Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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This was a very comprehensive course covering a broad range of concepts and injury rehabilitation through yoga. I am very thankful to the kind yoga masters who helped administer the course. My favorite topics were chakras, marma points, meditation, and ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle. Injury rehabilitation was less useful for me but it is good to get a basic understanding of adaptive yoga postures for pain management and recovery. Thank you very much, Anahata!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000959
Batch : March/2019

It is eye opening to learn the theory and scientific support behind yoga therapy. Yoga is not just about fitness and asanas. Great course by knowledgeable masters. I’m grateful to join the community and help others in need.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001965
Batch : March/2019

It's amazing learning, fantastic, wonderful and excellent course for yoga therapy. We studied everything in a detailed manner. I think it is the best yoga therapy teacher training in Hong Kong where each student/yoga teacher should have this knowledge.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000092
Batch : March/2019

Through taking the yoga training course, I found it highly interesting to learn about the yoga practice as well as the diet appropriate for each of the 3 doshas. I am glad that I am now able to diagnose the dosha of not only myself but also of my family and friends and provide them with helpful advice. I could also study various health issues in depth and apply yoga posture and pranayama to help improve them. However, I wish the course also included a practical training session in the field, which would be a great opportunity for the students to apply what they have learned to actually treat the issues patients have.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000704
Batch : March/2019

In the beginning, I had a few injuries and thought to come to this course could learn a few things to heal my pain. This is far more than I expected. Not only I learnt how to rehab but also to strengthen my body. This course also covers a lot of interesting content such as Ayurveda, lifestyle and many common problems in our body. I have decided to use what I have learned to help more people. I really appreciate Master Vishnu, Master Yogananth and Master Dharaj for their time and effort. I enjoyed their teaching and this course very much.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2016000972
Batch : March/2019

Great course, interesting topics, however, 300hrs is too short time for the amount of knowledge to be studied in yoga therapy. Learned a lot for my own practice and i enjoyed every bit of this course. Thank you
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000334
Batch : March/2019

I was very happy with this course. I found the training to be of high quality. My approach to yoga has completely changed. A special thank you to Master Vishnu for his generosity in sharing his knowledge for such an extended period of time!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000275
Batch : March/2019

I found the course to be very rewarding because I gained more knowledge about yoga therapy and ayurveda. I am interested to learn in how different types of diet can help different people heal their bodies in a natural way. In addition, I was pleased to learn something about yogic anatomy, which can help me in my yoga teaching. However, I had hoped to learn about anatomy of conditions in greater detail. Learning about pranayama and meditation and how to share it improved me as a yoga teacher. Overall, the course has met my expectations.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2014001941
Batch : March/2019

I loved every single day of this training. Especially the yoga anatomical and the ayurvedic topics broadened my knowledge about yoga and how it can help to treat different health conditions. I find 300 hours were not enough though to cover everything as it is an ocean of knowledge , In general I would recommend this training wholeheartedly and find it essential & crucial knowledge for any aspiring yoga teacher. The teachers were absolutely amazing and i'm proud to say that i feel like i'm learning from the best masters in HK!!
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000335
Batch : March/2019

I feel so grateful to attend such a wonderful class with many experienced masters's teaching and demonstration. It's so knowlegable and practical for my yoga journey.
Course Name : Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018000020
Batch : March/2019

I have learned a lot about Yoga more than I expected. Not only about asana skills, but also teaching skills, anatomy theory, yoga theory, and history. It was a very good time for the last 3 months of training. All the Master and classmate were good and caring. I enjoyed very much.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018001495
Batch : March/2019

I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot. I am considering taking further courses at Anahata to further my knowledge. I think this course offers a great balance of theory and practicals. I wish the weekend andiappan practices course be more varied (it was very difficult for me to make the morning classes with my job engagement). Overall very positive experience, all the teachers had their own style and were great. Would definitely recommend! Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to learn more about yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000263
Batch : March/2019

It has been a truly wonderful experience. Thank you sincerely.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000407
Batch : March/2019

