Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

It was a great experience to take this TTC program as the course content is well prepared and the instructors are very passionate in teaching sharing their yoga experience in self practice and in teaching aspect which can help me to prepare the future teaching path on yoga i have learnt the techniques on doing yoga postures which I didn’t know before and the most important is that course can let me know the important of each persons anatomy so that we can use a proper way to adust or modify ones postures. Thank you so much for all the master.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000311
Batch : March/2015

I loved the course. It fitted in well with my busy lifestyle and working full time. I feel like I learnt a lot and will continue learning. It has been a great starting point.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2015000168
Batch : March/2015

I would highly recommended the advance training as a path for all yoga practitioners. I first joined the training hoping to deepen my practice. The training was much more then I expected. Master Yogananths thoughtful guidance pushed every trainee to seek their limits. We tried many advance posture that we all thought we could never achieved. He also shared a lot of his teaching techniques and allowed us to experience yoga through other practitioner by aiding them and working in partner postures. The whole training was fun, rich and inspirational. I was so happy that I feel more connected with myself, my practice and my teaching. The whole training helped me to open a new path in yoga, spiritually and in practice. Truly thanks to Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh for their kind and heartful guidance.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014003088
Batch : March/2015

Im immensely grateful for having the chance to join Anahatas Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 and 2. Under the professional and inspiring guidance of Master Yogananth, whose in depth knowledge, clear explanations and perfect adjustments had not only enabled me to try many intense poses for the first time, but also empowered me to overcome my fear, unleashed my potentials and experienced tangible improvements. During the course, 1.  I learnt a lot about my body anatomy, my strengths and limits and most importantly, on how to work on them. 2.  I gained valuable knowledge on how to approach each challenging pose with specific warm up techniques and attempt different variations, the course manual will always help me in my future self- practices. 3.  I was motivated to “try”, to work hard in order to see progress - I was in fact intrigued to see how my body opened up and strengthened during the “trys”, and rewarded with the joyous satisfaction of a few breakthroughs! I shall always remember Master Yogananths profound advice - that advanced practitioners are not only manifested in their yoga postures, but expressed in their mental quality and mindfulness life style. In fact, the training doesnt stop here, its only the beginning!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2014003353
Batch : February/2015

Advanced Hatha Yoga TTC with Anahata was a great learning experience for me. I always wanted to do Advance TTC, but was little skeptical with the term Advance, as I was never sure whether I would be able to cope up with the practice. But,  Guru Yogananth made the task simple. He made our body go beyond our perceived limits effortlessly, which made me realise that it is quite possible. The TTC was very friendly, humorous and encouraging. There was a positive energy prevailing throughout the training program. Everyday some kind of miracle was happening with the members. We were able to do things which we thought were beyond  our capabilities. It gave me a lot of confidence, and I also got to know about my own body strengths. By the end of the program ,I was feeling very light, flexible, strong and energetic. The program is very well designed to impart the learning methodically and step wise. Students could actually feel that how our daily practice is preparing us for the advance postures. For me, it brought a wonderful transformation I was always looking for. To me, It is a treasure for lifetime. Thank you Anahata team. I would like to continue my learning with Anahata in future.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014003233
Batch : January/2015

Im immensely grateful for having the chance to join Anahatas Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 and 2. Under the professional and inspiring guidance of Master Yogananth, whose in depth knowledge, clear explanations and perfect adjustments had not only enabled me to try many intense poses for the first time, but also empowered me to overcome my fear, unleashed my potentials and experienced tangible improvements. During the course, 1. I learnt a lot about my body anatomy, my strengths and limits and most importantly, on how to work on them. 2. I gained valuable knowledge on how to approach each challenging pose with specific warm up techniques and attempt different variations, the course manual will always help me in my future self- practices. 3. I was motivated to “try”, to work hard in order to see progress - I was in fact intrigued to see how my body opened up and strengthened during the “trys”, and rewarded with the joyous satisfaction of a few breakthroughs! I shall always remember Master Yogananths profound advice - that advanced practitioners are not only manifested in their yoga postures, but expressed in their mental quality and mindfulness life style. In fact, the training doesnt stop here, its only the beginning!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014003353
Batch : January/2015

The teacher training is truly inspirational to me, not only to my own practice, as well as my personal growth and the way I further express my teaching to the students. With the help of Master Yogananth, I understand my strength, my weakness, my limitations and focus. Highly recommend this teacher training course to all levels of yoga practitioners.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014003056
Batch : January/2015

