Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakless, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2014003056
Batch : November/2015

The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakness, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 3 of 3
Student ID : 2014003056
Batch : November/2015

I would highly recommended the advance training as a path for all yoga practitioners. I first joined the training hoping to deepen my practice. The training was much more then I expected. Master Yogananths thoughtful guidance pushed every trainee to seek their limits. We tried many advance posture that we all thought we could never achieved. He also shared a lot of his teaching techniques and allowed us to experience yoga through other practitioner by aiding them and working in partner postures. The whole training was fun, rich and inspirational. I was so happy that I feel more connected with myself, my practice and my teaching. The whole training helped me to open a new path in yoga, spiritually and in practice. Truly thanks to Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their kind and heartful guidance.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2015000023
Batch : October/2015

The 300 hours Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course gives me wonderful opportunities to learn theoretical therapy knowledge. Apart from applications of yoga therapy, Im excited to learn the Ayurvedic massages, which I cant learn anywhere else in Hong Kong. Although I, as a beginner yogi, need some efforts to digest all information gained during lectures, Im still fascinated by the knowledgeable teachers Master Vishnu, Yogananth, Anurag and Dr. Lakshmi. Thank you very much for giving a fruitful start on my yoga journey!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000157
Batch : September/2015

I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000209
Batch : September/2015

I am more than delighted to have chance to attend this advance Level I, II, III. This totally changes my life style & let me know yoga is not just posture. It is more to do with your mind, body & soul altogether. I am happy to say that yoga is part of my daily life now. The Advance Level 1, esp level 2 are real challenging to me. Thank you to the patience of Master Yogananth, he has excellent skill & knowledge to teach us how to overcome our own constraints, to do the asana which I never think that I can manage it, not even dream about it. This advance levels also help us to build up our confidence to pursue further. I am very proud & happy to complete these courses with good guidance from all the masters of Anahata Yoga, they are very professional & super!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002899
Batch : September/2015

I truly treasured the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. During the course I could feel my body getting stronger and could feel the real reward of practicing and learning with master Yogananth. The way he teaches, his presence and focus makes you want to give your very best even when the asanas are quite challenging. A true teacher! Now moving forward I have a broader idea of my weakness and strengths and feel confident and supported to continue on this journey. Thank you very much Master Yogananth!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002612
Batch : September/2015

I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000209
Batch : September/2015

I truly treasured the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. During the course I could feel my body getting stronger and could feel the real reward of practicing and learning with master Yogananth. The way he teaches, his presence and focus makes you want to give your very best even when the asanas are quite challenging. A true teacher! Now moving forward I have a broader idea of my weakness and strengths and feel confident and supported to continue on this journey. Thank you very much Master Yogananth!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002612
Batch : September/2015

I am more than delighted to have chance to attend this advance Level I, II, III. This totally changes my life style & let me know yoga is not just posture. It is more to do with your mind, body & soul altogether. I am happy to say that yoga is part of my daily life now. The Advance Level 1, esp level 2 are real challenging to me. Thank you to the patience of Master Yogananth, he has excellent skill & knowledge to teach us how to overcome our own constraints, to do the asana which I never think that I can manage it, not even dream about it. This advance levels also help us to build up our confidence to pursue further. I am very proud & happy to complete these courses with good guidance from all the masters of Anahata Yoga, they are very professional & super!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002899
Batch : September/2015

I truly treasured the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. During the course I could feel my body getting stronger and could feel the real reward of practicing and learning with master Yogananth. The way he teaches, his presence and focus makes you want to give your very best even when the asanas are quite challenging. A true teacher! Now moving forward I have a broader idea of my weakness and strengths and feel confident and supported to continue on this journey. Thank you very much Master Yogananth!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014002612
Batch : September/2015

