Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Teacher Training
YTT Number : IYATT-1122
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001173
Wow, can I just say, what a challenging course! I think it was indeed very advanced, but Im glad I took it. I never would have attempted these kinds of poses or postures on my own; but with Master Yogananths guidance and preparation I was surprised what my body was able to do, and the intensity of the postures revealed many weak or underdeveloped areas in my body and in my life. After the first weekend of intense twisting, I experienced a very strong emotional reaction to the postures. One minute I felt like crying, then the next I felt a sense of relief. What a surprise to observe how such intense poses could affect my mind and emotions so strongly. But soon I worked through that and I discovered some fascinating things about my body. I saw that I was open in places I thought I wasnt and tight or closed in places I expected to be more open. All in all it was a great, if not daunting, process of discovery. I feel, though, like I would need to take this course two or three more times, before I fully understood, or was able to do all the various postures taught in this course. But at least I have the manual, so I can continue to practice on my own or at Andiappan. Master Yogananth is an excellent teacher, extremely knowledgeable, compassionate and charismatic. He certainly has a gift. What an honor and a joy to learn and practice under his guidance. My main criticism of the course is that the class was too large for the venue, but just by three of four students. Not everyone could get to access to the wall when needed, so everyone couldnt experiment with every posture each time. There was also maybe too material to cover in a short amount of time. On the other hand, the length of the classes was exhausting for someone who was not in very good or excellent condition. That said, I realize the class was designed as a practical class. However, I really enjoyed the bits and pieces of history and philosophy that were occasionally discussed. Personally, I would have liked to have had discussed more philosophy and theory, including discussions on meditation, pranayama, charkas, and bandhas. All in all in was a life-changing experience.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time)
YTT Number : IYATT-2455
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014003233
Advanced Hatha Yoga TTC with Anahata was a great learning experience for me. I always wanted to do Advance TTC, but was little skeptical with the term Advance, as I was never sure whether I would be able to cope up with the practice. But,  Guru Yogananth made the task simple. He made our body go beyond our perceived limits effortlessly, which made me realise that it is quite possible. The TTC was very friendly, humorous and encouraging. There was a positive energy prevailing throughout the training program. Everyday some kind of miracle was happening with the members. We were able to do things which we thought were beyond  our capabilities. It gave me a lot of confidence, and I also got to know about my own body strengths. By the end of the program ,I was feeling very light, flexible, strong and energetic. The program is very well designed to impart the learning methodically and step wise. Students could actually feel that how our daily practice is preparing us for the advance postures. For me, it brought a wonderful transformation I was always looking for. To me, It is a treasure for lifetime. Thank you Anahata team. I would like to continue my learning with Anahata in future.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (17 August – 16 November 2015)
YTT Number : IYATT-2732
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000803
  I had been practice yoga 5 year, I want to learn deeply about yoga, not only about Asana. After the YTT I did learn a lots of information of yoga anatomy, physiology, history, pranayama, Mudra and asana. Which really helpful for me, I had a big improvement during the training. The masters are patient to teach us everything, we able to ask question during class. Student ID : IYATT-2687 Student Name : IYATT-2687 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course My experience of yoga was always good but never enough. While being introduced to the “Anahata way” something happened and my practice has never been the same again. I attended the teacher training in Anahata to increase my knowledge and to go deeper into my practice. I always been convinced that yoga is a way have to help in my case, with chronic back pains and But thats not the only reason why stayed and Im now “in”. Yoga is more yoga is essential. Now, I can say with certainty that want Yoga to be part of my life in a wider way and to help others by bringing them healing opportunities, as a volunteer in the community then later, as a teacher around because nothing is worth a smile of true well being and “whether young, old or too old sick or lean, one who discards laziness, gets success if he practices Yoga.”Hatha Yoga Pradipika-166 I want to thank all the masters, teachers and co-workers for the great times spent together. Your knowledge expanded mine and I am highly grateful for it all. Namaste Student ID : IYATT-2693 Student Name : IYATT-2693 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course I really enjoyed this teacher training program. It help me to clarify what is exactly yoga and what difference it from normal exercised. This course has exceeded my expectations, every aspect of yoga has been learning and teachers are all professional and dedicated of their job. I have simply learnt that yoga is a philosophy and not only asanas. I am already applying in my one practice all this knowledge and can feel the entire benefits. I am looking forward to using this information and learn more to improve my own self-practice and way of living and to give classes to others. Student ID : IYATT-2730 Student Name : IYATT-2730 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Anahata yoga teacher training was a journey of a life time. The course was challenging at times but definitely pushed me to my full potential. Overall I had a great experience, great start for the beginning. Now I feel stronger and appreciate what I have in my life. