Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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It is an eye-opener to take this course. My understanding of yoga has expanded beyond asana poses. From the study of philosophy, history, and anatomy of yoga, as well as pranayama, asanas, and mudras, we learned many things. In spite of the fact that it was necessary to switch everything to online due to tightened COVID restrictions during the course, all the masters were encouraging and motivating through the online teaching methods. As a thank you, I would like to say a huge thank you to them for all of the efforts they have made to keep our practice at home. During my very first lesson at Anahata, Master Yogananth asked me if I had any goals. Despite the fact that I had been practicing on the mat for a few years, my mind was wandering and I was unsure of how far I was able to go. Now, if I were asked the same question today, I would have a different answer- aside from achieving some of the advanced asanas, I would keep yoga as my daily practice a way of life, and hopefully pass it on to others. I look forward to continuing my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001359
Batch : October/2021

As a relatively amateur practitioner the course helped build a solid foundation for my pursuit along the path of a yogini where I learnt to identify and work with the limitations of different anatomies including my own. Thank you again for the patience and guidance from master Yogananth and masters Raja, Keshav, Vishnu, Kammy and Mahesh in improving my practice! Namaste
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001389
Batch : October/2021

Attending the teacher training course was an excellent experience, all the teachers are very knowledgeable and patient. Thank you all masters for giving me this unforgettable yoga journey in the past few months!!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001386
Batch : October/2021

It has been a wonderful journey into the knowledge of yoga in many aspects - history, anatomy, asana, and pranayama. As a result, I have deepened my curiosity about this ancient philosophy and practice, and it has opened up a multitude of other questions to me, making me desire to find the answers to them while applying it to my everyday life. The masters were all very friendly and knowledgeable, which led to a very interesting and fun environment for learning about and practicing yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001403
Batch : October/2021

I learnt about the history of yoga, the meaning of yoga. Also, I learnt a lot of asana which were taught step by step with very clear instructions.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000917
Batch : October/2021

I am so glad that I took this intensive full-time YTT 200 course. Within the three weeks of training, we have learnt so much, from yoga philosophy to practising asanas. All the masters were knowledgeable and inspirational, and the coursemates were supportive too.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001214
Batch : October/2021

I am grateful that I have completed my 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training at Anahata Yoga. All the masters here are super knowledgeable, always willing to share their experience with us and be supportive whenever we need assistance. Apart from learning different asanas, I also learnt about the yoga history, eight limbs of yoga, meditation, pranayama, kriya, mudras and yogic anatomy. I truly love all the perspectives shared by each master, which enlighten me in different aspects and I consider this as the most valuable thing I have learnt in this course. A big Thank You to all masters for showing me what yoga is and bringing this to my life.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000770
Batch : October/2021

Thank you to all masters for the great support during levels 1 and 2. It was an eye-opening learning experience. Can't wait to start the journey with level 3 for deeper learning.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2020001220
Batch : October/2021

I am so grateful to all the teachers of this Prenatal Yoga teacher training program for providing me with good knowledge and understanding about Prenatal Yoga. I have learned new techniques and methods to carefully teach pregnant women. Now I feel confident enough to handle a prenatal class. Thank you very much.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021001312
Batch : October/2021

I really enjoyed learning yoga at this Institute. Gathered lots and lots of information both in theory as well as in practical. I think if the course includes more case studies like women with pregnancy complications and undergone pregnancy yoga then it will be added advantage to students. Thank you
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021001428
Batch : October/2021

I would say the YTT 200 hours course is great! Time passed so fast! At first, I thought 200 hours would be a very long way, but then, I just couldn't believe it has come to an end so soon. The atmosphere of the class is great, interactions with the masters and classmates made both learning and teaching fun! I also got sufficient chance to practise in front of the whole class before the final assessment, I like the group class as there are a variety of yoga classes I can choose from which are very flexible, and I can focus on the part that I am more interested. If andiappan classes can also offer more time slots, then that would be perfect!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000933
Batch : September/2021

I have searched a lot of yoga teacher training courses from different yoga centres, Anahatayoga got me moving to join, not only there are many courses to choose from, the course is taught by multiple experienced teachers who represent various yoga lineages from India and most of them are highly qualified with Post Graduate, Masters and PhD qualifications in Yogic science. In fact, I made a good decision. I had a really fantastic experience in my yoga journey when I joined this course. Although I'm not good at English and not a young person, all experienced masters have their professionalism and patience to explain really well. Each master also has his characteristics and advantages, they made me open my mind and become more interested in Yoga, and also let me understand more about my own body. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed taking group classes and andiappan classes. Practising with different masters made me learn more and made my body more flexible and capable in just 3 months. Master Mahesh, Raja, Master Yogananth and Dilip, Thank you so much. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001270
Batch : September/2021

