Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4538
Date : 30-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001133
I was doing the course during the pandemic and we had to start the theory topics of the course by zoom virtual class. Luckily we could go back to class for the practical part and learn the poses from master Keshav, it helps a lot to understand the poses, as well as doing the right alignment. It's also great to be with my classmates, we can learn and motivate each other. Really hope that one day we can advanced yoga teacher training courses to broaden our understanding of yoga and learn from more experts.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4578
Date : 30-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001220
It is an incredible journey to discover ourselves as individuals and as part of a community. I feel my body changing every day practicing yoga and it helps me so much with the lower back pain issues that I used to have. I have so much to learn yet and I feel super lucky to have the opportunities to meet all masters in Anahata Yoga Studio.

Course Name : 200小時瑜伽導師基礎課程 (中文課程)(星期一至五,上午至下午)
YTT Number : IYATT-4635
Date : 29-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001355
I very much enjoyed the teacher training and the learning various details about Yoga Anatomy Module and Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha Module, asana and teaching technique which very useful for my practice. Thank you all the masters.

Course Name : 200小時瑜伽導師基礎課程 (中文課程)(星期一至五,上午至下午)
YTT Number : IYATT-4644
Date : 27-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001377
I learned a lot in this teacher training. As in a yoga class, it usually puts more focus on asana practice. In teacher training, I learned more about pranayama, meditation, and how to prepare your body for a pose.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4562
Date : 24-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001069
I am very glad that I joined the 200 hours YTT in Anahata Yoga. It is the best decision that I have made for my life. Yoga is more than I had imagined. The anatomy of our body, different posture (Asana), breathing technique (pranayama), mediation. Especially the Andiappan Yoga classes which allow us to have self-practice at our own pace with the assistance and supervision of different masters. The masters are very knowledgeable, experienced, and professional. Thank you all.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri, Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4665
Date : 23-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001420
Great teachers and contents for the theory session, but would be much appreciated if the course is longer and more time was allocated for the asanas and anatomy part since there are a lot of details to be covered.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri, Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4707
Date : 23-04-2021
Student ID : 2021000105
From theory classes to self-practice classes, we received very details and guidelines to help us do a better posture. It allows us to improve ourselves on a deeper pose and what stretching we could do in order to achieve a deeper asana. The whole training was excellent.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4445
Date : 23-04-2021
Student ID : 2020000908
Masters are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic, we had a better and a clear understanding of what is yoga and had a great time learning to be a yoga teacher. Thank you!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri, Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4703
Date : 23-04-2021
Student ID : 2021000101
I am very glad that I joined the 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training in Anahata Yoga. The Yoga masters are experienced, professional, and helpful. Through the course, I gained a better understanding of yoga’s philosophy and history. I also learned the anatomy of our body, different yoga postures (Asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), mediation. I especially like the Andiappan Yoga classes which allow us to have self-practice at our own pace with the assistance and supervision of different masters. I highly recommend this 200 hours YTT course. This course provides the fundamental and in-depth knowledge for preparing someone who would like to be a yoga teacher in the future.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri, Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4645
Date : 22-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001380
It was really an amazing journey of attending full-time YTT course. It was an intensive course that I could make good progress in different aspects. The atmosphere of each class was very great and I enjoyed every moment of every class. Teachers are so experienced and love to help each student. They have different styles and I learned different things from them. Yoga is lifelong learning, and definitely, this course is a good start for me and motivates me to continue practicing yoga in the future.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4578
Date : 21-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001220
I'd like to thank all masters we have met in this amazing journey. I have learned to be more aware of my body, of my breathing and every day on the mat is a new experience which teaches us kindness and compassion with ourselves and others. Perfection doesn't exist and sometimes we have to take things as they are, without fighting. I've learned that yoga is so much more than a pose. It is a lifestyle that involves all aspects of everyday life. every day is a new challenge and we should take it with an open mind, without judging, but just observing, learning. Last, but not least, I strongly believe that keep practicing regularly is the best way to take care of our body and I am sure I can overcome my back problems, strengthen the back to prevent any pain. Thank you again for this opportunity. All my bests, Silvia Galvan

