Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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The prenatal yoga teacher class has deepened my knowledge about pregnancy, including the hormones change and pregnancy in different stages. More importantly, I gain more insight of what yoga poses should be emphasized and avoided to ease the common symptoms during pregnancy. I feel more confident to teach students especially for pregnant students now. Namaste!
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2020000679
Batch : October/2020

I love this course and I enjoyed learning from each and every teacher. I love how Master Vishnu relate the previous knowledge (including anatomy and vayus) to the conditions of pregnancy at the beginning of the course. I am also inspired by the meditation practice guided by Master Dhiraj as the practice was super mind-healing. And of course, it is very rewarding to join this program as I learnt so much for modifying the poses to suit pregnant women's need with the clear explanation and demonstration by Master Yogananth. As for the course design, due to the closure of the studio, our teaching assessment was moved to one week before the scheduled date. The time for preparation is sufficient but it would be better if there's better synchronization between the examiner's expectations and the requirements stated in the email. Also, I understand there might be fewer pregnant women coming to the studio for prenatal classes possibly due to Covid-19. But this seems to be a bit irrelevant to use 30 hours out of our 100-hour training to do regular group classes. Of course the group classes in the studio are all very nice and I enjoyed them very much. However, it will be even better if the studio still opens the prenatal yoga classes for we the RPYT students to register and experience how a 60-hour prenatal class would actually carry out (as at least 4 of them are pregnant and we can observe how the master would manage their conditions).
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2020001030
Batch : October/2020

I am an Osteopath, specialising in Women's Health and Paediatrics - incorporating new skills to help expectant mothers in their pregnancy journey is initially my goal. I remember when I arrived to HK, 2 years ago, going to a yoga class and meeting a few people who had been practicing yoga for years and how it is implemented in their every day life routine - I was quite surprised of how many yoga studios was available in HK and how the general population praise it. I practiced yoga in the past and always enjoyed, not the class itself, but how it made me feel mentally and physically immediately after the class. I always use to drag myself to yoga classes at first, I didn't really enjoy it, I use to find it pretty boring - until I actually develop a sense of wholesomeness and strength during the practice. From there on learning about yoga and how to practice yoga was an objective. My learning experience of this course - I would describe it as efficient and productive. I am very satisfied with the teaching and amazing skills in yoga of the masters that provided the course. I would have liked to spend more time practicing sequences for prenatal yoga during the evening sessions and experience feedback. I highly enjoyed going through and learning about Yoga Nidra - practicing and understanding. I personally think that practice makes the difference in becoming a good yoga teacher. Additionally, the course gave me a good recapitulative picture of what happens and the challenges expectant mother faces during their pregnancy - as I am a healthcare practitioner I have studied pregnancy for some time now, but I enjoyed going through things again. The content of the workbook is very thorough and complete. Overall, I am very satisfied to have done this course and I can't wait to improve my skills in yoga and translate it to women to help and support them through, hopefully, a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course
Student ID : 2020001186
Batch : October/2020

I found this course very practical and useful. We were a little group of students so it was easy to practice (yoga nidra or other breathing techniques), also interacting with the different masters. I appreciated to see the kids practicing in India and also Yogananth with his son. Very inspiring. A lot of tips were provided. It was also interesting to attend via zoom at the kids class taught at Anahatha yoga. I sent via We Transfer the sequence I taught. If I have the opportunity to do a sequence via Zoom in kids yoga classes I would be happy to do so.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2014001344
Batch : October/2020

It was an awesome feeling to learn about the milestones about kids growth& development. The meditation techniques and the shapes themes were very well explained. Thankfull to all the masters who guided us throughout the course.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2018000848
Batch : October/2020

I had the experience in teaching kids yoga after the 200-hours YTT but found that what I have learnt in teaching adults may not be adequate enough to apply on kids, therefore I took this 100-hours kids YTT and it broadened my horizons in different ways. I have learnt a lot including how to do meditation with kids, the mentality to have when teaching a kids yoga class, how to deliver different asanas to kids in an interesting way and how to attract them and stick with yoga practice by using different tools. Masters also reminded us the eight limbs of yoga which we might easily forgot in our hectic life; while the kids yoga showcase and ayurvedic approach to kids is a plus to the course. Thank you so much to Master Yogananth, Master Dhiraj and Master Vishnu - I am so thankful that I have furthered my yoga journey with the Anahata.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2019000129
Batch : October/2020