I would highly recommended the advance training as a path for all yoga practitioners. I first joined the training hoping to deepen my practice. The training was much more then I expected. Master Yogananths thoughtful guidance pushed every trainee to seek their limits. We tried many advance posture that we all thought we could never achieved. He also shared a lot of his teaching techniques and allowed us to experience yoga through other practitioner by aiding them and working in partner postures. The whole training was fun, rich and inspirational. I was so happy that I feel more connected with myself, my practice and my teaching. The whole training helped me to open a new path in yoga, spiritually and in practice. Truly thanks to Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their kind and heartful guidance.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014003088
Batch : September/2015

I thoroughly enjoyed the Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Anahata. The classes were very intensive and tough to both our body and mind, yet, was an unique and unforgettable piece in my yoga journey. I learnt a lot about helping each others in yoga, as a partner and also as a support to other, especially when we were pushing ourselves way beyond our limit. We all found ourselves has grown and exceed our perceived limit during this breakthrough pathway. I have learnt new and even more advance postures, how to teach and support the others, but I must not forget the essence of synchronising our body and mind during the journey. What I have learnt and experienced are gift and blessing from the natural, passing to and sharing with the others would be another milestones of our yoga life. Specially I appreciate all the Master teachers put their effort in their teachings, patience and time. I have gained so much knowledge and experience from this teaching training.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2015000209
Batch : September/2015

