Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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The course was a great experience. Lessons I will take with me throughout my life.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 July 2018 – 22 October 2018)
Student ID : 2018000705
Batch : July/2018

Your feedback and learning experience about the course I enjoy the class in Anahata. During the YTT 200hrs, I have spent 3-4 days yoga practice per week. Yoga has become my daily routine. The course is not only equip me some basic knowledge about Yoga, but also train up my patient and body. In this course, I met lots of amazing master. They always give us a clean and cheerful ideas to achieve the goal. We will know how to do the pose in safe way to avoid injury. In this 3 months, I have tried lots of new yoga pose with lots of modifications and verifications. It’s a good ideas for us to practice yoga in different way at different level. I will strongly recommend to my friend to Anahata for this course. Also, I will keep practice here to enhance my yoga knowledge.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 July 2018 – 22 October 2018)
Student ID : 2018000699
Batch : July/2018

The course really help to improve my alignment, and helps to kwon more about yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 July 2018 – 22 October 2018)
Student ID : 2018000749
Batch : July/2018

this course is amazing and it was exactly what i was looking to learn in the teacher training. All the masters are well-knowledge, friendly and caring. Now that i finished the course i have more understanding about the history and fundamentals of yoga, alignment principals in each asanas, and how to help students go deeper in each asanas safely. i am glad that i have learnt so much during the theory and piratical class. i would recommend anyone to come and take the course.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 July 2018 – 22 October 2018)
Student ID : 2017000868
Batch : July/2018

Its a awesome course and i love it , i like all the teachers and all practise in yoga with them, learnt many technique where no other studio can teach me.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 July 2018 – 22 October 2018)
Student ID : 2018000790
Batch : July/2018

Pranayama and meditation was a perfect course to take after 200Hr of teacher training. It complemented the earlier knowledge very well. The course was well structured and the sessions with Master Yoginath and Master Dheeraj were absolutely brilliant and life changing. The sessions had good mix of theory and practice. I hope I can continue and adopt this learning in my day to day practice.
Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (30 August 2018 – 14 September 2018)
Student ID : 2018000160
Batch : August/2018

Great content
Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (30 August 2018 – 14 September 2018)
Student ID : 2018000926
Batch : August/2018

The course have taught me a lot. Not only on the theory, but how to be a yogi. I have also learn the reasons behind the poses and the sequences, how to think and analysis for each pose based on the anatomy and the type of the pose, how can it combined with the warm up exercise and the neutralising pose. Last but not the least, how it gave me the opportunity to understand more deeply into yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
Student ID : 2018000963
Batch : June/2018

It was an amazing experience, and many thanks to all Masters for their inspirational teaching, and also to my classmates for their support. My entire yogic journey has been transformed by moving closer to the heart of what Yoga is all about.
Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1& Level 2 (21st Sep – 15th Dec 2018)
Student ID : 2017000983
Batch : September/2018

Simply awesome, inspirational and unbelievable! Many thanks for the Masters for their exceptional guidance as well as patience in guiding each student in exploring the potentials of Yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1& Level 2 (21st Sep – 15th Dec 2018)
Student ID : 2017000983
Batch : November/2018

Yoga and Ayurveda together form a comprehensive and integrated therapeutic working model for maintaining our physical and mental health and resolving conditions of ill health. While it is impossible for any single course to teach all aspects of these two interrelated branches of ancient Vedic knowledge, the course ignited a fire in me to learn the art, science, and philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda, from both traditional and modern perspective.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2018000454
Batch : August/2018

I am very happy that I choose the right place to learn my yoga practice. During the courses, I learned more yoga knowledge and understand why so many people nowadays practicing yoga. I think this is a BIG topic to talk about yoga, not only practice on the yoga mat, but it changes a person’s habit, health and patience. Anahata Yoga has very good teachers and masters. They are so kind and friendly, and always have chances for students ask questions. Specially thanks to Master Mahesh, he looks very young, and he is a good and patient teacher. He wants to teach us all the knowledge about yoga ? and his teaching instruction is very clear and easy to understand.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001078
Batch : November/2018

The course broadens my understanding about yoga. The course made me realise yoga is more than a kind of physical exercise.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jul 2017 – 28 Sep 2017)
Student ID : 2017000389
Batch : July/2017

The 200 hours teacher training certificate course with Anahata Yoga is definitely a positive experience. The teacher are very well experienced with an enthusiasm to teach. The teacher always try their best to help student regardless whether it is theory, posture, physical body or mental health related. One of the best things I like about this training is the Andiappan course as it really encourages students to do self practice but at the same time we get the benefit of having an experienced instructor nearby to guide us.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
Student ID : 2017000109
Batch : March/2017

This course has been a tremendous journey for me. I have not only understood and more deeply appreciate yoga as a practice, philosophy and as a way of life, but it has also helped me understand the discipline from a physical and anatomical perspective as well as the mental and spiritual aspect of yoga. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the masters for being such an inspiration. I am forever grateful and inspired to continue studying yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
Student ID : 2015000853
Batch : March/2017

