Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

As a relatively amateur practitioner the course helped build a solid foundation for my pursuit along the path of a yogini where I learnt to identify and work with the limitations of different anatomies including my own. Thank you again for the patience and guidance from master Yogananth and masters Raja, Keshav, Vishnu, Kammy and Mahesh in improving my practice! Namaste
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001389
Batch : October/2021

Attending the teacher training course was an excellent experience, all the teachers are very knowledgeable and patient. Thank you all masters for giving me this unforgettable yoga journey in the past few months!!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001386
Batch : October/2021

It is an eye-opener to take this course. My understanding of yoga has expanded beyond asana poses. From the study of philosophy, history, and anatomy of yoga, as well as pranayama, asanas, and mudras, we learned many things. In spite of the fact that it was necessary to switch everything to online due to tightened COVID restrictions during the course, all the masters were encouraging and motivating through the online teaching methods. As a thank you, I would like to say a huge thank you to them for all of the efforts they have made to keep our practice at home. During my very first lesson at Anahata, Master Yogananth asked me if I had any goals. Despite the fact that I had been practicing on the mat for a few years, my mind was wandering and I was unsure of how far I was able to go. Now, if I were asked the same question today, I would have a different answer- aside from achieving some of the advanced asanas, I would keep yoga as my daily practice a way of life, and hopefully pass it on to others. I look forward to continuing my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001359
Batch : October/2021

Masters had been very helpful throughout the course. I'm so grateful that Anahata has provided me with so much knowledge about yoga. I enjoyed so much going to classes, but unfortunately, due to the COVID19 government measures, classes at the centre were forced to stop. Although it is very convenient for me to have an online class, I have difficulties following the class because I do not have good network or facilities. It was hard using a small mobile phone try to follow the instructions of the teachers. I plan to attend more classes regularly in person. I would like to join more courses when the pandemic lockdown is over , especially the andiappan classes. Thank you very much to all the Masters, they all have been very gentle, courteous and helpful. Hope to see them all again soon.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001381
Batch : October/2021

It was a very useful and deep learning experience. All the masters were extremely knowledgeable, patient, and encouraging. The course mates were engaging and made for a good learning environment as well. Moreover, the online experience also exceeded my expectations in a good way. Course materials can be a bit more organised and well-curated.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021000588
Batch : October/2021

The whole YTT journey enlightens my practice of Yoga. It introduced me not only to the definition of yoga but more importantly, to the application of this philosophy to my daily life. Thanks to the masters and classmates who shared the knowledge and care during this learning process.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001196
Batch : October/2021

Thank you very much to all the Anahata Yoga Masters for their dedicated teachings. They are very nice and extremely professional. It was so amazing how Masters was able to impart all the teaching techniques and teaching materials via online in a situation such as this, despite the pandemic and strict lockdown. I am glad to be a part of the YTT-200 group and I look forward to learning more in the future. Namaste 🙂
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001394
Batch : October/2021

I have found the course very useful in my yoga journey. I have learnt so much in yoga history, anatomy, pranayama, asanas and teaching techniques, etc. All the teachers are giving clear explanations, teaching wholeheartedly. And I have become more confident and positive, being happy and healthy. I hope I can contribute myself in the Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC) so that more people can benefit from practising yoga!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
Student ID : 2021001306
Batch : October/2021

Its been a wonderful time at Anahata. The course was very useful and practical as it is the knowledge i was looking for from the start of the course. The teachers were very patient and kind to introduce techniques, teaching skills and physical postures. It was a great experience and im looking forward for further training.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021001311
Batch : October/2021

It was a hard time that only online class is available for the whole course due to the government-mandated lockdown in Hong Kong. Teachers of the course are passionate about teaching yoga and are very knowledgeable and experienced in the field, I like Master Vishnu's anatomy classes. Classes are interactive even online study mode and students are encouraged to ask and answer questions and show the poses to get better alignment.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri ,Morning to Afternoon)
Student ID : 2020001414
Batch : January/2022

I have learnt so much more than before. Although I am not aiming at being a teacher, I do understand more about the basis of yoga. I can practice yoga in a more proper and effective way. Wish I can join other workshops from Anahata Yoga in the future. Maybe someday I wish to be a teacher and tell others the advantage of yoga also. Thank you masters for all your dedicated teachings and inspiring me in my yoga journey.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2020001329
Batch : October/2021

The teacher training course was a great experience in yoga learning. The teachers are nice, supportive and professional, also the reception colleagues.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021000602
Batch : October/2021

I love the teacher training and enjoyed every min of learning. I learnt what yoga is from the traditional view and also the scientific view. I hope that I can become a yogi not only by just doing asana but also in my life discipline. thank you to the teachers for their support and professional guidance.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021000765
Batch : October/2021

It has been a wonderful yoga learning journey for me, I enjoyed the course so much! I will try and practice everything in this training and come back for deeper learning soon. Thanks for the masters!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021000855
Batch : October/2021

