Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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It was a wonderful learning experience in Anahata Yoga. It is the best yoga school that I have ever attended. Full of knowledgeable and attentive masters, practical learning practice, and informative theory classes that open up my eyes. I really want to learn more to equip myself well enough to help and share my yoga experience with others in the future. I highly recommended to all who wants to learn from a classical and traditional yoga from India.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 January 2019 – 4 May 2019)
Student ID : 2018001108
Batch : January/2019

Overall, I have enjoyed the course. This was my first teacher training course, I like the anatomy theory part and also the history of yoga. The partner system in the class helping each other out in the pose was a great idea, the teammates were very supportive. The teachers are passionate about the students and knowledgeable. I especially enjoyed the pranayama and meditations module, it has given me clearer guidance on breathing and meditation. The practice of asanas and pranayama will prepare us for meditation. The yoga is just not practiced on the mat and is also part of our lifestyle as mentioned by Master Yoganath. Thank you very much to all the teachers. I look forward to my Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course in June 2019!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000209
Batch : February/2019

Amazing experience! This course did not only deepen my knowledge about yoga but also introduced me to a brand new healthy lifestyle. Allowing me to understand how yoga is not just about Asanas but to connect our body, mind, and spirit and live the moment. I cannot wait to share my knowledge and insights promoting to the community and help people in need. This course has definitely helped lead me to pursue my dream into reality!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000076
Batch : February/2019

Time files! It is now the 5th month of my yoga journey. I started my 40 hours self-practice a month early before YTT started. It is because I've never practiced yoga before. Therefore, I need much more time to understand it. ?Every movement, every breath I learnt amazed me! After attending YTT, I found that yoga is a vast topic that is worth learning for life. Especially the "eight limbs" inspires me so much. Patanjali says, “look more deeply at what the body is. The more you clean it, the more you realize that it is an impermanent, decaying thing. Sacha helps break up excessive fixation with your body, or the bodies of others.” ? All Masters put so much effort to teach us. They always do adequate warm-up and preparation, show us clear demonstration step by step, understand our limitations and give us suitable advice. Now I will practice more, and look for more challenging courses later, like Hatha Advance, Yoga Therapy, Kids Yoga, etc. to deepen my yoga knowledge in the future. Thanks again to all Masters!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000006
Batch : February/2019

I am extremely inspired to learn and I came to this training to gain a better understanding of myself and for more personal growth along with deepening my yoga practice. I am leaving with much more love and compassion for myself, something I have long struggled with. When I decided to do a yoga teacher training, I expected to challenge myself, strengthen my practice, and of course learn to teach a yoga class. This experience has given me everything I expected and hoped to receive and so much more. The ANAHATA Yoga from the heart journey is absolutely life-altering and incredible. I've learned so much about myself, other people, and life through this program. I truly believe everyone needs an experience like this in order to heal, and discover how to live yoga in all aspects of life. The group we had in "Anahata Yoga" was unbeatable. We were immersed in yoga and the people around us and the teachers. I'm extremely grateful for my experience teachers and will forever carry the experience with me. "Anahata Yoga" has truly given me a fresh perspective. It has taught me things about myself that I never acknowledged before. It showed me that by learning to trust the process, we can see beauty in the heartaches too. Thanks for everything!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2018001403
Batch : February/2019

It was one of my fantastic journey in my life attending 200hrs YTT in Anahata with guidance from Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh and Master Vishnu. They are all very professional and experience in teaching yoga. I realized learning yoga is not only about how flexible and difficult pose you achieved but about reaching beyond your limit, self-improvement and meditation both in emotions and mind. This going to benefit life long.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000040
Batch : February/2019

It was a wonderful and fruitful yoga journey for me! The course has given me a good introduction to yoga and forms great ground work for my yoga practice and teaching to come in the near future!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2018001021
Batch : February/2019

I am grateful to be able to deepen my knowledge about Yoga through the 200 Hours YTT Training Certificate Course. The course has introduced me to various aspects of Yoga, Asanas, Pranayama, the way to conduct oneself in life as a yogi. All of the masters offer their unique perspective from their own learnings, which has contributed to making the course comprehensive. I could see the difference in both the body and mind since starting the course. This process has set a solid foundation for me to further my life long journey, as a student and/or a teacher to share the benefits of practicing yoga to people around me.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2018001477
Batch : February/2019

It was a fantastic experience to study the YTT course at Anahata Yoga School. Thank you for the professional teachers to give us good guidance. I enjoy learning journey with you all.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 January 2019 – 4 May 2019)
Student ID : 2018001379
Batch : January/2019

