Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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My learning experience of the 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course has been great overall. The yoga masters at Anahata are very knowledgable and experienced and I have definitely deepened my knowledge and practice in yoga throughout the course.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000150
Batch : May/2020

This YTT 200 hr have changed the way I think about yoga completely. Through this learning learnt and experienced Yoga in different way such as asana practice , meditation and yoga theory . It taught me breath control , mind control and asana control are connect all in one process . It also make me realize that Yoga is self -practice , self- control and self concentrate . It 's about you how to connect with your body through asana practice and explore various limitations of our body and mind. It's about you how to connect with your mind though meditation . i will recommend this training to anyone who want deepen their yoga journey . Thank you , all Masters from Anahata,
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000629
Batch : May/2020

The YTT classes are good and very informative. All the masters are nice and passionate in their teaching.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000036
Batch : May/2020

Despite the covid situation, the learning experience was dense but very interesting. I personnally went in a deeper understanding on what is yoga, how to approach the asanas, how to guide the beginners to this new learning path. I would like to suggest a small library area in the studio where we can find the recommended readings we learnt in the classes so that we can make some researches. Thank you for the studio for this experience!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000250
Batch : May/2020

This course has enabled me to learn more about the approach and alignment of different yoga pose, as well as the breathing techniques during the practice of yoga. Furthermore, the course has provided me with the opportunity to try different kinds of yoga, from meditation, hatha yoga and to more vigorous one, say ashtanga yoga. I have also found myself more falling in love with yoga after taking this course. Overall, it is a good experience and learning for me.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2019001927
Batch : May/2020

It has been one of the best learning experience in my life. The course really helped me to gain knowledge about yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, and anatomy. All the masters are very knowledgeable and willing to share. I am so grateful for Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Mahesh, Master Raja and Master Dhiraj for their guidance and generosity of sharing their knowledge and experience. There is simply too much to learn. YTT 200 provided me a solid foundation and has aroused my interest to pursue my yoga journey further. Thank you, Anahata Yoga!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000124
Batch : May/2020

This course is well-structured taught by knowledgeable masters. Amid the epidemic, we are provided with various options to complete the course, allowing flexibility and abundant time. The course covers topics ranging from history and origin of yoga, anatomy to asanas, equipping the prospective yoga teachers-to-be with the essential knowledge, teaching methods and inspirations. I'm thankful for all masters who patiently answered our questions, guided us through the asana module practice and practical assessment.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000411
Batch : May/2020

This is a well-structured course, students should learn about the yoga essentials including its history, theories, energy etc. I am waiting for the centre to open after this temporarily closure and hope to interact with the teachers more.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000598
Batch : May/2020

YTT class is great even we were experiencing the difficulties in the social distance control. We have our class online and the Masters were trying their best to demonstrate the poses they want to know let us know. In class lesson are great, especially the alignment class that can teach you the proper pose you should do and be aware of. Also, the subsequent support with the yoga with charity is the thing I am looking for, as you can practice the yoga training by giving helps to social needy. I am looking forward to every single lesson with different master in the Anahata and wish I can teach what I have learnt in the Anahatha and teach it in the yoga community.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000600
Batch : May/2020

Although it is such a pandemic period, I am still glad that I have finished the course. I have learnt more about yoga, not just only on asana, but more on theory, which helps deepening skills. We may go through a lot of difficulties, especially on the online part, as there are constraints on internet. Masters are all so knowledge, they are all very kind to share the experience to us. Thank you all Masters, Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Mahesh, and special credits to Master Raja, he does a very good coaching.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000610
Batch : May/2020

Thanks for the guidance from all the masters who taught me know more in-depth yoga knowledge, some classes are arranged online due to COVID, although it will be useful if more studio classes can be arranged during the YTT so that more hands-on experience can be obtained to teach.thank you .
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000626
Batch : May/2020

Great learning experience. I am very much interested in continuing my learning experience on yoga with Anahata Yoga
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000473
Batch : April/2020

All Masters are very knowledgable and willing to teach students with detailed explanation. Andiappan class is very good as it focuses on specific theme each time. However the andiappan classes are sometimes very difficult to book, wish I can complete the 30 classes and so to fulfil the 200 hours teaching training in this course. Namaste!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000477
Batch : April/2020

i join this advanced YTT because, in the first 200 hours I learned a lot that I have never seen before and I feel so much progress in my yoga journey, so I enrolled in this in advanced Yoga of Level I and II. Really looking forward to join the level III.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue, Wed & Thu Morning)
Student ID : 2019001690
Batch : October/2019

Happy learning in Anahata Yoga. Masters are all very experienced and helpful. They show their willingness of not only teaching, but also any sharing regarding yoga. Although our batch of the course was affected by COVID-19, the centre and all the masters responded rapidly to the alternate arrangements and prevention of epidemic and prohibited group gathering by the HKSAD Gov., to minimize the influence. i really appreciate your sincerity and hardwork.Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2020000226
Batch : February/2020

The course is taught by some of the very knowledgeable, no matter the theory part or the practical part. All the masters are very professional, they are eager to teach and answer questions. After taking the course, I have better knowledge about yoga and it helps a lot as yoga is a life long training and style. Thank you all for helping me to learn throughout these few month. Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001570
Batch : February/2020

I enjoy learning in Anahata Yoga. The teachers are enthusiastic and rich in teaching experience. We are not just learning different postures, but also knowing more about the history of yoga, anatomy and class sequencing methods. Through plenty of Andiappan Yoga classes and Group Practice classes, we can improve the alignment, modification and variation of asanas. Although I was feeling quite nervous about the teaching assessment class, it is a special experience to inspire us how to be a better yoga teacher. During this teaching course, it’s a challenge for students and the studio as we need to face the problems of the coronavirus pandemic and social movement. Thank you Anahata Yoga
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001921
Batch : February/2020

Anahata Yoga masters are professional and kind. Very patient in answering your questions and doubts.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001505
Batch : February/2020

During YTT course my practice definitely improved a lot. I have better understanding now of not only asanas alignment but also of Yoga philosophy and lifestyle. I wish that during the course we had more exposure into teaching techniques and also more opportunities to practice teaching.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001976
Batch : February/2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the practice. However, due to coronavirus, yoga practice and theory classes have to be shifted online which makes the learning experience different. Nonetheless, this is not within anyone's control, i really hope to be able to train at the center once things resume to normal.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001980
Batch : February/2020

After taking 200- hours yoga teaching training in Anahata Yoga, I learnt more about yoga, not only the poses, but also the history and spirit. Yoga is very magical, it calms us down and also inspire us. And all the masters are wonderful and knowledgeable, especially master mahesh. He is truely passionate about yoga and he would love to share yoga knowledges to us and take care all of the students in class.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001924
Batch : February/2020

Anahata has very experienced masters who are very dedicated in their teaching. I love all the topics and practice. Andiappan Yoga is the best.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001993
Batch : February/2020

Overall the Master were taught from their hearts and explained the approaches, theories and anatomy in details. It was a really good experience to join the YTT course here.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019002034
Batch : February/2020

My favorite session is the asanas lectures where masters were so detailed at explaining each basic poses with clear demonstrations. 3 months course has been very educative and beneficial and fun! Thank you. Would appreciate it if there are more in-depth, advanced poses introduced in this course but i understand this is a foundation course. .
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning & Afternoon)
Student ID : 2019001839
Batch : February/2020

The whole course and all the topics covered are very interesting and its a fun learning atmosphere. Namaste
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sun Morning and Afternoon) – ONLINE CLASSES SCHEDULED
Student ID : 2020000539
Batch : May/2020

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