  I had been practice yoga 5 year, I want to learn deeply about yoga, not only about Asana. After the YTT I did learn a lots of information of yoga anatomy, physiology, history, pranayama, Mudra and asana. Which really helpful for me, I had a big improvement during the training. The masters are patient to teach us everything, we able to ask question during class. Student ID : IYATT-2687 Student Name : IYATT-2687 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course My experience of yoga was always good but never enough. While being introduced to the “Anahata way” something happened and my practice has never been the same again. I attended the teacher training in Anahata to increase my knowledge and to go deeper into my practice. I always been convinced that yoga is a way have to help in my case, with chronic back pains and But thats not the only reason why stayed and Im now “in”. Yoga is more yoga is essential. Now, I can say with certainty that want Yoga to be part of my life in a wider way and to help others by bringing them healing opportunities, as a volunteer in the community then later, as a teacher around because nothing is worth a smile of true well being and “whether young, old or too old sick or lean, one who discards laziness, gets success if he practices Yoga.”Hatha Yoga Pradipika-166 I want to thank all the masters, teachers and co-workers for the great times spent together. Your knowledge expanded mine and I am highly grateful for it all. Namaste Student ID : IYATT-2693 Student Name : IYATT-2693 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course I really enjoyed this teacher training program. It help me to clarify what is exactly yoga and what difference it from normal exercised. This course has exceeded my expectations, every aspect of yoga has been learning and teachers are all professional and dedicated of their job. I have simply learnt that yoga is a philosophy and not only asanas. I am already applying in my one practice all this knowledge and can feel the entire benefits. I am looking forward to using this information and learn more to improve my own self-practice and way of living and to give classes to others. Student ID : IYATT-2730 Student Name : IYATT-2730 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Anahata yoga teacher training was a journey of a life time. The course was challenging at times but definitely pushed me to my full potential. Overall I had a great experience, great start for the beginning. Now I feel stronger and appreciate what I have in my life. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. Student ID : ATT-2728 Student Name : ATT-2728 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Asana practice is just a tip of the iceberg. The 200HRS Yoga Teacher Training Course provided me a full picture of yoga, from yoga history, anatomy and pranayama to kriyas, meditation and asana practice. I enjoyed every part of the course. The theory part is inspiring. It enriches my yoga knowledge and makes me become more serious about my yoga practice. As we all know, Yoga is far more than physical exercise; it is lifestyle, a mind and body practice. Thanks master Vishnu for all the teaching and sharing, he is such a passionate teacher. The asana part taught by master Yogananth was amazing. Each asana was clearly explained, from the warm up, steps, alignment, variations to counter poses. He has sharp eyes that he can tell your strength and limitation which you dont know. He is very knowledgeable. He can answer all my doubts I have come across in my practice. Last but not least, Thanks master Mahesh for all the encouragement and adjustments during my practice. You always surprised me by letting me know my ability is beyond my imagination. Learning will continue, although the course has come to the end. I am looking forward to seeing my personal growth on and out of the mat. Student ID : IYATT-2729 Student Name : IYATT-2729 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course In this program, the Asana Module helped me better understand postures as Master Yogananth will go through all the different poses and breaking them down in detail. Apart from learning different postures, I had deeper understanding about anatomy. Anatomy and physiology are important components to learn as a yoga teacher. An understanding of the human body is crucial in proper alignment and in structuring a safe practice. I was also reminded by Master of how completely diverse every single body is and understand my body nature more. I can also learn more techniques to adjust another person in a yoga pose. To me, adjusting others is a challenging responsibility. I am happy that I had chance to practice teaching at the end of the program. I can put what I have learnt into practice by devising my own sequences. I also acknowledged that I had to consider various aspects both before and during teaching. I fully realized that I had a lot to learn and practice to be a good yoga teacher. Moreover, I had gained valuable knowledge in history and origin of yoga as these are important historical or philosophical information not to be confused or misinterpreted by mistake. I am delighted to know that I may have the opportunity to teach those who may not have access to yoga by registering as a volunteer at the Andiappan Yoga Community. Joining this Teacher Training program is one of the best decisions I ever made. I am thankful for Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu for their guidance throughout the program. Student ID : IYATT-2691 Student Name : IYATT-2691 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Before the Yoga Teacher Training Course, I had always treated yoga as a form of exercise. However through the course, I have gained a much better understanding of yoga. Thanks to Master Vishnu, I learned a lot about the history, origins and philosophy of yoga. Master Yogananth has taught us cleansing and breathing techniques as well as mudras, which were all new concepts to me. I, in particular, found the practical lesson of kriya useful. I am also glad to have learned different breathing techniques, which have great health benefits. This has reinforced my belief in yoga therapy. Through the Asana module, I have had the chance to learn different postures. Master Yogananths instructions and demonstrations were very detailed and clear. I have learned a lot and have greatly improved my techniques and skills. I feel very grateful for the help and the sharing of experience offered by all the Anahata yoga teachers throughout the course. I could definitely see their passions and dedications. It was truly an amazing experience. I will for sure continue my journey as a yoga practitioner and would love to be a member of the Andiappan Yoga Community. Student ID : IYATT-2726 Student Name : IYATT-2726 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course A 200-hour teacher training course can only scratch the surface of what Yoga has to offer. It brought like-minded people together to share a collective learning experience, which with no doubt developed appreciation for Yoga. For many of us, it was invaluable stimulation and inspiration for further learning and self-discovery. Student ID : IYATT-2792 Student Name : IYATT-2792 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course In this 3-month teacher training course, I have gained a deeper understanding in Yoga from philosophy and theory to pranayama and asanas The most impressive thing about the course, I think, is learning the asanas from preparation to final pose very clear, detailed and useful explanation. In my opinion, asanas the kriyas class was also a good and unforgettable experience. Glad to have experienced and knowledgeable Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu as my teachers. Student ID : IYATT 2692 Student Name : IYATT 2692 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course This yoga teacher training program has given me a holistic view of yoga and brought me to a whole new stage of yoga practice by introducing the less commonly known element within yoga such as, different yoga school of thoughts, mudra, bandha, pranayama and kriyas. After attending the course I realized that my previous focus of practice of yoga only limited to yogasana and hence it was only a mere exercise but not yoga, With the knowledge of yoga l am now able to design my own asana sequence and also brought the asana practice to the next level by incorporating other elements such as mantra and pranayama. Thanks Anahata for providing a teacher training course in such a professional manner, with all the teachers being very experienced and have been dedicating their whole life into voga. It was very beneficial having the chance to receive training from these masters, who were extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and patient. Student ID : IYATT 2720 Student Name : IYATT 2720 Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course It has been the best learning experience of yoga for me. Thanks to Yogananth, Mahesh and Vishnu for their enthusiasm and professional teaching. Although I practiced yoga for a number of years, it has always been in a group environment. There are lot of fine tuning in my asanas and pranayamas which I am glad I learnt and corrected them now instead of later. Quite a few of the postures I found difficult before now becomes much easier after the instructor gave us very detail description of how to do them, and giving me specific personal instructions. It is enjoyable studying the body anatomy section. The main reason I started yoga was because of a neck/spine problems. The anatomy portion makes me more fully understand different parts of the body and how yoga can help in each area more specifically. Besides, I also benefitted from better sleep and my digestive system work better after practising yoga. Yoga is truly a body-mind experience Overall I enjoyed the course very much and was very happy to have learnt yoga in such a relaxed yet professional environment with other fellow students who share similar believes and goals. I look forward to improve further my yoga practice and possibly pass on the knowledge to others in the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000803
Batch : August/2015

