Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Gratitude to Anahata I feel so lucky that I have joined Anahata and I am so grateful to all the masters at Anahata Master Yogananth for your profound knowledge that has deepened my cognition for yoga and applying it in my daily life. His expertise in various topics on yoga including asanas opened my eyes even more to yoga as a lifestyle as well. Although his classes are difficult to book I learned a lot from each of his classes and felt so happy and content. And also very grateful for your useful advice on my teaching assignment Master Raja’s classes are so interesting and he is so humorous that making me no feeling of tiredness after class, and he is always focused on opening each part of our body rather than the final asanas. I learned a lot of warm ups from him, and he lead me into a deeper yoga level while the YTT theory. Before his YTT I only focused on asanas practice too much that I hurt myself, now I slowed it down and find the balance between asanas and my mind . I feel happier than before. Master Pratyay’s classes are always so energetic and powerful, and He stated my curiosity in inversion yoga and from a beginner to an intermediate level I think, also he has made me conquer my fear of falling down when practising. I enjoyed every class of his. Master Kammy is always so sweet and patient to all the students in each class and she even spoke mandarin to help me in her class (because my spoken English is poor ) Thanks to Master Dilip, Keshav, Vishnu, Mahesh and so on … for your helpful and well-structured instruction and technique, you all have helped me a lot in my yoga journey. I am also grateful to the studio staff at Anahata, you all made me so welcome in Anahata. Finally, what I have gained from Anahata is not all about yoga, but also I learned to be more patient and confident which leads me to be a better person in life. Also thanks to Anahata I made some friends here which make my life enriched
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000655
Batch : August/2021

Anahata Yoga is the go-to studio when it comes to teacher training and for serious yoga practitioners in Hong Kong. Having completed two teaching training courses at Anahata, I decided to continue the journey and completed the 200 hours of foundation training. Within a short period of time, we learnt about yoga history and philosophy, the eight limbs of yoga and how we can incorporate them in our daily life, pranayama and meditation, kriyas, anatomy, as well as a wide range of asanas, how we can further deepen our practice, both for our own selves and for our students. The flexible programme schedule enables working professionals to participate in and benefit from the course fully.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2020000540
Batch : August/2021

It was a wonderful way to realise my dreams - taking my first steps in becoming a yogi. Joining this YTT course taught me a lot in both anatomy and practical classes. It deepened my level of understanding of Yoga and the depth it entails, bringing good spirits, mindfulness and positivity. Everyone was so encouraging and I had the most fantastic time. I loved every moment and felt very thankful for this opportunity. This course has prepped me well to continue following my dreams. All the masters are so enthusiastic in teaching and were so helpful in providing a welcoming atmosphere. I will definitely come back for my next level of training. Thank you so much to all my beloved Masters, you have been an inspiration.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000829
Batch : August/2021

I absolutely enjoyed the course and imbibed each and every part of the modules. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Master Yoganathan for sharing his teachings and experience, I felt a state of bliss with your sessions. . He taught me the right technique to do many poses including headstands and helped me build confidence. Thanks to Master Keshav for the pranayama and meditation module, Master Raja- Thanks for giving us a great start & introduction to the basics of Yoga, loved your energy and vibes. You led us by the right examples of Yama and Niyama :). Master Vishnu and Master Dilip - I'm glad I got an opportunity to learn anatomy from you. Master Mahesh - thanks for teaching us the asana module and going deeper into each asana. Areas of improvement: The learning book could have been a little more organized. TAlso, it would have been nice if a general sequence to practice asana's at home was shared or documented in the coursebook.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2017000039
Batch : August/2021

I want to take the time to say “thank you” and express just how enjoyable the YTT course was with Master Raja, Master Vishnu, Master Keshav, Master Yogananth and Master Mahesh. I felt I connected with each one and learned so, so much from them. They are all true masters of their craft and I am grateful for the energy and time they all gave to coach me during my practice. I sat through each class with eagerness and excitement and have honestly not felt so invigorated in a long time since starting the course. Through attending class and engaging with each master my yoga practice has improved significantly as has my confidence. I am proud to begin my teaching journey here and hope it will not stop there. Highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn properly from the foundation and if you have a goal to teach to one day.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000683
Batch : August/2021

