Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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In this level 3 we explored alot about partner yoga and teaching methods and sequencing. Very useful for my yoga teaching. Thank you for teaching from the heart.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000905
Batch : January/2020

I am very happy that I had done the Advanced Level 3 course. I had enjoyed it so much that it felt like it came and went in no time. As expected, Master Yogananth gave us master class after master class, sharing his invaluable teaching experience, and providing insightful pointers in teaching yoga under different situations and to different types of students. In teaching the intensive advanced poses, he gave clear instructions and was very attentive to how each of us was doing. I personally was able to receive his attention and help in each class. Master Mahesh was also masterful in his classes and always came to our assistance when we had difficulties with our practices. The partner yoga practices were both fun and challenging. It required not just skill but also trust between the partners. I am sure everyone enjoyed it as much as, if not more than, I did. The teaching exercise was useful in making us apply what we learnt to actual teaching. Master Yogananth’s review afterwards gave us invaluable takeaways that will benefit us all in our future teaching endeavours. The sequence demo made us recap all the asanas we have learnt and determine which ones we are confident of performing, and construct a good sequence to demonstrate skill and composure. It appeared at first the most daunting part of the course but as it turned out, it is the part that I enjoyed and cherish most.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000967
Batch : January/2020

The entire journey has been exceptional and inspirational. At Level 3, I have met new students and each has impressed by their dedication and commitment to yoga. The partners yoga has opened new perspectives for me, while the teaching project has been extremely useful in putting into practice principles I have learned since Level 1. Observing the teaching of my classmates and their final performances has been particularly insightful, too. I am deeply thankful of Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their excellent teaching and demos, as well as for guiding me deeper into yoga in every class.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2017000983
Batch : January/2020

The Level 3 Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training was a very challenging yet enjoyable experience for me, in which I furthered my practice in yoga and gained insight into the future paths that I could take as a yoga enthusiast.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2018000267
Batch : January/2020

This is the most amazing course I have gotten. The experience of teaching and demo is so special. Especially I could feel changing my inner body while preparing the demo.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2018000270
Batch : January/2020

Deepen my knowledge of the advance poses. Helps me to build up more confidence and strengthen my teaching technics. Inspired me a lot while creating my vinyasa flow practice and giving me a great opportunities to take a full revision of my yoga practice so far.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2018000482
Batch : January/2020

Level 3 was slightly less fruitful compared to level 1 & 2 but it was great in general. I think we can learn more different modifications / variations of asanas and use of props instead of partner yoga
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2018001423
Batch : January/2020

I have been taking the yoga teacher trainings here for one year, all along from 200 hrs to 500hrs. Masters are knowledgeable, excellent and the lessons are full of fun. I indeed learnt a lot through the joyful classes and sharing experiences. I would like to thank Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for your relentless efforts and valuable advices in guiding me throughout this challenging yet enjoyable journey. I love taking the classes of Master Raja, Master Pratyay and Master Keshav and thank for your comprehensive, conscientious teaching of challenging poses. Masters, thanks a lot!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2019000202
Batch : January/2020

One of the motives for me to join this program is deepening my knowledge to have better self-practice and enhance body awareness. It is no doubt that the program offered more than that. This program is not only providing a wide range of yoga and anatomical knowledge of each asana but also transforming myself to keep practicing yoga into my daily in physical and mental ways. Therefore, I would like to especially thank you Master Yogananth Andiappan who is offering an inspirational and educational yoga teacher training to us. He motivates us to keep practicing and also let us understand what challenges most students may face during the yoga practice. At the same time, I realized that teaching yoga can be one of the ways to deliver what we know to others as a giving so it does not matter what level of yoga I am practicing as long as it may help someone in the community. Meanwhile, the valuable taking away is knowing a group of yogi who is also obsessed with yoga and keen on practicing it regularly as a life-long friendship.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2019000247
Batch : January/2020

Time flies! I know that I still have a lot to learn even though the 300 Hours training is over. I always feel myself is a beginner in yoga because there are so much to learn physically, mentally and theoretically in yoga world. Although the training last only few months, it will take my life time to go for it and become a better me 🙂
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2019001313
Batch : January/2020