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. Student ID : ATT-2728 Student Name : ATT-2728 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Asana practice is just a tip of the iceberg. The 200HRS Yoga Teacher Training Course provided me a full picture of yoga, from yoga history, anatomy and pranayama to kriyas, meditation and asana practice. I enjoyed every part of the course. The theory part is inspiring. It enriches my yoga knowledge and makes me become more serious about my yoga practice. As we all know, Yoga is far more than physical exercise; it is lifestyle, a mind and body practice. Thanks master Vishnu for all the teaching and sharing, he is such a passionate teacher. The asana part taught by master Yogananth was amazing. Each asana was clearly explained, from the warm up, steps, alignment, variations to counter poses. He has sharp eyes that he can tell your strength and limitation which you dont know. He is very knowledgeable. He can answer all my doubts I have come across in my practice. Last but not least, Thanks master Mahesh for all the encouragement and adjustments during my practice. You always surprised me by letting me know my ability is beyond my imagination. Learning will continue, although the course has come to the end. I am looking forward to seeing my personal growth on and out of the mat. Student ID : IYATT-2729 Student Name : IYATT-2729 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course In this program, the Asana Module helped me better understand postures as Master Yogananth will go through all the different poses and breaking them down in detail. Apart from learning different postures, I had deeper understanding about anatomy. Anatomy and physiology are important components to learn as a yoga teacher. An understanding of the human body is crucial in proper alignment and in structuring a safe practice. I was also reminded by Master of how completely diverse every single body is and understand my body nature more. I can also learn more techniques to adjust another person in a yoga pose. To me, adjusting others is a challenging responsibility. I am happy that I had chance to practice teaching at the end of the program. I can put what I have learnt into practice by devising my own sequences. I also acknowledged that I had to consider various aspects both before and during teaching. I fully realized that I had a lot to learn and practice to be a good yoga teacher. Moreover, I had gained valuable knowledge in history and origin of yoga as these are important historical or philosophical information not to be confused or misinterpreted by mistake. I am delighted to know that I may have the opportunity to teach those who may not have access to yoga by registering as a volunteer at the Andiappan Yoga Community. Joining this Teacher Training program is one of the best decisions I ever made. I am thankful for Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu for their guidance throughout the program. Student ID : IYATT-2691 Student Name : IYATT-2691 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Before the Yoga Teacher Training Course, I had always treated yoga as a form of exercise. However through the course, I have gained a much better understanding of yoga. Thanks to Master Vishnu, I learned a lot about the history, origins and philosophy of yoga. Master Yogananth has taught us cleansing and breathing techniques as well as mudras, which were all new concepts to me. I, in particular, found the practical lesson of kriya useful. I am also glad to have learned different breathing techniques, which have great health benefits. This has reinforced my belief in yoga therapy. Through the Asana module, I have had the chance to learn different postures. Master Yogananths instructions and demonstrations were very detailed and clear. I have learned a lot and have greatly improved my techniques and skills. I feel very grateful for the help and the sharing of experience offered by all the Anahata yoga teachers throughout the course. I could definitely see their passions and dedications. It was truly an amazing experience. I will for sure continue my journey as a yoga practitioner and would love to be a member of the Andiappan Yoga Community. Student ID : IYATT-2726 Student Name : IYATT-2726 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course A 200-hour teacher training course can only scratch the surface of what Yoga has to offer. It brought like-minded people together to share a collective learning experience, which with no doubt developed appreciation for Yoga. For many of us, it was invaluable stimulation and inspiration for further learning and self-discovery. Student ID : IYATT-2792 Student Name : IYATT-2792 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course In this 3-month teacher training course, I have gained a deeper understanding in Yoga from philosophy and theory to pranayama and asanas The most impressive thing about the course, I think, is learning the asanas from preparation to final pose very clear, detailed and useful explanation. In my opinion, asanas the kriyas class was also a good and unforgettable experience. Glad to have experienced and knowledgeable Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu as my teachers. Student ID : IYATT 2692 Student Name : IYATT 2692 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course This yoga teacher training program has given me a holistic view of yoga and brought me to a whole new stage of yoga practice by introducing the less commonly known element within yoga such as, different yoga school of thoughts, mudra, bandha, pranayama and kriyas. After attending the course I realized that my previous focus of practice of yoga only limited to yogasana and hence it was only a mere exercise but not yoga, With the knowledge of yoga l am now able to design my own asana sequence and also brought the asana practice to the next level by incorporating other elements such as mantra and pranayama. Thanks Anahata for providing a teacher training