Im immensely grateful for having the chance to join Anahatas Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 and 2. Under the professional and inspiring guidance of Master Yogananth, whose in depth knowledge, clear explanations and perfect adjustments had not only enabled me to try many intense poses for the first time, but also empowered me to overcome my fear, unleashed my potentials and experienced tangible improvements. During the course, 1.  I learnt a lot about my body anatomy, my strengths and limits and most importantly, on how to work on them. 2.  I gained valuable knowledge on how to approach each challenging pose with specific warm up techniques and attempt different variations, the course manual will always help me in my future self- practices. 3.  I was motivated to “try”, to work hard in order to see progress - I was in fact intrigued to see how my body opened up and strengthened during the “trys”, and rewarded with the joyous satisfaction of a few breakthroughs! I shall always remember Master Yogananths profound advice - that advanced practitioners are not only manifested in their yoga postures, but expressed in their mental quality and mindfulness life style. In fact, the training doesnt stop here, its only the beginning!
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 of 3
Student ID : 2014003353
Batch : January/2015

The Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (AHYTT) was a thorough course about advanced Hatha yoga postures, injury prevention and proper adjustment techniques – knowledge which is essential to a good yoga teacher. It well complemented the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training also offered by Anahata Yoga. The faculty, Master Yogananth and Master Vijay, were both very thorough during the course, making sure that students give high regard to safety and proper execution of each asana. It was also a great experience to be able to teach advanced postures as it is there where each student would understand the human bodys strength, flexibility and physical limitations.
Course Name : Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 of 3
Student ID : 2014002242
Batch : April/2014

I thoroughly enjoyed the 200 hour teacher training. The course was comprehensive and well-paced; nothing was hurried or took too long. I particularly liked learning about the philosophy of yoga and pranayama, which I knew very little about. The asana and teaching module was extremely useful in that it has laid down the foundation for further self-improvement and practice. The group work was helpful, although taking turns to teach the class was terrifying at first, once this was overcome I began to enjoy it. Overall this was a wonderful and fulfilling learning experience and I feel that I have a more wholesome picture of what yoga is, beyond the asanas. I am very grateful to have been able to complete this course and learn from teachers who have so much wisdom to share.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002388
Batch : March/2014

I first tried yoga four yeas ago and I fell in love with it. The benefits I reaped from yoga were undeniable and I t complimented the benefits I get from dancing, even from running and cardio. Im professional dancer and a performer, and movement is something I can never imagine my life without. Although I admit that it will be difficult to maintain my flexibility or skills required for dancing, I can see myself doing yoga in the long run… and not just pragmatically Signing up for this Yoga Teacher Training has been a very important and memorable experience for me. The lessons that I have learned from the past three and a half months surpassed my expectations. All the teachers were very knowledgeable in their respective fields. I would especially like to commend Master Anurag for going beyond the basic outline of his module as he was able to deliver points in a very personal approach which struck and inspired me. We are forever students yoga in a life-long experiential journey. I do intend to teach, or rather share, what I have learned from the course as well as from my own realizations and learnings to other people. I realize now that by teaching it, and by passing on the fire to others, it will help fuel my own. Yoga is something I will keep for the rest of my life.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002398
Batch : March/2014