Completed 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course In this program, the Asana Module helped me better understand postures as Master Yogananth will go through all the different poses and breaking them down in detail. Apart from learning different postures, I had deeper understanding about anatomy. Anatomy and physiology are important components to learn as a yoga teacher. An understanding of the human body is crucial in proper alignment and in structuring a safe practice. I was also reminded by Master of how completely diverse every single body is and understand my body nature more. I can also learn more techniques to adjust another person in a yoga pose. To me, adjusting others is a challenging responsibility. I am happy that I had chance to practice teaching at the end of the program. I can put what I have learnt into practice by devising my own sequences. I also acknowledged that I had to consider various aspects both before and during teaching. I fully realized that I had a lot to learn and practice to be a good yoga teacher. Moreover, I had gained valuable knowledge in history and origin of yoga as these are important historical or philosophical information not to be confused or misinterpreted by mistake. I am delighted to know that I may have the opportunity to teach those who may not have access to yoga by registering as a volunteer at the Andiappan Yoga Community. Joining this Teacher Training program is one of the best decisions I ever made. I am thankful for Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu for their guidance throughout the program.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000723
Batch : August/2015

I think the training course is quite good to learn yoga from traditional Indian. I can learn tradition in addition to yoga asanas. But still, many thanks to all masters in the teaching course and it brings a good start on yoga teaching to me. Many thanks.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000434
Batch : June/2015

I had practiced yoga for 3 years, I want to have an improvement in my poses and would like to know more yoga theories and history, so I just get in this course. For the whole course, I like the practical part more as Yogananth is really experienced and patient, he really uses his heart to teach. He had adjusted my poses (in detail) that I never aware I am doing wrong. He is good and I may attend the Advanced Teacher Training next year. Also, because of this training course, I start to join the private classes here and learn from other master: Yoko, Mahesh and Melissa, all of them are kind and give good yoga advices for me. I will keep on learning here.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000558
Batch : June/2015

Though studying this 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course which helped me to learn more philosophy and knowledge of yoga. I’m really enjoyed to take 30 hours of group class sessions to improve my yoga techniques from all professional instructors. Yoga is not only practice posture, but also soul training. I’m really enjoy to listen myself body now. Many thanks for Master Yogananth and Master Vishnu, I enjoyed their practice style. My training don’t stop at the end of the program, I will continue to practice advance training in the future at Anahata Yoga. Thanks all of your teaching and sharing.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000080
Batch : June/2015

I practiced yoga for some times, and finally I decided to learn more and structure the way I was practicing. The course gave me a solid basic knowledge, both for the theory and practice. I know where I need to look for and where I need to research more, and how much I don’t know now, more then ever! Very well done. Nice experience and kept in a very warm and happy atmosphere, with good time for laugh.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001652
Batch : April/2015