course in such a professional manner, with all the teachers being very experienced and have been dedicating their whole life into voga. It was very beneficial having the chance to receive training from these masters, who were extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and patient. Student ID : IYATT 2720 Student Name : IYATT 2720 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course It has been the best learning experience of yoga for me. Thanks to Yogananth, Mahesh and Vishnu for their enthusiasm and professional teaching. Although I practiced yoga for a number of years, it has always been in a group environment. There are lot of fine tuning in my asanas and pranayamas which I am glad I learnt and corrected them now instead of later. Quite a few of the postures I found difficult before now becomes much easier after the instructor gave us very detail description of how to do them, and giving me specific personal instructions. It is enjoyable studying the body anatomy section. The main reason I started yoga was because of a neck/spine problems. The anatomy portion makes me more fully understand different parts of the body and how yoga can help in each area more specifically. Besides, I also benefitted from better sleep and my digestive system work better after practising yoga. Yoga is truly a body-mind experience Overall I enjoyed the course very much and was very happy to have learnt yoga in such a relaxed yet professional environment with other fellow students who share similar believes and goals. I look forward to improve further my yoga practice and possibly pass on the knowledge to others in the future.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (29 Sept 2015 – 18 Feb 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2521
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000157
The 300 hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course gives me wonderful opportunities to learn theoretical therapy knowledge. Apart from applications of yoga therapy, Im excited to learn the Ayurvedic massages, which I cant learn anywhere else in Hong Kong. Although I, as a beginner yogi, need some efforts to digest all information gained during lectures, Im still fascinated by the knowledgeable teachers Master Vishnu, Yogananth, Anurag and Dr. Lakshmi. Thank you very much for giving a fruitful start on my yoga journey!

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (26 Jan 2016 – 05 May 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2801
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001160
The Yoga Therapy TT helped me to realize the true meaning of Yoga. It was interesting to learn how to provide suitable yoga practice to eliminate physical and mental stresses, so-called modern day disorders, such as insomnia, diabetes, stiff shoulders etc. The topics were very large and I understood very basic but the knowledge and the experience are of much help to my future daily practice and life. I would like to start to assist the Breast cancer patient yoga class to learn more and would like to teach sometime in the future. I enjoyed this course and Thank you for all Yoga Masters at Anahata Yoga.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (26 Jan 2016 – 05 May 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-0155
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001636
Yoga therapy is a very board and expanding subject. Master Vishnu is very knowledgeable on the subject. Weve learnt anatomy in understanding the body and different systems; the yoga therapy and ayurvedic theories and how they work; the different diseases and body conditions; how to use the yoga therapy approaches to help manage different body conditions. Other teachers Master Yogananth, Master Arun, Master Lakshmi and Master Anurag also shared many useful knowledge and experiences on different aspects of the subject. The course is very informative and we get to observe and analyse different body types, as well as practising different yoga therapy sequences.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (26 Jan 2016 – 05 May 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2772
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000456
I really loved this course. After studying an Anatomy 101 at University I felt that I can already could apply yoga methods to the healing and strengthening of physical ailments, but I have a clearer knowledge now on how exactly yoga makes a difference. I understand that in addition to stretching a muscle, by stimulating or relaxing pressure points in the body, a pain, spasm, stiffness or even uric acid crystals can heal by altering blood supply and sufficient nerve pulses through the target area. It is very interesting to learn which postures stimulate certain pressure points añd how I can apply pressure manually as a Yoga Therapist. I have tried it on a client and it works really well. I found the topic on womens health very interesting too, Dr Lakshmi has vast knowledge. There are exercises that I implemented on myself and my best friend to relieve serious menstrual pain and ovarian cysts and it subsided within the first month. Therewith I also incorporated postures to help balance our hormones which proved promising to the fact that I am now happily pregnant. I will definitely explore this route of practise further with my clients, because I know it worked on me and my best friend too. Master Yogananths classes on specifically Breast Cancer was also a great field of interest and I started attending the actual classes with the patients that he is working with. I was amazed to see a difference in these patients, not only physically but also in their moods and outlook on life. This is a field of practice that I would like to pursue further. It is encouraging to learn that I can help women with mastectomies to overcome limitations caused by the removal of (-or partial removal of) their pectorals and sometimes intercostal muscles. Helping these women to heal, use their arm again, build immunity and feel good about themselves again is very satisfying. In Abu Dhabi, where I live are also many people with diabetes that I would like to help. It is