Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

1 41 42 43 44 45 53
This teacher training course makes me know yoga deeply, not only asana. Teachers explain very clearly to let us know what is yoga and about our body inside.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000966
Batch : November/2017

I learn a lot from this course, the teacher is kind and helps me stretched a lot.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000929
Batch : November/2017

I like this course very much. The class atmosphere is very pleasant and the atmosphere of study among classmates is also very good. The course content is very practical, easy to understand, and I have a deeper understanding of yoga! The teacher's preaching during the class was very interesting, which made people feel that the class was more vivid and deepen their memory. This course you can learn a lot of traditional yoga doctrine, I benefited a lot. I will continue studying in this school. Because she makes me love yoga more. Namaste ♥️
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000592
Batch : November/2017

The YTT course inspired me about the aims on practicing yoga rather than just doing the asanas. It is not only about the training on yoga, also taught me about the spiritual of life. I have totally changed about yoga what I have understood previously. I can feel the differences on my mental and practical aspects after the YTT course. I am really treasure that I could attend the YTT training at Anahata. In Anahata, all staffs are really friendly and helpful.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000618
Batch : November/2017

All the masters are a very patient teacher and he goes all out to make sure that we understand their teachings. They all did a lot of demonstrations for the poses which not only help me but also those of us who were not quite sure of the actual position and movement of the joints during the anatomy lessons. They also made sure we understand the sutras by incorporating them during the asana practice. We learned so much about how to sequence a class as we went through the sequence of different asanas practice by asking us to identify the component parts and the preparatory poses for the peak pose of the sequence. The dedication and sincerity in their teaching has been an inspiration for me to deepen my practice further. Feedbacks were given on our teaching skills and styles; our strong areas as well as areas which needed improvement. I am glad that I have finally found my voice and am more confident in my teaching, and is beginning to have a better idea of how to give clear instructions for the poses. One of the most important notes for me to take away from the course is the importance of alignment and how it helps us better understand and experience the asanas. Also that yoga goes way beyond the physical postures.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000713
Batch : November/2017

The course provided me a brief overview about different sectors of yoga. It is not just about asanas, but also pranayama, meditation and kriya. It is about the union of body and soul.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000905
Batch : November/2017

I thoroughly enjoyed the 100 Hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course with all the masters in Anahata. They were outstanding in leading us through their fully immersive program. Its my third Teacher Training I have completed in Anahata and all the courses material was structured so brilliantly and systematically; that we were able to cover a plethora of topics in a relatively short amount of time - and retain it! We dove deeply into beautiful pranayama and asana practices and learnt how to craftfully structure a class energetically and physically. I have learned more about myself, happiness, compassion for others and most importantly, listen to my body as a mom-to-be! Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh & Master Vishnu!
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2015000301
Batch : November/2017

Its an informative yet fun course. Many different instructors were involved in introducing different topics concerning pregnancy including yoga asanas for pregnant women and Ayurveda advice. All the students enjoyed the class and the instructors were very willing to answer all our questions during and after the class.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2016000929
Batch : November/2017

This is my second Yoga Teacher Training course and I have learnt and benefited a lot from this course. Pregnancy is an incredibly special time in womens life. So this makes me very curious about prenatal yoga. As I m a yoga lover (I m also a woman?), I would like to know how yoga can help with a pregnancy and this course was most educational. I have learnt about physiological and emotional changes in pregnancy period. Pregnant women may have different conditions like depression, back pain and insomnia… etc. I am now more fully appreciate the sacrifice of mother. I have learnt many interdictions and asana suitable for pregnant women and what to avoid during this period now. I hope my knowledge can help with my teaching of pregnant women Finally, I do want to thank all Masters who had taught me in this course. They are all very kind and professional, I hope I can join other advanced classes in the coming year! Namaste
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2017000192
Batch : November/2017

The course was very informative and I feel I enhanced my knowledge on yoga asana / pranayama / meditation in general, not just restricted to prenatal. Learning from a variety of teachers was very beneficial and it was great to get the view of a number of different experienced individuals. Overall it was very enjoyable and I would now be much more comfortable even if a pregnant woman were to walk into a class that I'm teaching! Thank you!
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2017000349
Batch : November/2017

The course makes me know much more about prenatal, and the difference between normal yoga class and prenatal yoga class, and what to be aware of, would be great if we can also learn more about post-natal yoga, thank you.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2017000703
Batch : November/2017

Good experience.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2016000895
Batch : November/2017

This is my second Yoga Teacher Training course and I have learnt and benefited a lot from this course. Pregnancy is an incredibly special time in women’s life. So this makes me very curious about prenatal yoga. As I’m a yoga lover (I’m also a woman), I would like to know how yoga can help with a pregnancy and this course was most educational. I have learnt about physiological and emotional changes in pregnancy period. Pregnant women may have different conditions like depression, back pain and insomnia… etc. I am now more fully appreciate the sacrifice of mother. I have learnt many interdictions and asana suitable for pregnant women and what to avoid during this period now. I hope my knowledge can help with my teaching of pregnant women. Finally, I do want to thank all Masters who had taught me in this course. They are all very kind and professional, I hope I can join other advanced classes in the coming year! Namaste
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2017000192
Batch : November/2017