Loved the course. Gained great knowledge in meditating techniques, how to sequence a class and so much confidence. Thank you so much!
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001085
Batch : October/2020

I was initially a bit apprehensive about taking a Yoga Teacher Training course Online but I am so glad I did! The 100 Hours Online Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course was quite a nice challenge. I felt good to be engaged in something I really believe in and now have the confidence and knowledge of the different aspects of TEACHING KIDS YOGA. Physically and mentally this was indeed an amazing experience I will always remember. I would forever remember Master Yogananth and Master Dhiraj for opening me up to discover things and I hope our paths will cross again. The program really raised the teaching interest in me and I look forward to applying the knowledge gained in practice.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001098
Batch : October/2020

I had a wonderful experience. The teachers were very skillful, full of knowledge and they were very helpful. I enjoyed their positive energy they transmitted to us. The information was very useful, rich and it will definitely help me in my practice. I´m very happy to have chosen this school for my training and I would recommend it with joy.
Course Name : Kids Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001099
Batch : October/2020

Masters took care of the online prenatal YTT students even they were having studio class at the same time. I never felt neglected as masters did answer the questions we asked and guide us to do asana. It was a wonderful and informative course. It’s perfect for all yoga practitioners especially mamas-to-be.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020000739
Batch : October/2020

Loved the course. Gained great knowledge in meditating techniques, how to sequence a class and so much confidence. Thank you so much!
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001085
Batch : October/2020

In Prenatal YTT various prenatal yoga asanas where explained and taught clearly with sufficient modifications to suit each trimester. Andiappan yoga sessions were extremely helpful,the masters clearly taught the concept, sequence and preparatory warmups. Also sufficient modification and use of props for each pose was explained very well.This teacher training has boosted my confidence as a yoga instructor. Overall the course was good and well structured.
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001192
Batch : October/2020

The online prenatal yoga teacher training course has far exceeded my expectations. It covers all the topics I was willing to learn and the fact of different teachers teaching their field of expertise gives us an in depth understanding of the pre, during and post pregnancy phases. I feel confident that once I finish this course I will be able to guide my students in prenatal yoga and apply the yoga techniques learnt from the course in my classes. I am grateful to this course for having widened my horizon in the field of yoga and for the personal growth and development that has taken place within me
Course Name : Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course
Student ID : 2020001214
Batch : October/2020

For me, I did go to many studios for classes before, but never had such a studio that I was really so eager to go attend classes for every day, that is Anahata Yoga! I think all masters here are always very supportive and encouraging. I feel happy, satisfied and safe to attend classes here as all teachers are knowledgeable and very patient to teach everyone, no matter if you are talented or not. Besides, master Yoganathan inspired me a lot. I like to hear his story and yoga path from India to Hong Kong. I think he is not only a yoga master, but also a life coach. Thanks for the teaching and guidance!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019001905
Batch : September/2020

In general, it is a great course. For the theoretic parts (Origin, History, Philosophy, Literature and Lineages), if possible, please also provide a copy of all the power points. Thank you
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000636
Batch : September/2020

In this YTT200 hours course I've improved a lot of my basic understanding of yoga - not only about the Asana but also the philosophy behind it. I like the great emphasis of the practical part of the course which make it easier to digest the theory part of the course and put this into practice. I especially love the class of Master Vishnu who uses back a lot of the terms of the anatomy and course content during the practice which help me to understand the purpose of different movement and benefit of the posture. His class also have a great combination of warm up, breathing and good variation and different / new postures to experience each time of the practice.. This was a great learning experience and I've learned to improve a few postures that I did wrongly in the past and this is a really good foundation course for my yoga journey and hopefully teaching experience that many years yet to come.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000958
Batch : September/2020

This is an amazing and inspiring experience! This course deepened my knowledge about yoga and I am glad to have the chance to learn from all the masters, they are all very knowledgeable and supportive. Thank you!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000995
Batch : September/2020

I am very glad that I joined the 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training despite the uncertainty and special arrangements under COVID-19. It provides me the all-rounded knowledge of Yoga such as Yoga History, anatomy, Pranayama and techniques of Yoga Asanas. The masters are very experienced and very willing to solve our queries and assist you into asanas you have never tried before. The experience has been great too with the supportive classmates and it is awesome to connect with a group of people who love yoga too. Thank you for the masters and the center to give me such a great yoga learning journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000852
Batch : September/2020