My heartfelt gratitude and salute to the Anahata Yoga Academy and all the teaching professionals specifically to Master yogananth, Master Raja, Master Mahesh, Master Dilip and Master Vishnu. The teaching techniques from start to end were wonderful and it took me to a different dimension of yoga. Very enthusiastic teaching methods and sequences. Every master has a unique talent, their own energy level, true passion towards teaching and directing students with nice flow starting from warmups, preparation of poses and approaching the pose. Master Raja’s explanation on the alignments of the posture always inspiring and his positive approach in dealing with the alignment is incredible. Master Mahesh is so calm, his flow of approaching a pose is so smooth and helps students to achieve the pose effortlessly. Master Dilip’s anatomy teaching helped a lot to know the importance of understanding the muscles and body parts involved while doing the posture. Overall attending the teacher training course was an excellent experience. Thank you all.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2021001231
Batch : September/2021

Most people think when you finished a 200hrs YTT teaching kids should not be a problem, But teaching kids is very different to teaching adults. Most kids are hard to control and sometimes not able to focus. But in this kids yoga teacher training I learned the knowledge and skills how to teach kids of various age groups. The teachers of this teacher training are very knowledgeable and experienced in teaching kids yoga. Especially Master Yogananth has unique skills to introduce yoga to kids and learning from him is an amazing experience. I very much enjoyed the kid's yoga teacher training and I look forward to teaching kids and assisting the masters in the kid's yoga class. We taught and interacted with kids during the very memorable teacher training. But when we learn more skills from Master Yogananth, you will find many interesting tips to keep children focused and obedient, I enjoy the kid yoga.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2020001247
Batch : September/2021

The course has really extended my knowledge not only on kids yoga but on overall yoga as a practice and a way of life. Teachers were extremely well educated and gave their knowledge in a very good manner. Pranayama and mediation section was my favourite part and I would like to learn more about it. thank you.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021001183
Batch : September/2021

It was a fantastic experience for me. Every session is excellent learning for me. The way of conducting the classes and design is incredible. Every trainer is exceptional in the field they have chosen and the teaching style. For example, teacher training first class of Vishnu sir later Yoganathan sir and Dhiraj sir every session is great learning. Their experience, practice and wisdom, which they have shared, cannot be measured. I felt like they spoke what they followed. Raja Sir and Mahesh Sir Classes are amazing. Dhiraj sir's yoga Nidra, pranayama and meditation session is awesome.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021001100
Batch : September/2021

It was a great learning experience with Andiappan Yoga Tradition Teachers. I would like to thank all the masters for sharing their knowledge and experience and I am very grateful for the opportunity to attend informative online learning mode and all the recommended group and andiappan yoga classes that give an immersive learning experience.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021001091
Batch : September/2021

Dear Teachers, the whole course was a big inspiration for me, as I had very limited knowledge about the subject. I have done a few short kids yoga courses, but nothing like this before. I am working in after school club and so far, we have tried the partner poses, both indoors and outdoors. They really enjoyed it and made up lots of poses of their own, it was fun. Thank you for all the time and energy you have put into it, I really appreciate your hard work and I am sure Kids around the world will greatly benefit from your experience and knowledge. Namaste, Julie
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2021000239
Batch : September/2021

I was a little sceptical initially about doing a completely online course but I was totally impressed with the way this 300 hours Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course was taught. The instructors insisted that we turn on cameras and interact with online students - answering questions and even quizzing us to make sure we are present in class. This was done during practical sessions as well - to make sure we understood the finer nuances of yoga poses. This made sure that we were diligent and stayed alert, just like attending in-person class. There were hardly any network issues to deal with - which made the whole online experience very fruitful. The instructors were experienced and knowledgeable. They were easy to talk to and were available to take questions. The course content far exceeded my expectations. We were taught about the common disorders - the overview of it, effects on the physical anatomy, yoga poses and also details of marma points and herbal remedies for various disorders. Almost all physical disorders were detailed along with yoga poses for each, variations, diet recommendations, ayurvedic remedies, contraindications etc. Yoga for the elderly, cancer survivors, pregnancy were also covered. Traditional yoga philosophy was taught as well as new trends were incorporated. The course curriculum was very detailed and thorough. I particularly liked attending the live yoga classes that had focus areas like back yoga, core yoga, restorative yoga etc. In short, money, and time well spent during this covid time. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for this journey. Namaste
Course Name : Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2017000878
Batch : August/2021

