Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

1 42 43 44 45 46 53
Very good theoretical content, sequences and really appreciated to have postures by ailment. Thanks for everything.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000484
Batch : September/2017

It's been amazing learning all the different aspects of yoga from history, philosophy, asanas, pranayama, techniques and musculoskeletal systems. I've been able to get a better understanding of how the practice of yoga can affect not just the physical elements but also on a mental and emotional level. Overall, I'm very pleased with the program and all that I've learned in the past few months from Anahata!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000636
Batch : September/2017

First of all my gratitude to all the teachers for their time and support while learning, it was a very good experience to have something like Anahata centre in Hong Kong. The Andiappan Anahata centre is a great yoga facility in fast pace Hong Kong, the centre run classes from 7am to 9 pm thats amazing. Each and every Teacher here is very punctual, I never seen any classes got cancelled. More over the atmosphere of the centre is so good that you get addicted to go again and again to attend variety of yoga classes made available to us. All the classes whether its a Power Yoga B class, or Hatha Yoga B class, are tailor made to suit every one of us to reach the final pose, while the teachers keep in mind the advanced students who need to experience more variation when doing poses. In our 200 hrs Teacher Training I got to know many new things about yoga, most important was that while most of us relate Yoga with physical postures, it is much much more than simply doing difficult postures, and more about the opening and centering of the inner being. I personally feel the Andiappan yoga class is really good class everyone should try it, teachers really make an effort to reach each and every one in the class who is having difficulty trying the pose; they have set of different posture of every one to help them to reach final pose. They also have full knowledge of the body anatomy. From spiritual point of view to physical aspect of yoga each and everything was discussed thoroughly, I personally got so much information about the human body and its self-healing powers. We get rid of fear while challenging our own body limits, this is what I realised when I tried doing a Head Stand, with all support initially I was sacred then one day while trying with the wall support I was able to do that and that day I really felt happy and realised how sometimes challenging the body limits helps release fear in the mind.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000567
Batch : September/2017

I joined Anahatha yoga about 3 years ago and knew about the 200 hours Yoga Teacher training program by my friend. However, I could never find time to join until both of my kids go to the full-day school last September. And now I had finished this program and I have to say that it was a great experience for people like me have being practicing asana regularly for years but actually treat yoga as a stretch exercise or work out and knows nothing else about Yoga. Im so happy that I was brought to another level of my yoga practice. Thought this 200 hours, I understand the history and philosophy of yoga, the life style, the diet and even the anatomy. It helps me to correct some mistakes I used to make during my practice and build up good habits with a healthy mind. I would strongly recommend all yoga lovers to join the course. Its not only to enrich the knowledge of yoga but also lead us to a completely healthy life style for the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000636
Batch : September/2017

I have enjoyed the YTT200 hours course a lot. I used to think that I am not good enough to join the teacher training course, since I am not flexible to come to many postures in perfection and I did not know much about the yoga terminologies. After this course, I have learned a great deal on the background and philosophy of yoga. It is not only about the physical movement, but also the alignment to our mind and soul along with proper breathing. It is about self-awareness of our body when we are doing a pose; it is about self-discipline and persistent when it comes to becoming a yoga practitioner. This is how I learn about self-improvement through the learning and practice of yoga on a regular basis. All the teachers of YTT are very helpful and patient, they have a way to teach us how to approach the asana step by step or in modification according to our anatomy. I appreciate to their encouragement and support toward my learning journey. I am also grateful to have met my classmates who share the same passion. They have made the learning experience more interesting with the exchange on our learning and knowledge about yoga.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2017000646
Batch : September/2017

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the course and felt that Yogananth had provided a worldclass level of teaching. A few points below: Fantastic Asana, Pranayama, Anatomy, Mudra and Kriya modules. - Thoroughly enjoyed the assignments and feel that assignment 1 should have been requested from all students BEFORE the start of the course as I felt that the assignment really solidified my understanding of traditional yoga. - Course time and dates. - Approachability of all masters.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000330
Batch : September/2017