This is a great lesson for learning how to become a yoga teacher, even I’m just a beginner of yoga, and I’m the one who not good at Eng, but I still can understand at the class, all the yoga master have very good body language, let me can understand the pose even maybe I can’t hear very understand.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000205
Batch : April/2015

It is my pleasure to practice yoga in Anahata Yoga. All yoga masters are very professional and teach us with their hearts. I learned many techniques to perform the poses better and avoid injury. My strength and flexibility have been improved a lot and I can be more stable holding the poses now. I also learned to control my breathing during the yoga practice. I would like to thank all the masters for teaching me and sharing their yoga experience and all the staff of Anahata Yoga for helping me to finish the course. I will keep learning from the masters and practicing yoga in Anahata Yoga. I hope I can be a good yoga teacher in the future.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000023
Batch : April/2015

It was an amazing experience on Anahata. I am very happy that I chose my 1st teacher training here. I use to think yoga is just warriors, triangles, half moon, standing, splits & so on, but in Anahata I learned some great stretches which transformed my body, into more flexibility. Wish I could continue my practice here but I am carrying along all the sweet memories with me. Thank you to Master Yogananth, Vishnu, Mahesh, Yogesh & Anurag. Last but not the least I genuinely enjoyed & learned something new in Andiappan class.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000460
Batch : April/2015

I had been thinking to take an advance yoga teacher training for ages. I decided to take this training in Anahata Yoga because I know the origin of Yoga is from India, and their masters almost come from India. I could learn, explore its philosophy, theory, significant technique, and also their actual yoga knowledge in this training. Of course, it was every bit as good as I expected. I have improved in basic skills in asana, and also the sense of practicing, I will initially practice it any time once I am available. By this training, I understand about what is pranayama, how to control and practice the breathing and invented their benefit in our daily life. I have learned from this all rounded teacher training and it is not just from this all rounded teacher training and it is not just from the evening tutorial classes, and also group classes and morning Andiappan. Moreover, we have all needed to finish two assignments, which I have further known about yoga history and history of Hatha Yoga. I understand my learning is just new started. This 200 hours teacher training is only for my stepping stone. On the next stage, I have to practice the actual teaching technique through further teaching opportunity, to share my minimal knowledge with other people those are interested.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000192
Batch : March/2015

In the course, I have gained a lot of knowledge on the history, philosophy and different stream of yoga. Our teachers tried their best to help us understand more about the theory and philosophy by telling us some interesting old Indian stories. By applying the theory into the stories, I can understand more about the eight limbs of yoga and some theories which are quite new and difficult to me. Apart from that, I also learned a lot about my body and how it works in different postures in yoga practice by learning different part of the body through understanding the anatomy and physiology of the body. What I love most about the course is the asana part and I think most of my classmates feel the same too. We learned how to do the posture properly and also help to adjust the posture of my partner. By practicing with my partner, I learn more about the strength and weakness by sharing experience with each other and doing the yoga practice together. I also learned how to use props like straps and yoga blocks in our practice. This kind of variations and modifications are useful in making the class more interesting.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000089
Batch : March/2015

I have really enjoyed participating in the course and have learned a great deal about my own and others practice. I particularly enjoyed the practical part of the course, and learned much about the benefits, contradictions, variations and modifications of the asanas. I also enjoyed Yogananth s and Yogeshs light-­hearted approach, which is something that I would like to carry through into my own practice as a teacher. I also enjoyed the fact that Yogananth Is very appreciative about peoples different views and needs of yoga and is realistic about how one could integrate this into their daily life, without it becoming overwhelming for a complete beginner. Vishnu was also clearly very knowledgeable and has given me a great understanding of the anatomy of the body and how I can now use this to aid my practice. Overall, I am happy with my learning and my understanding of the teachings of the course. I look forward to putting my newfound knowledge into practice and developing this further.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000014
Batch : March/2015