Master Yogananth, Master Mahesh, Master Vishnu and Master Dhiraj are very passionate about yoga. The course covers comprehensive aspects of yoga, including history, anatomy, pranayama, meditation and asanas. I gained a lot from the course and hugely advanced my yoga practices.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000223
Batch : March/2019

Teachers are very knowledgeable and experienced. I enjoyed the classes so much especially Master Yogananth's class - clear instructions and good interaction with us that makes the classes more interesting. Some names and words are Sanskrit so I would like to review it at home after the class. Overall I would highly recommend Anahata for an ancient yoga learning experience! Best yoga school in town.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000412
Batch : March/2019

The teachers are very knowledgable and students were able to learn a lot from them. The course agendas were well structured and focused on key topics and practices. My yoga skills and knowledge improved significantly during this course.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000105
Batch : March/2019

I have learned a lot during this teacher training and I am very grateful to all the masters who have been involved for sharing with us their knowledge and wisdom. Namaste
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018001469
Batch : March/2019

I started to practice yoga 5 years ago, used to play once or twice a week only. After I join the membership here, my motivation for yoga was increased a lot, at lease 5 times a week. I joined the Yoga Teacher Training because I found I didn't check my alignment in the past few years when doing yoga. Learning the theory of each posture, the muscles and ribs joint are much effective than over practice. I encourage my friends to do yoga practice like yoga is really training body well, and ofcourse choosing a professional yoga centre and nice environment are important too.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000665
Batch : March/2019

I believe it is a very great decision to choose to take this YTT course with Anahata Yoga. The teaching and the process are really truly from the heart. Masters are willing to discuss with students with meaningful insights. It helps me to improve my body and mind well and have a deeper understanding of yoga. I become more happy, positive and clear on myself. It is a very meaningful yoga journey in my life. Thanks, Anahata Yoga!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018001380
Batch : March/2019

I thought the overall course was very useful and enlightening. The instructors were quite good, some better than others. Specifically Master Yogananth and Master Dhiraj were both incredibly talented teachers who had so much knowledge and shared their own experiences with the students which made it much more personable and easier to relate to. They were able to teach and explain everything extremely well. In general, the course was good but time management could definitely be greatly improved.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000321
Batch : March/2019

In these three month. I am really enjoy the class. All of the Master are very nice and professional. They will explain the posture and demo it very clearly.I am so happy to be their student.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2018001430
Batch : March/2019

The course allows me to learn more about the history and origin of yoga, as well as the details to note when practicing asanas. It is very informative and useful. I am delighted to learn and improve with so many classmates. This helps a lot on my yoga journey!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000177
Batch : March/2019

I have learnt a lot through this YTT course, I am really happy to take it and I would highly recommend friends to do it at the Anahatha Yoga! I have felt some good positive energy through the different classes, I have met really good Master that I would love to have class again with them to master my different postures. The only negative point I would like to share is about the schedule which have been shared after the YTT subscription and if I knew earlier that I would have to miss some important dates because of business trip, I would have postpone my YTT program to another batch as now I have to retake the assessment with another batch end of August .. however I will still come back to the studio to experiment yoga class for sure !
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000403
Batch : March/2019

I am so thankful to have chosen Anahata Yoga for my teacher training course, had an amazing time here and have learnt a lot about yoga more than just asanas: 1. Anatomy - it's important to know different type of anatomy and provide options to the students, it's not about "accurate" postures but the limitations that anatomy brought with 2. Pranayama - the Kriya experience is amazing! And I kept practicing the neti pot wash for a better respiratory system 3. Asana - strengthen my knowledge towards various postures Thank you all masters!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000129
Batch : March/2019

The 3 month training was tough, but it's the best experience in my life, I'm glad I've chosen the Andiappan yoga, I've learned beyond my expectation. My yoga journey will not stop here, it's only the beginning, i would love to become a yoga master one day. Namaste to all my masters for the detailed teaching.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2019000154
Batch : March/2019

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