Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Here I want to give some feedbacks and share my experience about 200 hours Teacher Training Course. For the modules of “Yoga Anatomy Theory” and “Yoga History and Philosophy” are the most difficult for me. its because I have practiced yoga for several years in other yoga centres. My understanding of yoga, its just a kind of physical exercise only. I now know that my understanding is so superficial.      Yoga is a kind mental practicing / behavioral control rather than physical practice.  Be a good yogi or yoga teacher, I have to practice yoga for my mental / physical system, I have to know the function of the body parts, what they do and how they do, as well as the structure of body parts. After I joined the Teacher Training Course in Anahata, I have leant a lot of different knowledge for yoga, such as, its theory of history, physiology, anatomy, asana practices, pranayama, Mudra, Bandha etc….. Be a sitter on the Teacher Training Course, I’m transforming myself everyday! I do appreciate to Masters Yogananth, Vishnu, Anurag and Yogesh that they taught me a lot of knowledge about yoga, its useful for my whole life. Although 200 hours Teacher Training Course has to be finished within 3.5 months, it seems very short, I did spend much time in Anahata and studied everything so hard.  For instance, we sat still on the floor for few hours class so that my whole body was very tired, but masters were teaching us with a lively and funny minded, so I had a lot of great time in the classroom and made new friends in the class. When I finished the course, Anahata gives us voluntary training base of a yoga teacher trial model at the community campaigns, hospitals or charity centres. I appreciate these are good chances for me teaching yoga for what I have learnt, it benefits to everyone involved. Recently, be a volunteer of Anahata Andiappan Community, I’m so proud to join this community and feel peaceful with the charity events. Here, thanks a lot for our some great masters/teachers: Master Yogananth Andiappan Master Vishnu Master Anurag Master Yogesh
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002101
Batch : December/2013

Completing the 200 hours Yoga teaching training was a passion and I have finally made my first move towards to a whole new world. It is not just a 3 months part time study, it is something I will take with me for my entire life. All the teacher were extremely helpful. Impressed by the details, and their amazing background. After this course, I will not only do yoga, but knows 1) physically, what exactly how to do each asana and why doing them for, 2) mentally, it calms me down, helps with the stress of life, and eventually I connected my mind and my body through yoga. Thanks you so much for being in this part of my life, Anahata yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 100007405
Batch : December/2013

I found the Anahata Teacher Training very comprehensive and well-rounded. I liked the structure of the raining in that we were taught not only about asanas, but also about Kriyas, pranayama, chakras, anatomy and meditation. It was a very well-rounded course, which deepened my understanding of yoga, and gave me a very solid foundation to deepen my own practice and take on teaching students. I gained a huge amount of knowledge, and understood the appropriate modifications and variations, contraindications and therapeutic benefits of a number of asanas. The course was very practical, and I liked the fact that we were able to practice Kriyas, which we normally would not be able to do in other courses. The anatomy module was very useful and thorough and gave me a better understanding on how the asanas should be correctly practiced. All of the masters were extremely knowledgeable and approachable to answer any questions. I would highly recommend the course to any on wishing to deepen their own practice, or teach.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002429
Batch : December/2013

I joined the 200-hr Teacher Training course with only 4 months of yoga practice and a mind that is very will to learn. In the beginning, I really just wanted to learn how to do asanas properly; I did not join the course with a goal of becoming a teacher. The training was an in-depth study of the yoga anatomy, the traditional and modern types of yoga, the different yogic concepts, pranayama, and asanas. We experienced an amazing guided yoga nidra (yoga sleep), understood the different breathing techniques, practiced asanas in a very different light (compared with how it is done in other commercial studios), and practiced four different types of kriyas/cleansing techniques (yes, it will chock you to your core but it was a great experience nonetheless). And yes, we experienced creating a sequence of asanas and finally taught a class! Aside from the Yoga Masters being qualified, they are also very humble and encouraging. They would take the time to talk with us and respond to our questions and uncertainties (which for me is normal part of the yoga journey). Of course, it was a great honor to learn from the best yoga masters in town and call Master Yogananth my Guru. The moral support from our Yoga Masters and classmates really made a difference in the way I practiced and learned yoga during the course. Aside from what I learned from the course, I have formed great bonds with classmates who I now consider to be good friends. With this course, I can say that I have acquired two of the most important traits of a Hatha Yogi – humility and self-acceptance. Yoga is not just about bending and twisting your body into different postures – it is more about the way you experience and continue living life that is true to the yogic ideals. It was a unique experience for me and in the course of I training, I realized that I do want to teach yoga and share it with as many people as possible. Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002242
Batch : December/2013

