Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3937
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2019000958
The masters and classmates are excellent, I learnt more theory, yoga anatomy and philosophy on Yoga but not only posture, it helps me a lot to improve my daily yoga practice. In conclusion, I had a very fruitful yoga teaching training course and I love to introduce to my friends who wanna join!!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4003
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2019000964
It was a super diverse and supportive group of students. It was awesome connecting with them and I still regularly see them at the studio. I am able to deepen my understanding of yoga beyond asana (the physical postures): we had modules about meditation, breathwork, yoga history and philosophy etc I also learnt more about the body, anatomy and begins to learn about adjustments of posture (no only in yoga but in daily life) Now every class is a learning experience for me, will try to take mental notes of what I learnt and enjoyed and apply them in my class (in the future).

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-3938
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2019000966
After 23 years of practicing yoga on and off depending on my life style at the moment , I finally decided to go further in my knowledge about yoga. This was a very good introduction to philosophy, history and practice of yoga , and I now just feel that I have so much more to learn ! Thank you to all the great masters and hope to see you soon for the advanced teacher training.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-3943
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001029
Great course I loved every minute of it, thanks.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4018
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001373
Anahata Yoga offers a great opportunity for me to explore more about Yoga. I used to focus only on the asanas of yoga during my past two-year practice. Indeed, yoga practice involves pranayama, meditation, kriyas and etc. Masters in this course are knowledgeable and kind. They are patient in answering our doubts and guiding us about how to do the pose. It would be great if there were more weekend Andiappan yoga classes. For those who want to better equip themselves as a yoga teacher or want to explore more about yoga, I definitely recommend this course to them.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4037
Date : 14-01-2020
Student ID : 2014001344
I was delighted to learn more about yoga and its history , also anatomy , asanas and pranayama. The fact that different teachers are part of the training is nice as it brings diversity. It was a nice experience and i would love to start teaching or assisting for the andiappan yoga community as a start .

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3954
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001037
The YTT 200-hr class enhances my knowledge on the postures and yoga practice. It also inspires me on my way of living. Yoga is a therapy not only helpful on my physical fitness but also the mental wellness. Thanks for the masters and staffs in the studio giving me a wonderful learning journey.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3972
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001021
I am a newbie in yoga practice and I took this course hoping to build a strong foundation for my future practice. And it was one of the best decisions I have made. The content of the course is very dynamic and well planned to provide students with a through understanding of yoga theories, history as well as asanas. The masters are incredibly helpful, passionate and encouraging. They give individual attention to every student in group classes which I have not experienced before in other yoga centres. They really help students improve regardless of where they are at in their yoga practice. I see myself continuing my practice at Anahata Yoga. One thing that could make the whole course even better is to have more Andiappan classes during non-office hours because it is rather difficult for students who work 9-6 monday to friday to come in during office hours. But all in all this has been a great experience and I would like to sincerely say thank you to all of the masters and staff at the centre.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4066
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001569
From this course, I was learning what is Ashtanga Yoga and more skill and practice for yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3957
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001055
Really enjoy the YTT Course. In this course we can know more about our body structure and develop better skills and training which is suitable for our own body.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3988
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001188
I had a very good experience here with a lot of great master, they are very nice and patient and taught me a lot of yoga knowledge.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thur Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-3336
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2017000941
I really enjoyed all the classes but would have liked to see more about the physical and functional anatomy of the pregnant women's body.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4008
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001310
The course and the teachers were great. It helped me improve my understanding of yoga and grow in my practice. Most of the Andiappan classes are in the morning when I am at work or at the time of the course (Sunday afternoon) Please add some more Andiappan Yoga Classes. Thank you .

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4024
Date : 13-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001416
It was good experience to deepen my yoga knowledge and all the masters were really great. We learned many things from this course, but we still don't know how to start teaching yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4011
Date : 11-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001343
I really enjoyed the holistic nature of the course and the dedication of the teachers. This training has helped me improve my own practice and practice with others, and understanding of yoga. Thank you!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4027
Date : 11-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001425
It is amazing and beyond what i expected. I now have a deeper understand of not only the various yoga poses, but also its heritage, history and principals which gave light to a new perspective to how i practice yoga and how i live my every day life.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4040
Date : 08-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001439
The course has been a very good introduction to the knowledge of Yoga. It has definitely aroused my interests in learning more about it and commit to the practice of Yoga as part of my life long learning.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-3911
Date : 08-01-2020
Student ID : 2019000756
I throughly enjoyed my YTT training , I thought each master was exceptional at teaching and each style was different which created interesting classes. I believe that the manual could be improved to more of a working document , with spaces for notes for students and perhaps a short test at the end of each subject for either personal learning or the Masters to use as a check and balance. I would also like to point out that I thought that an excellent job was done to make sure all classes remained on during the protests and I for one was lucky to be able to travel to attend. I feel that what was a very good course could become even better with a few new processes. All of the above would not put me off attending another course at Anahata and I intend to again this year as I believe the staff from reception to the masters that teach are excellent and I would highly recommend to others With thanks , Namaste Sarah Rock

Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (Tue & Thu Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4096
Date : 06-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001702
I have learned a lot and have enjoyed every moment. I love all the awesome teachers. And I will continue my learnings of Yoga with your studio. I will be joining the Kids Yoga teacher training in March. Keep me updated for the online joining opportunity. Thank you very much for everything. and Also the front desk employees have been so. Kind and helpful in my every step of this experience Nicole and Lynn are the best at the front desk.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-3969
Date : 06-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001166
My yoga journey started in university life. I initially approached yoga as a way to exercise, to maintain flexibility and strength. It is my pleasure to join Anahata Yoga as my first YTT course and I know it is still a very long journey in my yogic life. Thank you for the teaching.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday batch)
YTT Number : IYATT-4014
Date : 05-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001356
Yoga from the Heart. I really enjoyed the YTT and it was a great experience. All the masters are very encouraging, knowledgeable and helpful, they can always bring out the best of each students, especially learning from Dr. Yogananth and Master Vishnu. Namaste

Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (Tue & Thu Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4093
Date : 05-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001691
I really enjoyed learning at Anahata Yoga. I have learned a lot in just a few months. There are some amazing teachers here at this studio. I have felt my asana practice improve in a short amount of time taking class at Anahata. The TT course has also opened up my mind and mentality about Yoga. 🙂 Thank you!

Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (Tue & Thu Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-3719
Date : 04-01-2020
Student ID : 2018001380
The teacher training course overall is very practical and the teachers are very knowledgeable and professional.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4059
Date : 02-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001530
Anahata Yoga centre is a very professional studio that give out love to teach yoga to partitioners, I have learnt a lots from this 200H YTT course as well as normal recommended yoga session at the studio and i am sure I will make good use of my knowledge i gained through this teacher training to guide people who is in needed.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thur Morning)
YTT Number : IYATT-4009
Date : 01-01-2020
Student ID : 2019001337
Through this training course I have discovered interest in meditation, and it is something I would like to pursue the next time I have time. It was great to be able to understand safe poses for expected mothers, I would definitely practise for my next pregnancy. I would also like to study meditation too next. Thank you, it was a pleasant learning experience from all the yoga masters!

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