Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jul 2017 – 28 Sep 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3302
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000404
High quality of teaching Very comprehensive breath of subjects (chakras, mudras, bandas, kriyas, asanas, yogic lifestyle, asanas, anatomy, etc.) - Thought the anatomy module was excellent - I felt like I learned a lot (more than I would have expected in a 200 hours course) Inclusion of Kriyas which are seldom taught in other schools Workload distribution between evening classes and some week-ends Opportunity to join the volunteering community after the course

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3225
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000490
Being YTT student in Anahata Yoga is a chance of me. I registered Anahata Yoga because of course time proper of me. This is a luck for me. Anahata Yoga is the right place to learn yoga in traditional way. After attending Anahata Yoga, I can understand more deeply how yoga can be meditative and relaxing. I felt more mindfully. I felt really lucky to meet all masters and learn their yogic way. I am feeling sad that I have no chance to attend other YTT in Anahata Yoga because of leaving Hong Kong. Thanks to everyone.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time) 15 April – 18 May 2016
YTT Number : IYATT-2730
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000793
First of all I really want to thanks Master Yogananth for sharing his passion and professionalism with us. My experience during the course could be paragonate as the beginning of a wonderful journey that will never end. Each step I done bring me lightness, path, space, simplicity, brightness, flexibility, warmness, close friend, positivism, strength and much more... I can feel as all my world is changing around me and I feel very grateful. I personally still have a long way to go before I assimilate all that has been teach but seeing all this small progress motivate me to go a head. Level 1 & 2 was physically demanding but incredibly amazing how Master Yogananth bring us in such amazing position and give us so much confidence. I really wont mind repeat this experience one day, who knows.Level 3 was more spiritual and help us connect all the input we received from YTTC 200hrs up to the end I really enjoyed it. Thanks Anahata for offering us this level of teaching in the heart of HK. Thanks for everything.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Full time)
YTT Number : IYATT-2926
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001212
Overall, the Advanced Practice teacher training was a tremendous growth experience for me, both physically (increased strength & flexibility) and mentally (improved confidence, courage & knowledge). I had reached a point in my personal practice where I was no longer progressing by going to group classes and wanted to learn how to take my practice to the next level. Additionally, I was interested in teaching professionally and wanted to get some experience to see if I would enjoy it and to see if I had the aptitude for it. I was pleased with the variety of postures we focused on throughout the course and the three hour class duration provided the opportunity to really open my body and try more challenging poses. This, coupled with the personal assistance given by the instructors and the knowledge I gained of the muscular anatomy helped me to learn not just which muscles to engage/relax when doing challenging postures, but also how to properly warm up the body and which neutralizing movements and counter-poses to do in order to prevent injury. I found the manuals to be extremely informative. They were instrumental during the course and will serve as an ongoing reference for my personal practice. The photographic sequence for the Warm Up and Steps provided a great visual guide to achieving certain postures and the related text helped to increase my knowledge of the anatomy involved with each pose, as well as the health benefits. As for the supplemental sections, Rope yoga was particularly useful in order to learn how to safely use the props to open the body and practicing the Kriyas was a great experience that seems important for anyone who wants to teach. Partner yoga was fun and probably good for future teachers to be aware of the practice, but I did not find it to be critical and would prefer to work on more individual poses, if I were to do the course over again. Minor suggestions for improvement include: highlighting which of the warm up poses is the eligibility pose, in the text you could suggest a counter pose, highlight risk of injury and add what the main challenge of the pose is, lastly page numbers would be great to save time in class. During the training my greatest challenge, as well as my greatest area of growth, came during the teaching exercises. I appreciated learning more about the anatomy for specific postures, which translated into a better understanding of how to get into the poses myself, as well as how to articulate to someone else how to do so. I was grateful for all the opportunities given throughout the course to practice assisting one another. Personally, I was nervous to lead the class and appreciated that we were eased into the experience over the three modules, starting with leading the chanting, teaching warm up, teaching two poses and ending by running 1/3 of a class. As someone interested in teaching, the more opportunities to practice, the better, if not to get over my nerves on the mat, then to figure out how to put together a comprehensive sequence for a full class. I know time is limited during the actual course, so Ive welcomed the opportunity to work with the Andiappan community. It has provided invaluable exposure to students and has allowed me to find my own voice and become more comfortable with my teaching style. The Teaching Methodology handout has been a helpful resource, providing general instructions on how to conduct oneself as a teacher and a detailed framework for how to structure a class. If you were able to expand on it and offer some sample sequences for classes that focused on back bending, forward bending, shoulders and upper back, hip and hamstring opening or inversions, Im sure future students would appreciate. Lastly, the single greatest value of the course came from Master Yogananth Andiappan. His personal practice is an inspiration and his guidance, wisdom and humility made him, as well as the advanced yoga postures, wholly accessible. I had complete confidence in his knowledge and ability to adjust me in such a way as to get into poses that seemed beyond my reach. Thank you for providing such an amazing experience.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3339
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000959
The course on the whole was fantastic. I felt part of a family of Yoga masters, who would take their time in answering any questions I had, who showed extraordinary kindness and compassion. I was particularly delighted when Master Dhiraj joined Anahata as I felt he was more Yin in personality, and I thoroughly enjoyed the spiritual nature of his classes. He encouraged me to continue my practice. Towards the end of the course, my body felt stronger so I felt I was ready to move onto more challenging classes of which there seems to be a majority. Overall, I am so delighted to have done the course; to have shared the experience with so many like-minded wonderful people, and so very grateful. I would recommend the course, and have done so already, to several people already. Thank you!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3243