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon-Fri, Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4705
Date : 19-04-2021
Student ID : 2021000103
I would like to thank all teachers (especially Master Anuja, Master Mahesh, Master Raja and Master Vishnu) who encourage and motivate us to learn different aspects of yoga, like yogic anatomy, yoga history and philosophy, pranayama and asanas. This course is very informative, practical and comprehensive. It widens my yoga knowledge and deepens my yoga practice. I understand more about yoga and how to improve my yoga practice physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga means a lot to me and I would continue to explore yoga during my lifetime. Again thanks all teachers and staff in Anahata Yoga. Namaste.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4632
Date : 13-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001350
I learned a lot in this YTT program, all are very experienced yoga masters from India and I am glad that I have joined this course. I learned a lot about yoga philosophy, how to do the asanas properly, meditation methods, etc. I also had a lot of fun during the class, and it's so great that we finally have the chance to meet face-to-face during the last few sessions! I will recommend the course to my friends who are interested in becoming a Yoga Teacher.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4628
Date : 08-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001322
This 200 hours yoga teacher training certificate course has been a rich and exciting experience! It has enabled to increase my knowledge and understanding of what is yoga and its philosophy. It has also enabled to learn more about myself and the abilities of my body. The different teachers present during this training brought a specificity to each module thanks to their personality, experience, knowledge and practice of yoga. They taught me that yoga is not only about asana but also meditation, pranayama, mindfulness, patience and humility. It has been a pleasure to attend the Andiappan classes and the courses that are part of the training. They are a way to keep up a daily practice. I would like to thank all the team of Anahata Yoga for this incredible journey that I will never forget. Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4503
Date : 07-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001026
The learning experience was amazing with all the masters.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4572
Date : 01-04-2021
Student ID : 2020001212
All masters have put so much effort into the course. They are so encouraging throughout the course and I love their lessons. Although a part of the theory course was done online because of the Covid, it is still a memorable experience learning about how we practise yoga in daily life. It definitely helps will my future yoga journey.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Sunday Morning and Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4569
Date : 29-03-2021
Student ID : 2020001117
Excellent experiences with talented master

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Tue & Thur Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4653
Date : 29-03-2021
Student ID : 2020001390
Thank you to the Masters and Anahata Team for all their work and heart to help my classmates and me learn and progress in our practice and journey to becoming trained teachers. This pandemic situation was not easy but I have progressed so much, gained a lot of information, and felt the care of our teachers. I enjoyed the fact that the lectures and classes are quite practical and helped us understand the broader picture and history of yoga. I wish I had more time with my classmates in person, but we also were able to build a great supportive bond despite the distance. I am excited to continue on from here. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4499
Date : 22-03-2021
Student ID : 2020001012
I like that all the instructors are very experienced Yoga masters. They demonstrate and teach the asanas in great alignment. They are so knowledgeable that they can deliver the teaching so smoothly and professionally without much aid from a textbook or notes. I give my highest respect to Master Raja as he has such a lively teaching style that makes every class an absolutely enjoyable and fruitful one.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4552
Date : 09-03-2021
Student ID : 2020001171
I am grateful to every Yoga master I have met at Anahata through this teacher training program, I have learned a lot and really enjoyed the classes . Thank you so much for your teachings.

Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course Level 1& Level 2 (Fri Evening & Sat Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4486
Date : 16-02-2021
Student ID : 2020000985
This course deepened my knowledge of which kind of warm-up steps and preparations I should make before doing the final pose, which makes it easier for me to plan my yoga sequence if I plan on teaching others. My asana postures improved greatly as well.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon & Wed Evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-4570
Date : 16-02-2021
Student ID : 2018000565
It's really a pleasant experience to learn the yoga history & have an in-depth knowledge of "yoga". ".

Course Name : 200-hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course Level 1& Level 2 (Fri Evening & Sat Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4540
Date : 16-02-2021
Student ID : 2020001122
I learned a lot in this advanced-level course and have deepened my practice. Master Yogananth and Mahesh are very good teachers. I would love to have more andiappan classes in place of regular classes and spread the course further apart to maximize the level of practice with the teacher's guidance.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon to Fri ,Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4549
Date : 08-01-2021
Student ID : 2020001162
The course is great and it can improve my yoga knowledge.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (Mon to Fri ,Morning to Afternoon)
YTT Number : IYATT-4567
Date : 08-01-2021
Student ID : 2020001168
Masters are very knowledgeable in teaching traditional form of Asanas. They are very supportive to provide feedback and guidance upon enquiry. I am glad Anahata hosted the first full time classes. This intensive 2.5 weeks of training was a very good experience for me to deeply focus on the learning the foundation. It gave me a new perspective on living a yoga life. Full time classes may not be the ideal option for someone who wants to take time to practice the Asanas gradually and have time for revision on the course documents. Part-time classes would be a better option. The classes were first happening in the studio. In the last few days of the training, we had to continue the classes online due to government's mandatory social distancing measures against Covid-19. The class management could have been better in terms of assigning the teacher's schedule. The classes from Master Yogananth were replaced by other Masters. The Reception staff are very helpful in terms of explaining the course content and assisting the class bookings.

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