The training course, on the whole, was incredibly informative for the short eleven weeks in which we devoted ourselves to the teachers given to us. The layout of the course was professional , and our time in the classroom was respected. I felt the instructors were properly prepared for each class. I also found the support staff in the office to be incredibly helpful with any questions we had concerning the course, which is more important than many might realize. One of the most important aspects for me was the most of teachers seemed to respect the fact that the students came from a variety of backgrounds, with a vast array of purposed for taking the course. I never felt the instructors were trying to change our belief systems on the whole. While we were asked, on the spot, to reveal why we chose to take the teacher training course, I believe the answers given were probably too simplistic, and that most people in the room has more complex reasons than could be verbalized in a short ten second answer. With the being said, I believe most of the instructors respected us as distinctly different humer beings. In a specific exchange of words, a student mentioned her “journey” in yoga. She mentioned the physical practice, but said her spiritual understanding was the key to making it “work”. The instructor quickly said to her, even if she didnt get to the spiritual understanding , yoga still works! I loved this answer because I know many people who will not try yoga because they feel yoga is a spiritual discipline that conflicts with their own spiritual discipline. I hurt for those people because I have seen yoga heal me in so many ways, yet I remain faithful to my spiritual discipline. The answer given the student in our class, showed great respect for yoga and for the spiritual differences in the room. The answer given revealed the respect of the human being, understanding that yoga has benefits of amazing proportion-both mentally and physically-that should not be guarded or kept for those only wanting ti gravel a particular spiritual journey. My only suggestion would be to increase the amount of practice of asanas in the Asana Module. The first few sessions of this module were a bit slow considering the amount of time we devoted to understanding of theory and anatomy in the first two modules. This is not to suggest adding time to the module, but to use that module for strictly practicing. I think that module could be easily devoted to the ten or twelve main asanas, but treating each session as intense yoga classes. The most practical aspect of my learning experience is the understanding of clearly articulating any posture of breathing exercise (although I feel I should have more training before I endeavor to teach a class). I found this communication difficult to do once given the chance in front of the class, but I realized the importance of communicating every aspect of muscle or breath or movement. I now understand that too many words can be used, and too few words can be used. I learned that power of the communicative word to change a students position without speaking the students name. I believe I should be able to teach yoga to blind person just as easily as to a sighted person, as long as I am using clear communication. I also fell I have a greater understanding of Hatha Yoga as distinct from other types of yoga practice. The kriya session was one that I thought would be least helpful, but I find that I now practice almost all of them several times per week. This was a pleasant surprise. I greatly appreciated learning the health benefits of each an devery asana, mudra, kriya, prananyama, and bandhas. I would liked to have a bit more asana practice during the anatomy module because I feel the practice would have solidified the understanding. Vishnu is such a lovely teacher, and I think this would have been easy for him, as well as enjoyable for the class.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002939
Batch : March/2014

Completing the 200 hours Yoga teaching training was a passion and I have finally made my first move towards to a whole new world. It is not just a 3 months part time study, it is something I will take with me for my entire life. All the teacher were extremely helpful. Impressed by the details, and their amazing background. After this course, I will not only do yoga, but knows 1) physically, what exactly how to do each asana and why doing them for, 2) mentally, it calms me down, helps with the stress of life, and eventually I connected my mind and my body through yoga. Thanks you so much for being in this part of my life, Anahata yoga.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002441
Batch : December/2013

Here I want to give some feedbacks and share my experience about 200 hours Teacher Training Course. For the modules of “Yoga Anatomy Theory” and “Yoga History and Philosophy” are the most difficult for me. its because I have practiced yoga for several years in other yoga centres. My understanding of yoga, its just a kind of physical exercise only. I now know that my understanding is so superficial.      Yoga is a kind mental practicing / behavioral control rather than physical practice.  Be a good yogi or yoga teacher, I have to practice yoga for my mental / physical system, I have to know the function of the body parts, what they do and how they do, as well as the structure of body parts. After I joined the Teacher Training Course in Anahata, I have leant a lot of different knowledge for yoga, such as, its theory of history, physiology, anatomy, asana practices, pranayama, Mudra, Bandha etc….. Be a sitter on the Teacher Training Course, I’m transforming myself everyday! I do appreciate to Masters Yogananth, Vishnu, Anurag and Yogesh that they taught me a lot of knowledge about yoga, its useful for my whole life. Although 200 hours Teacher Training Course has to be finished within 3.5 months, it seems very short, I did spend much time in Anahata and studied everything so hard.  For instance, we sat still on the floor for few hours class so that my whole body was very tired, but masters were teaching us with a lively and funny minded, so I had a lot of great time in the classroom and made new friends in the class. When I finished the course, Anahata gives us voluntary training base of a yoga teacher trial model at the community campaigns, hospitals or charity centres. I appreciate these are good chances for me teaching yoga for what I have learnt, it benefits to everyone involved. Recently, be a volunteer of Anahata Andiappan Community, I’m so proud to join this community and feel peaceful with the charity events. Here, thanks a lot for our some great masters/teachers: Master Yogananth Andiappan Master Vishnu Master Anurag Master Yogesh
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002101
Batch : December/2013

Completing the 200 hours Yoga teaching training was a passion and I have finally made my first move towards to a whole new world. It is not just a 3 months part time study, it is something I will take with me for my entire life. All the teacher were extremely helpful. Impressed by the details, and their amazing background. After this course, I will not only do yoga, but knows 1) physically, what exactly how to do each asana and why doing them for, 2) mentally, it calms me down, helps with the stress of life, and eventually I connected my mind and my body through yoga. Thanks you so much for being in this part of my life, Anahata yoga.
Course Name :
Student ID : 100007405
Batch : December/2013