I am truly grateful to have completed the teacher training course this year. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Anahata yoga masters who have generously shared with us their knowledge and experience during this wonderful journey. Thank you for unveiling the power and principles of yoga, and for showing me a new dimension with endless opportunities and possibilities. Although the course has officially come to an end, I am going to keep practising patiently, calmly and happily each day to seek consistent improvement. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000508
Batch : August/2021

This course has well equipped me with the important basic knowledge on the practice of yoga through the main modules: yoga history, human anatomy, types of pranayama, mudra, bandha practice, and asana practice with each module intertwined with each other. It was a great experience having different masters in each module for diverse learning and approach and particularly enjoyed the final assessment where we could actually experience leading a class!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000033
Batch : August/2021

When the class started on the first of August, I thought that I could not complete the course; because I was working on shift duty. Fortunately, my superiors and colleagues gave me convenience and allowed me to have holidays on Mondays and Wednesdays. Therefore, I was able to attend the class. I Thank you Master for allowing us to video for recording. Every Master is good at teaching. The last three months I enjoyed the class and learned so much related to Yoga. Once again thanks to all Masters!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000685
Batch : August/2021

I have been practicing yoga for 3 years. Before I applied for RYT-200, my expectation of a teacher training course was just merely about doing difficult asana and improving my alignment. Yet, RYT-200 is a totally different thing and it changed my perception of yoga entirely. Yoga is not just about asana, but its anatomy, philosophy, teaching skills, ethics, sequencing more and more. they are the roots, the foundation. Before TT, when I practised yoga, I just followed what the teacher do in the class without thinking why the flow is structured like that. But now when I’m practicing, I will think about what part of the muscles I’m using and why a particular pose must be followed as a counterpose or neutralizing pose. The course influences my thinking to judge what is good for the body and what is not. Another thing I got from the course is that teaching yoga is hard. Even the seemingly easy poses, mountain pose, child pose or simple breathing exercise… when I cue for the first time during class, I was just babbling and I knew cueing requires tons of practice, effort and observation to other yoga teachers. I also enjoy the variety of RYT-200 masters. Each master has a different style, eg. Master Mahesh is very slow and explain everything in detail. One time in his Andiappan class, he was taught to transition from headstand to baby crow. I’ve never properly done this pose before. And when he’s here in the class, with a very slow vibe, I magically did the transition. He let me realized the importance of a calm mind without ego. More and more. With different styles of masters, it opens my mind and I can know more about what suits me the most and better improve myself. Yoga is not about how good you are but the attitude you approach doing it. It is effort, consistency and a calm mind.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000830
Batch : August/2021

My gratitude to Anahata Yoga Let me begin by saying thank you to all the masters and staff for being patient with me throughout my learning process. Anahata Yoga is one of my favourite yoga studio with wonderful and experienced masters, beautiful space, as well as a variety of classes that are perfect for any level of experience. • Master Yogananth is a humble, authentic and generous teacher; he has energy and true passion for his teaching, wanting to educate and inspire others. He so eagers to share everything he has learnt so that others could also experience the same wonderful benefits. • Master Keshav knows how to teach and empower students. Rather than just teaching us certain poses, he helps us understand the learning processes involved, as well as the principles of practice, so that we learn to understand and listen to our own bodies. I left with one more knowledge of yoga every time after his classes. • Master Raja’s sense of humor always makes the classes full of joy. His enthusiasm for teaching and preparedness that brings to the teacher training courses are really appreciated. The class always feels very thoughtful and I really enjoy the way he weaves yoga philosophy into each classes. • Last but not the least, thank you to Master Dilip, Master Vishnu and Master Mahesh for guiding me to walk through the yoga journey with grace and passion. • I’m so thankful and happy that I joined the YTT training with Anahata. Thanks to all masters who knows how to take care of every students in the class. This course is a fantastic learning experience that incorporates education, fun, and a sense of community and equips you to enter the yoga world with tools, confidence and enthusiasm. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a certificate with authentic knowledge.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000883
Batch : August/2021

Thank you for all masters in the course and all of you help me to have better learning in yoga. I love to learn and grow here. Will continue my journey with Anahata Yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021001043
Batch : August/2021

An eye-opener course. Received a deep knowledge of yoga. Great Teachers, highly recommended
Course Name : Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course (Basic to Intermediate level)
Student ID : 2021001138
Batch : August/2021

