too difficult for me, but we had variations and modifications of every asana. I felt very safe during the training, as Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal were very clear about how to prepare our body, performing safely avoiding injury. I learnt a lot of poses also in Sanscrit name, anatomy, benefits, and chakra awareness and technics regarding how to use props. Im very happy with the result, and I feel confident to do my home practice working on these beautiful poses. Thank you very much to the Masters that guided me and helped me to do my best. Namaste
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000789
Batch : May/2018

Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal. It is a gift to be able to experience the practice with you. I have proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and living a better life. Namaste
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000503
Batch : May/2018

There are many of difficult postures, but I learnt how to approach to these difficult ones. I enjoyed the class so much!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2016000608
Batch : May/2018

Thank you. Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh and Master Vishnu. They are very experienced and devoted themselves in the teaching. We are inspired and aroused to learn more and reassure the benefits of yoga. The training was fun and interesting.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000379
Batch : March/2018

I truly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. Master analyzed every pose in anatomy view and explained very detail of how to get into each pose and variations. Although poses are hard and intense but I truly learned a lot. I would highly recommend for anyone who is interested in exploring more in Yoga. Yoga poses are widely performed but not widely well understood. In this course you can learn lots of knowledge of Yoga. It was a unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. Appreciate all Masters put their effort in teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teacher training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000671
Batch : March/2018

It was my amazing journey when I start the 100 Hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1. During the training, Master Yogananth will teach you and lead you the way to do different asanas. It is amazing that it makes me to explore my infinite and improve all whatever the correct poses, teaching skills and the ways to prevent injury. I feel great I can learn all from Master. Thank you ! You let me love yoga more.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000092
Batch : October/2017

Master is passionate and the team is very helpful to motivate to join Advanced Level 1.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000362
Batch : October/2017

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2016000746
Batch : March/2017

Both level 1 and 2 were very good and informative courses. Learnt a lot through interaction with the teacher . Really liked the asanas variations and new approaches. We had Small group of 10-12 is good.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2016000746
Batch : January/2017

Overall, the Advanced Practice teacher training was a tremendous growth experience for me, both physically (increased strength & flexibility) and mentally (improved confidence, courage & knowledge). I had reached a point in my personal practice where I was no longer progressing by going to group classes and wanted to learn how to take my practice to the next level. Additionally, I was interested in teaching professionally and wanted to get some experience to see if I would enjoy it and to see if I had the aptitude for it. I was pleased with the variety of postures we focused on throughout the course and the three hour class duration provided the opportunity to really open my body and try more challenging poses. This, coupled with the personal assistance given by the instructors and the knowledge I gained of the muscular anatomy helped me to learn not just which muscles to engage/relax when doing challenging postures, but also how to properly warm up the body and which neutralizing movements and counter-poses to do in order to prevent injury. I found the manuals to be extremely informative. They were instrumental during the course and will serve as an ongoing reference for my personal practice. The photographic sequence for the Warm Up and Steps provided a great visual guide to achieving certain postures and the related text helped to increase my knowledge of the anatomy involved with each pose, as well as the health benefits. As for the supplemental sections, Rope yoga was particularly useful in order to learn how to safely use the props to open the body and practicing the Kriyas was a great experience that seems important for anyone who wants to teach. Partner yoga was fun and probably good for future teachers to be aware of the practice, but I did not find it to be critical and would prefer to work on more individual poses, if I were to do the course over again. Minor suggestions for improvement include: highlighting which of the warm up poses is the eligibility pose, in the text you could suggest a counter pose, highlight risk of injury and add what the main challenge of the pose is, lastly page numbers would be great to save time in class. During the training my greatest challenge, as well as my greatest area of growth, came during the teaching exercises. I appreciated learning more about the anatomy for specific postures, which translated into a better understanding of how to get into the poses myself, as well as how to articulate to someone else how to do so. I was grateful for all the opportunities given throughout the course to practice assisting one another. Personally, I was nervous to lead the class and appreciated that we were eased into the experience over the three modules, starting with leading the chanting, teaching warm up, teaching two poses and ending by running 1/3 of a class. As someone interested in teaching, the more opportunities to practice, the better, if not to get over my nerves on the mat, then to figure out how to put together a comprehensive sequence for a full class. I know time is limited during the actual course, so Ive welcomed the opportunity to work with the Andiappan community. It has provided invaluable exposure to students and has allowed me to find my own voice and become more comfortable with my teaching style. The Teaching Methodology handout has been a helpful resource, providing general instructions on how to conduct oneself as a teacher and a detailed framework for how to structure a class. If you were able to expand on it and offer some sample sequences for classes that focused on back bending, forward bending, shoulders and upper back, hip and hamstring opening or inversions, Im sure future students would appreciate. Lastly, the single greatest value of the course came from Master Yogananth Andiappan. His personal practice is an inspiration and his guidance, wisdom and humility made him, as well as the advanced yoga postures, wholly accessible. I had complete confidence in his knowledge and ability to adjust me in such a way as to get into poses that seemed beyond my reach. Thank you for providing such an amazing experience.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014001212
Batch : November/2016

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2016000746
Batch : November/2016