I must say that this Teacher Training course not only provides me with all the teaching skills but also inculcates in me the confidence needed to lead a class. The various instructors have imparted all relevant knowledge that has helped me to know how to structure and create a cohesive, well-rounded class to teach Hatha yoga to people from all walks of life. Relevant knowledge It is impressive to learn from Master Vishnu about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. He is so knowledgeable in this area that he can tell you in details all the muscles, joints and nerves of our body without looking at the text. This module helps me to be more aware of the structure and functions of my body while practicing various types of asanas. Learning yoga origin, history and philosophy form Master Anurag is exceptional. I gain insight into my own habitual behaviors and lean the skills needed for transformation so that I can truly enjoy life as a regular yoga practitioner. Time seems to pass by very quickly when I learn how to teach various asanas from Master Yogananth. It is so interesting to know that anyone can start practicing yoga and gains a better health by following the explicit steps taught in each asana with all the modifications ingeniously created to help a beginner to be able to perform a posture over time. The next fun class is the humorous Master Yogesh who gave detailed explanations on the practice of Pranayama and Kriya. I have gained a greater understanding of the different types of pranayama and kriya and their effects on my body. Gaining a confidence to teach This course provides all the necessary skills needed to help me feel confident in my ability to teach safely and effectively. Throughout the training, I was often reminded about the approach to teach yoga to cater to the needs of the students. I learned about sequencing and the process of aligning poses in a way to evolve into progressively deeper posed smoothly over time. I also learn about contraindications and precautions in each asana. The most important thing is the knowledge that I gained from the therapeutic benefits of each asana to help one maintain a healthy life-style by practicing yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002426
Batch : December/2013

The 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training at Anahata Yoga is the most authentic yoga experience ive had so far. I moved to Hong Kong from New York 8 months ago. As a long distance runner, I started taking yoga classes couple years ago in New York to improve my flexibility and my breathing in order to perform better during a race. Having arrived in Hong Kong, I found out that running long distance outside was not pleasant due to the bad air quality. My first goal was to find the right yoga studio in Hong Kong that would fit my needs, which included: practicing authentic yoga with masters form India. When I stepped in Anahata Yoga, I knew then that I wanted to take my passion fo yoga into a deeper level and registered for the 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training. I truly enjoyed every aspect of this training: The theory, the practice, the masters, the staff and the wonderful group of people that I got to know and practice with. During and after this training, my experience of yoga took another dimension. I self-practice everyday, which is really empowering to understand what muscles and part of the body I should work on in order to progress in other postures. I acknowledge that my body has its own limitations. As a runner, I understand my hip rotation limitations and its relation to my previous knee injury. I learned, that in order to progress without frustrations, variations of postures bring the same benefit. I also experienced the wonderful feeling of practicing asanas from inside out in combination with breathing techniques. Learning to engage just the right amount of energy in certain poses has completely changed the way I practice yoga now. Thanks to the support of my loving husband and my two children, yoga became a family experience. Being members at Ananha Yoga, my 16-year-old daughter Kenza and my 13-year-old son Elias enjoy practicing with Master Yogesh. They already feel the benefits of their practice in their everyday school life. My daughter who was suffering from back pain for many months nearly year, doesnot complain anymore. The back care classes helped her tremendously. Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Yogesh, Master Vishnu and Master Anurag! My yoga journey continues now with the Advanced Hatha Yoga teacher Training.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002423
Batch : December/2013

I was learnt the yoga practice around two and half year, in this period I practice many difference kind of Asana and that is really interesting me to know more about Yoga, so, I decided to looking for some course to study more, however, being my work with sometime out of town ! Luckily thru my friend to introduced me Anahata Yoga, they have a flexibility schedule which are totally let me to feel comfortable and I choose to study the Yoga Teacher Training Course, during this period I can learn a lot of things as well as the Anatomy, Asana, History, Pranayama, Kriya and many many benefit of Yoga etc., and all of the Master so kind and teaching very well ! It is the worth and really happy to study there. Thank you so much to all Master and Anahata ! Namaste !
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002438
Batch : December/2013

I feel great during the entire program. The program provide me more understanding on yoga in different aspects, for instance, yogas history, approach on the asanas, different types of yoga and its practices, etc. The course is interesting and inspiring. The Masters are nice and patient in teaching us. All in all, I am happy and feel satisfaction in joining this program.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002421
Batch : December/2013