Is it possible for an aged body like mine to pass YTT200? Not quite, if the days at Anahata had not been nourished by our caring masters and loving peer. I had my first headstand with confidence built by Master Vishnu’s encouraging smiles; my first lift off to crow through the step-by-step modifications taught by Master Keshav; and never would I forget Master Mahesh’s persistence to see me accomplish a clumsy handstand on the wall after repeated failures, and his request to “smile” from the class’ tense faces holding up the pose, which made the room burst into laughter. Of course, the journey, like mentioned in our YTT handbook, should be more than asanas. Countless were there moments that inspired our minds and touched my hearts: Master Yogananth, who filled our Sunday mornings with teachings that made a note pad filled with scribbles that we longed for more; and Master Raja’s questioning which helped the dreamy heads stay focused and dig into the PowerPoint for revision on the MTR before stepping into the studio. And lucky enough, I met peer who were kind to show me a trick, to give a hands-on alignment and to go through all challenges by adding synergy and support. Not only were these loving hearts found in the YTT200 classroom, I met some inspiring seniors in the Andiappan sessions. There were days when the advanced students, apparently advanced enough to have inherited heartily, would offer helping tips to make me tumble less. It would not have been possible, for my clumsy aged body and ignorant mind to gain so much from the 200 hours spent, if I had not stepped into the studio for a trial out of my comfort zone. I am still inadequate, incompetent and green. Yet, thank you masters and everyone I met on the course, for taking me to the very first step to see the beauty of Yoga. And thank you Valery and Nicole, your warm greetings made us feel like home : )
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000384
Batch : July/2021

The course helps me to understand "what is yoga" and guide us on the way to prepare as a teacher.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000465
Batch : July/2021

Very holistic and lots of key information. Not just a course for yogis, it also contained a lot of information on treating wellness and overall physical and mental health.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000666
Batch : July/2021

Thank you for bringing me a great journey to yoga.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000302
Batch : July/2021

The course is very informative and useful, each asana is dissected well. All masters are knowledgeable. very kind and patient. Suggest using props (eg skeleton model) when teaching anatomy for an easier understanding.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000763
Batch : July/2021

it is very happy to join this yoga teacher training course. All masters are very experience and nice and willing to adjust your posture and your mindset as well.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000762
Batch : July/2021

In the very beginning. I was concerned about the language of the YTT course which is teaching in English. I am not a native English speaker as I’m a local Hongkonger. Regarding the conversation with the consultant, She told me Anahata has many similar students who have completed the course successfully since the classes are practical oriented and interactive. All the masters are professional. Besides the Asana skills, they shared a lot of Indian traditions that we can’t learn from other local Yoga studios. They shared their experiences and analysis the evolution of yoga from India to other countries. I learned a lot more than I expected in this teacher training course. Thank you to all the Master and my classmate.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000402
Batch : July/2021

It is my honour to hop on this yoga journey with the teachings of master Raja, Mahesh, Vishnu, and Yogananth. Not only have I enriched myself with knowledge and history of yoga by their teachings, I am also inspired by their humility and loving personalities. Thank you Anahata for this transformative learning journey and I am very excited to keep learning and share with my fellows.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000635
Batch : July/2021

All masters are so experienced and knowledgeable. I’ve learned the true meaning of Yoga and how we should behave in a yogic way. I’ve realized yoga is so much more than just asana practice. And also anatomy knowledge are so useful for our own practice as we have learned more about our body. This course gave me so many inspirations and I’m so thankful for the help and teaching from all masters. Namaste.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000437
Batch : July/2021

I really enjoyed all three weeks of intensive learning with the masters. It was a great experience and I deepened my yoga journey. All masters are very knowledgeable and supportive, and also able to answer all questions. Thank you very much and hope to continue my studies with you more.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000530
Batch : July/2021

It was amazing class and life changing experience with all the masters teaching at Anahata Yoga. Thank you all!
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000555
Batch : June/2021

The teachers are experienced and nice. The course has sharpened my skills. But I hope that there will be more time on the asana module.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000529
Batch : June/2021

The learning process of this Teacher Training was so enjoyable. We wish to have more teaching practice sections, it will be great to have more chances for the classmates to step on the stage and teach the class.
Course Name : Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
Student ID : 2021000506
Batch : June/2021

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