Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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First of all thank you very much for this opportunity and chance to learn all aspects of Yoga. As yoga was always a hobby I wanted to learn it more deeply. After asking several yogi what is best way to approach this, they all suggested to take a yoga teacher training course regardless of if you wanted to be a teacher or not. Often in various classes, I was not sure what part of the body I was stretching and strengthening at the same time. The anatomy part of class was almost like taking courses in school, but a great reminder of how important it is to have knowledge on the body parts that you are using during yoga practice. I am very grateful for this as it was very interesting and Master Vishnu kept the class entertained. He did speak quite fast but it was a way to stay on your toes about it as we all knew he had a lot to go through. He was very knowledgable. I also enjoyed the pranayama section as I always had an issue with deep breathing. I spoke to Master Mahesh about this and he gave me advice on how to clear my allergies as well as help do a few chest opening exercises after class. I am very grateful for Master Mahesh's patience. Master Dhiraj's module on theory really open my mind. I believe this part is where I felt emotionally changed from eight limbs of Yoga and how asanas only come 3rd after Yama and Niyama. I also felt spiritually connected to Yoga more after this module and felt my every day life has also improved as I try to practice Yoga as a lifestyle. Lastly, the asana module by Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh was unforgettable. Master Yoganath's deep knowledge has my respect but he is also a very humble teacher, keeping the learning process fun. I really enjoyed how Master also demonstrated the modifications and variations in each pose for each conditions. The masters were very helpful to each individual and I wish we had ever more time individually.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001181
Batch : July/2019

I have been studying at ANAHATA YOGA for more than 4 months, which makes me full of positive energy. Every class is finished in light hearted and clear mind, thank you very much for the teaching of every master in the studio.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001141
Batch : July/2019

It's an amazing course! I highly recommend it.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001209
Batch : July/2019

I love practicing yoga here!! All teachers are very professional and supportive. I feel warm as they really care how we progress and reflect how we can do better. Thanks all the teachers for the inspirations!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001195
Batch : July/2019

All the masters are very experienced and knowledgeable on the yoga theories and practice. I learned many new ways of teaching yoga for beginners and understand the yoga history and different yoga poses better.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000593
Batch : July/2019

I learnt more about yoga's history and philosophy and all teachers are very helpful. They really care about your progress and sincerely help you to enrich your yoga journey. Thank you. Namaste!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000865
Batch : July/2019

This 200hrs is very good to explore physical body movement, anatomy, benefit when doing different yoga pose. unbelievable not only physical and also mental movement Deep knowledge of light, medium preparation, breathing, subtle body movement is relating to achieve the pose without getting hurt Can start be a better yoga instructors’ journey and benefit for self-precise at home. I like to have more andiappan yoga group practice class as some of my classmates have transportation issue in early morning due to the unrest in hk.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000732
Batch : July/2019

Anahata Yoga, to me, is a professional yoga school rather than a yoga studio. The teachers teach truly from their hearts to raise the students up to the next level in the yoga path. I enjoy so much learning from all the masters during the theory lectures and asana practice. I have definitely deepened my knowledge and passion in yoga. However, owing to recent social movements, I encountered much difficulty in reaching Central as the transportation is blocked. Therefore I could not complete all the group class requirement. Please kindly accept my apology. Finally I would like to express my authentic gratitude to Anahata Yoga and the 200hours Yoga Teacher Training Course.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000863
Batch : July/2019

I very much appreciate the course design: four theory modules and numerous practical group classes. The major strength of Anahata's YTT training would be the arrangement of having many masters teaching us at the same time so that we can learn from different styles. In particular, I am very inspired by master Dhiraj's calm and peaceful teaching on the spiritual aspect of yoga and master Vishnu's extensive knowledge on anatomy. Teachers of the group classes are also very pleasant to be with, Edith, Louise, Raja, Dilip, Mahesh and others, they just constantly give out the happy vibes that make Anahata feel like a second home from home. It would be great if maybe one or two of the theory modules can be taught by a female teacher, Anahata has some really good female yoga teachers. And It would also be lovely if there could be more yoga practices for the same batch to join and practice together. Thank you
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000858
Batch : July/2019

Very good course, content and inspiring teachers.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000208
Batch : July/2019

Thoroughly enjoyed the program. Developed a greater understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga, pranayama and how the anatomy plays a role in the asanas practiced, the sequencing and any modification and variation to be done.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000953
Batch : July/2019

It is a wonderful course to let me know more about yoga. Yoga is not just focus on the poses, it is more in meditation and mindful. I had a great time with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000899
Batch : July/2019

The course is amazing! Anahata has the best teachers in Hong Kong and I enjoyed every class with the masters.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001136
Batch : July/2019