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000567
First of all my gratitude to all the teachers for their time and support while learning, it was a very good experience to have something like Anahata centre in Hong Kong. The Andiappan Anahata centre is a great yoga facility in fast pace Hong Kong, the centre run classes from 7am to 9 pm thats amazing. Each and every Teacher here is very punctual, I never seen any classes got cancelled. More over the atmosphere of the centre is so good that you get addicted to go again and again to attend variety of yoga classes made available to us. All the classes whether its a Power Yoga B class, or Hatha Yoga B class, are tailor made to suit every one of us to reach the final pose, while the teachers keep in mind the advanced students who need to experience more variation when doing poses. In our 200 hrs Teacher Training I got to know many new things about yoga, most important was that while most of us relate Yoga with physical postures, it is much much more than simply doing difficult postures, and more about the opening and centering of the inner being. I personally feel the Andiappan yoga class is really good class everyone should try it, teachers really make an effort to reach each and every one in the class who is having difficulty trying the pose; they have set of different posture of every one to help them to reach final pose. They also have full knowledge of the body anatomy. From spiritual point of view to physical aspect of yoga each and everything was discussed thoroughly, I personally got so much information about the human body and its self-healing powers. We get rid of fear while challenging our own body limits, this is what I realised when I tried doing a Head Stand, with all support initially I was sacred then one day while trying with the wall support I was able to do that and that day I really felt happy and realised how sometimes challenging the body limits helps release fear in the mind.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3262
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000636
I joined Anahatha yoga about 3 years ago and knew about the 200 hours Yoga Teacher training program by my friend. However, I could never find time to join until both of my kids go to the full-day school last September. And now I had finished this program and I have to say that it was a great experience for people like me have being practicing asana regularly for years but actually treat yoga as a stretch exercise or work out and knows nothing else about Yoga. Im so happy that I was brought to another level of my yoga practice. Thought this 200 hours, I understand the history and philosophy of yoga, the life style, the diet and even the anatomy. It helps me to correct some mistakes I used to make during my practice and build up good habits with a healthy mind. I would strongly recommend all yoga lovers to join the course. Its not only to enrich the knowledge of yoga but also lead us to a completely healthy life style for the future.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3270
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000646
I have enjoyed the YTT200 hours course a lot. I used to think that I am not good enough to join the teacher training course, since I am not flexible to come to many postures in perfection and I did not know much about the yoga terminologies. After this course, I have learned a great deal on the background and philosophy of yoga. It is not only about the physical movement, but also the alignment to our mind and soul along with proper breathing. It is about self-awareness of our body when we are doing a pose; it is about self-discipline and persistent when it comes to becoming a yoga practitioner. This is how I learn about self-improvement through the learning and practice of yoga on a regular basis. All the teachers of YTT are very helpful and patient, they have a way to teach us how to approach the asana step by step or in modification according to our anatomy. I appreciate to their encouragement and support toward my learning journey. I am also grateful to have met my classmates who share the same passion. They have made the learning experience more interesting with the exchange on our learning and knowledge about yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3120
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000186
“This is my first official training. I had after practicing yoga for two years. I really appreciate the effort the instructors put into and I feel like I now understand yoga in another new (but good kind of way) perspective. Ever since I injured my back in the beginning of 2017. I know I have not been practicing yoga in the correct way. This teacher training course reminds me that yoga is not only about asnans, but the connection of mind of body. If there is one thing that I would like to suggest, is the layout and content of the course book. Some of the pages are missing certain words and even certain paragraph (e.g. in the muscle movement part). I understand the course book is only assisting us with the course, but would like to have a fully written course book so that we can revise the content by ourselves. I enjoyed the teacher training course very much.” Student ID IYATT-3120

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jul 2017 – 28 Sep 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3216
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000472
I have learned yoga for 3 years but it was actually my first time learning floor yoga. For the past two years, I devoted myself completely in Aerial (or Flying / Antigravity) Yoga because I love the way it helped me concentrate and clear my mind. One day, one of my friends suggested me to get a teacher certificate because they found my skills useful for them; since that day, things changed. The IYATT-200 hour course has been fulfilling to me. The masters are very professional and caring, they are patient in answering our questions and clearing our concepts, making sure that we understand everything fully. Some masters here are rather cool, but their coolness motivated me to self-practice, this is a big change in me since I had been relying much on my yoga teacher before. Upon completion of the course, I have better understanding about myself. I find that I could be quite stressed when I am in a large group and I tend to compare myself with others, I could be so pressured that it even affected my performance in class. What I have to learned is to deal with stress and expectations on myself, this is a subject that I had been learning since I was 13 years old, the year I suffered from Depression. This course helped me to learn to let go of the negativity in life, or straightly speaking, embrace them as part of my life journey. I really want to express my gratitude to all the Masters for delivering and arranging well-planned lessons, activities, experiences and sharing with all of us. They have made Yoga an even better and inspirational journey for me.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jul 2017 – 28 Sep 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3303
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000325
The course timing is great for people who has a full time job. I especially enjoyed the sections led by Master Yogananth and Vishnu. The course could give students more time to finish the andiappan classes as they are super useful.

