Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Nov 2016 – 5 Apr 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3019
Date : 07-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000836
The first part of the course (Nov-Dec) was really good and informative. The second part (Jan) could have been more structured, informative and condensed. The last part of the course involving the practical Yoga Therapy was very useful and effective.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (11 Jan – 13 Apr 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2806
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2015001150
The format of the training is very nice since you can find the best way of incorporating yoga into your daily life. You can also choose when to practice, in the mornings, during the days or in the evening. The teachings are varied and covering many topics which gives you a good insight into different perspectives to yoga. It is delivered in a very easy and structured approach which made it easy to understand and it is workable for all levels.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (23 February 2016 – 31 March 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2812
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2015001252
I am very appreciated for this course. I find it is very useful and practical in my yoga practise. And very useful to my daily life. I would recommend my friends to join this course

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (10 May – 30 Jun 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2848
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000183
The Anahata 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course has deepened my understanding of yoga. The yoga masters who teach the course are impressive with their commitment to a yogic lifestyle and their vast knowledge. Throughout the teaching, the yoga masters shared how yoga can help with different physical ailments and disease. I had already learnt about the ‘energy’ flow of Chakras and the importance of diet in yoga but this was my first introduction into learning Yoga through Yoga anatomy and developing an understanding of how asanas and pranayama work with the muscles, bones and joints. I began to understand poses in terms of strengthening and stretching muscles, working with the body and understanding the differences in lateral stretches, lengthening, twisting and rotations, for example. I learnt the importance of sequencing asanas to work with the body and with the movement of air. I have always preferred the active meditation and flow of breathe, I find in the sequence of asanas. Yet, during this course I have understood the fundamental role of pranayama, mudra, bandha and kriya in ones practice. I also have a renewed sense for mediation. I found the assignments not only a great opportunity to reflect on what I had indeed learnt from the course but also to continue to deepen my understanding.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 Oct – 18 Nov 2016)
YTT Number : IYATT-2908
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000456
Comprehensive and authentic teacher training program. Namaste!

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Nov 2016 – 5 Apr 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2909
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2015000277
My 300-hour therapy training is informative and practical. All instructors are experienced and generous in sharing their knowledges. I am very satisfied with my classes. thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Nov 2016 – 5 Apr 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2927
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000514
This is an awesome therapy course where we learned about human anatomy, doshas, chakras, diets, body conditions and therapy techniques (including asanas, meditation, diets and natural therapy) for various ailments in details. I came to realise how little I knew about human mind and body but how powerful yoga can be applied in daily life to help myself live a healthier lifestyle but also as importantly, how to help my yoga students and friends and family relieve pain and improve health by really focusing on their unique anatomy and designing the right sequence very much based on what they need. Thank you so much Master Yogananth, Master Vishnu, Master Anurag, Master Dilip and Master Mahesh for sharing their invaluable knowledge and experience with us!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 Dec 2016 – 22 Mar 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2957
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000643
This is the great experience I learned from the 200 hours YTT course. Including the professional knowledge how to teach the student and completely learn my body structure. I now understand Yoga is just not only practice, but we should listen our body and practice with a deeper understanding. Loved it!