After learning yoga from different teachers for 4 years, I found the YTT-200 course offered by Anahata Yoga very systematic and all-rounded. I was taught the science of Yoga, in particular that we need to know the principles behind in order to comprehend the relationship between our anatomy, alignment, muscle engagement and the yoga postures. With teachers from different yoga disciplines and different parts of India, I got a more comprehensive picture of what yoga really is which enables me to make better choice on my future pursues.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000923
Batch : July/2019

I enjoyed this 200 hours YTT course. I get to know some new friends and the masters. All the masters are very educated and I've learned a lot during this program. Although the three hours classes are very tried after a long day of work, the topics in the syllabus were very interesting that keeps me awake. Never thought there were that much knowledge to know in yoga before taking this course. It was the first time for me taking andiappan classes in this center and I think these classes are very useful for all levels of yoga students. I will definitely come back if I decided to take the advance course! Namaste. Jade
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001130
Batch : July/2019

I had wonderful learning and experience in Anahata Yoga. All the Masters and staff are extremely inspiring and helpful!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001142
Batch : July/2019

It's a precious experience of learning yoga in a traditional and thorough way. From historical background and knowledge to the philosophy, from anatomical and physiological theories to asana practice, from introduction of pranayama and meditation to my inner soul searching, this course opens the door for me to the beautiful world of yoga! I appreciate the patient guidance from the masters I've met, incl. Yogananth, Vishnu, Dhiraj, Mahesh, Guruprit, Raja, Aarya,Yoko, Anuja, Edith. The group classes and Andiappan classes had led me to a significant improvement (though I still have way lots of room to improve haha). I look forward to my next course with Anahata Yoga!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001115
Batch : July/2019

This course provided an opportunity to understand my body and changed my daily routine. I started to listen to my body, how to stand, sit, when to sleep and practice. It also inspired me while studying the yoga theory. As it connects to my other life, art life, so well. I'm trying to combine these two lives into one, and sharing it with those in the art scene. I do hope more people could start to practice yoga and benefit from it. I definitely will share the above knowledge and contribute to the community in the future. Thank you Anahata Yoga for offering such a great course.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001068
Batch : July/2019

With good teaching team who are very passionate and dedicated. The booking system of the classes can be improved as i enjoy to attend all the lessons.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001230
Batch : July/2019

A systematic course to learn the philosophy of yoga, asanas and breathing techniques. Teachers are very dedicated and willing to share their knowledge and experience without any reservations. I've learnt a lot from them not only the practice of asanas, but also the attitude of facing challenges in difficult circumstances in life. The teachers are very inspiring. Gain a lot of personal self practice tips from masters in Andiappan yoga classes. Highly recommended for all levels of yoga lovers.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000612
Batch : July/2019

It was a great 200hr-teaching where we could learn a good mix of yoga theory and practice. I find this has given me a very good foundation of yoga and has put on the right track to start to teach and build my own yoga classes. I feel very confident of the steps to go into a pose and come out of it, but it would have been great to get more practice about the sequencing of these different poses. I loved the andiappan yoga classes even if they were optional and really felt this was when you could make the most improvements. Thank you !
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001124
Batch : July/2019

The teacher training course was excellent and very indepth. However, there was so much information covered and retaining all information was a challenge for me. The materials given can be more organised which would help remember and provide a mental structure by which to organize one's learning.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002804
Batch : July/2019

It's a great course that deepens my understanding of yoga not only improves our asana practice by learning in detail how to approach the postures by paying attention of different human anatomies but also helps us develop a healthy lifestyle in general. I also find this course particularly helpful to prevent injuries in our yoga practice, especially how to protect the weaker joints like the knees and shoulders. The masters are very knowledgeable and patient. The classes are very enjoyable and fun!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018001122
Batch : July/2019

Thanks all the Masters for teaching from the heart and sharing their experiences with us! I improved a lot physically and spiritually after completing the Teacher Training Course after understanding more on the history, theory, anatomy, pranayama, kriyas, and of course, asanas. The teaching techniques which we learnt not only enable us to guide the others in practice, but also enhance our self-awareness and improvements when practising on our own. I would say the course is great for both who want to be teachers or just simply want to enhance their knowledge in yoga practice. Just a little suggestion on the course: It would be better if the pranayama/kriyas module could be shortened a bit and the asanas and teaching module could be lengthened a bit.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000378
Batch : June/2019

This YTT has really helped be to be a yoga teacher. I learned deeper understanding for each poses - from anatomy view, Chakra awareness, benefits, warm up, steps, variation, modification, neutralizing and counter poses and how to arrange a class. 200 hours YTT helps me to apply the study i did during 300 hours yoga therapy teacher training. Apply all in can be a solid base for my teaching, will keep on learning via teaching at the Andiappan Yoga Community. Thank you all Masters.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000922
Batch : June/2019

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