Since the first time I’ve got started into Yoga, I had come across a lot of great episodes in my life, and that is gaining benefits for my mental and physical wellness, surrounded by wonderful diverse people and improved my awareness to myself and life as well. Such a great experience to learn from people that yoga is a part of their culture and grew up practicing and living it. I had also learned not only anatomy and philosophy of Yoga, Asanas, Pranayama, and cleansing, but also the Indian culture and some touch up of their history and beliefs; which is, I guess, it is essential having learned that. The teachers are knowledgeable and gives the students confidence in what they are learning. I would like to highlight the breathing, which is probably the most useful thing that I had learned. For instance, whatever I may do; whether doing Yoga poses or doing my everyday hustle, Yoga breathing makes me calm down and helps me to get ready for the next day. As individuals, I think the importance of Yoga can help us determine clearly and consciously for ourselves what we should and should not be doing in our lives so that we can live in harmony with our own being. Otherwise, we will have certain mental and emotional disturbance which in turn affects our physical and emotional health. Yoga is such a very interesting sport for everyone to practice. Which I do hope, many people will make a great transition in life.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000366
Batch : September/2017

I had an amazing time attending the 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Cert Course at Anahata Yoga. All the teachers were very helpful and followed very closely with our progress. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in further their knowledge of yoga. I am very happy and satisfied that I decided to join Anahata Yoga for this course.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000430
Batch : September/2017

Being YTT student in Anahata Yoga is a chance for me. I registered Anahata Yoga because of course time proper for me. This is a luck for me. Anahata Yoga is the right place to learn yoga in traditional way. After attending Anahata Yoga, I can understand more deeply how yoga can be meditative and relaxing. I felt more mindfully. I felt really lucky to meet all masters and learn their yogic way. Thanks to everyone.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000490
Batch : September/2017

My personal practice has improved immensely and my knowledge of the asanas has grown dramatically. I really enjoyed learning the correct way to adjust students and how to bring them further within their own practice. Yoganath’s knowledge of the asanas and his ability to demonstrate them is very impressive. The assistance from Vishnu was majorly appreciated. Both of them always available to help and happy to do so. Arunag, Nirmal and Mahesh were very informative and patient with the class. Overall, the subjects we focused on were extremely informative and I am really grateful I was able to take part.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000503
Batch : September/2017

Good explanation of the learning material, friendly and encouraging environment.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000563
Batch : September/2017

The course is inspiring and it changes my life for the better. I have no hesitation to recommend this course to all my friends.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000564
Batch : September/2017

It was a wonderful course with therapeutic details of every posture.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000567
Batch : September/2017

Found the course and the masters really good. Classes with Masters Yogananth, Vishnu, Nirmal, Mahesh and Guruprit are really good as they pay attention to each student.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000587
Batch : September/2017

It has been an amazing learning journey to attend this teacher training. My heartfelt thanks to Master Yogananth, Master Anurag, Master Vishnu, Master Nirmal and Master Mahesh for their valuable teaching and sharing during all sessions. In addition, it has been a good learning experience with all wonderful classmates for sharing views and experiences. Through this training, I managed to acquire deeper understanding of yoga philiophy and yoga sutra, and importantly self-awareness to live as a better being to serve the community. I am keen to become a yoga teacher or instructor, particularly in theraputic yoga in the future. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000605
Batch : September/2017

I joined Anahata yoga about 3 years ago and was knew about the 200 hours Yoga Teacher training program by my friend. However, I could never find time to join until both of my kids go to the full-day school last September. And now I had finished this program and I have to say that it was a great experience for people like me have being practicing asana regularly for years but actually treat yoga as a stretch exercise or work out and knows nothing else about Yoga. I’m so happy that I was brought to another level of my yoga practice. Thought this 200 hours, I understand the history and philosophy of yoga, the life style, the diet and even the anatomy. It helps me to correct some mistakes I used to make during my practice and build up good habits with a healthy mind. I would strongly recommend all yoga lovers to join the course. It’s not only to enrich the knowledge of yoga but also lead us to a completely healthy life style for the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001725
Batch : September/2017

After completing the 200 hours YTT at Anahata Yoga, I feel really happy and satisfied with the program. The best part is that I was able to experience different styles of yoga (Hatha, Yin, Power, Core, etc..) and there was a good balance between physical practice, philosophy, and anatomy. I am leaving the training convinced that I need more than 200 hours to become a true Yoga Teacher ready to teach, and as a result I will certainly continue with an advanced training program!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000624
Batch : September/2017