I really enjoyed doing the course, I feel it has given me a good grounding in the history of yoga, the anatomy of the body and the correct way to do some main asanas.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000195
Batch : February/2019

Broadened my knowledge about yoga. Appreciate if we could have more lecture hours to learn more asanas and had more time to practice teaching in a group. Thank you
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000120
Batch : February/2019

Such a learnable and meaningful yoga training course. It's not only learning the asana also the history and theory of yoga. Anahata is a traditional yoga school and the classes are very useful. I will join the Anahata community to try to teach the people in need. I also recommended this school to my friend who wish to have yoga class.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 January 2019 – 4 May 2019)
Student ID : 2018000965
Batch : January/2019

I m so happy that I can learn more YOGA, and so very enjoy the class with classmate:) The class made me more confidence. Thank you so much!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018000956
Batch : November/2018

I like the course very much, especially the Anatomy and Asana module. It was amazing and beyond my expectation. Thank you.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 January 2019 – 4 May 2019)
Student ID : 2018001104
Batch : January/2019

The Yoga Teacher Training Course has brought me a new experience of learning and practicing yoga. It not only enriches my knowledge about the history of yoga and anatomy of the human body but also enables me to gain sufficient strength and skills for doing more difficult postures such as handstand through series of intensive training. The tutors, in particular, the course faculties are all very professional and I have learned a lot from them about the theoretical and practical aspects of yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (12 February 2019 – 9 April 2019)
Student ID : 2019000032
Batch : February/2019

A very informative first TTC for me and it gives the fundamental blocks of what yoga therapy is and how it is related to yoga practice as a whole. Some learnings and practice could apply to myself. A lot of in-depth studies and experiences are required to become a full-fledged yoga therapist after this course.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (27 August 2018 – 28 January 2019)
Student ID : 2018000288
Batch : August/2018

After practicing yoga for so many years in Asana, this YTT has given me a deep insight and understand my body better. I love this pranayama and meditation course which helps me in Asana practice and learned more about calming my mind and body.
Course Name : 100-hours Pranayama and Meditation Teacher Training Course (14 February 2019 – 1 March 2019)
Student ID : 2019000181
Batch : February/2019

I found the course very comprehensive and have given me a very detailed and structured understanding of yoga. I also found Masters are very helpful, knowledgable and passionate about yoga. I have learnt not only asanas and theories from them, but also attitude and the psychological aspects about yoga. I would definitely recommend this to my friends who are interested to deepen their yoga knowledge in the future.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001252
Batch : November/2018

Great atmosphere and learning materials to get a wider glimpse of what yoga is all about. The one thing I loved the most is that all of the masters teach with a big heart and are always welcome to give inspirations and knowledge to the students, so glad to be a new part of the yoga community!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001202
Batch : November/2018

The course is very detailed and informative. All the masters are very professional and their experience sharing is inspiring.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001224
Batch : November/2018

Great training! Great teachers! Great Reception staff! Will definitely miss all the learning and passion! Thank you for a fantastic experience!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001349
Batch : November/2018

The course is comprehensive and I was able to learn about different aspects of yoga for better practice. The teachers are great.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001278
Batch : November/2018

The course is very detailed and informative. And the masters are sharing their experiences and knowledge which are inspiring. Thanks:)
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018000481
Batch : November/2018

The beautiful experience shared with my yogi/yogini friends and the learning through the teachers during the TT, made me understand and reflect on how yoga goes beyond the usual stereotypes we see in the social media and everyday life. Yoga is not about crazy and impossible poses, it’s something more profound, is a way of living, a spiritual and physical development that allows understanding ourselves and all the living beings. We are all interconnected, that’s the beauty of life and that’s what yoga means, union. Find the balance that brings us to live our lives, the real dream, at the fullest, achieving personal goals and helping others to do so. Only in this way we can be happy and make others happy too. During this training, I’ve also enjoyed the different approaches that each teacher had and the fact that we must use our own insight to filter knowledge and information that we get from the external sources. The teacher doesn’t mean that he/she is always right, but our own perception of things, knowledge, and research will guide us into the right path. Thanks again to all the teacher for their sharing and the good time spent together. Namaste
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001195
Batch : November/2018

Thank you all the wonderful teachers on the teacher training! I first enrolled in the training on the thought that I wanted to become a healthy person by doing an asana with a training certificate; I have never push myself doing any advance poses like headstand and shoulder stand, in the fourth month time that my body become more relax then I can do a headstand during the training class. That is really surprise me that I can make it! I have learned that yoga is the combination of mind, body and soul; everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. After the training i find myself become more confident and calm in my daily life. Namaste!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (26 November 2018 – 13 March 2019)
Student ID : 2018001352
Batch : November/2018

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