Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (Part time)
YTT Number :
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017001021
The 200 YTT course has been a fantastic experience. The Masters are very knowledgeable, patient, and provide ongoing support. It was great to experience variety of teaching/guiding styles. Every one of the masters brought to the course incredible amount of positive energy and it was a pleasure to learn from them. I would highly recommend this course to my friends. I am also looking forward to continue my personal yoga journey and continue to practice at Anahata after the summer. Thank you for to all for all.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3432
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000241
I am grateful to complete this 200-hour YTT course at the Anahata Yoga. I did not have any regular yoga practise before the course though I have tried a few yoga classes in different studios/fitness centres before. My feeling to yoga was a relatively boring and slow exercise. From this 200-hour YTT course, I learnt more about the background of yoga in different areas, from its history, philosophy, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, teaching techniques etc. Through the intensive classes, I maintained a regular practise in the past few months and learnt different techniques from different talented yoga masters. More importantly, I learnt that yoga is a life-long learning and practising process. It taught me to observe and accept myself and yoga is not for comparison. I will continue my yoga journey starting from this 200-hour YTT course.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3413
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000166
It was a great experience. I have gained an immense amount of yoga knowledge that is the yoga philosophy and anatomy. I was able to connect with other yoga enthusiasts through Anahata yoga. It has been a very fruitful few months and I am excited to share what I have learnt with others and also cannot wait go further with my yoga journey to take on the next 300 hours to extend my yoga knowledge and practice.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3412
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000160
When I first joined Anahata Yoga studio, I didnt realise how this could be a life-changing experience. Before Anahata, I used to do yoga on and off however, this was the first time I took Yoga seriously and decided to do a yoga certification course. As time went by, I learned more about the history of yoga and human anatomy. As an Indian, I had expected that I knew a lot about yoga, however, with time, I realised I had a lot to learn. The course material provided by Anahata was very good and drew me to read more books and understand different facets of yoga. The tutors at Anahata have been an inspiration. They are all humble and very thorough with their teaching and practices. They all are very compassionate and cater to everyones needs. I also liked the Group sessions that Anahata provided as a bundle. These have helped me to practice my learnings and poses. I have been able to discuss with my family and teach them various poses and have long conversations on the benefits of yoga with them. By doing so, it has helped me solidify my concepts in my mind and build my own perspective on yoga. It has also helped me at a personal level as I have found myself getting calmer and more composed day by day and found a way to channel my stress in a positive manner. Anahata has helped me grow a lot as an individual and I believe that it is one of the best yoga studios Ive attended.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3410
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001753
I have joined the 200ytt as a personal development journey to follow my passion and curiosity for Yoga. All teachers have been extremely professional and patient during all hours of classes, they have been of a great support for all student to share their knowledge and tangible life experiences, helping us to reach the posture of best of our abilities and showing us clear steps on how to improve through asana. I have enjoyed the opportunity of a brief teaching experience although the course is not enough to prepare you and build the necessary confidence requested for teaching to others. The practice hours were long and with an intense full time job it wasnt always easy to manage, however I am proud of how much I have been able to develop myself in these months. I will be certainly continue my practice and studies as I do wish one day to be able to share my experiences and support people who do wish to join the yoga path. As a suggestion, teaching classes should be combined with theory and practical on same session to make them more dynamic and maintain students focus.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3398
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000079
It was an eye-opening experience. It was a great experience the learn from different masters. Each master were very passionate about teaching. They were willing to answer our questions outside of class. I truly enjoyed learning not only Asanas but also the history of yoga. Thank you for the great experience.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (21 May 2018 – 7 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2728
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000789
After I completed YTT 200 hours and Yoga Therapy 300hours, I was looking for something challenging to do. Hatha Advance Level 1-2 was the perfect training to do since I was looking for something to deepen and develop my practice. I started my 30 hours self-practice earlier because I knew that my body needed to be ready for a minimum of 3 hours of intensive practice a day during this training. The poses are challenging, but we did an intensive warm-up and preparation every time and they showed us steps to follow to the final pose. Sometimes the final pose was too difficult for me, but we had variations and modifications of every asana. I felt very safe during the training, as Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal were very clear about how to prepare our body, performing safely avoiding injury. I learnt a lot of poses also in Sanscrit name, anatomy, benefits, and chakra awareness and technics regarding how to use props. Im very happy with the result, and I feel confident to do my home practice working on these beautiful poses. Thank you very much to the Masters that guided me and helped me to do my best. Namaste

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (21 May 2018 – 7 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3230
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000503
Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal. It is a gift to be able to experience the practice with you. I have proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and living a better life. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3384
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000007