The training is a very memorable experience to me. On the theoretical level, I am equipped with a more systematic learning and look into the yoga anatomy, yoga theories and practice. On the practical level, I can feel the improvement of postures through a more devoted practice. I am so proud to be the students of this group of wonderful teachers. But this course also reminds me that to be a qualified yoga teacher is far more than this. What I need to do is to continue my learning and practice. My feedback on the course is as follows.  I thoroughly enjoyed the course,  I thought the syllabus covered a wide range of subjects and the standard of the teaching was excellent.  My only comment would be that I felt the class size was too large,  I felt the asana classes in particular would have been more productive with a smaller group.  I also feel in a smaller group students would have had more of an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on things they did not understand which I did not feel was always possible given the number of people in the group.  Other than that it was a fantastic experience and I wouldnot hesitate to recommend the course to others.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002417
Batch : December/2013

In the past, I enjoyed Yoga as an activity to train my physical body and had many misunderstandings in its history, philosophy and practices. By attending this course, I have gained preliminary knowledge of Yoga and this is just a beginning in terms of learning to take good care and be aware of my own body, emotions and spirituality. Through every practice, transformation is happening within and Yoga has definitely become an important part of my life journey. The open-mindedness is what I like most in this TTC course conducted by Anahata Centre. Nowadays Yoga has evolved so much and the approach here is to incorporate modern views into Yoga tradition. It has the origin as well as the newness in Yoga teaching.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002102
Batch : December/2013

I was having great experiences to learn different modifications of asana and learn about human body in the class. If the modifications can be also shown in the handout that will be great. Also, let us know ahead exact class schedule. But overall all students were having great moments to help out with each others.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002590
Batch : December/2013

I truly enjoyed this course and I’m very grateful for all the vast knowledge and personal experiences that Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Yogesh and Dr. Shveta shared with us. My personal objective for this course was to deepen my practice and to gain a basic understanding about the principles as well as practical applications of yoga therapy and Ayurveda. I believe that through this course I now have all basic tools to apply them in my daily life and it is also the foundation for further study. What I liked most about this course was the hands-on approach in the Ayurveda part where we not only analyzed our group members and gave specific lifestyle recommendations, but also practiced Ayurveda massage on each other. Since I’m more of a practical person, this is how I memorized the knowledge best. The same applies to the practical part in Yoga Therapy, where we learned postures for different ailments and analyzed the benefits at the same time. Maybe we could do more case studies as part of the final assignment in one of the next courses, i.e. team-up two or three students for a period of time for a Yoga Therapy practice and Ayurveda consultation. Students need then write a thorough report and perform the practice/ Ayurvedic treatment in front of the instructors. Thank you again for this well organized and comprehensive course and I look forward to the Advanced Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda course!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002445
Batch : September/2013

Before taking this subject, the yoga therapy is unknown to me.  But after studying this subject, I learnt that it is not easy to be a yoga therapy instructor.  There are many considerations before designing a training programme to the clients, such as the ability, the background and the goal of the clients.  The training programme must fit to these considerations and design the appropriate milestone to the clients.  Each stage will be reviewed with the result if it hits the target of the training.  If the result is not as targeted, it has to analysis the reason and need to adjust the training.  If it is targeted, then it will go to another stage of the milestone. After studying this subject, there is a basic concept of yoga therapy and it is much help to my job of fitness and yoga instructor, and there is positive feedback from my clients.  So, I hope to get more knowledge about it with further studying.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014001931
Batch : September/2013

Through studying The Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher training program, in fact I studied much over I expected. I am very pound of become one of the student. All master are very professional and I can learn more knowledge through their teaching. The topic is very large and like the sea, I understood I just learned the basic knowledge then need to study hard. I have looking forward to having the chance to attend the advanced program about Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda in the coming future. Thankful for all Master in Anahata Yoga. Namaste, OM.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002148
Batch : September/2013

When I moved to Hong Kong one year ago, I was looking for a yoga studio offering Teacher Trainings. I found the Anahata Yoga studio and read with interest that a Teacher Training combined with Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy was offered. I have been always interested in Ayurveda and how Yoga therapy is working and so it was not a difficult decision joining this course and I did not regret it at all. It was very interesting learning about the connection between lifestyle, diet, yoga and how yoga therapy can be a form of treatment for many ailments. Thank you so much Master Yoganath and Master Yogesh for showing us how to do Yoga therapy and how to treat a patient safely. Thanks to Master Yogesh, I know now that there is always a creative way how to treat a person! The only thing I missed was how to create and teach a yoga class. The longer I did the course I also recognized that I began changing my eating habits (less meat, sweets and alcohol) and I could see the affect on body and mind by myself. Thank you so much to all the teachers answering all our questions and of course thank you to the whole Anahata Yoga studio team!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002243
Batch : September/2013

