Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3247
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000587
Found the course and the masters really good. Classes with Masters Yogananth, Vishnu, Nirmal, Mahesh and Guruprit are really good as they pay attention to each student.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3250
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000605
It has been an amazing learning journey to attend this teacher training. My heartfelt thanks to Master Yogananth, Master Anurag, Master Vishnu, Master Nirmal and Master Mahesh for their valuable teaching and sharing during all sessions. In addition, it has been a good learning experience with all wonderful classmates for sharing views and experiences. Through this training, I managed to acquire deeper understanding of yoga philiophy and yoga sutra, and importantly self-awareness to live as a better being to serve the community. I am keen to become a yoga teacher or instructor, particularly in theraputic yoga in the future. Namaste.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3256
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2014001725
I joined Anahata yoga about 3 years ago and was knew about the 200 hours Yoga Teacher training program by my friend. However, I could never find time to join until both of my kids go to the full-day school last September. And now I had finished this program and I have to say that it was a great experience for people like me have being practicing asana regularly for years but actually treat yoga as a stretch exercise or work out and knows nothing else about Yoga. I’m so happy that I was brought to another level of my yoga practice. Thought this 200 hours, I understand the history and philosophy of yoga, the life style, the diet and even the anatomy. It helps me to correct some mistakes I used to make during my practice and build up good habits with a healthy mind. I would strongly recommend all yoga lovers to join the course. It’s not only to enrich the knowledge of yoga but also lead us to a completely healthy life style for the future.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3257
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000624
After completing the 200 hours YTT at Anahata Yoga, I feel really happy and satisfied with the program. The best part is that I was able to experience different styles of yoga (Hatha, Yin, Power, Core, etc..) and there was a good balance between physical practice, philosophy, and anatomy. I am leaving the training convinced that I need more than 200 hours to become a true Yoga Teacher ready to teach, and as a result I will certainly continue with an advanced training program!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3263
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000640
The learning and experiences taken away from the class has set a very good foundation to continue my study of yoga. Course content, teachers and their varying methods were very much appreciated.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Sep 2017 – 7 Dec 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3270
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000646
I have enjoyed the YTT200 hours course a lot. I used to think that I am not good enough to join the teacher training course, for the reasons that I am not flexible to come to a perfect posture and I did not know much about the yoga terminologies. After this course, I have learned so much about the background and philosophy of yoga, it is not only about the physical movement, but also the alignment to our mind and soul along with proper breathing. All the teachers are very helpful and patient, they have a way to teach you how to approach the asana step by step or in modification according to your anatomy. I appreciate to their encouragement and support toward my learning journey. I am also grateful to have met my classmates who share the same passion. They have made the learning experience more interesting with the exchange on our learning and knowledge about yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3274
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000702
Instructors top-notch, very knowledgable, rewarding experience in so far as knowledge was pursued and obtained.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3275
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000703
The course makes me know much more about prenatal, and the difference between normal yoga class and prenatal yoga class, and what to be aware of, would be great if we can also learn more about post-natal yoga, thank you.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3281
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000743
its great, really enjoy the course and learn a lot.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3288
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000677
I absolutely enjoy of the learning in this 3 months and thanks for all Masters and staff in Anahata.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3289
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000732
It was a very nice and inspiring course the helped a lot with my self practice. Master covered the topics with passion and great knowledge.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time)
YTT Number : IYATT-3176
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000362
Master is passionate and the team is very helpful to motivate to join Advanced Level 1.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jul 2017 – 28 Sep 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3302
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000404
I have gained a lot after the 200 hours teacher training, not to mention some Yoga history, philosophy, importance of anatomy and some practical techniques, I realise how much I have changed after these 200 hours in the way I deal with my life, my yoga practice and my attitudes towards my surroundings. It was a really pleasant and eye-opening experience! As I am still a university student, things I learnt from this course even assured my heart of becoming a yoga teacher in the future, while incorporating my profession in early childhood education. 🙂

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3040
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000895
Good experience.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3323
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000885
Overall, I enjoyed the class a lot. The course is well organised with every section of the course taught by a different expert in the respective field. Every master is very knowledgeable and willing to share the knowledge and own teaching experience. They are also quite accessible after class for any questions we may have. Good mix of theory and practical teaching with Andiappan classes being the highlight of the practical part of course.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (21 May 2018 – 7 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2976
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000608
There are many of difficult postures, but I learnt how to approach to these difficult ones. I enjoyed the class so much!