Really enjoyed the teaching training. Not only have I learned anatomy, breathing techniques, kriyas (never heard of before TT) etc. knowledge, but most importantly, I learned more about myself. I am now more tuned in to how my body feels in every practice. I was also given tips and adjustments on what to practice and how to practice for my specific interest areas. I am very grateful to learn from and practice with Vishnu, Mahesh, Yogananth, Guruprit etc. dedicated masters. They are extremely passionate, and are always willing to share their vast knowledge. Overall, it has been a very rewarding experience.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
Student ID : 2017000132
Batch : June/2017

Between end of March, 2017 and end of June, 2017, I attended the “Teacher Yoga Training Certificate Course” in Hong Kong. This is my first and only time that I have attended such a course. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the course, making some nice friends, and it has been an enjoyable and pleasant experience for me. The course is very useful because it covers all aspects of yoga that one can learn. Our course masters have been very nice and patient with us, and I can feel that they have tried their best to assist us in learning the theories and the different poses. Having attended this course, I have increased my theoretical knowledge about yoga and am able to physically demonstrate the correct postures of the various poses. As a result, I feel very confident in teaching other new yoga students in the future.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
Student ID : 2017000173
Batch : March/2017

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
Student ID : 2017000174
Batch : June/2017

This is my first Yoga Teacher Training course and I have learnt and benefited a lot from this course. Before I studied this course, I think yoga is just about technique of posture. But after this course, I realize that yoga is not only about posture. I had learned yoga history and theory, where it comes from, and most importantly the spirit of yoga. I had learned about body structure, i.e.: nerve, bones, muscle… etc. The understanding of the body structure is very important, it help me avoid hurting myself. I know what yoga posture and pranayama is suitable to me. Nasana is very important in teacher training, and for me is the funniest part. Masters is very professional, their explanation is very clear. They correct many postures I did incorrectly before, and I had learned many new postures I can’t do before, i.e. wheel pose. Meditation is also a very good practice I had learnt from this course, this makes clam and clear my mind, especially in this busy city, practicing meditation is something we need. Kriya is a very special practice for me, I had never tried to woke up early and drank 2L warm salty water. But after the Kriya class, I felt something change in my body, I will continue practicing Kriya after that. Finally, I do want to thank all Masters who had taught me in this course. I hope I can join advanced class in coming year! Namaste
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
Student ID : 2017000192
Batch : June/2017

The course structure and contents are very useful to me. No matter practical or theoretical topics are interesting. The instructors are experienced and nice. They are always willing to help and offer personal advice. Andiappan classes helps a lot that I can choose the classes which most suit my own need and the free time practice after group practice provides good opportunities for students to enhance under the instructions of the masters. Thank you all the masters and staff of Anahata.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
Student ID : 2017000204
Batch : March/2017

The teachers provided in this courses is of high standard in term of teaching styles and information given.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
Student ID : 2017000225
Batch : March/2017

The Anahata 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course has deepened my understanding of yoga. The yoga masters who teach the course are impressive with their commitment to a yogic lifestyle and their vast knowledge. Throughout the teaching, the yoga masters shared how yoga can help with different physical ailments and disease. I had already learnt about the ‘energy’ flow of Chakras and the importance of diet in yoga but this was my first introduction into learning Yoga through Yoga anatomy and developing an understanding of how asanas and pranayama work with the muscles, bones and joints. I began to understand poses in terms of strengthening and stretching muscles, working with the body and understanding the differences in lateral stretches, lengthening, twisting and rotations, for example. I learnt the importance of sequencing asanas to work with the body and with the movement of air. I have always preferred the active meditation and flow of breathe, I find in the sequence of asanas. Yet, during this course I have understood the fundamental role of pranayama, mudra, bandha and kriya in ones practice. I also have a renewed sense for mediation. I found the assignments not only a great opportunity to reflect on what I had indeed learnt from the course but also to continue to deepen my understanding.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Dec 2016 – 22 Mar 2017)
Student ID : 2016000183
Batch : December/2016

The Yoga teacher training is great! It enriched me a lot of yoga knowledge not only the practical skills. It teach us the body anatomy, alignment, history and philosophy. It would be wonderful if we can have more class teach by Yogananth Andiappan. His teaching skill is fabulous!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
Student ID : 2017000234
Batch : June/2017

This course provides me a more broader understand about yoga and its principles. In addition to asana practice, the combination of meditation, pranayama, diet management and kriyas are essential to maintain a healthy live and can reach therapeutic goals. After this course, I can benefit from the knowledge learned myself and hopefully can share my experience with others to bring healthy live to those who has the will to pursue.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Nov 2016 – 5 Apr 2017)
Student ID : 2016000419
Batch : November/2016

learn so much,help so much in my practice when i doing the pose will think about which muscles i should engage and relax,also doing with my breath thank you master!!!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
Student ID : 2017000261
Batch : June/2017

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