The 200 hours YTT at ANAHATA has been an amazing experience. The content of the course is well thought, with a tremendous amount of essential knowledge in terms of philosophy, anatomic and asana practice aspects of yoga. It includes a complete and essential digest of basic knowledge for any dedicated yoga practitioner I believe and even more for any aspiring teacher. The quality of the course was beyond my expectation, particularly in terms of anatomic knowledge taught during the course. The highlight of the course and the source of its quality remain from my point of view the amazing teachers and their dedication. It has been truly inspiring to get to learn from such different and unique teachers, who shared with so much passion and patience their knowledge, practice, tips and even simple life advice. From Master Vishnu, the living anatomic and therapeutic encyclopaedia and his warming laugh, Master Nirmal and his contagious zest of life, Master Anurag with his strong wisdom, Master Mahesh the humble “prodigy” and Master Yogananth with its impressing mastery of yoga in all its aspects. But also, all the other teachers of the studio, who taught us so much during their classes. From Master Dhiraj, with his literally body and soul healing classes, Master Kamal with his powerful technique, Master Aarya with his harmonious classes that inspire to go beyond ones limits, and many more.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3393
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000038
Being part of the Anahata 200hrs YTT was truly an enjoyable journey. Each instructor offered their guidance selflessly, enriching the experience with their unique perspective. I could literally breath the positive energy and intention of all the program participants (practitioners and instructors). There were times where I felt like a 5 year old in a playground full of friends.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (2 February 2018 – 24 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3186
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000379
Thank you. Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh and Master Vishnu. They are very experienced and devoted themselves in the teaching. We are inspired and aroused to learn more and reassure the benefits of yoga. The training was fun and interesting.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (2 February 2018 – 24 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3272
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000671
I truly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. Master analyzed every pose in anatomy view and explained very detail of how to get into each pose and variations. Although poses are hard and intense but I truly learned a lot. I would highly recommend for anyone who is interested in exploring more in Yoga. Yoga poses are widely performed but not widely well understood. In this course you can learn lots of knowledge of Yoga. It was a unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. Appreciate all Masters put their effort in teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teacher training.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (11 June 2018 – 28 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2728
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000789
After I completed YTT 200 hours and Yoga Therapy 300hours, I was looking for something challenging to do. Hatha Advance Level 1-2 was the perfect training to do since I was looking for something to deepen and develop my practice. I started my 30 hours self-practice earlier because I knew that my body needed to be ready for a minimum of 3 hours of intensive practice a day during this training. The poses are challenging, but we did an intensive warm-up and preparation every time and they showed us steps to follow to the final pose. Sometimes the final pose was too difficult for me, but we had variations and modifications of every asana. I felt very safe during the training, as Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, and Master Kamal were very clear about how to prepare our body, performing safely avoiding injury. I learnt a lot of poses also in Sanscrit name, anatomy, benefits, and chakra awareness and technics regarding how to use props. I m very happy with the result, and I feel confident to do my home practice working on these beautiful poses. Thank you very much to the Masters that guided me and helped me to do my best. Namaste

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (11 June 2018 – 28 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3256
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001725
It was a special experience for me to join the Level 1 course as a woman in midlife with stiff muscles. All of the final postures in the handout looked like mission impossible for me at the beginning. However, all the masters of Anahata are very professional, patient and helpful. We never got any chances to injure ourselves during the practice of those challenging poses. After the intensive three-week training, I can perform most of the variation and modification poses and feel great and blissful about it. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3271
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000385
Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu are great teachers and very experienced for the yoga practice and teaching and very are knowledgeable yoga masters. Not only I have learned the yoga demonstration and teaching techniques but also the yoga philosophy which really impacts my daily life. My feeling is that yoga is a board subject. The course has equipped me to further explore the yoga world and both master really encouraged me to further study and investigate the yoga knowledge. Master Mahesh is always helping his student sincerely. Thank you Anahata Yoga for this life-changing experience.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3527
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000597
I would conclude that the YTT is the most meaningful and rewarding experience I had during the summer break. Prior to the teaching training, I have no formal training experience in Yoga. Throughout the two months of learning, I have gained profound changes in the understanding and awareness of the body and mind as well as the philosophy of yoga. The course is a very comprehensive introduction to the teaching of yoga as it consists of various modules that the key elements of yoga. After the 200 YTT, I hope to further enhance my practice and knowledge in Yoga. I realized that “The more you know, the more you dont know”. In the coming days, I would continue with my self-practice and read more books about yoga. I also hope to join the Anahata Community Group to try teaching yoga and serve the community. I would also consider taking the more advanced course, in order to

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3514
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000561
This course has been fantastic and I learned so much from the entire experience - it was a pleasure to be part of such a wonderful class and I cannot wait to take the knowledge I learned from this class and apply it to my own practice and to my teaching.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3513
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000554