Course Name : 300-hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (1 Nov 2016 – 5 Apr 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-2961
Date : 01-02-2019
Student ID : 2016000659
The content of this course is very practice, I can apply what I learnt to my clients. Their feedback also positive. I am satisfy with the course. I will join AYC to see how to apply these learning in various community projects.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3342
Date : 31-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000963
The course was very informative making my knowledge of yoga more in depth. The masters who taught the course were very knowledgeable, friendly and patient. I learned much more about yoga than I would have imagined. At times, it would a bit overwhelming learning all the anatomy of human body but it made me realize how important it is to have that knowledge to teach students properly. My favorite part of the course was the Asana part taught by master Yogananth. He is just amazing! Looking at his postures itself is an inspiration. I wished it lasted longer in the end. I was sad it was over but I m looking forward to continuing my practice at Anahata. Thank you!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3503
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000498
It was an amazing 3 month journey and authentic yoga experience. I have learned so much and these 3 month education broadened my knowledge and corrected some of misunderstading I have had about yoga for very long time. Experience at Anahata was truly unique as this was the first institute or school that put heavy emphasis on the truth where yoga is not only about asana, fitness regime but a complete system, of which asana takes very small part. And the entire purpose of yoga is spiritual in mind and body, harmony as whole. I have enjoyed all various types of groups classes and appreciate different teaching method, different approaches, different types of yoga. It has helped me to gain better understanding of what types of yoga classes are available and suits for me depending on my physical condition, weather, time of the day to practice etc. Andiappan class was something that I rarely can see in any other institute or school in Hong Kong. I obtained a lot of knowledge on a lot of postures or practices using tools to approach asana and help with achieving correct alignment. One suggestion I would like to share is the possibility of offering Andiappan class for beginners or basic/intermediate level (or basic asanas appeared on 200 hour YTT booklet). I found that the level of warm up poses or asanas during Andiappan classes I’ve attended were aimed for intermediate/advanced level so as a beginner, it was challenging to practice modification/variation pose without digesting or grasping the basic alignment of the asana. Over all, again it was truly delightful experience for me and I’ve enjoyed every module of the classes and teachers. Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3504
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000499
I enjoy the course very much and I have a deeper understanding and knowledge in yoga. All masters are very experienced and patient in teaching and guiding us along our yoga journeys.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3533
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000618
After finish the 200 training course, I think I have learned a lot. It was not just the physical exercises but more beyond it. The history and anatomy parts of yoga let me know more about the yoga itself and know my body better. I like the masters in anahata who always give me useful suggestion and advice. I like the environment in anahata where feels so peaceful. It was a good start for my yoga journey and I will keep doing yoga as my lifestyle.

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (10 September 2018 – 28 September 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-2976
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2016000608
In Level 3, I could learn the teaching method and it was so valuable. I started teaching after finishing level3 and now I feel I understand what I have to do in a class when I teach. Thank you

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (30 August 2018 – 11 October 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3547
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000693
I joined this course, as I am pregnant myself and I wanted to deepen my yoga practice during pregnancy, and to immerse myself in an overall yogic- experience in this phase. I was a little worried initially about completing 100 hours in such a short span of time, but it is amazing how much flexibility the course offered in terms of different classes and timings that I could choose from depending on my energy levels week on week ranging from Pranayama, Yin Yoga or more challenging Hatha practices. I loved how the course was structured and gave a lot of emphasis to pranayama, chakras, Tratak meditation and aspects of yoga that are little appreciated or taught. I felt that all the masters have this great field of energy around them making the class interactions a deeply uplifting experience. All masters are extremely down-to-earth and friendly and were happy to answer any questions we had in great detail. They also all have a different unique style of teaching, different backgrounds and come with their own set of experiences with pregnant women, which make the course very holistic as the students are exposed to a range of teaching methods, alternate ways to sequence a class and perspectives. I also loved the discussions on food and life-style choices for pregnant women that are rooted in Ayurveda, Garbha Shastra (old Vedic texts pertaining to the womb) and old Indian practices. Occasionally I found some aspects of these teachings quite controversial, but I still personally loved it as it expanded my thought process even though I did not necessarily agree with the masters on some topics. This course overall, was an excellent pregnancy management tool for my own pregnancy, other than being an excellent teacher training course. I can earnestly say it helped me manage several of my pregnancy related issues like body stiffness, aches and pains, insomnia, mood swings, gas and reflux that I had dealt with last pregnancy. It helped me relax deeply, and connect with my body and my baby with a confidence and intuition that I did not know I possessed. Understanding the necessary modifications for a pregnant anatomy, enabled me to attend any yoga class and modify it to work for me. I will recommend this course especially to all pregnant women (not just aspiring teachers) if you want to have a strong, healthy, profoundly fulfilling pregnancy in a yogic way. I feel so blessed to have found this course in my current phase, as it will always make this pregnancy a very special one for me.

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (30 August 2018 – 11 October 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3342
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000963
I really enjoyed learning more in depth about pregnancy options and how people can safely practice yoga while gaining all the benefits. All the masters were very knowledgable.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3548
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000704
As I have been taking this course, I am more satisfied than I expected I would be. First of all, all masters are very passionate about teaching and have considerable expertise in every aspect of yoga. They actively interact with students and kindly help them to do self-practice in Andiappan class. That’s why I could improve a lot very fast on the knowledge as well as asana. I also could gain a lot of knowledge about the muscles involved in some of the specific asana through anatomy class, and could enhance spiritual awareness through meditation class. Especially, the final demonstration was very helpful in wrapping up all the knowledge that I acquired from this course and understanding making a sequence for a yoga class with benefits, contraindications, warm-up, modifications, neutralizing and variations etc. Yoga has been a means to balance and harmonize my body, mind and emotions. I will continue on with my own yoga journey, keeping this amazing experience at Anahata as a momentum. Namaste!

