Student Feedback

Hear what our past and present students have to say about our Teacher Training Programmes.

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Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3373
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017001048
After joining this course, I have more understanding about yoga including anatomy, pranayama, mutra and asana. Knowing that yoga is not only about doing exercise. This is something about having my mind and body connected to each other. Preparing myself with proper pranayama can help me a lot mentally. Other than pranayama, anatomy and warmup are also very important. Understanding my body structure and do proper warmups can lower the risk of being injured.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3376
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017001069
Excellent! All yoga masters are great ! I will sign up the advanced level TT soon

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3377
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000052
Anahata yoga has put together a great team of masters that work very well and compliment each other in their teaching methods. It has truly been journey since i started the course. and looking back i will be forever grateful for this experience

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3381
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000001
The 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training at Anahata was not only informative, but also inspiring. I begun my yoga journey roughly a year before I started at Anahata, and have decided to enrol in this training course with an expectation to learn the full and comprehensive spectrum of yoga. Masters at Anahata offered us insights on each of their own specialisations, and answered the countless questions that we have had. What is more important is that they have guided us towards understanding the underlying yogic goals, principles and philosophy - for us not to go after the advanced asanas and high ego, but to aim for the spiritual growth and enlightenment. I was also very grateful to have met a wonderful group of classmates to share my yoga journey with. Thank you Anahata!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3391
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000024
The masters are good and knowledgable.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3392
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000037
When I first found Anahata Yoga three months ago, I had not done yoga before and I was amazed to see women much older than I, doing wonderful things with their bodies on my first day of group yoga class. This encouraged me and gave me confidence in joining the 200 hours YTT. I enjoyed the training very much throughout the course. The teachers were very patient and helpful during the course. They guided me to approach asana step by step. I have better understanding of Yoga and Asana. It was a good start for me in my coming future yoga journey. It was totally a great experience and I am so proud of myself. I have so much to share with my friends and would strongly recommend to them. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the YTT teachers.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3394
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000039
I found the 200 hour Anahata Teacher training course to be a well designed introduction to the teaching of yoga. It had a balanced approached with a good background knowledge of theory, as well as practice. I really appreciate the depth of knowledge and experience of all of the teachers, especially Master Yogananth who I found to be inspiring, professional and supportive to students. At times the anatomy sections were challenging - particularly due to the use of latin words - however this is perhaps the part of the course where I learnt the most, with many of the teachings being entirely new to me. I enjoyed the course very much, made many friends and consider it to have been a very positive experience.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3396
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000071
The 200 hours YTT at ANAHATA has been an amazing experience. The content of the course is well thought, with a tremendous amount of essential knowledge in terms of philosophy, anatomic and asana practice aspects of yoga. It includes a complete and essential digest of basic knowledge for any dedicated yoga practitioner I believe and even more for any aspiring teacher. The quality of the course was beyond my expectation, particularly in terms of anatomic knowledge taught during the course. The highlight of the course and the source of its quality remain from my point of view the amazing teachers and their dedication. It has been truly inspiring to get to learn from such different and unique teachers, who shared with so much passion and patience their knowledge, practice, tips and even simple life advice. From Master Vishnu, the living anatomic and therapeutic encyclopaedia and his warming laugh, Master Nirmal and his contagious zest of life, Master Anurag with his strong wisdom, Master Mahesh the humble “prodigy” and Master Yogananth with its impressing mastery of yoga in all its aspects. But also, all the other teachers of the studio, who taught us so much during their classes. From Master Dhiraj, with his literally body and soul healing classes, Master Kamal with his powerful technique, Master Aarya with his harmonious classes that inspire to go beyond one’s limits, and many more.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3397
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000027
200 hours well-spent of my life. Such a life changing experience, absolutely loved it.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3398
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000079
It was an eye opening experience. It was a great experience the learn from different masters. Each masters were very passionate about teaching. They were willing to answer our questions outside of class. I truly enjoyed learning not only Asanas but also the history of yoga. Thank you for the great experience. 🙂

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3402
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000104
The 200-hr yoga teacher training conducted by Anahata Yoga has enabled me to gain a better understanding of yoga, explore my inner peace and take my asana practice to the next level. The teachers are passionate, experienced living examples of how yoga should be practiced in daily life. I also enjoy practicing yoga with Anahata Yoga because it treats yoga seriously and receives only the most dedicated students.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3403
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000124
Thanks all Masters for bringing me an authentic experience in yoga learning. They are experts in yoga and health-related knowledge, kind to students, and passionate about life & teaching. Besides knowledge, we have much to learn from their wisdom and attitude. This course has ignited my interest for further self-practice and study, and I treasure the experience and friends met in this studio. I look forward to having more "energy exchange" with these great people in my future yoga journey. 😉