YTT course gives me a whole new perspective of yoga, the instructors are all so knowledgeable and they are able to answer my questions, i would love to continue my yoga journey with Anahata Yoga Masters even after the course is finished.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021000694
Batch : October/2021

The course provides me with deep insight into Yoga history, anatomy, asana, and pranayama techniques. It also enhances my awareness of the body alignment of fundamental yoga poses, and the correct approach of entering a pose. The masters are all professional and knowledgeable. I enjoy the lectures and also group practices a lot.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021001309
Batch : October/2021

I would say the YTT 200 hours course is great! Time passed so fast! At first, I thought 200 hours would be a very long way, but then, I just couldn't believe it has come to an end so soon. The atmosphere of the class is great, interactions with the masters and classmates made both learning and teaching fun! I also got sufficient chance to practise in front of the whole class before the final assessment, I like the group class as there are a variety of yoga classes I can choose from which are very flexible, and I can focus on the part that I am more interested. If andiappan classes can also offer more time slots, then that would be perfect!
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Fri Evening & Sat Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021000933
Batch : September/2021

I have searched a lot of yoga teacher training courses from different yoga centres, Anahatayoga got me moving to join, not only there are many courses to choose from, the course is taught by multiple experienced teachers who represent various yoga lineages from India and most of them are highly qualified with Post Graduate, Masters and PhD qualifications in Yogic science. In fact, I made a good decision. I had a really fantastic experience in my yoga journey when I joined this course. Although I'm not good at English and not a young person, all experienced masters have their professionalism and patience to explain really well. Each master also has his characteristics and advantages, they made me open my mind and become more interested in Yoga, and also let me understand more about my own body. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed taking group classes and andiappan classes. Practising with different masters made me learn more and made my body more flexible and capable in just 3 months. Master Mahesh, Raja, Master Yogananth and Dilip, Thank you so much. Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Fri Evening & Sat Afternoon)
Student ID : 2021001270
Batch : September/2021

The Yoga therapy course was very informative. I really enjoyed the entire experience and the deep knowledge shared by all the Masters. I was really amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge in the field of Ayurveda. Though I feel there should be more practical information given in the course. But I understand yoga is life long learning. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to gain more knowledge in the yoga teacher and yoga therapy field. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you, Anahata!
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon,Wed & Fri Morning)
Student ID : 2015001044
Batch : August/2021

Again, this yoga teacher training has exceeded my expectations. Besides the already traditionally high standard of the qualifications of masters in Anahata (no need to mention absolutely stunning professional qualities of Master Yogananth as a head yoga teacher), during this course, I was especially amazed by Master Vishnu's deep knowledge of Ayurveda and his ability to interconnect the knowledge of other areas as even the astrology, western medicine and of course yoga. I can only recommend Anahata to anyone interested in getting profound knowledge in the yoga teacher and therapy field. It was such a nice experience. Thank you! I would definitely like to continue with some of the other training. I've already completed the basic YTT but I think the advanced hatha yoga level is still too much for me and i am not ready. I think the Pranayama and meditation YTT would suit me the best. Unfortunately recently I have been increasingly busy with my business so I will have to wait until I'm a bit more free. But at least this one I'd like to attend for sure.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon,Wed & Fri Morning)
Student ID : 2021000182
Batch : August/2021

Thank you for all masters in the course and all of you help me to have better learning in yoga. I love to learn and grow here. Will continue my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
Student ID : 2021001043
Batch : August/2021

Thank you to all masters for the great support during levels 1 and 2. It was an eye-opening learning experience. Can't wait to start the journey with level 3 for deeper learning.
Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course Level 1& Level 2 (Fri Evening & Sat Afternoon)
Student ID : 2020001220
Batch : October/2021

Joining this Yoga Therapy Teacher Training has been a wonderful experience that made me love yoga even more. The course was very informative and enlightening- yet quite practical and fun. I particularly enjoyed exploring Ayurveda and learning how yoga therapy can be applied in people’s daily life to manage pain, prevent and treat certain health conditions. I also enjoyed improving my breathing and meditation techniques and practicing hands-on adjustments. Thanks to Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Dhiraj, Master Raja, Master Anurag, Master Hazel and Dr Gowri for sharing your thorough knowledge and own experiences with your heart. As a regular practitioner of yoga with Anahata for 6 years, I feel deeply grateful to you all for guiding and inspiring me in this life-long journey. Namaste.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon,Wed & Fri Morning)
Student ID : 2016000146
Batch : August/2021

I love how passionate the yoga masters are about yoga practice and a healthy lifestyle. I have been inspired and will keep learning and better myself.
Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon,Wed & Fri Morning)
Student ID : 2021000445
Batch : August/2021

I am truly grateful to have completed the teacher training course this year. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Anahata yoga masters who have generously shared with us their knowledge and experience during this wonderful journey. Thank you for unveiling the power and principles of yoga, and for showing me a new dimension with endless opportunities and possibilities. Although the course has officially come to an end, I am going to keep practising patiently, calmly and happily each day to seek consistent improvement. Namaste.
Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
Student ID : 2021000508
Batch : August/2021