Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

Thoughout the course, I developed a clear and much deeper understanding of what yoga really is. Most people in Hong Kong, even some yogis themselves, view yoga as merely doing anatomically challenging postures. It is NOT. I am glad that we were not just learning various postures but the history and philosophy of yoga, yoga anatomy, etc. Master Yogananth, Vishnu, Anurag and Mahesh shared with us the real meaning and teaching of traditional yoga, which is far beyond doing postures. Thank you!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000005
Batch : June/2017

Very insightful and happy to learn more about the body. Good networking and can make contributions through Yoga Community with your organization
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000362
Batch : June/2017

All masters are very intellectual, the class is very structured and organized. I enjoy the class a lot.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000315
Batch : June/2017

Continuous practice of yoga helped my health immensely and it also lowered my craving for sugary food. It improved my flexibility and slept better and felt a whole lot better, and improve perform well in my very stressful job. It also changed my outlook of life. I think I want to embrace it whole-heartedly and live a life that is centered around yoga, spirituality and meditation. It has also proved to be very beneficial especially helping reduce my stress levels, overall energy levels, and most importantly my upper back, especially decongesting my spinal columns and tremendous pain that occurs every now and then whenever I work or travel too much. Combined with my pranayama, it has improved the flow of prana that has helped improve the overall balance of both my mind and body.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000367
Batch : June/2017

I really enjoyed the course. It was extremely rewarding especially learning from Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu. I will always remember the encouragement that Masters gave us in the course. I also like the idea that we complement the class with group classes and self-practice classes. Thank you for providing us with an amazing experience to learn and experience.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000394
Batch : June/2017

I absolutely enjoy of the learning in this 3 months and thanks for all Masters and staff in Anahata.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000677
Batch : June/2017

The 200 hr YTT is a transformational experience. From a practitioner who come to group classes from time to time, to building up the knowledge behind Yoga history, philosophy, practicals, it guides me to embark on a journey to discover more about yoga. It seems like the whole point of teacher training would be to learn to teach. But there're much more to it. It’s more about exploring your love for yoga and deepening your practice. I love the experience of immersing myself in it and with others who enjoy it as much as me. Also, I love that the teachers are very knowledgeable and passionate about teaching yoga. They made a good role model of how a "good" yogi / yoga teacher should be. Many thanks to them. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002146
Batch : June/2017

It is my pleasure to study with the Masters and a group of intelligence yogis. Apart from the formal lectures and group classes, we have exchanged a lot about our own experiences on yoga and how it effects our daily lives. Through the course I know more about my own anatomy, my strengths and areas for improvement. I also learnt from the tradition yoga philosophy on how to maintain calmness and comfort in my mind. The most significant change is that I have developed a habit of self practice regularly. Further, I'm now confident to speak and share my yoga experience to others, and provide guidance to my friends and family to do some simple stretches and asanas which can release the tension on their bodies and minds. I'd love to further my advance my knowledge in the near future!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000014
Batch : June/2017

Yoga has changed my body, mind and spirit very much. Yoga gives me contentment, initiative to change, discipline, dedication and commitment. Through daily yoga practice, I can learn how to build my equanimity. I feel that Yoga is infinite and I am interested and want to know more after the course. Thus, I continue to attend the Advanced Hatha Yoga Intensive Course. It's amazing and funny journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000092
Batch : June/2017

I am happy that I took this Teaching Training, it gives me a more in-depth understanding of what is yoga, I also understand this is just a very basic training and there is so much more to learn. I'd like to thank Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu and Master Anurag for their great teaching and unconditional sharing, they all teach from their hearts and this is a very fruitful experience for me. After this training, I become more aware of my own practice and I will keep on practicing. Namaste!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000093
Batch : June/2017

I feel like a new person after completing the course. It was very insightful and cohesive, definitely made me think deeper into the various techniques and ways of 'Yoga' I can approach to connect better with my body and mind. My lifestyle has changed drastically since bringing my mind to some of the things I was taught like sleeping well and mindful eating. My favourite was probably the philosophy part, understanding the way different disciplines and yogic thinking can help enhance the overall practice, the history of it and different practitioners. It definitely makes me want to know more and study further in some of the subjects. The 200hrs was a good foundation that made me realise the areas I want to further my study in such as Prenatal and Therapy. The teachers never made me feel uncomfortable, very open and knowledgable.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000126
Batch : June/2017

It's an amazing journey to join the YTT course!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000193
Batch : June/2017

When I started this course I knew that I loved yoga as an enjoyable and relaxing form of exercise. The course changed my understanding of what yoga is and how important it is in developing a healthy lifestyle. In particular I enjoyed learning about the role and importance of active and passive meditation, the essential dependency of a healthy mind and body, the role of a healthy vegan/vegetarian diet and the anatomy of the human body. I found the knowledge and passion of the instructors very inspiring. I want to continue learning and developing my yoga practice in the future. I feel more confident about sharing my yoga practice with my friends and family, and I hope I'll be able to participate in voluntary work in the community.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001189
Batch : March/2017