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3404
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000126
This course enhance my knowledge about yoga. Teachers in Anahata are very good and knowledgeable. I learned many skills on doing different yoga postures from the preparation, neutralising movement to counter posture. I also learn how to do a pose more easily or how to improve the postures with those skills. After I knew more about the anatomy and learned more about which muscles needed to be engaged, it helps me increase my awareness of the body. I had great improvement after the course.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3405
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000119
I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the 200 TT course. It has given me a complete new way of looking at yoga. The benefits to me personally have been various. My stomach is better and my asthma is better too. I am much calmer as a person too although I still have a long way to go! I found all the teachers fascinating to listen to- no lesson was boring. I especially enjoyed the practical side of the lessons, when we put in practice what we had learned. One thing that stood out for me was how it was made clear that yoga was for everybody. I really enjoyed that aspect as I definitely carry a few extra kilos but I never felt like I should not be there to learn about Yoga. The teachers were true professionals. I am hoping on doing the advanced yoga TT course soon. All in all 10/10- thank you!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3406
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000130
The training is a memorable experience. All the masters are very encouraging, they can always bring out the best from students. The way they teach is easy to understand and follow. The content of the training is very in depth, which well equip students with the sufficient amount of knowledge and confidence to teach. This studio is a rare find in Hong Kong and I enjoy every moment spent practicing yoga here. Highly recommend to anyone who are interested in yoga! No matter you are a beginner or advanced practitioner, this is definitely the right place to go!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3407
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000132
The masters are great and knowledgeable.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3408
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000141
The learning experience I had with this course was a fantastic journey to better understanding the history, philosophy and the anatomical science of yoga. I enjoyed the practice modules thoroughly as we had the opportunity to focus on each asana and discuss its benefits. The masters for each module imparted valuable teachings and ideas in the vast knowledge of yoga and I feel that this course has inspired to further pursue my studies in yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (16 January 2018 – 22 March 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3409
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000150
I am so pleased I started my yoga journey with Anahata Yoga. The course has been most rewarding and satisfying. I love that there is a great variety of yoga classes offered as this has helped me experience the differences of each lineage as well as the opportunity to see how classes are taught from a teaching angle. The andiapppan classes are the best, the masters are never hesitant in offering their guidance. I am so looking forward to the next Teacher Training with Anahata Yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3413
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000166
It was a great experience. I have gained an immense amount of yoga knowledge that is the yoga philosophy and anatomy. I was able to connect with other yoga enthusiasts through Anahata yoga. It has been a very fruitful few months and I am excited to share what I have learnt with others and also cannot wait go further with my yoga journey to take on the next 300 hours to extend my yoga knowledge and practice.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (5 June 2018 – 23 August 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3420
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000138
The 200 YTT course was a great stepping stone into pursuing yoga professionally. Most of the teachers have great knowledge and impart their knowledge very well. The course gave me a good anatomical understanding of various asanas. It also gave me a more solid understanding of the various schools of yoga and its prominent teachers. The teachers’ pay good attention to the students and answer doubts and queries wonderfully. More than anything it was excellent to understand how yoga should ideally be designed for each student in a way that’s specific to their requirement, which is something we don’t learn or understand in studios elsewhere. Also, learning about the modifications, dos & don’ts for different medical conditions was very helpful to understand yoga as a teacher. Overall I think the course holds good credit and gives an excellent starting point as a teacher of yoga. I will definitely like to study further and pursue yoga ahead. So it has surely been a positive start and step for me in the field of yoga.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3421
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000196
•The Yoga anatomy lectures was helpful and made me better understand the body and it’s functions. •The different class structures that were required to attend covered the physical and mental aspect needed for my own personal yoga journey and growth. • All masters had been an inspiration for their teachings.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (2 March 2018 – 2 June 2018)
YTT Number : IYATT-3422
Date : 19-02-2019
Student ID : 2018000197
This course has taught me a lot of things that I am interested to know about Yoga. Being a dancer and performer myself, I have lived an active lifestyle and yet Anahata yoga teacher training has taught me more about how to apply discipline in myself to promote a healthier body and mind. I am really humbled by this experience and I am very thankful indeed to all my masters who have taught all of us to the best that they can to share their knowledge about yoga and how it can help us live a healthier life. Thank you so much and I pray for more blessings to all of you in Anahata Studio. More power to your school and to your goal of helping the society live healthier!!! Namaste!

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3086
Date : 18-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000074
I learn more knowledge in TTC. In TTC, masters teach more detail about anatomy, the relationship between each part of muscles, bones, joints. Also, masters teach deeply about teaching method to different people who are beginners, advance people, flexible people, tight people, people who have health problems. All these make me realize more & good for me in teaching in long term.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (28 Mar 2017 – 29 Jun 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3088
Date : 18-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000076
This Yoga Teacher Training has given me an amazing experience. I learned a lot from the amazing yoga masters at Anahata, and of course this training has deepened my knowledge about yoga. Learning from the basic is good for new yoga teachers, and the yoga masters have been given their best to share their knowledge. I have met so many yogis from this course who have the same passion. Everyone has been so helpful and caring. This community also has made me be a better person. I hope I can share this experience with others in the future. Namaste.

Course Name : 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (23 Jun 2017 – 15 Sept 2017)
YTT Number : IYATT-3092
Date : 18-02-2019
Student ID : 2017000096
Type the course feedback and the learning experience in the given field. I found the course is great and valuable. During the past 3-4 months I gained my chance to learn a lot different culture and real benefit in yoga. I would be happy to sign up as a member in the future. Class review Pro: Impressed Yogannath ‘s teaching skill Very informative Practical posture training start from basic and step by step Learn how to be friend with block and strap during training Dive Deep to the roots of the body structure cause pain Entertaining teacher.

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