I am very blessed that I have such a wonderful YTT team practiced with me together both group classes and andiappan classes. We learnt a lot from all the masters who taught us from their deep hearts with full of patience and knowledgeable. This course guided me a completely new experience in my yoga journey. Highly recommended!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000029
Batch : December/2019

The 200YTT course in Anahata is awesome. Masters are very patient to explain the asana and guide you to enter to the postures correctly. Also,apart from asana, other topices like pranayama, mediation, anatomy are excellent and interesting. I love attending yoga class here.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001724
Batch : December/2019

I had a great experience in this 200 hours yoga teacher training. The course is well structured as it covers the history of yoga, anatomy, asanas, pranayama and practical classes. The masters are very experienced and professional. This course provides the fundamental and in depth knowledge for preparing someone who would like to be a yoga teacher in the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001912
Batch : December/2019

I feel so deeply why it is called Anahata because every master teaches from their hearts. Anahata gives us the best environment to improve our yoga skills since there are lots of interactions and communications with different masters and they are all give and teach unselfishly. I appreciate it very much. I highly recommend this teacher training to everyone who wishes to deepen their yoga journey under the guidance of professional yoga masters.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001653
Batch : December/2019

I really enjoy the yoga teaching training experience with Anahatha Yoga. Within these few months of intense yoga practice, I believe I have furthered my study in yoga theoretically as well as physically. Amongst all the lessons, the Andiappan classes have advanced my asana practice and enhanced the flexibility as well as strength of my body.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001888
Batch : December/2019

this is a very good course. all instructors are great, learn a lot from them. highly recommended
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001558
Batch : December/2019

I am very glad that I joined the 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Anahata Yoga. The Yoga masters are professional and helpful. Through the course, I gained a better understanding of yoga’s philosophy and history. I also learned the anatomy of our body, different yoga posture (Asana) , breathing technique (pranayama), mediation and teaching techniuqe. I especially like the Andiappan Yoga classes which allow us to have self-practice on our own pace with the assistance and supervision of different masters. I highly recommend this 200 hours YTT course and will continuous to join the yoga classes in Anahata. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001574
Batch : December/2019

I am so happy in here to finish my YTT-200 course. We have a good teacher and good classmates. In this time I feel I get more knowledges and benefit about the yoga and my life. We learn the yoga origin, history, philosophy, anatomy and posture etc.. Make me more interest on yoga. Everytime when I come to the class. I always feel happy and i am learning more and more everytime. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001450
Batch : December/2019

Great learning from masters Dhiraj, Vishnu, Raja and Dilip. They are very helpful and always up for answering any questions outside of class and they are also fun to be around with. I met so many good friends through this course and have thoroughly enjoyed this course. Now that it has ended it feels empty! Thank you so much masters!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001748
Batch : December/2019

The course was great to refresh and to fill in gaps in my yoga knowledge. Having completed this course I feel motivated to continue learning more about yoga. The masters are knowledgeable and helpful, I hope to continue my regular group practice with them in the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001714
Batch : December/2019

It was a great experience. All the masters are very patience and helpful. The course definitely teaches me a lot of practical and theoretical knowledge. Thank you all!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001610
Batch : December/2019

Anahata has a group of knowledgeable and experienced masters who help their students experience their yoga journeys fully. I'm very grateful for the experience as the course has widened and deepened my understanding and knowledge of yoga. I have learnt yoga is more than a physical physical, it is also a spiritual journey and a healthy lifestyle.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001832
Batch : December/2019

It was a marvellous learning experience in Anahata to deepen my knowledge on yoga. I am grateful to have the opportunity to learn from warm, inspiring and experienced Masters. I have also met new friends and created a strong supporting network for our life-long yoga journey. I am looking forward to attend my next TT in the near future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001893
Batch : December/2019

I very much enjoyed the class and the learning process.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001552
Batch : November/2019

I enjoyed the YTT course so much, I have learned a lot about different aspects of yoga, all yoga masters are very experienced and taught the class from the heart. I would like to consider joining another course in the near future!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000878
Batch : November/2019

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