I really enjoyed the Ayruveda/Yoga Therapy program and I learned a lot. My only criticism would be on the teaching methodology of the Ayurveda portion. The instructor primarily read DIRECTLY from the notes (which were projected onto a screen). I feel this is not a good teaching method, especially since we could, and did read the material on our own anyhow. It might be more beneficial to open the class up to more explanation, discussion and examples. Also, the Powerpoint presentation was a bit distracting, as every screen has too much color and different styles and fonts. A more simple, uniform, clear presentation would have been easier to follow. Otherwise I enjoyed the teaching style of Vishnu. Yogesh is a surprisingly knowledgeable, and amazing teacher too. Yogananth is completely captivating and incredibly in tune with the subject matter and the students. I am very grateful to have been included in this teacher training program. Foster Barnes
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014001173
Batch : September/2013

Enjoyed the learning experience Suggestions: 1. The content from the Ayurveda component, as was taught, could have been completed in shorter hours than was allocated. Also, perhaps, too much time was allocated for group discussions. To make the best of the time, either increase the content or reduce it so that more time could be allocated for yoga therapy, whichever is more appropriate. 2. The third part of the course, going through the asanas, would have benefitted from group discussions or time to discuss the asanas and their therapeutic effects. This would greatly help in consolidating the vast amount of knowledge.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014001297
Batch : September/2013

The course is amazing! It helped me to gain understanding about myself and improved my health in general. The Ayurveda part is amazing, especially the knowledge on tri-dosha. It has transformed my view on lifestyle and actually living itself! I am so grateful to learn about this amazing ancient wisdom and be able to apply that in my life. The uniqueness of this course is that it combines Ayurveda and Yoga therapy together. It has certainly changed my view on yoga itself. Thank you team Anahata for brining this unique and amazing course to HK! So much about my personal experience, I would like to give some constructive feedback. It is also great to learn how to massage but much of the ingredients are difficult to find in HK. Hence, I think it is better to shorten this part especially some treatment like Shirodhara, as it is not possible to be done at home. For yoga therapy, i wouldd like to the lessons on human anatomy to be longer, as it is not easy to grasp in a few lessons. It d be great to have a model or bigger screen so to understand every muscles and bones in details. Since a lot of the natural therapy treatments cannot be done at home or in HK, i wouldd like to shorten the part. Of course, it is very good to learn about their existence but I am not sure of going into details. Having said that, I would like to learn more about the PRICE treatment. Itd be great to have a practical session on that. Again, thank you team Anahata! 🙂
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014001521
Batch : September/2013

After what appeared to be a somewhat slow start, I began to really enjoy the classes and workshops over the weekends. The Snehana and Syedhana workshops were interactive and fun and it was interesting to be able to apply what was being taught in the classes and practice on our classmates. This enabled us to not only engage in practical interaction with our peers but also get to know them on a more personal level and I have made some great friends from the experience. I must admit that the initial classes were somewhat monotonous as Dr. Sweta had a tendency to read directly off from a power?point presentation and I did find that to be a little bit time consuming and found it difficult to concentrate. She did however constantly promote class participation and encourage us to debate and discuss in our own groups. I found the Yoga Therapy workshops the most interesting, particularly the classes with Master Yogananth , Master Yogesh and Master Kumaran. I really enjoyed the practical elements and the opportunity to put the theory we had learnt into practice. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I would definitely recommend it to my friends who are interested in learning the foundations of Yoga, Yoga Therapy and are seeking for an opportunity to broaden their horizons. The fact that the classes fit so well into my working schedule was definitely a plus as I am not sure there is anything quite like it out on the Market at present!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002443
Batch : September/2013

It is excellent programme for me to learn Ayurveda yoga in a systematic way. And Yoga therepy section has lots of practice hours which are very good.  Trainers are always very helpful and willing to answer any questions. Both of the sections make me understand Yoga much better and deeper than before, help me lead a healthier and better life. The only thing is that in the Ayurveda section most of which is taught in the form of lectures, long hours sitting on the floor to listen the lecture is bit tough.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002436
Batch : September/2013