amazing that such simple movements can make such a great difference to peoples lives in management of their disease. Simple postures stimulate the organs and glands responsible for such a destructive disease and I would like to help these suffers to manage their symptoms better. One of my dearest friends in Dubai is pregnant and suffers from gestational diabetes and arthritis because of it. I have given her the postures as Dr Lakshmi has demonstrated to us and they seem to be relieving her symptoms. It is fulfilling to have the answers and methods to help others. My father also suffers from a form of arthritis, gout. After this course I was able to give my father advice on his diet and also gave him a range of digestive postures and movements that help blood circulation and lymph drainage; three month later with regular practice he is gout free! This year I also found out that I have cervical spondylosis and a bulging disk between c4 and c5. With the knowledge I have learned from this course I am able to manage my injury and lifestyle. I know now how to alter my practice to prevent recurrent injury and I also know how to do strengthening exercises for the muscles of the neck and loosen the muscles around the shoulders to prevent spasms. It has proven to be successful and I am happy to manage my injury in a way to live a pain free life and I am ready to help others with similar injuries. Thank you.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (10 May – 30 Jun 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2807
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001221
It was such a great experience of have my first 200hrs YTT in Anahata. I truly felt every Masters in Anahata are teaching us with heart. Yogananth and Vishnu are yoga guru with fruitful experience that they always are willing to share with us. I will definitely consider to continue my yoga study in Anahata.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (10 May – 30 Jun 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2893
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000404
For the TT course, I found it very fruitful in deepening the inner depth knowledge of yoga. It is not only the asana I had learnt for not hurting myself by doing postures right, but the spirit and philosophy behind and being explained clearly into details of anatomy, mind and soul. Thanks sincerely here for all Masters who had been teaching patiently and intellectually. Bravo!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (10 May – 30 Jun 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2862
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000247
I signed up this course to deepen my own practice and to develop my body and mind prior to leaving Hong Kong. Now I am so pleased that I decided to take my YTT with Anahata Yoga in this time. Thank you so much for one of the best experiences ever. I know “life changing” can be used often, but I really feel it has been for me now. I can honestly say I learned a lot there, and enjoyed the time I spent during the training, group lessons and “Andiappan Yoga” practices. I would highly recommend this course to friends and I am even considering returning in a few years for the advanced teacher training. Towards the second week and into the third week, I really started feeling wonderful, joyful and being positive on practicing in any teachers group lessons and “Andiappan Yoga” classes. Learning yoga philosophy was also a great experience for me. It brought me a change with a deeper understanding of yoga and life itself. All teachers will be part of me forever. Master Yogananth with his great guidance on asana practice, Master Vishnu with his amazing knowledge and enthusiasm on teaching and healing people, Master Anurag, incredible yoga teacher with an incredible voice, soul and energy. Beside above three main teachers, all instructors in Anahata Yoga are so kind and skillful on teaching. I cannot express in writing how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to learn from those teachers on this course. And hopefully, Andiappan workshops or any training courses will be held in Osaka region, Japan in not so far future. With heartfelt thanks to all who were part of this journey.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (10 May – 30 Jun 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2840
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000156
I really enjoyed my teachers as well as classmates during my Yoga studies. The teachers were very good at planning, and taking it step by step for me to understand everything about Yoga with 6 sense of humor and seriousness. I felt we had a great group on our practices to move forward in our knowledge. I created a keen interest for me to continue my studies in November and January to I am more advanced Yoga together with, some of my classmates. Looking seeing you all in November.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time) 15 April – 18 May 2016
YTT Number : IYATT-2760
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000972
I enjoyed the learning of 200YTT. The course content was very comprehensive and well-rounded. It gives me understanding of all the foundational information of teaching yoga. Instructors were all knowledgeable and experienced. I can feel their enthusiastic to yoga. Yoga Theory was very informative and useful.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time) 15 April – 18 May 2016
YTT Number : IYATT-2800
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001182