The idea and the determination of being a yoga teacher have begun since April of this year. Sharing my experience, helping others and bringing positivity to people around me is how I would like my job or myself to be like. This 3-month yoga teacher training was an incredible experience and helped me build a basic foundation for my teaching journey. Not only learning the human anatomy, asanas and yoga philosophy, I have also learnt to be humble and open-minded to understand and learn various limbs and styles of yoga. This attitude can also be applied to daily life and makes me more acceptant to things happen in life. Yoga knowledge is as great as ocean. I used to be a person who needs to follow solid rules and guidelines so as to gain the sense of security. After these few months, I am more capable of following the nature call and my heart. There is an unforgettable saying taught by Master Anurag regarding the control over emotions, “I am capable of anger but anger does not control me”. Being emotional has been one of my “weaknesses”. Yoga does make me a calmer person and my emotions have become more manageable. I would further develop this saying into “I am capable of different emotions, but they do not control me”. I hope I could help those who are emotional and sensitive to gain a more peaceful state of mind and bring awareness to their own senses and thoughts.  
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2015000167
Batch : May/2016

I enjoyed the learning of 200YTT. The course content was very comprehensive and well-rounded. It gives me understanding of all the foundational information of teaching yoga. Instructors were all knowledgeable and experienced. I can feel their enthusiastic to yoga. Yoga Theory was very informative and useful.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000972
Batch : April/2016

In the first session, I was enlightened by Master Yogananth when he was explaining what yoga is. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I was only practicing asanas in the past without knowing the real meaning of yoga. I felt so insufficient and ignorant. However, instead of bewildered, I was inquisitive in further understanding yoga. After attending Master Anurags module on Introduction on Yoga Theory, I then have much clearer concept on philosophy of yoga, which provided me the foundation in understanding the profound orthodox of yoga. The meaning and concepts of “The eight limbs of yoga”, the ways to clear my soul with Yama and Niyama, the ways to achieve harmony of yin and yang inside the body through practicing asanas, kriyas and pranayamas, and the means to achieve Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi all these were brand new horizon for me to explore. I now feel like having something beautiful to pursue throughout my life time, which can lead me to the highest spiritual status. And I hope I can somehow influence the people next to me, simmer down the restless souls and savour the joy of life with them.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015001182
Batch : April/2016

First of all I really want to thanks Master Yogananth for sharing his passion and professionalism with us. My experience during the course could be paragonate as the beginning of a wonderful journey that will never end. Each step I done bring me lightness, path, space, simplicity, brightness, flexibility, warmness, close friend, positivism, strength and much more... I can feel as all my world is changing around me and I feel very grateful. I personally still have a long way to go before I assimilate all that has been teach but seeing all this small progress motivate me to go a head. Level 1 & 2 was physically demanding but incredibly amazing how Master Yogananth bring us in such amazing position and give us so much confidence. I really wont mind repeat this experience one day, who knows.Level 3 was more spiritual and help us connect all the input we received from YTTC 200hrs up to the end I really enjoyed it. Thanks Anahata for offering us this level of teaching in the heart of HK. Thanks for everything.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000793
Batch : April/2016

The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakless, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2014003056
Batch : November/2015

The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakness, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2014003056
Batch : November/2015

I would highly recommended the advance training as a path for all yoga practitioners. I first joined the training hoping to deepen my practice. The training was much more then I expected. Master Yogananths thoughtful guidance pushed every trainee to seek their limits. We tried many advance posture that we all thought we could never achieved. He also shared a lot of his teaching techniques and allowed us to experience yoga through other practitioner by aiding them and working in partner postures. The whole training was fun, rich and inspirational. I was so happy that I feel more connected with myself, my practice and my teaching. The whole training helped me to open a new path in yoga, spiritually and in practice. Truly thanks to Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their kind and heartful guidance.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2015000023
Batch : October/2015

I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000209
Batch : September/2015

I am more than delighted to have chance to attend this advance Level I, II, III. This totally changes my life style & let me know yoga is not just posture. It is more to do with your mind, body & soul altogether. I am happy to say that yoga is part of my daily life now. The Advance Level 1, esp level 2 are real challenging to me. Thank you to the patience of Master Yogananth, he has excellent skill & knowledge to teach us how to overcome our own constraints, to do the asana which I never think that I can manage it, not even dream about it. This advance levels also help us to build up our confidence to pursue further. I am very proud & happy to complete these courses with good guidance from all the masters of Anahata Yoga, they are very professional & super!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002899
Batch : September/2015

I truly treasured the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. During the course I could feel my body getting stronger and could feel the real reward of practicing and learning with master Yogananth. The way he teaches, his presence and focus makes you want to give your very best even when the asanas are quite challenging. A true teacher! Now moving forward I have a broader idea of my weakness and strengths and feel confident and supported to continue on this journey. Thank you very much Master Yogananth!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002612
Batch : September/2015

I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000209
Batch : September/2015

I truly treasured the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. During the course I could feel my body getting stronger and could feel the real reward of practicing and learning with master Yogananth. The way he teaches, his presence and focus makes you want to give your very best even when the asanas are quite challenging. A true teacher! Now moving forward I have a broader idea of my weakness and strengths and feel confident and supported to continue on this journey. Thank you very much Master Yogananth!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002612
Batch : September/2015