Joining this Yoga Therapy Teacher Training has been a wonderful experience that made me love yoga even more. The course was very informative and enlightening- yet quite practical and fun. I particularly enjoyed exploring Ayurveda and learning how yoga therapy can be applied in people’s daily life to manage pain, prevent and treat certain health conditions. I also enjoyed improving my breathing and meditation techniques and practicing hands-on adjustments. Thanks to Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Dhiraj, Master Raja, Master Anurag, Master Hazel and Dr Gowri for sharing your thorough knowledge and own experiences with your heart. As a regular practitioner of yoga with Anahata for 6 years, I feel deeply grateful to you all for guiding and inspiring me in this life-long journey. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000146
Batch : August/2021

I love how passionate the yoga masters are about yoga practice and a healthy lifestyle. I have been inspired and will keep learning and better myself.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000445
Batch : August/2021

Again, this yoga teacher training has exceeded my expectations. Besides the already traditionally high standard of the qualifications of masters in Anahata (no need to mention absolutely stunning professional qualities of Master Yogananth as a head yoga teacher), during this course, I was especially amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge of Ayurveda and his ability to interconnect the knowledge of other areas as even the astrology, western medicine and of course yoga. I can only recommend Anahata to anyone interested in getting profound knowledge in the yoga teacher and therapy field. It was such a nice experience. Thank you! I would definitely like to continue with some of the other training. I've already completed the basic YTT but I think the advanced hatha yoga level is still too much for me and i am not ready. I think the Pranayama and meditation YTT would suit me the best. Unfortunately recently I have been increasingly busy with my business so I will have to wait until I'm a bit more free. But at least this one I'd like to attend for sure.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000182
Batch : August/2021

The Yoga therapy course was very informative. I really enjoyed the entire experience and the deep knowledge shared by all the Masters. I was really amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge in the field of Ayurveda. Though I feel there should be more practical information given in the course. But I understand yoga is life long learning. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to gain more knowledge in the yoga teacher and yoga therapy field. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you, Anahata!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001044
Batch : August/2021

I am obliged to all the teachers at Anahata for being the guide in my Yoga journey: • Master Vishnu for inspiring me to enroll for AYTT and sharing his multi-dimensional knowledge, wisdom and positive energy throughout the course • Master Keshav for being an exemplary yoga teacher whose teachings I found addictive so much so that just listening to his voice was therapeutic, an experience that many other fellow students shared as well • Master Mahesh, Master Raja and Master Kammy for their friendly and well-structured instruction and focus on form and technique • Master Keith, Master Dhiraj and Master Anurag for focusing on the essence of yoga and instilling discipline • Master Anuja, Master Prataya, Master Federica, Master Dilip and Master Carol for their teaching • Master Yogananth for sharing his profound knowledge, wisdom and yogic experience to bring Anahata Yoga Teacher Training to bear and make it a substantial transformation experience within and beyond the studio - I also express my heartfelt thanks to the studio staff at Anahata for running such a smooth operation and taking care of student needs.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001046
Batch : August/2021

After these 3 months of yoga theory learning, l would say that I have found the right yoga class to learn all over again from the basic knowledge in the right way which helped me to deeply self-analysis my own contraindication while reaching the pose, and the YTT class has also provided me with a chance to explore the yoga history theory and human anatomy that all beyond my expectation. I do really enjoy all the group practice classes with all the instructors they always encourage the student to reach the final pose and build up the further pose and modify the pose based on the body limitation. I was suffering the lower back pain for a long period, and I have an unbalanced ear fluid issue which always make me feel I could never do any inversion headstand and side crow post, but still, all the steps from warm-up to final pose that I have learned in the group class was not a stressful process, I feel the progressing every week little by little while practicing at home with the correct movement, now I confident enough to do the shoulder stand, crow pose, flying frog pose all can stand for 5 breathing. Thanks to all the masters they have shown me the different ways to achieve the pose by knowing my body limitation.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001029
Batch : August/2021

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