Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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This is a very resourceful and enjoyable course. Not only does it deepen my understanding of yoga, but also enhances my interests in exploring more on this broad subject. All the masters teaching the course are very knowledgeable and dedicated to sharing their wisdom and experience with the students. It is a very pleasant learning experience journey in which the programme objective and the learning outcomes are attained. Namaste!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001125
Batch : November/2018

Overall, the Teacher Training course was a very pleasant experience. It was obvious that all the Masters were very passionate about yoga and wanted the students to learn. The Asana practice was very well done, with an explanation of how to correctly and safely approach each pose. The Anatomy was very interesting and I appreciated how it was a mixture of anatomy and practice at the same time. All in all, it was a very rewarding experience and I would recommend the course to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
Student ID : 2018000404
Batch : June/2018

Generally good value. I learnt a lot from Master Yoganath and Vishnu. I wish there were more sessions involving class planning and teaching practice. The history module can be shortened. Thanks.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001124
Batch : November/2018

This training truly nurtured my yoga practice in unexpected ways. Throughout the entire program I was able to notice a change both physically and mentally. I became more aware of my own emotions and saw how yoga could help me. The diversification of teachers gave me examples on how to teach and how to guide students during a class. I must highlight the fact that I really appreciated the quality of your teachers and I am grateful for their guidance during the entire programm.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001010
Batch : November/2018

I am practicing yoga for 2- 3 years now. The reason to attend this course is to help myself to know more about yoga, from the fundamental of yoga to practical yoga practices. This course is exactly what I am expecting. Thank you for all of the Masters who teaches the class as all of them are very friendly, caring, experienced, and well-knowledge in what they are teaching of. I really enjoy the class and will recommend to my friend who interest to enhance their yoga knowledge as well. After this class, I will continue my yoga practice journey as many said, “yoga is a lifestyle.”
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001016
Batch : November/2018

I am happy and glad that I got this chance to study this course. Understand that there are so much to learn still regarding Yoga Therapy but I will always be a student, be humble, learn, listen, obverse and try my best to spread the love of yoga to everyone.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2015001156
Batch : August/2018

After yoga therapy teacher training at Anahata studio, I know my body and state of mind better. Thanks all masters for sharing your valuable experience with me from your hearts.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2016000879
Batch : August/2018

During this course I really found the things I was looking for when signing up for it. The history part of the course was very intense but also very important to understand the different approach and the way yoga was build in time. The yogic anatomy part was super interesting even for me who have a nursing degree I really enjoyed it. The part with the practice of different poses was very good but i takes time to understand how to sequence in order for warm up and counter poses. The pranayama and breathing part was good ( even if there was a lot of them that I could not do because of the pregnancy) I just regret that we did not have any classes about the chakras, I really miss this part of the training. The learning experience was good, the teaching method was very nice, all the teacher were very accessible if we have any questions or inquiry. Even being pregnant I did not feel left aside at all as all of them always find a modification for me without me feeling them annoyed by me, which was appreciable. The only down side for me is that I could not participate in all the classes and andiappan classes like core, detox or twisting because of the pregnancy but of course, that’s my own fault and not the course problem. I really wanted to say that I did enjoyed this course very much and just feel that I still need to learn even more from all the teachers and that I am already thinking about signing up for more teacher training. Thank you all
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018000979
Batch : November/2018

My pleasure to take second TT course at Anahata. Detailed content in variety of aspects.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2016000693
Batch : August/2018

Very informative, learned a lot. Thank you.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2018000016
Batch : August/2018

This comprehensive 300 hr Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course is well-designed, and has deepened and widened my understanding and knowledge of yoga and ayurveda in various aspects - from anatomy, asana, kriya, meditation to spirituality. The teaching masters, in particular Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu and Master Dhiraj, are caring and have been sharing their knowledge as much as they could. It is overall an inspirational course to attend and beneficial for anyone who will/is teaching.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2015000902
Batch : August/2018

Very useful and practical knowledge on Ayurveda, meditation and yoga therapy for people with different health issues and/or body discomfort. Also, am grateful that masters shared their extensive experience with us and accessible for questions. Some information was the same as the 200-hour YTT but not a lot and was good review for the info.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2017000885
Batch : August/2018

After this YTT200 program can learn more yoga history, origin, philosophy, anatomy and asanas knowledge, especially for the Kriyas practical session. I can feel my body much better and using the technique to improve my flexibility. When I keep on practicing will be have another mind and stage.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001088
Batch : November/2018

This is a great learning experience for me, through this course, I learned different health complications and how yoga can help. I am so grateful for the teachings by Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Dhiraj and Master Nirmal. Namaste! Regarding the assignment, I would love to receive my markings if possible, so that I know the room for improvement. Thank you!
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2017000093
Batch : August/2018

After the course, I feel I have gained not just the knowledge but strength and flexibility. Yoga masters here are especially encouraging. They always answer our doubts on yoga professionally. And the course include some self-practice classes called Andiappan yoga , this practice focus on different aspects like hamstrings/shoulder/ back opening ,so we can focus on our weakness during the practice. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who is interested In yoga . And I would like to take this chance to praise master Yogananth, master Vishnu, master Mahesh and master Dhiraj for their patience, inspiration and professional teaching. Thank you
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018000142
Batch : November/2018