The course is comprehensive and well-designed, covering various aspects of yoga, from anatomy, asanas, lineages, mantra, pranayama, kriyas to bandhas. It is just a right mix of theory and practice, teaching me what yoga teachers should know and all the important points to pay special attention to. All Masters are very enthusiastic to teach and share their knowledge. Besides just teaching, they are so warm that they really care about students well-being and health, both physical and mental. I appreciate their care and vehemence deeply. I feel so profoundly indebted to their teaching and concern. I am truly enlightened and get to know what yoga really is. Yoga, now I understand, is the attitude towards life, and balance. How ignorant I once was, only knowing that yoga was just posture and asana. This understanding is really shallow, and if a yoga teacher really just focuses on asanas, and just keeps pursuing postures, it is somewhat misunderstanding the essence of yoga. I am very much inspired by the Masters. They taught me that yoga is in life, not in the studio. It is how you live as an integral person, with cultivation, love and peace in the heart that counts. Thank you, Masters. I will try to bring yoga to my everyday life. Besides, I get to know my limitations. I once tended to compare myself with the others, envious of what others could do. Now I try not to compare but respect myself. I come to know everyone has limitations, but we just get to accept them. We are what we are. Everyone is unique and got different structures. Just accept them and do what we can. Thank you, Masters, once again for enlightening me. Thank you.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3511
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000546
I am so grateful to have joined the 200-hour yoga teacher training at Anahata. It has been a great and wonderful experience for me. The masters here are all very experienced and provide invaluable advice and guidance on our alignments and which postures would best suit our bodies and skills. In these few months, I have found myself progressing gradually from one who does not manage to do a headstand to one who can now do it for some time with some simple variations. I have gained more strength and also flexibility on my back throughout the training after attending the group and Andiappan classes by Masters Yogannath, Mahesh, Vishnu, Guruprit and Aarya. Not only do the practical classes benefit me, I am also very much inspired by the theory classes which lead us to the history and origins of the yoga, the various sutras, mudras, pranayama, etc, enriching us with the life philosophy of yoga. Master Yogannaths sharing of thoughts that there is no perfect posture but the only one which suits an individuals needs the most and that yogis should try to learn and experience the different modes and styles of teaching by different masters are indeed very impressive. Thanks to the generosity of masters, some of us have the opportunity to do a demonstration of a sequence at the big yoga event IRIS. That was again a very memorable and wonderful experience and I sincerely hope that the Andiappan Yoga Community will grow bigger and more and more people will benefit from understanding and doing yoga in the future. Some very minor remarks are that it would be better if more Andiappan classes are available in the evenings or on weekends. Furthermore, I believe members here would welcome more classes taught by master Yogananth as its really quite difficult, to register for masters classes.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3508
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000526
I am a 25-year-old girl. The most important thing that I learned during YTT course was that yoga is not only about movements but also the spirit. Yoga had changed my mind from not willing to walk out my comfort zone to being positive on facing challenges. It seems like there is a voice telling me I can do even better. It was such an honour as one of the students of the classes. The masters are professional and patient on guiding me. They encourage my strengths and offer advice on my weaknesses and that is the most useful and meaningful part to help me keep improving my skills on yoga. Thank you so much.Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3507
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000520
The training was a truthfully great experience. It is a very good first approach to Yoga and teaching. I very much like the spiritual aspect of the training. The anatomy and asana modules were great eye openers on my current limitations. I would say it is a good start to be a better teacher for myself and it gave me more willing to pursue in this direction. I also think it is a lot of information to digest in a short period of time, especially when dealing with office work. I would have hoped to have more time to assimilate and more time for andiappan classes. But it is part of life:)

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3492
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000465
Its been great weeks learning and getting more in-depth knowledge about not only yoga practices but also about the anatomy of human body and yoga history that deepen my understanding about yoga. It was a great course that had very clear outlines of learning materials every week, and I liked the way how the yoga masters tried to really train us to become successful instructors through providing very thorough feedback on individuals.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3487
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000448
They are all very passionate about all aspects of yoga so I have learned a lot of knowledge and gain experience from them. I love the course. I would highly recommend for anyone who is interested in Yoga. If you have any doubt or question, you may ask masters after the classes, they are willing to answer and explain. I really enjoy being a student in the course, given lots of chances to learn and practice.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3479
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000430
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the depth of knowledge and experience of all the masters. I have gained different experience from different masters. The amount of knowledge that I have obtained at Anahata Yoga is life-changing. and I grew an enormous amount intellectually, spiritually and emotionally over the course. I appreciate its clarity, commitment, and broad knowledge and experience. This is more than just an education, it was a life-affirming experience.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3454
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000345
I had been practicing yoga for about a year and a half before I came across and applied for the part-time 200hr YTTC at Anahata Yoga. Yoga had helped me with my flexibility and state of mind and I was interested to deepen my knowledge of yoga and learn how to develop self-practice. I was basically doing a series of random asanas without really knowing the purpose of each one or if I was even doing them properly! The yoga masters at this studio are extremely knowledgeable about yoga from all aspects, with different masters teaching different modules of the course. I really appreciate how they are able to make that knowledge accessible and relatable to anyone regardless of their background knowledge. I could always approach them if I had any wonderings and everyone at the studio and the course were also very supportive. I feel the advantage of doing YTT part-time is that it provides you with time and space to digest all the wonderful things you are learning and have a go at experiencing them yourself. I would imagine it also makes the transition back to your normal life easier than if you had gone away for a month for an intensive course. Anahata Yoga also has a great community that provides you with opportunities to assist and eventually teach at community classes for when you "graduate", providing a great platform and support system for new teachers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Anahata Yoga for making me feel welcomed and for inspiring me to deepen my practice!