Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Anahata yoga brought me a great experience of learning yoga. I have been practicing yoga for over 3 years on and off, but the previous practice was like doing exercises without deeply understand about what yoga is. Masters are excellent and they helped me to build a good foundation. The course was comprehensive and informative which helps me to improve a lot. After taking this course I can feel yoga is changing me. Thank you! NAMASTE:)
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000945
Batch : September/2018

The 200 hour yoga course at Anahata Yoga was a truly wonderful learning experience. I have practiced yoga for many years but still felt some trepidation in taking a teacher training course. I wondered if I was physically fit enough, needed to work on public speaking or classroom presentation, or general teaching skills. For these reasons, I postponed my desire to undergo yoga teacher training for many years. However, my anxieties were immediately calmed as I began the course and I understood that in my yoga training journey, the other skills would naturally fall into place. Being present to the knowledge was all that I needed to do, and it has transformed my way of thinking and all areas of my life. I am more calm, more present, and happier. I am not as easily bothered by minor stresses in life. Further, yoga poses that I have struggled to achieve for years suddenly became easy and accessible. The Masters at Anahata Yoga are a treasure for Hong Kong, and I am so thankful to have this special place to study. Areas of the course that I enjoyed the most were breathing and meditation. It was also helpful to learn anatomy. I would like to further my learning about the chakras and yoga poses that benefit specific purposes. I am now signed up for the Pranayama training course and Yoga Therapy and look forward to continuing my yoga education.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000959
Batch : September/2018

I learned a lot from the course, but not just about yoga. I also discovered more about my own strengths and weaknesses. I liked that the course explored the origins and theories of yoga in depth. But I wish more time was spent on class sequencing. Getting to learn from a number of masters, all with their own perspectives and approaches to the practice of yoga, is a huge benefit. The teachers are all very patient. However, I would say that overall experience is one that I have already recommended to others!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000964
Batch : September/2018

I really enjoyed this course. I not only learned proper alignment for my asana practice, different styles of meditation practices but I learned how to emerge in present moment fully activated and at peace within my body and mind.I had found a wonderful balance with yoga. The courses give a good background knowledge of theory, as well as practice. I have got a lot of new knowledge and practice experience that I have never got in my yoga practice before.The masters are very professional and supportive to students. They taught me that yoga is not just exercise, it is a way to live a better life. Thank you for all those teachings that you have given to me. This learning experience has changed my life forever.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000998
Batch : September/2018

For anyone looking to advance their practise and yoga journey, this is the course.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2018000999
Batch : September/2018

The Level 1 Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training was a very challenging yet enjoyable experience for me, in which I furthered my practice in yoga and gained insight into the future paths that I could take as a yoga enthusiast.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2018000267
Batch : September/2018

One word: Amazing experience.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000905
Batch : September/2018

It was an amazing experience, and many thanks to all Masters for their inspirational teaching, and also to my classmates for their support. My entire yogic journey has been transformed by moving closer to the heart of what Yoga is all about.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000983
Batch : September/2018

I learnt the strengths and weaknesses of my body through the different postured taught by the Masters. For example, although I was previously aware of my lack of hamstring flexibility, I however discovered that I have a good back bend and that I am quite comfortable with balancing poses. I learnt how to prepare a posture and which counter postures to use to neutralize the stress on the muscles and joints. I also learnt how breathing helps to relax the muscles and find a good balance in different postures.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2018001056
Batch : September/2018

In Level 3, I could learn the teaching method and it was so valuable. I started teaching after finishing level3 and now I feel I understand what I have to do in a class when I teach. Thank you
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2016000608
Batch : September/2018

I started practicing yoga since 2010 for pursuing a healthy body. And eventually I realized yoga brings me not only the healthy body but also a simple life style, a peaceful mind and changed me into a better person. These 3 levels Advanced Hatha YTT were amazing. I learned much more than I expected. How lucky I am to have all those great masters to teach and help me in my yoga journey. Namaste
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2014001725
Batch : September/2018

I was really excited to come back to Level 3 training and reconnect with classmates in Anahata community. The practices are so powerful and fun and transformative, but mostly I love being in lectures with Yogananth. He is hilarious and at the same time transmitting such profound and intelligent information. I appreciate all the details and patience Yogananth attends in order to create such a potent experience for everyone. Namaste
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000503
Batch : September/2018

Yoga and Ayurveda together form a comprehensive and integrated therapeutic working model for maintaining our physical and mental health and resolving conditions of ill health. While it is impossible for any single course to teach all aspects of these two interrelated branches of ancient Vedic knowledge, the course ignited a fire in me to learn the art, science, and philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda, from both traditional and modern perspective.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000454
Batch : August/2018

Love that the classes target different common injuries and disorders in each lesson, so that we have a more focused learning and discussion and in-depth Q&A in the specific yoga therapy topic. Very informative and detailed classes.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000929
Batch : August/2018

I thoroughly enjoyed the Yoga Therapy course, taught by the Masters with their wealth of knowledge.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000469
Batch : August/2018

I love every thing i learnt in this teacher training course, Thank you Master Yogananth and Vishnu. Would love to have more practice on breathing. I understand there is always more to learn in yoga therapy.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000654
Batch : August/2018

My pleasure to take second TT course at Anahata. Detailed content in variety of aspects.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000693
Batch : August/2018

Very informative, learned a lot. Thank you.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000016
Batch : August/2018

This comprehensive 300 hr Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course is well-designed, and has deepened and widened my understanding and knowledge of yoga and ayurveda in various aspects - from anatomy, asana, kriya, meditation to spirituality. The teaching masters, in particular Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu and Master Dhiraj, are caring and have been sharing their knowledge as much as they could. It is overall an inspirational course to attend and beneficial for anyone who will/is teaching.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000902
Batch : August/2018

Very useful and practical knowledge on Ayurveda, meditation and yoga therapy for people with different health issues and/or body discomfort. Also, am grateful that masters shared their extensive experience with us and accessible for questions. Some information was the same as the 200-hour YTT but not a lot and was good review for the info.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000885
Batch : August/2018

This is a great learning experience for me, through this course, I learned different health complications and how yoga can help. I am so grateful for the teachings by Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Dhiraj and Master Nirmal. Namaste! Regarding the assignment, I would love to receive my markings if possible, so that I know the room for improvement. Thank you!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000093
Batch : August/2018

After yoga therapy teacher training at Anahata studio, I know my body and state of mind better. Thanks all masters for sharing your valuable experience with me from your hearts.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000879
Batch : August/2018

I am happy and glad that I got this chance to study this course. Understand that there are so much to learn still regarding Yoga Therapy but I will always be a student, be humble, learn, listen, obverse and try my best to spread the love of yoga to everyone.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001156
Batch : August/2018

The yoga therapy course has been an amazing journey. I am really grateful for the Masters' generosity in sharing their knowledge, experience and time. I learnt more about yoga anatomy, but also Ayurveda, Tredosha, Marma and diet, I had great experiences with different meditations and was of course really interested with the practical part. All thanks to very inspiring Masters. Thank you. I would definitely be ready to do an advanced yoga course since there's still so much to learn.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000750
Batch : August/2018

The course helps me to understand better the yoga therapy power as a holistic approach in restoring one's health and well being. The teachers are very experienced and knowledgeable. Now I have deeper understanding about the benefits of yoga therapy.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000708
Batch : August/2018

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