I found the Anahata Teacher Training very comprehensive and well-rounded. I liked the structure of the raining in that we were taught not only about asanas, but also about Kriyas, pranayama, chakras, anatomy and meditation. It was a very well-rounded course, which deepened my understanding of yoga, and gave me a very solid foundation to deepen my own practice and take on teaching students. I gained a huge amount of knowledge, and understood the appropriate modifications and variations, contraindications and therapeutic benefits of a number of asanas. The course was very practical, and I liked the fact that we were able to practice Kriyas, which we normally would not be able to do in other courses. The anatomy module was very useful and thorough and gave me a better understanding on how the asanas should be correctly practiced. All of the masters were extremely knowledgeable and approachable to answer any questions. I would highly recommend the course to any on wishing to deepen their own practice, or teach.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002429
Batch : December/2013

I joined the 200-hr Teacher Training course with only 4 months of yoga practice and a mind that is very will to learn. In the beginning, I really just wanted to learn how to do asanas properly; I did not join the course with a goal of becoming a teacher. The training was an in-depth study of the yoga anatomy, the traditional and modern types of yoga, the different yogic concepts, pranayama, and asanas. We experienced an amazing guided yoga nidra (yoga sleep), understood the different breathing techniques, practiced asanas in a very different light (compared with how it is done in other commercial studios), and practiced four different types of kriyas/cleansing techniques (yes, it will chock you to your core but it was a great experience nonetheless). And yes, we experienced creating a sequence of asanas and finally taught a class! Aside from the Yoga Masters being qualified, they are also very humble and encouraging. They would take the time to talk with us and respond to our questions and uncertainties (which for me is normal part of the yoga journey). Of course, it was a great honor to learn from the best yoga masters in town and call Master Yogananth my Guru. The moral support from our Yoga Masters and classmates really made a difference in the way I practiced and learned yoga during the course. Aside from what I learned from the course, I have formed great bonds with classmates who I now consider to be good friends. With this course, I can say that I have acquired two of the most important traits of a Hatha Yogi – humility and self-acceptance. Yoga is not just about bending and twisting your body into different postures – it is more about the way you experience and continue living life that is true to the yogic ideals. It was a unique experience for me and in the course of I training, I realized that I do want to teach yoga and share it with as many people as possible. Namaste.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002242
Batch : December/2013

I must say that this Teacher Training course not only provides me with all the teaching skills but also inculcates in me the confidence needed to lead a class. The various instructors have imparted all relevant knowledge that has helped me to know how to structure and create a cohesive, well-rounded class to teach Hatha yoga to people from all walks of life. Relevant knowledge It is impressive to learn from Master Vishnu about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. He is so knowledgeable in this area that he can tell you in details all the muscles, joints and nerves of our body without looking at the text. This module helps me to be more aware of the structure and functions of my body while practicing various types of asanas. Learning yoga origin, history and philosophy form Master Anurag is exceptional. I gain insight into my own habitual behaviors and lean the skills needed for transformation so that I can truly enjoy life as a regular yoga practitioner. Time seems to pass by very quickly when I learn how to teach various asanas from Master Yogananth. It is so interesting to know that anyone can start practicing yoga and gains a better health by following the explicit steps taught in each asana with all the modifications ingeniously created to help a beginner to be able to perform a posture over time. The next fun class is the humorous Master Yogesh who gave detailed explanations on the practice of Pranayama and Kriya. I have gained a greater understanding of the different types of pranayama and kriya and their effects on my body. Gaining a confidence to teach This course provides all the necessary skills needed to help me feel confident in my ability to teach safely and effectively. Throughout the training, I was often reminded about the approach to teach yoga to cater to the needs of the students. I learned about sequencing and the process of aligning poses in a way to evolve into progressively deeper posed smoothly over time. I also learn about contraindications and precautions in each asana. The most important thing is the knowledge that I gained from the therapeutic benefits of each asana to help one maintain a healthy life-style by practicing yoga.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002426
Batch : December/2013