The learning and experiences taken away from the class has set a very good foundation to continue my study of yoga. Course content, teachers and their varying methods were very much appreciated.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000640
Batch : September/2017

I have enjoyed the YTT200 hours course a lot. I used to think that I am not good enough to join the teacher training course, for the reasons that I am not flexible to come to a perfect posture and I did not know much about the yoga terminologies. After this course, I have learned so much about the background and philosophy of yoga, it is not only about the physical movement, but also the alignment to our mind and soul along with proper breathing. All the teachers are very helpful and patient, they have a way to teach you how to approach the asana step by step or in modification according to your anatomy. I appreciate to their encouragement and support toward my learning journey. I am also grateful to have met my classmates who share the same passion. They have made the learning experience more interesting with the exchange on our learning and knowledge about yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000646
Batch : September/2017

Being YTT student in Anahata Yoga is a chance of me. I registered Anahata Yoga because of course time proper of me. This is a luck for me. Anahata Yoga is the right place to learn yoga in traditional way. After attending Anahata Yoga, I can understand more deeply how yoga can be meditative and relaxing. I felt more mindfully. I felt really lucky to meet all masters and learn their yogic way. I am feeling sad that I have no chance to attend other YTT in Anahata Yoga because of leaving Hong Kong. Thanks to everyone.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000490
Batch : September/2017

After learning yoga classes, my personal application of it can be summarized into the following three aspects: 1. Soothing mood. After a busy work life, I often feel heavy headed, slow thinking and depression. During this time, I practice yoga under the guidance of a coach so that I could throw away the troublesome thinking, and put awareness on my own breathing, at the same time with the body position to stimulate the body's sympathetic, enhance my body activity. This is good for delighting my mood and stabilizing my emotions I believe this is the first time many yoga practitioners feel the most intense thing. 2. To improve body shape and health. Due to the lack of a fit body, especially accumulated fat around abdomen, back and other core areas of the body, which resulted in pelvis ante-version, chest and other issues, especially the anterior pelvis will bring leg deformation. I am using yoga exercises to enhance the strength of the core muscles, which also gradually improve body shape such as leg lines. My body becomes firmer and my body stretches more. In addition, my years of breast hyperplasia and headache problems have also been very significant improvements. 3. Help self-control. I remember when I started practicing yoga, even in front of the mirror and in the presence of case of a coach demonstration, my action is still not in the form. After practicing the conscious observation of my body, I rely on my own consciousness to sense the turning, stretching of each muscle and skeleton in my body. Gradually strengthen self-body communication skills, as well as the ability to control the body. This ability to control my own body will not only make my yoga style more beautiful standard, but also to drive my body's mobility.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000442
Batch : September/2017

I have learned yoga for 3 years but it was actually my first time learning floor yoga. For the past two years, I devoted myself completely in Aerial (or Flying / Antigravity) Yoga because I love the way it helped me concentrate and clear my mind. One day, one of my friends suggested me to get a teacher certificate because they found my skills useful for them; since that day, things changed. The IYATT-200 hour course has been fulfilling to me. The masters are very professional and caring, they are patient in answering our questions and clearing our concepts, making sure that we understand everything fully. Some masters here are rather cool, but their coolness motivated me to self-practice, this is a big change in me since I had been relying much on my yoga teacher before. Upon completion of the course, I have better understanding about myself. I find that I could be quite stressed when I am in a large group and I tend to compare myself with others, I could be so pressured that it even affected my performance in class. What I have to learned is to deal with stress and expectations on myself, this is a subject that I had been learning since I was 13 years old, the year I suffered from Depression. This course helped me to learn to let go of the negativity in life, or straightly speaking, embrace them as part of my life journey. I really want to express my gratitude to all the Masters for delivering and arranging well-planned lessons, activities, experiences and sharing with all of us. They have made Yoga an even better and inspirational journey for me.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000472
Batch : July/2017

The course timing is great for people who has a full time job. I especially enjoyed the sections led by Master Yogananth and Vishnu. The course could give students more time to finish the andiappan classes as they are super useful.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000325
Batch : July/2017

The course broadens my understanding about yoga. The course made me realise yoga is more than a kind of physical exercise.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000389
Batch : July/2017

Great experience, thanks Anahata!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000283
Batch : July/2017

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