I love every thing i learnt in this teacher training course, Thank you Master Yogananth and Vishnu. Would love to have more practice on breathing. I understand there is always more to learn in yoga therapy.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2016000654
Batch : August/2018

I thoroughly enjoyed the Yoga Therapy course, taught by the Masters with their wealth of knowledge.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2017000469
Batch : August/2018

It is a great course, a lot of information to take in, so it is better to be involved 100 percent in it. Experienced and knowledgeable masters. Good way to deepen your own practice, or prepare yourself to lead your own classes. Especially enjoyed meditation lectures. Would definitely recommend this course!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018000342
Batch : November/2018

Love that the classes target different common injuries and disorders in each lesson, so that we have a more focused learning and discussion and in-depth Q&A in the specific yoga therapy topic. Very informative and detailed classes.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2016000929
Batch : August/2018

I have a good experience after finished this YTT course. I am so glad to know the yoga deeper after finished this course, All Masters in the class are very experienced and teaching enthusiastically in different aspects of yoga. I need to give truth thanks to all of them. They guide us not just teaching asana but all the theory besides yoga. That is well prepared to be being a yoga teacher in future. I also appreciate the andiappan classes practice in this centre, it provides a chance to practice in class with interaction between master and the learners in order to solve the hesitate that they have. It is very important in the improvement of the learning process. I also surprise for the lesson in Panayama, murdra and kriyas, these give a new interesting experience to me that I have never experienced before. On the other hand, I can apply the knowledge I learned in class on my assessment and teaching practice assessment. It helps me to consolidate my knowledge in yoga. At the same time, I would like to give some suggestions after finished the course. This a good coach in my journey of yoga learning .I wish I can be a yoga teacher in one day in order to introduce the benefits of yoga to others, let them enjoy yoga as well.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018000899
Batch : November/2018

I learnt the strengths and weaknesses of my body through the different postured taught by the Masters. For example, although I was previously aware of my lack of hamstring flexibility, I however discovered that I have a good back bend and that I am quite comfortable with balancing poses. I learnt how to prepare a posture and which counter postures to use to neutralize the stress on the muscles and joints. I also learnt how breathing helps to relax the muscles and find a good balance in different postures.
Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1& Level 2 (21st Sep – 15th Dec 2018)
Student ID : 2018001056
Batch : September/2018

After completing level 1, I noticed that I gained a lot in strength and flexibility. I learnt that yoga is a long journey and although I really wanted to achieve some postures, my body regularly reminds me that it needs more time to reach the requested level. In a way, I learnt about patience and listening to my body. I also learnt how some fears can influence the ability to make good postures. For example, until the end of level 2, I was always using the wall for all inversion/ arm balancing poses as I was super scared to fall. With the help of the Masters and regular practice, I progressively tried inversions without the wall and I also practices the fall. Since then my fear are much lower and it is a real improvement for me. I also learnt which postures to use for back pain as it is very useful for me and to teach to people around me. Overall, I learnt a lot about postures, body muscles and joints and most importantly to be aware of my own body, including its strengths and limitations.
Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1& Level 2 (21st Sep – 15th Dec 2018)
Student ID : 2018001056
Batch : November/2018

The teachers at Anahata are outstanding. Their knowledge of Yoga and their ability to help students individually is impressive and well worth the cost. I was quite pleased with the course and will likely spend many more hours at Anahata!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (6 November 2018 – 21 February 2019)
Student ID : 2018001177
Batch : November/2018

Learn yoga from the heart, in Anahata Yoga. I am really enjoying the learning process of YTT200 hours in Anahata Yoga, no matter the environment and the teachers, which brings me a totally different experience from other yoga studios. I appreciated the effort the teachers put and the patience in teaching different level students. I come from an aerial yoga background for 2 years and with few months practice in yoga on the mat. Thanks for having me as one of the student and I really appreciated I have chosen Anahata Yoga as my foundation, to start my true yoga journey in which is all start from our hearts to the outer self. Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Anurag, Master Nirmal and Master Mahesh are all excellent teachers no matter in teaching from Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation to yogic way of living. There is a huge difference in my body and mind during my study and practising period in Anahata Yoga, I learned how to get a more balanced way of life by practicing yoga in various aspects. Now, I started to teach my relatives and fellows about the benefits of yoga and how they could adapt it into the daily life. I would like to be one of yogi who transmit the power and influence the others to a positive and better way of living. I believe that every yoga practitioners could start their foundation course in Anahata Yoga, to gain a full spectrum experience of different aspects of yoga. I also would like to thanks to all the meet ups, friendship and happiness that I received from Anahata Yoga. I will continue my yoga journey in future as a student and or a teacher to spread the positive energy and the yogi power to the others.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
Student ID : 2018000210
Batch : March/2018

It was a great experience to be part of this Yoga instructor training module. It opens my eyes on Yoga theory and practice by the amazing instructors and warm support of the fellows in my class. I was never a fitness or yoga person when I was young. I picked up exercise 10 years ago and it changed my life really. In recent years I started to practice yoga occasionally and becomes my interests in an in-depth learning. This is just a beginning and I still have a long journey to go. I will remain humble and keep learning on theory and practice of yoga and would like to become a yoga instructor one day to share my passion and knowledge to my students. Thank you so much for all the instructors of Anahata Yoga 🙂
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
Student ID : 2018000128
Batch : June/2018

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