In the first session, I was enlightened by Master Yogananth when he was explaining what yoga is. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I was only practicing asanas in the past without knowing the real meaning of yoga. I felt so insufficient and ignorant. However, instead of bewildered, I was inquisitive in further understanding yoga. After attending Master Anurags module on Introduction on Yoga Theory, I then have much clearer concept on philosophy of yoga, which provided me the foundation in understanding the profound orthodox of yoga. The meaning and concepts of “The eight limbs of yoga”, the ways to clear my soul with Yama and Niyama, the ways to achieve harmony of yin and yang inside the body through practicing asanas, kriyas and pranayamas, and the means to achieve Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi all these were brand new horizon for me to explore. I now feel like having something beautiful to pursue throughout my life time, which can lead me to the highest spiritual status. And I hope I can somehow influence the people next to me, simmer down the restless souls and savour the joy of life with them.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jan – 13 Apr 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2813
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001264
I love the course. I have learnt so much about yoga from this course. It first cleared all the wrong ideas I had about yoga, and it also instilled in me what yoga really is. Teachers are great with many years of experience. They are very passionate about all aspects of yoga, such as Mudra, Bandha, Asana, Meditation and Pranayama. They always tried their best to help or give you options when you cant approach an asana. Besides, all the teachers know their subject thoroughly so they will provide you with answers to all your questions. Instructions are given clearly, so that even beginners like me feel confident that I can to do a more advanced asana or become good at yoga eventually. Also, all the admin staff is very friendly and easy-going and always ready to help when you need them. After the course, students are also given chances to work with different charity groups to put what we have learnt into practice.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time)
YTT Number : IYATT-2460
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014003353
Im immensely grateful for having the chance to join Anahatas Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 and 2. Under the professional and inspiring guidance of Master Yogananth, whose in depth knowledge, clear explanations and perfect adjustments had not only enabled me to try many intense poses for the first time, but also empowered me to overcome my fear, unleashed my potentials and experienced tangible improvements. During the course, 1. I learnt a lot about my body anatomy, my strengths and limits and most importantly, on how to work on them. 2. I gained valuable knowledge on how to approach each challenging pose with specific warm up techniques and attempt different variations, the course manual will always help me in my future self- practices. 3. I was motivated to “try”, to work hard in order to see progress - I was in fact intrigued to see how my body opened up and strengthened during the “trys”, and rewarded with the joyous satisfaction of a few breakthroughs! I shall always remember Master Yogananths profound advice - that advanced practitioners are not only manifested in their yoga postures, but expressed in their mental quality and mindfulness life style. In fact, the training doesnt stop here, its only the beginning!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (24 Mar – 23 June 2015)
YTT Number : IYATT-2716
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014003088
I would highly recommended the advance training as a path for all yoga practitioners. I first joined the training hoping to deepen my practice. The training was much more then I expected. Master Yogananths thoughtful guidance pushed every trainee to seek their limits. We tried many advance posture that we all thought we could never achieved. He also shared a lot of his teaching techniques and allowed us to experience yoga through other practitioner by aiding them and working in partner postures. The whole training was fun, rich and inspirational. I was so happy that I feel more connected with myself, my practice and my teaching. The whole training helped me to open a new path in yoga, spiritually and in practice. Truly thanks to Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their kind and heartful guidance.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (Part time)
YTT Number : IYATT-2496
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000209
I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (Part time)
YTT Number : IYATT-2449
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014003056
The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakless, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jan – 13 Apr 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2760
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000972
I  enjoyed the learning of 200YTT. The course content was very comprehensive and well-rounded. It gives me understanding of all the foundational information of teaching yoga. Instructors were all knowledgeable and experienced. I can feel their enthusiastic to yoga. Yoga Theory was very informative and useful.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jan – 13 Apr 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2800
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001182
In the first session, I was enlightened by Master Yogananth when he was explaining what yoga is. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I was only practicing asanas in the past without knowing the real meaning of yoga. I felt so insufficient and ignorant. However, instead of bewildered, I was inquisitive in further understanding yoga. After attending Master Anurags module on Introduction on Yoga Theory, I then have much clearer concept on philosophy of yoga, which provided me the foundation in understanding the profound orthodox of yoga. The meaning and concepts of “The eight limbs of yoga”, the ways to clear my soul with Yama and Niyama, the ways to achieve harmony of yin and yang inside the body through practicing asanas, kriyas and pranayamas, and the means to achieve Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi all these were brand new horizon for me to explore. I now feel like having something beautiful to pursue throughout my life time, which can lead me to the highest spiritual status. And I hope I can somehow influence the people next to me, simmer down the restless souls and savour the joy of life with them.  