The 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training at Anahata Yoga is the most authentic yoga experience ive had so far. I moved to Hong Kong from New York 8 months ago. As a long distance runner, I started taking yoga classes couple years ago in New York to improve my flexibility and my breathing in order to perform better during a race. Having arrived in Hong Kong, I found out that running long distance outside was not pleasant due to the bad air quality. My first goal was to find the right yoga studio in Hong Kong that would fit my needs, which included: practicing authentic yoga with masters form India. When I stepped in Anahata Yoga, I knew then that I wanted to take my passion fo yoga into a deeper level and registered for the 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training. I truly enjoyed every aspect of this training: The theory, the practice, the masters, the staff and the wonderful group of people that I got to know and practice with. During and after this training, my experience of yoga took another dimension. I self-practice everyday, which is really empowering to understand what muscles and part of the body I should work on in order to progress in other postures. I acknowledge that my body has its own limitations. As a runner, I understand my hip rotation limitations and its relation to my previous knee injury. I learned, that in order to progress without frustrations, variations of postures bring the same benefit. I also experienced the wonderful feeling of practicing asanas from inside out in combination with breathing techniques. Learning to engage just the right amount of energy in certain poses has completely changed the way I practice yoga now. Thanks to the support of my loving husband and my two children, yoga became a family experience. Being members at Ananha Yoga, my 16-year-old daughter Kenza and my 13-year-old son Elias enjoy practicing with Master Yogesh. They already feel the benefits of their practice in their everyday school life. My daughter who was suffering from back pain for many months nearly year, doesnot complain anymore. The back care classes helped her tremendously. Thank you Master Yogananth, Master Yogesh, Master Vishnu and Master Anurag! My yoga journey continues now with the Advanced Hatha Yoga teacher Training.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002423
Batch : December/2013

I was learnt the yoga practice around two and half year, in this period I practice many difference kind of Asana and that is really interesting me to know more about Yoga, so, I decided to looking for some course to study more, however, being my work with sometime out of town ! Luckily thru my friend to introduced me Anahata Yoga, they have a flexibility schedule which are totally let me to feel comfortable and I choose to study the Yoga Teacher Training Course, during this period I can learn a lot of things as well as the Anatomy, Asana, History, Pranayama, Kriya and many many benefit of Yoga etc., and all of the Master so kind and teaching very well ! It is the worth and really happy to study there. Thank you so much to all Master and Anahata ! Namaste !
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002438
Batch : December/2013

I feel great during the entire program. The program provide me more understanding on yoga in different aspects, for instance, yogas history, approach on the asanas, different types of yoga and its practices, etc. The course is interesting and inspiring. The Masters are nice and patient in teaching us. All in all, I am happy and feel satisfaction in joining this program.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002421
Batch : December/2013

The training is a very memorable experience to me. On the theoretical level, I am equipped with a more systematic learning and look into the yoga anatomy, yoga theories and practice. On the practical level, I can feel the improvement of postures through a more devoted practice. I am so proud to be the students of this group of wonderful teachers. But this course also reminds me that to be a qualified yoga teacher is far more than this. What I need to do is to continue my learning and practice. My feedback on the course is as follows.  I thoroughly enjoyed the course,  I thought the syllabus covered a wide range of subjects and the standard of the teaching was excellent.  My only comment would be that I felt the class size was too large,  I felt the asana classes in particular would have been more productive with a smaller group.  I also feel in a smaller group students would have had more of an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on things they did not understand which I did not feel was always possible given the number of people in the group.  Other than that it was a fantastic experience and I wouldnot hesitate to recommend the course to others.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002417
Batch : December/2013

In the past, I enjoyed Yoga as an activity to train my physical body and had many misunderstandings in its history, philosophy and practices. By attending this course, I have gained preliminary knowledge of Yoga and this is just a beginning in terms of learning to take good care and be aware of my own body, emotions and spirituality. Through every practice, transformation is happening within and Yoga has definitely become an important part of my life journey. The open-mindedness is what I like most in this TTC course conducted by Anahata Centre. Nowadays Yoga has evolved so much and the approach here is to incorporate modern views into Yoga tradition. It has the origin as well as the newness in Yoga teaching.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002102
Batch : December/2013

I was having great experiences to learn different modifications of asana and learn about human body in the class. If the modifications can be also shown in the handout that will be great. Also, let us know ahead exact class schedule. But overall all students were having great moments to help out with each others.
Course Name :
Student ID : 2014002590
Batch : December/2013

I thoroughly enjoyed the Yoga Teacher Training Course offered by Anahata Yoga. The course was well-structured, in that it allowed me to learn a variety of topics and provided me with an enhanced and deeper understanding of yoga and the practice itself. I enjoyed the theory and practical aspects of the course, and found that the range of skills and information that we were taught gave me a better understanding of my very own practice, and how I can help others move through their practice in the future. I thank Master Yogananth, Vishnu, Yogesh and Anurag in their teachings, patience and time.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014002550
Batch : December/2013