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (11 June 2018 – 28 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2976
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000608
Level two was more intense than level 1. But quite enjoyable. Thank you so much!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3324
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000920
It has been a challenge for me physically and mentally. It felt like being back to school, weird,difficult… but great !!! I was sometimes maybe to keen on trying all the asanas..but I have learnt so much about anatomy, meditation, how to use different techniques of breathing, how to listen to my body. I have learnt so much about myself as well, my boundaries but also my “non limits”, what is in front of me,what I will be able to explore now, regardless of my age,and above all what I will be able now to share with others . Great masters and such a lovely group of people as well. A very positive experience !

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3327
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000883
The 200 hrs YTT course was very rewarding for me and a wonderful experience and journey. I am very grateful for what I have learned and it helps me to work on myself in many different ways. I would like to thank all the dedicated masters who made so much effort to teach us and were always available for questions and to clarify any doubts I had. Once I started with the Andiappan classes I starting seeing a difference and improvement in my Asanas and I will defenitely will continue to attend them. Completing the 200 hrs Teacher Training is only the beginning of a blissful journey! Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3220
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000483
I enjoyed the course, it helped me improve my knowledge of yoga and its fundamentals. I would definitely not feel as confident as I do now without having followed the course. The teachers were passionate and very good making sure we stayed interactive within the class. The centre has good class rooms with enough space for the classes and the room, changing room and equipment is always of maximal hygiene. I appreciate the learning experience and I can not wait to start teaching. However I will definitely be back to do further specific Yoga courses to broaden my teaching of Yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3279
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000717
On the theory part, I really enjoyed the part about how to build a sequence, how to structure the class properly, how to correct the poses and make sure we teach the correct alignment. I also liked the anatomy part. I also liked the pranayama part as I was quite unfamiliar with it despite practicing yoga for several years. Nevertheless, the teachers were able to transmit their passion for yoga and to make us understand what yoga is and is not. On the self-practice side, I went to the Andiappan classes in the morning which I really enjoyed. It enabled me to learn a lot more about a specific theme, like inversions, upper back, shoulders, hips… I really recommend any student to go to these classes, and in particular any student involved in the 200 hours yoga teacher training. More generally, I really enjoyed all the practice classes in particular with Master Vishnu, Master Mahesh and Master Kamal. These teachers are really dedicated and have a really good knowledge of yoga and really helped me to deepen many postures, improve a lot my flexibility and better understand the poses. Namaste.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3210
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000444
Teachers are very passionate about teaching, very knowlegeable.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3199
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000415
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training course at Anahata was one of the best decisions I made this year. Not only did I build my theoretical and practical knowledge of yoga, but through the whole leanring process, I also greatly developed my love for yoga practice. The more I came to know about scientific and historic theories behind yoga, the more I found personally meaningful and attached to my daily yoga practice. This exceeded my initial expectations for the course, which was merely to earn credentials to become a yoga teacher, and I am very satisfied with all the inner improvement as well as dear yogi friends I encountered in the course. I firstly benefited a lot from the structure of the course, as I was provided with a textbook and the entire time frame and course descriptions over the four-modules. It provided me a big picture of what exactly to expect from each class, so that I could be mentally and physically prepared for the required workload in advance. The four modules were evenly divided into the theoretical and practical components, providing a balanced approach to connect the two. With all the knowledge on the philosophy and anatomy of yoga, as well as asanas and pranayama, I find myself as a more self-confident yogi after the program. I highly recommend this course to anyone who would love to deepen their practice and continue their journey of improvement. Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3332
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000933
I first heard about 200 hour yoga teacher training course from my aerial yoga teacher. She told me it would be a good way for me to lay a good foundation and beautify the postures. Therefore I did research online and found out a lot of information about the training course. After comparing with other private yoga schools, I finally decided to join Anahata yoga. At first, the course was really a big challenge for me, especially 40-hour practical classes. It is because I am a beginner of yoga. Yoga Balance, Core Yoga and Power Yoga classes made me really exhausted. Yin yoga and Iyengar Yoga classes challenged my flexibility. However, the magical things happened. After the practical classes, I found myself changing. Gradually, I am able to do the postures that I could not do before. I realized that yoga is not the work of a single day. We need to practice and listen to our body. Then the inner body will change accordingly and silently. I think this is the MAGIC OF YOGA. Thereafter, I will always listen to my body and mind. I will try my best to live and maintain a balanced state of mind in everyday living.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3322
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000918
It has been a great experience to be a student of the course, with all the great yoga masters and classmates met in the course. Throughout the course, I have equipped myself with a deeper understanding into yoga. It has broaden my horizon in the field as I rather tended to regard yoga as a kind of physical exercise, but I have never given a deep thought of the philosophy behind. Although it was challenging to be committed to the course given my full-time work schedule, it was fortunate that the yoga masters had made it easier for us (the students) to stay along in the course with their deep knowledge in the field. The learning experience of the course would definitely be one of the memorable moments in my life. 🙂

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