Teachers were very helpful and gave me a better understand on Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy. Personally, I gained improvement on my health after joined the course especially my nose allergy. Since I understand my doshes and cause of the problem, therefore I pay more attention on my daily diet, exercise and practicing pranayama. So far, I donot have blocked nose at the evening for the last 3 months but still have a running nose at the morning occasionally. Below are some points I would like to raise, hope can enrich the course a bit more. Thanks for the works from all of you. Ayurveda Too intensive, need more times to understand the topic; Instead of group discussion, may apply to one partner from the beginning to identify the doshes, diagnosis the symptoms, treatment, daily diet to lifestyle with the guidance of the Master; Yoga Therapy Video of a real case that helps to understand the whole therapy process and progress.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014001598
Batch : September/2013

The teacher training program has been a wonderful learning experience, both from the theory and practical aspects. Part 1: Ayurveda: Good notes with good practical experiments. However, the teacher could be more engaging by using more case studies or examples instead of reading out the notes provided to us. Part 2: Yoga therapy: I really enjoyed this part of the course. A good coverage of anatomy overview and yoga practices. All yoga therapy classes were very engaging. I would like to be able to practise conducting a yoga classes (through mock classes with fellow course mates). Overall, its was a great course and I would recommend it to my friends.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
Student ID : 2014002116
Batch : September/2013

I thoroughly enjoyed the Yoga Teacher Training Course offered by Anahata Yoga. The course was well-structured, in that it allowed me to learn a variety of topics and provided me with an enhanced and deeper understanding of yoga and the practice itself. I enjoyed the theory and practical aspects of the course, and found that the range of skills and information that we were taught gave me a better understanding of my very own practice, and how I can help others move through their practice in the future. I thank Master Yogananth, Vishnu, Yogesh and Anurag in their teachings, patience and time.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002550
Batch : December/2013

YTT at Anahata had inspired me to embark on a journey of holistic self discovery. I came into the course with an intention of learning to become a yoga instructor, whom I thought would work as an alternative fitness instructor. Along the way I discovered the essence of practicing yoga is not the ability to perfect asanas, or having incredible flexibility. The yoga knowledge I possessed prior to the course was superficial, and I was unaware that my shallow understanding of yoga actually hindered the progress of my personal practice. Learning about The Eight Limbs of Yoga was my biggest gain from the course. It really became my guideline in yoga practice, and more importantly my guideline for life in general. I learnt to be humble, non-judgemental, letting go of attachments, and most importantly, to surrender my ego. When I understood how to apply some of the theories and principles to my life, my perspectives changed and my yoga practice advanced tremendously too, on and off the mat. The past few months had been a transformative experience for me, I truly felt like a different person at the end of the course. Yoga is not just a physical exercise on the mat, it is a life long spiritual and holistic practice. Because of the Andiappan tradition, the course taught us to take therapeutic approaches to teaching, assisting and designing the sequence. It was an eye opener for me to learn so many different ways to work with props and partners. The teachers had all been extremely professional and helpful, and they had set themselves as great yogic role models for us to learn from, and to respect. I was glad the course did not empahsise on a particular lineage, instead it stayed true and traditional to the core of Yoga. It allowed us to understand and embrace all lineages and styles, so we could be open minded in the world of yoga. Inspired by all the teachers at Anahata, I am now determined and excited to become a teacher who can teach students the holistic benefits of yoga, which is not only limited to asana practice, but as well as pranayama, meditation and karma yoga. I would like more people in this world to learn about the positive impact of yoga on all aspects of our life. Lastly I would like to make a couple of suggestions 1. Practical exercises and exams in class at the end of each module, this would encourage students to digest and thoroughly revise the material content before moving onto the new chapter. It would also help to strengthen the understanding, especially the technical terms. 2. More in class practice of yoga instructing, and sequence designng. Thank you very much!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002424
Batch : December/2013

I have been practicing yoga for several years and had always felt that I needed to know more and deepen my knowledge of it. Yoga has been a constant in my life and it has always left me with a feeling of calmness and wellbeing and I am very glad I finally took the decision to take the teacher training course at Anahata Yoga. I learned a lot about yoga, but also about myself, my inner strengths and limitations - physical, mental and spiritual. Not only are the teachers very knowledgeable and experienced, but the philosophy of the course is very much focused on yoga as a gift that can be shared with others who need it or want to practice it, regardless of their financial means. This vision of yoga was also one of the reasons that made me chose the course at Anahata Yoga. Hopefully I will be able to give back what I received at the Yoga Andiappan Community voluntary teaching activities.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Dec 2013 – 8 Mar 2014)
Student ID : 2014002432
Batch : December/2013

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