Being in that teacher training course was a great experience for me. i learned a lot during our teacher training class. teachers are very supportive and approachable. they taught us the correct way to do our practice. i learned a lot about body anatomy and how to teach. i'm thankful to all of my teachers us new knowledge that we can use as a yogi. this will be the beginning of a long journey for me as a teacher and a yogi.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001109
Batch : March/2017

Overall I had a really good experience during the course. I really appreciated having different modules of focus. I especially loved Master Yogananth's teaching for the asanas. My suggestion is We could have been given quizzes during each week to help memorize our knowledge. Especially for Sanskrit names, yoga anatomy, or Asana poses.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000045
Batch : March/2017

The masters are very professional and willing to share. The syllabus of the course is clear. I will recommend others who would like to devote in Yoga Teaching to join Anahata's 200 hours YTT.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000015
Batch : March/2017

The yoga teacher course not only enriched my knowledge about the structure of human’s body, details of every single Asana and the teaching skills. Also, it reminded me to be humble, to selflessly share what i have learnt to the people surrounding me. Yoga is an endless path, it pushes me to practice to get better and better on my postures and set my mind free and liberated, which an expensive pair of yoga pants don't work. Practicing yoga can transform and benefit every aspect of life, not just spending time on the yoga mat. I learnt to be kind, trustful and use my energy in a worthwhile way. There’re different masters with different styles in Anahata Yoga which can also wider my horizon on my yoga path. I’m happy to learn and gain so many yoga techniques here! Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000075
Batch : March/2017

Months of yoga training hasn't been quiet an easy journey for me. I had fears to overcome as I had doubts and questions to myself before applying the course; Is it ok to apply if I can’t even touch my toes in forward bend? How am I going to manage my time between classes, work and personal obligations? After all, I am glad that I applied the yoga teacher training course because I’ve learned a lot of things from it about myself, yoga and life. The teacher training course was a major eye opener, I’ve learned many lessons, I’ve met some amazing yoga lovers; I’ve overcome countless obstacles. Throughout my yoga teacher training, I learned so much about my body, I have a better understanding of what my body can do and what adjustment I should make for myself in my yoga practice. I am thankful for my practice with the masters and the others that yoga helps being a better self. Yoga taught me self-love. Also, I am grateful that I’ve learned how to be a good yoga instructor, A good instructor can read their class, and adjust as required even the tone of the voice is needed to be considered. Masters from Anahata have given me many gifts. Yoga is an ongoing practice, I will continue my practice to be a better me and to get better at living. Namaste!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001156
Batch : March/2017

I enjoyed my 200hr Teacher Training very much. Anahata is a very good school for studying yoga. All the teachers in the course were very knowledgable. They always provided very informative answers for our questions and taught with their hearts. The content of the course was very fruitful and comprehensive, not only yoga we have learnt but also history, anatomy, way of living and more. I highly recommend who needs yoga teacher training to come to Anahata.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000972
Batch : March/2017

It was a great experience at 200 hour YTT program. I had been practicing yoga for three years before I started this course, but I only thought yoga was some sort of exercising. I was quite purplexed on the first day of the program where we had to sit for three hours and listen to what the master told about yoga. It was much deeper than what I thought of yoga. But with the great help of masters at Anahata, I got to know more about real yoga and became ready for teach my own class. And all these gave me a new life! Thanks Anahata, the masters, and also those who helped me with registering classes at the reception. With your help, I could finish the program. Hope I could do another teacher program soon!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000047
Batch : March/2017

This Yoga Teacher Training has given me an amazing experience. I learned a lot from the amazing yoga masters at Anahata, and of course this training has deepened my knowledge about yoga. Learning from the basic is good for new yoga teachers, and the yoga masters have been given their best to share their knowledge. I have met so many yogis from this course who have the same passion. Everyone has been so helpful and caring. This community also has made me be a better person. I hope I can share this experience with others in the future. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000076
Batch : March/2017

Feedback and Learning Experience Learning Experience: 1. Enjoyed learning from Master Yogananth about the poses, going through each asana in detail, the prep pose, counter poses, counter indications, modifications, adjustments etc 2. Enjoyed learning about the anatomy of the human body from Master Vishnu 3. Andiappan classes were very helpful in deepening my practice
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000131
Batch : March/2017

I liked: - Holistic & therapeutic approach to yoga: not only as fitness, but as a medicine for the body and mind - A certain degree of flexibility: how to arrange our hours of group and self-training - Teachers who are not only qualified, but who really live yoga as their passion every day - a teaching community to help new teachers improve their skills. Overall, it was a positive experience, that I would like to prolong if I am to stay in Hong Kong.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000134
Batch : March/2017

Teachers - Glad to have chance to learn from all the masters, Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu and Master Mahesh are all like walking encyclopedia of yoga - very knowledgeable and they are all very kind and patience to the students.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000197
Batch : March/2017

The 200 hours teacher training certificate course with Anahata Yoga is definitely a positive experience. The teacher are very well experienced with an enthusiasm to teach. The teacher always try their best to help student regardless whether it is theory, posture, physical body or mental health related. One of the best things I like about this training is the Andiappan course as it really encourages students to do self practice but at the same time we get the benefit of having an experienced instructor nearby to guide us.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000109
Batch : March/2017