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Kids Yoga Teacher Training. All Masters are extremely knowledgeable and shared with us extremely valuable information and wisdom which builds a strong foundation as we embark on becoming Kids Yoga Teachers as well as for our own practice. The training is completely comprehensive programme from the childs anatomy, asanas and modifications for various age groups, breathing, yoga games, teaching practicals, etc. all whilst maintaining the fun element because it is after all for kids. Masters would always wholeheartedly answer our questions and be open to any clarifications and doubts as well. Another thing I would like to share is that the environment was very encouraging and supportive and the group always helped one another out - I believe this is an important point for the learning and the full credit goes to the Masters and the full Anahata Yoga team who created such atmosphere. Personally speaking, this warm and welcoming environment in the teachers training, as well as Anahata Yoga as a whole, is something I genuinely like and believe is important. Ive completed the training and look forward to growing as a Kids Yoga Teacher!
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2017000128
Batch : October/2017

I feel blessed choosing Anahata to study my Kids Yoga Teacher Training. Teaching kids is different from teaching adults. It needs skills and experience to become a good kids yoga teacher. Anahata provides plenty opportunity for students to gain experience in teaching. I would recommend my friends to study here as well.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2016000464
Batch : October/2017

It was my amazing journey when I start the 100 Hours Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1. During the training, Master Yogananth will teach you and lead you the way to do different asanas. It is amazing that it makes me to explore my infinite and improve all whatever the correct poses, teaching skills and the ways to prevent injury. I feel great I can learn all from Master. Thank you ! You let me love yoga more.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000092
Batch : October/2017

Master is passionate and the team is very helpful to motivate to join Advanced Level 1.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2017000362
Batch : October/2017

The programme is comprehensive. Anatomy and asana sessions were taught in detail. Master Vishnu delivered fantastic sessions on anatomy and physiology. I enjoyed his classes a lot. In conclusion, the programme was informative and practical. If duration of the course can be lengthened a bit, I am sure I can benefit even more.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015001182
Batch : September/2017

I completed my 200 hour teacher training course at Anahata in 2016, and came back to Anahata for this 300 hour yoga therapy teacher training course in 2017 because I really enjoyed my experience here, and all teachers are very knowledgeable. I like that this course taught us yoga therapy from the traditional Ayurveda approach. Ideally, the hours of theory teaching can be increased since there is so much to learn about yoga therapy.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000343
Batch : September/2017

I completed my 200 hour teacher training course at Anahata in 2016, and came back to Anahata for this 300 hour yoga therapy teacher training course in 2017 because I really enjoyed my experience here, and all teachers are very knowledgeable. I like that this course taught us yoga therapy from the traditional Ayurveda approach. Ideally, the hours of theory teaching can be increased since there is so much to learn about yoga therapy.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000731
Batch : September/2017

1. I can know more about yoga by studying the anatomy, pranayama and body constitutes types, marma points that I did not know before. 2. Yoga is a sophiscated study that many issues are interrelated. Such as Air, Earth, Wind, etc have their own with the human beings. 3. Amazing when I am doing the assignment, I have the chance to apply the yogic knowledge practically. It is an valued experiential learning process for future. 4. Information and knowledge is enough on the notes. 5. In fact, I have a good harvest to study this course which can nurture my yogic value, knowledge and skills.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000498
Batch : September/2017

Its been a few days that I reflect on how to recap in a comment the Yoga Therapy course and the image that continues to come to my mind is that of a full backpack because, figuratively, this is what I finally brought to home. Master Visnhu has transmitted to me many of his infinite knowledge, not only what it concerns anatomy, but above all Ayurveda (a world so far unknown to me), Tredosha, Marma and diet, as well as making me a better teacher, have changed my way of practicing Yoga. Master Yogananth is pure anatomy in motion. In a few hours he manages to enrich the knowledge of his students and to transmit all his love and his passion for Yoga. If I look in the backpack, I find what you have transmitted in those months, the wealth of experiences that you have given me and especially the desire to get involved to make it excellent. Now it only depends on me to make the most of this incomparable "knowing" and start to use it. Namasté
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000781
Batch : September/2017

Teachers are good and knowledgeable on the topics. The asana classes are wonderful and really helpful for my health.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000528
Batch : September/2017

Thanks for offering this course- I found it insightful and enjoyable. Special thanks to our lecture masters and all the masters of our group classes- for their passion, patience and love for teaching us.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000628
Batch : September/2017

Learning experience was great. I like the practical part with Master Yoganath.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000167
Batch : September/2017

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