Course Name : 100-hours Kids Yoga Teacher Training (10 October 2017 – 23 November 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3291
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000128
I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Kids Yoga Teacher Training. All Masters are extremely knowledgeable and shared with us extremely valuable information and wisdom which builds a strong foundation as we embark on becoming Kids Yoga Teachers as well as for our own practice. The training is completely comprehensive programme from the childs anatomy, asanas and modifications for various age groups, breathing, yoga games, teaching practicals, etc. all whilst maintaining the fun element because it is after all for kids. Masters would always wholeheartedly answer our questions and be open to any clarifications and doubts as well. Another thing I would like to share is that the environment was very encouraging and supportive and the group always helped one another out - I believe this is an important point for the learning and the full credit goes to the Masters and the full Anahata Yoga team who created such atmosphere. Personally speaking, this warm and welcoming environment in the teachers training, as well as Anahata Yoga as a whole, is something I genuinely like and believe is important. Ive completed the training and look forward to growing as a Kids Yoga Teacher!

Course Name : 100-hours Kids Yoga Teacher Training (10 October 2017 – 23 November 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2913
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000464
I feel blessed choosing Anahata to study my Kids Yoga Teacher Training. Teaching kids is different from teaching adults. It needs skills and experience to become a good kids yoga teacher. Anahata provides plenty opportunity for students to gain experience in teaching. I would recommend my friends to study here as well.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2800
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001182
The programme is comprehensive. Anatomy and asana sessions were taught in detail. Master Vishnu delivered fantastic sessions on anatomy and physiology. I enjoyed his classes a lot. In conclusion, the programme was informative and practical. If duration of the course can be lengthened a bit, I am sure I can benefit even more.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2885
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000343
I completed my 200 hour teacher training course at Anahata in 2016, and came back to Anahata for this 300 hour yoga therapy teacher training course in 2017 because I really enjoyed my experience here, and all teachers are very knowledgeable. I like that this course taught us yoga therapy from the traditional Ayurveda approach. Ideally, the hours of theory teaching can be increased since there is so much to learn about yoga therapy.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2982
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000731
I completed my 200 hour teacher training course at Anahata in 2016, and came back to Anahata for this 300 hour yoga therapy teacher training course in 2017 because I really enjoyed my experience here, and all teachers are very knowledgeable. I like that this course taught us yoga therapy from the traditional Ayurveda approach. Ideally, the hours of theory teaching can be increased since there is so much to learn about yoga therapy.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3227
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000498
1. I can know more about yoga by studying the anatomy, pranayama and body constitutes types, marma points that I did not know before. 2. Yoga is a sophiscated study that many issues are interrelated. Such as Air, Earth, Wind, etc have their own with the human beings. 3. Amazing when I am doing the assignment, I have the chance to apply the yogic knowledge practically. It is an valued experiential learning process for future. 4. Information and knowledge is enough on the notes. 5. In fact, I have a good harvest to study this course which can nurture my yogic value, knowledge and skills.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2994
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000781
Its been a few days that I reflect on how to recap in a comment the Yoga Therapy course and the image that continues to come to my mind is that of a full backpack because, figuratively, this is what I finally brought to home. Master Visnhu has transmitted to me many of his infinite knowledge, not only what it concerns anatomy, but above all Ayurveda (a world so far unknown to me), Tredosha, Marma and diet, as well as making me a better teacher, have changed my way of practicing Yoga. Master Yogananth is pure anatomy in motion. In a few hours he manages to enrich the knowledge of his students and to transmit all his love and his passion for Yoga. If I look in the backpack, I find what you have transmitted in those months, the wealth of experiences that you have given me and especially the desire to get involved to make it excellent. Now it only depends on me to make the most of this incomparable "knowing" and start to use it. Namasté

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3254
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000618
The YTT course inspired me about the aims on practicing yoga rather than just doing the asanas. It is not only about the training on yoga, also taught me about the spiritual of life. I have totally changed about yoga what I have understood previously. I can feel the differences on my mental and practical aspects after the YTT course. I am really treasure that I could attend the YTT training at Anahata. In Anahata, all staffs are really friendly and helpful.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2541
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000301
I thoroughly enjoyed the 100 Hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course with all the masters in Anahata. They were outstanding in leading us through their fully immersive program. Its my third Teacher Training I have completed in Anahata and all the courses material was structured so brilliantly and systematically; that we were able to cover a plethora of topics in a relatively short amount of time - and retain it! We dove deeply into beautiful pranayama and asana practices and learnt how to craftfully structure a class energetically and physically. I have learned more about myself, happiness, compassion for others and most importantly, listen to my body as a mom-to-be! Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh & Master Vishnu!

