Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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I really enjoyed the course as it enabled me to learn a lot about yoga philosophy, anatomy, poses I thought I knew, and teaching methodology.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000568
Batch : November/2017

The classes and teachers are very professional, the course helps me to have a deeper understanding of Yoga, helps me to develop in full set of knowledge in yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000890
Batch : November/2017

This is my first time to join YTT course, and I really enjoy the class and those master are full of experience and knowledge, not just about yoga posture, and also a lot of teaching skills and interesting experience to share with us. They are helpful to answer my questions too. I am happy to join this course and still have many things about yoga I need to learn and practice.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000838
Batch : November/2017

The masters in throughout the teaching course are all great masters. They are all very experienced. I gain more understanding of the history of yoga from the classes as well as the correct alignment of the asanas. It was a great experience to me.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000936
Batch : November/2017

The teachers were experienced.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000797
Batch : November/2017

This course was a wonderful experience. I truly enjoyed my time attending the course and the practice sessions; the teachers are great. Not only did I learn a lot during this course, but it also started me on a path to further my knowledge as I will now be attending further courses.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000937
Batch : November/2017

I very much enjoyed this course and feel like I have learned a lot. Very much enjoyed it, i think the teachers are very good.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000941
Batch : January/2018

I was learning yoga for almost 5 years , but only asanas , never pranayama or meditation before . This course showed me another face of yoga, that I truly feel the benefit. The course gives me the opportunity to improve my asanas skills , by breaking it down steps by steps , so I have a better understanding of the pose and its impact in the body/anatomy.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000942
Batch : January/2018

This is my second Yoga Teacher Training course and I have learnt and benefited a lot from this course. Pregnancy is an incredibly special time in women’s life. So this makes me very curious about prenatal yoga. As I’m a yoga lover (I’m also a woman?), I would like to know how yoga can help with a pregnancy and this course was most educational. I have learnt about physiological and emotional changes in pregnancy period. Pregnant women may have different conditions like depression, back pain and insomnia… etc. I am now more fully appreciate the sacrifice of mother. I have learnt many interdictions and asana suitable for pregnant women and what to avoid during this period now. I hope my knowledge can help with my teaching of pregnant women. Finally, I do want to thank all Masters who had taught me in this course. They are all very kind and professional, I hope I can join other advanced classes in the coming year! Namaste
Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (27 November 2017 – 17 January 2018)
Student ID : 2017000192
Batch : November/2017

It was a truly inspriring experience. The course offered everything I expected and much more. Not only did I gain knowledge about the correct way of doing some asanas, it also offered a glimpse of what the real yoga is - it is so much more than just doing aesthetically pleasing postures. The masters were all very different but each had something valuable to offer.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000955
Batch : January/2018

The 200 hours TT was educative and fun at the same time. Expressing my genuine appreciation: Our masters were so patient and caring. Thank you so much for sharing your precious teaching/ yoga experiences, passion and insights with us!!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000628
Batch : January/2018

I found this course intense, but I am so glad I have done it as it has changed my body and mind in so many beneficial ways. Thank you. Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000959
Batch : January/2018

it is an valued learning experienced.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000498
Batch : January/2018

This teacher training course makes me know yoga deeply, not only asana. Teachers explain very clearly to let us know what is yoga and about our body inside.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 Nov 2017 – 12 Feb 2018)
Student ID : 2017000966
Batch : November/2017

I was a little apprehensive at first about enrolling on the course as I was concerned that I might not be up to it and get the most benefits out of it yet. I am really glad that I did the leap of faith and I have come out of the course with a lot of take away, and am a much more motivated and avid yoga practitioner with much more understanding of what yoga is about, and an even happier man than before. Upfront, I have only positive impressions of the course. The course structure, the timing of the classes, the teachers, especially Master Yogananth, all taught well. I particularly like the anatomy and, even more the asanas sessions. Through the sessions, we not only learnt how some of the most practiced asanas should be properly done, but also their benefits, variations and modifications as well as their contradictions. We were also taught what we should watch out for as a teacher and how to help students with various issues. My fellow course members are all friendly and willing to share and help each other. The course went by so fast that I was actually a bit sad to see its end so soon. I have only one suggestion and that is, risking appearing a bit greedy, if possible more asanas should be covered in the course. Quite a few of my fellow course members have moved on to the Advanced Level course, due to start in May 2018. I believe that I am not ready yet and will practice some more before enrolling on the next one.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017000967
Batch : January/2018

I have thoroughly enjoyed the TT course at Anahata, which over the course of several months has reshaped my yoga journey in many different ways. To begin with, I have gained a greater understanding of the importance of pranayama, and acquired better knowledge of the origins and history of yoga, as well as its lineage. In addition to obvious physical benefits the asanas, when practiced regularly, will bring, I now have a better awareness of Chakras and other mental and spiritual benefits Yoga could offer. In addition, the lectures and workshops on anatomy and asanas have deepened my personal practice, and sharing the teaching and practice sessions with my classmates has been truly beneficial to my ongoing and future exploration. Ultimately, learning with the excellent Masters has transformed my entire experience by bringing me closer to the heart of what Yoga is all about.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
Student ID : 2017000983
Batch : March/2018

This course is very well structured. From theories to practical, this course provided me with very comprehensive knowledge about yoga. All the modules are interrelated and can help me a lot with my personal growth on the yoga journey. Masters are all very knowledgeable and willing to teach. I am encouraged to further enrich myself and gain experience on teaching.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
Student ID : 2017000997
Batch : March/2018

The 200 YTT course has been a fantastic experience. The Masters are very knowledgeable, patient, and provide ongoing support. It was great to experience variety of teaching/guiding styles. Every one of the masters brought to the course incredible amount of positive energy and it was a pleasure to learn from them. I would highly recommend this course to my friends. I am also looking forward to continue my personal yoga journey and continue to practice at Anahata after the summer. Thank you for to all for all.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
Student ID : 2017001021
Batch : March/2018

I have learnt a lot about yoga throughout the whole course. Everything was explained very clear by the masters in both the theoretic and the asanas part. Thank you Anahata Yoga for taking my practise into another level. I will start the Advanced YTT training soon.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017001033
Batch : January/2018

Teachers are good and knowledgeable on the topics. The asana classes are wonderful and really helpful for my health.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
Student ID : 2017000528
Batch : September/2017

Thanks for offering this course- I found it insightful and enjoyable. Special thanks to our lecture masters and all the masters of our group classes- for their passion, patience and love for teaching us.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
Student ID : 2017000628
Batch : September/2017

Learning experience was great. I like the practical part with Master Yoganath.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
Student ID : 2015000167
Batch : September/2017

Very good theoretical content, sequences and really appreciated to have postures by ailment. Thanks for everything.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Sep 2017 – 29 Nov 2017)
Student ID : 2017000484
Batch : September/2017

Great course, well organized and especially the teachers made this one of a kind. The explanation of anatomy and the asanas were very good and clear. For all of the modules one extra class would have allowed more time to finish all.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
Student ID : 2017001046
Batch : January/2018

Before starting this training course, my upper back is very stiff and my inversion poses are very poor. During these three months, the instructors well understand my weakness and they all helped me to improve those parts of my body. They advised me to breath correctly and keep relaxing. Up to now, with the sincerely help of my dear Master, my upper back has opened a lot. Moreover, with the help of the correct breathing, I can stand for the inversion with a longer time, steady and lighter. Besides the improvement of the postures, the most benefit that I got in this course is: Make more real friends in Yoga field and know the true spirit of Yoga through all my dearest teacher Masters advices. Thank you very much.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001061
Batch : November/2018

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