Course Name : 100-hours Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (30 August 2018 – 11 October 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3561
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000729
I spent lots of time researching where to take my yoga teacher training and I find that I make my right choice here. It was a great experience of my first YTT in Anahata, the training let me know more about yoga that it isn’t not only about asana but many things as well. All Masters that teach the training are knowledgeable, well-experienced and supportive. For the prenatal training, we’re not only learn doing asana, we also know about mediation and some contradictions during pregnancy. It’s really help me a lot to deepen my yoga knowledge especially for pregnant women. The best part was that we touched on various meditation skills, modification of prenatal series, reason for doing these poses and more. The Masters are always welcome for questions and extra help. Besides training course, the group classes and Andiappan classes improve my yoga skills immensely and my knowledge of the asanas grow dramatically. During Andiappan classes, it’s more chance for me to interact with other classmates and let me assisting each other for doing certain poses. This is a really good way to learn that I have more experience to assist student when I teach in the future. In general, the studio is warm and welcoming, no matter my yoga skill level is experienced or not. I definitely recommend this YTT course to my yogi friends

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (10 September 2018 – 28 September 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3256
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2014001725
I started practicing yoga since 2010 for pursuing a healthy body. And eventually I realized yoga brings me not only the healthy body but also a simple life style, a peaceful mind and changed me into a better person. These 3 levels Advanced Hatha YTT were amazing. I learned much more than I expected. How lucky I am to have all those great masters to teach and help me in my yoga journey. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3580
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000830
The course was incredibly interesting and I feel I have gained a lot of knowledge to improve my own practice, as well as taking the steps towards becoming a teacher in the future. I thought the Masters were very knowledgeable and I enjoyed learning from Masters with different teaching styles. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3595
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000875
My experience in this 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training has been great. I was able to fully understand the different ways of teaching through different masters and apply it to the learnings that was taught throughout class. Learning the different muscles group also enlightened me to deeper understand my body and how to prevent injuries during practice. I would definitely recommend this course to others when they want to do yoga teacher training.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3596
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000891
This course has been a great experience. Love the flexibility of having choice of morning, evening or weekend class. Love the idea of having students to attend andiappan and regular classe to gain insight of yoga. The Masters are very knowledgeable. They are happy to share their experience. However, I would love to have more guidance of how to teach a a flow class. Namaste

Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 (10 September 2018 – 28 September 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3230
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2017000503
I was really excited to come back to Level 3 training and reconnect with classmates in Anahata community. The practices are so powerful and fun and transformative, but mostly I love being in lectures with Yogananth. He is hilarious and at the same time transmitting such profound and intelligent information. I appreciate all the details and patience Yogananth attends in order to create such a potent experience for everyone. Namaste

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3607
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000945
Anahata yoga brought me a great experience of learning yoga. I have been practicing yoga for over 3 years on and off, but the previous practice was like doing exercises without deeply understand about what yoga is. Masters are excellent and they helped me to build a good foundation. The course was comprehensive and informative which helps me to improve a lot. After taking this course I can feel yoga is changing me. Thank you! NAMASTE:)

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (4 September 2018 – 6 November 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3611
Date : 30-01-2019
Student ID : 2018000959
The 200 hour yoga course at Anahata Yoga was a truly wonderful learning experience. I have practiced yoga for many years but still felt some trepidation in taking a teacher training course. I wondered if I was physically fit enough, needed to work on public speaking or classroom presentation, or general teaching skills. For these reasons, I postponed my desire to undergo yoga teacher training for many years. However, my anxieties were immediately calmed as I began the course and I understood that in my yoga training journey, the other skills would naturally fall into place. Being present to the knowledge was all that I needed to do, and it has transformed my way of thinking and all areas of my life. I am more calm, more present, and happier. I am not as easily bothered by minor stresses in life. Further, yoga poses that I have struggled to achieve for years suddenly became easy and accessible. The Masters at Anahata Yoga are a treasure for Hong Kong, and I am so thankful to have this special place to study. Areas of the course that I enjoyed the most were breathing and meditation. It was also helpful to learn anatomy. I would like to further my learning about the chakras and yoga poses that benefit specific purposes. I am now signed up for the Pranayama training course and Yoga Therapy and look forward to continuing my yoga education.

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