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3050
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000929
Its an informative yet fun course. Many different instructors were involved in introducing different topics concerning pregnancy including yoga asanas for pregnant women and Ayurveda advice. All the students enjoyed the class and the instructors were very willing to answer all our questions during and after the class.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3121
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000192
This is my second Yoga Teacher Training course and I have learnt and benefited a lot from this course. Pregnancy is an incredibly special time in womens life. So this makes me very curious about prenatal yoga. As I m a yoga lover (I m also a woman?), I would like to know how yoga can help with a pregnancy and this course was most educational. I have learnt about physiological and emotional changes in pregnancy period. Pregnant women may have different conditions like depression, back pain and insomnia… etc. I am now more fully appreciate the sacrifice of mother. I have learnt many interdictions and asana suitable for pregnant women and what to avoid during this period now. I hope my knowledge can help with my teaching of pregnant women Finally, I do want to thank all Masters who had taught me in this course. They are all very kind and professional, I hope I can join other advanced classes in the coming year! Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3388
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000020
After taking the 200 hrs. YTT certificate course in Anahata Yoga, I have learned the comprehensive knowledge of yoga history, philosophy, pranayama, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra-chanting, anatomy, asana practices, teaching skills and the yoga-life sharing knowledge from different yoga masters. It is really inspiring, useful and practical in our daily life. Since the course is quite intensive that we have to complete the self and group practices in the Centre within 4 months. I had come to practice different types of asana once I had time. Surprisingly, theres a good progress in my physical body and asana when I keep practicing even those simple warm up sequences and asana in the Centre the last 3 months. I become more passionate to practice when I know the benefits & philosophy behind each pose as well as the encouragement of the yoga masters and my yogi buddies there too. Now, I still take 10-15 minutes to keep practicing my asana every morning and night at home no matter how tired and busy that day is. The mock up group teaching demonstration in the last lesson was so impressive. Its definitely not easy to be a good yoga teacher, giving clear steps by steps instructions verbally while demonstrating the poses in a big class. For me, there is a lot to improve! Thus, finished 200 hrs. YTT is just a starting point and there is still a long way to go in the yoga journey. When I was doing the assignment on writing steps, I really need to go to the mat and follow those each step myself so as to make sure that every step that I wrote is practical while easy understanding. Meanwhile, the more I followed what the detailed, the more awareness my body gained while doing the posture. I have more understanding on the Ashtanga Yoga history and philosophy after finished the Yoga theory assignment. In order to get more improvement in asana practice and build up my inner strength, I dedicated myself further to commit another 200 hrs. Of advanced training in Anahata Yoga. Hopefully, Im getting more confident to equip myself more practical techniques and knowledge with the guidance of masters so as to be a good teacher that I can share my learning experiences and the yoga knowledge such as Asana, pranayama, breathing techniques with as many people as possible one day.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3327
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000883
The 200 hrs. YTT course was very rewarding for me and a wonderful experience and journey. I am very grateful for what I have learned and it helps me to work on myself in many di?erent ways. I would like to thank all the dedicated masters who made so much e?ort to teach us and were always available for questions and to clarify any doubts I had. Once I started with the Andiappan classes I starting seeing a di?erence and improvement in my Asana and I will de?nitely will continue to attend them. Maybe it would have been wonderful to have more dedicated classes for sequencing and how to teach at the end of the course. Completing the 200 hrs. Teacher Training is only the beginning of a blissful journey for me! Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3337
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000942
I was learning yoga for almost 5 years, but only Asana, never pranayama or meditation before. This course showed me another face of yoga, that I can truly feel the benefit. The course gives me the opportunity to improve my Asana skills, by breaking it down steps by steps, so I have a better understanding of the pose and its impact in the body/anatomy. The masters are really kind and full of knowledge, learning from them really helps me to improve.