This yoga teacher training is an amazing experience and so much more than just learning how to teach yoga. With the combination of studying asanas, the anatomy of the body and philosophy you get a well-chosen and perfectly structured program that prepares you to embrace the yoga lifestyle. My experience at Anahata Yoga has far exceeded my own expectations, I could not recommend this journey more highly. The philosophy and anatomy part have been taught in a very nice and easy atmosphere, the knowledge was so valuable beside the physical aspects. The experience to prepare and teach a group of fellow students gave me the confidence to start teaching at home which enables me to deliver a well sequenced, thoughtful, beneficial, fun and professional practice. I‘m really thankful for that, because I just joined the YTT for getting to know my body better, now I feel that I would like to keep on learning and also share my love for yoga. In summary, the training let me grow to such a yogi that I feel comfortable to teach and also having the desire to share my light of yoga now. it is such a relaxed, safe and effective way to being prepared for the next level to share my yoga love as a teacher!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000034
Batch : September/2020

This YTT programme has made me understand what yoga really is, I truly appreciate all the masters' effort in teaching, and master Yogananth's open-minded, humble and profound knowledge in both yoga and anatomy is really inspiring. Instead of just telling us what is right or wrong, he provided us chances to experience the spoe and think, with sufficient anatomical guidance so it's fun and safe!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000966
Batch : September/2020

This is definitely a wonderful experience for yoga journey and self exploration. The course it’s self has provided a lot of information about yoga history, practical asana practice, and other areas that I haven’t been explored on which has enlightened me a lot. It is also great opportunity to seek for help from experienced masters and pleasure to meet all the friendly course mates.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000599
Batch : September/2020

Masters are excellent! The email subject "our Assignment for Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course" is very important. The important email should resend or confirmed that all people got them to avoid any missing. 2020 is hard time. Not easy to run under Covid-19, esp. under the policy changes of Gov't. Thank you for Anahata and all staff!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000957
Batch : September/2020

I feel like having more in-depth knowledge of yoga. Not just as an exercise but as a means of learning the theories of self healing and anatomies of the body which assists in self healing. The instructors have been nice and has created a fun learning environment and I'd wished we had more practical sessions to develop better postures through yoga movements.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000971
Batch : September/2020

The course allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the history and origin of yoga and tap into the more spiritual aspect of it through meditation and pranayama practices with Master Dhiraj. Master Yogananth, Vishnu and Mahesh were extremely patient and detailed in explaining to us the anatomy and approaches to different yoga postures which helped prepare us to teach in the future. While it was difficult to get up early for the Andiappan classes in the morning, they allowed me to gain insights on how to sequence classes focusing on particular body parts learning from other Masters such as Master Raja and Master Keshav. All the Masters were very encouraging and passionate with teaching. I have been truly inspired by them and by my classmates, many have become my good friends as we continue to embark on our life-long yoga journey.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000145
Batch : September/2020

I have completed my 200 hours intensive hatha yoga teacher course, in IYA. The experience was awesome.. Every teacher was very dedicated in teaching each one of the students, correcting our postures and helping us understand the purpose of the asanas as a whole, with detailed explanation . yoga was taught holistically with the various limbs of ashtanga yoga, which is an asset from our ancient yogis. To name a few , masters Maharajan, Rajadurai, Keshav, Dhiraj, Mahesh, Priyanka and Dr.Yogananth have helped me in achieving tremendous improvement in my poses and gain knowledge in my course durations Especially, Master maharajan was extremely patient and awesome teaching capacity in explaining the concepts , in deep to the core with simple models. Maharajan master was very dedicated in teaching students with Lots of support and encouragement . Since I had a chance of attending one to one class with master maharajan, who has provided me lots of knowledge on asanas and way we look into poses are changed , which enhances our teaching capacity. From teaching point of view, I have learnt so much on how to approach and teach every pose based on the need of students. Also learnt how to apply yoga in various aspects of life. Totally, the course was taught in dedicated manner. Thanks to all.
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Intermediate to Advanced Level)
Student ID : 2020001418
Batch : September/2020

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