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jan – 13 Apr 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2813
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015001264
I love the course. I have learnt so much about yoga from this course. It first cleared all the wrong ideas I had about yoga, and it also instilled in me what yoga really is. Teachers are great with many years of experience. They are very passionate about all aspects of yoga, such as Mudra, Bandha, Asana, Meditation and Pranayama. They always tried their best to help or give you options when you cant approach an asana. Besides, all the teachers know their subject thoroughly so they will provide you with answers to all your questions. Instructions are given clearly, so that even beginners like me feel confident that I can to do a more advanced asana or become good at yoga eventually. Also, all the admin staff is very friendly and easy-going and always ready to help when you need them. After the course, students are also given chances to work with different charity groups to put what we have learnt into practice.  

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (Weekdays evening)
YTT Number : IYATT-2877
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2015000167
The idea and the determination of being a yoga teacher have begun since April of this year. Sharing my experience, helping others and bringing positivity to people around me is how I would like my job or myself to be like. This 3-month yoga teacher training was an incredible experience and helped me build a basic foundation for my teaching journey. Not only learning the human anatomy, asanas and yoga philosophy, I have also learnt to be humble and open-minded to understand and learn various limbs and styles of yoga. This attitude can also be applied to daily life and makes me more acceptant to things happen in life. Yoga knowledge is as great as ocean. I used to be a person who needs to follow solid rules and guidelines so as to gain the sense of security. After these few months, I am more capable of following the nature call and my heart. There is an unforgettable saying taught by Master Anurag regarding the control over emotions, “I am capable of anger but anger does not control me”. Being emotional has been one of my “weaknesses”. Yoga does make me a calmer person and my emotions have become more manageable. I would further develop this saying into “I am capable of different emotions, but they do not control me”. I hope I could help those who are emotional and sensitive to gain a more peaceful state of mind and bring awareness to their own senses and thoughts.  

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (19 Jul – 20 Oct 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2853
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000207
The 200hr Yoga Teacher Training at Anahata was an experience that is truly enriching. During the first month that we discussed all theories, Masters Vishnu and Anurag both were very patient in explaining all the basic theories. After which, we discussed body anatomy, history of yoga, types of yoga, yogic literature, styles of yoga, the 8 limbs of Ashtanga yoga, pranayama, kriyas, mudras and bandas. We also discussed teaching techniques which was very helpful if we are to teach beginners yoga straight after the course. These information learned from all the theory classes are very helpful in attaining a deeper knowledge on my practice, but what I enjoyed learning about most were the different types of asanas, and how to teach them, from Master Yogananth. He was very patient in going through each asana in the module, having us do it first, and then teaching us how to teach the asana effectively to others. This module was also the main chunk of the course. Now that the course is finished, I am so thankful that I decided to finally go ahead with the course. I now have a holistic view of yoga, that it is indeed a way of life. My practice will never be the same again, as from before I started the course. I now view yoga as something that is part of me, a way of living that does not just deal with fitness or physical health, but also mental and spiritual health too. I would like to especially thank our teachers, Master Vishnu, Master Anurag- for being ever so patient with your teaching, and for sharing with us your stories, personal experiences, connecting with us and answering all our questions. And also to Master Mahesh, for helping out whenever he could. I enjoy his classes very much too. I would also like to give Master Yogananth the biggest thank you, because without his patience, and his contagious passion for yoga, this course would not have been so successful. Master Yogananth and his kindness of heart, lightness of being and sincere love for others, has really made me develop a deeper love for yoga. I will be recommending this course to other friends and family, and might even take another course in Anahata Yoga, HK. Truly worth it!  

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (19 Jul – 20 Oct 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2886
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014002364
I have gained more knowledge of yoga in all aspects after this training course. More practices on asana and meditation could be done. Working with a partner certainly helps enhancing the experience as it is always easy to watch the demonstration but its different when you actually do the posture. Good vibes throughout the class.  

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (19 Jul – 20 Oct 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2906
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000455
I joined the 4-month 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course at Anahata yoga with the aim to enrich my personal knowledge: to learn the philosophy of yoga its relation with human anatomy as well as proper teaching technique to prepare myself for my interest outside of regular work. Overall, I was satisfied with the teachers quality and course content. The different modules of the course set a proper foundation for new yoga teachers. The practical modules also helped us understand our own anatomy and limitations and how to work around them. The teachers are very knowledgeable in their subjects and tried their best to answer all our inquiries even after class hours. All in all, I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who is interested in learning the basics of teaching techniques in yoga / those who would like to improve his / her own knowledge in yoga.  

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